Friday, August 18, 2006

Let's Play a Game!


In light of the fact that there is much to celebrate and there's a whole lot of planning going on for the CD Release Parties, it might be fun to start the games early. This is sort of a challenge. Watch the Pickle but don't post on his blog. He's basically down to talking to himself so there's not many left to convince that what he claims is a fairytale. The few still posting in support of him are our old nemeses anyway and they already know the truth and it isn't what they are telling either.

If you get the urge listen to 2 WYs, watch the first Invisible download, 3 WDCs and call me in the morning for intervention if that doesn't work.

**Game Suggestion by: Yeah That

Sooooo... Which is your favorite WDC Download and why? I'm all for getting down and dirty!


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Oh Crap said...

There is a Clarence but he doesn't post here.

And I think it's about time for that timeline, Polly.

WRU said...

If I can help in anyway with any of it, just let me know!

Anonymous said...

Lord, this is all craziness! After being gone for a few hours, checked in at the enemy's dumpy shack. Unbelievable.

I have no idea what is meant by timeline and all the other discussions, but hellya if it puts an end to this insanity. Bring it on!

Calico said...

OhC, i found something out that might benefit us! nothing huge, but nevertheless something... do you have yahoo or aim? email me!

Anonymous said...

I love to watch the video "Freak". Oh baby!

Anonymous said...

After a negative week of dealing with fans who imagine themselves to be critics, just because they have more than one CD in their collection, I found the following posted over at PH last night, and I totally agree.

"If the stupid Claymates want Clay to be Justin Timberlake they can hold their breath until they die. Clay is Clay. He isn't like anyone else but if you like someone else better, then go be their fan. Why bash Clay because he isn't who you want him to be? He likes love songs, he sings these songs really good. You can't make him sing a different way or be gay just because you want it.

Posted by: David Hodges | August 23, 2006 2:43 AM

Anonymous said...

I see that Tinfoil's site has now been closed to "Membership By Approval".

Wonder how long it'll last with their 6 to 12 members?

Anonymous said...

Tinny's is completely private now. Only members can read. I am delighted they took this direction. Why? Most of the posters there just wanted to poke sticks at the Claymates by writing outrageous things. Clay's fans will be unable to read their comments anymore. There will be nuttin' to keep 'em motivated. This should kill Tinny's site once and for all.

Oh Crap said...

The swamp was revived for JP's amusement though nobody else is amused. He's back to posting as 10 different people and still loves to argue with himself; he's just gotten better at remembering to change his screen name.

Tinfoil is just a bunch of KCE (plus Clarus) fans who do what they do best...bash for no reason out of fear. Clarus just likes to hear himself spout and see himself write nonsense. The thing about going private is that we can't flag the site when they start inciting criminal activity so be prepared for whatever and if you're not prepared don't be surprised.

It's just like when Emach took her band of criminals underground. There are assholes in this world who make you wonder why they are even here. They contribute nothing to the good of society.

Anonymous said...

Where is the wee one today? Is he still hoping Diane Sawyer will interview him about his fantasy tryst with Clay? Is he polishing his asscheeks so that he can describe in excruciatingly minute detail the in's and out's of his evening of lust? If Diane lent him a broomstick to quarter turn, will an agent take notice and sign him to an exclusive contract?

Will he practice his crocodile tears as he speaks to her of love gone awry and feigns remorse for his actions, and inform her that if Clay would only give him a public apology, he would be able to move on and return to his former life as a real estate mogul?

Anonymous said...

I find it hilarious that Tin & Kilroy went private. The whole reason for their existence is to piss off Claymates. Now they can only have fun by going to JP's blog. I have saved some of their outrageous comments to post right back at them at the appropriate time. I know they will read here. I guess they don't want to be associated with JP anymore. If they go there, they'll be anonymous.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 12:28, fat chance of Pickle getting an interview with Diane Sawyer. She is a friend of Clay's and already knows the same truths we do. Since Clay was in NYC on Jan 2, he probably called her to say a quick hello.

He'd better hope she never wants to interview him because she'll do more in depth research of his past and find things we weren't able to.

Anonymous said...

I think tinfoil went private to start planning their dirty deeds. I was reading there yesterday and they were talking about sending pictures of Clay with X's across saying Tired of Faiken to Diane Sawyer and Jan Wenner at Rolling Stone Mag.

Oh Crap said...

Then we can always tell them that it's Kelly Clarkson's fans doing it and why. They can do a story on that.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap said...
Then we can always tell them that it's Kelly Clarkson's fans doing it and why. They can do a story on that.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ROFL!!! Clarus went private! His blog doesn't get any hits when its open!! Hee hee hee, tears are coming I'm laughing so hard!

Anonymous said...

If they do the things they are talking about, people will know its the "haters". They are so stupid. Kelly is a big star now, they don't have to do this kind of thing to keep her there.

Oh Crap said...

Kelly has been successful from the get-go. Her fans NEVER had to do this but they did and they still do. I'm really thinking hard on this but it may be pay back time for all the nasty tricks they pulled for the last 3 1/2 years including supporting a dangerous delusional stalker and cyberterrorist.

Anonymous said...

I thought Clarus was supposed to be smart. Why would he align himself with people who are bound to drag him into trouble. They think they are untouchable but I would imagine some will turn on them if things get too ugly. They will always have to worry about spies.

crew said...

Don't most people know its the HATERS anyway??? The stuff they are doing/saying makes it so freakin obvious.
But, by all means!! Let the paybacks roll!!!

Anonymous said...

He's bringing up the Cat story?

Does JP sleep with his shovel too?

Oh Crap said...

I seriously doubt that JP even knows the whole "cat" story.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

He's bringing up the Cat story?

Does JP sleep with his shovel too?

2:38 PM

Maybe a shovel. Probably a towel and washcloth.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I think tinfoil went private to start planning their dirty deeds. "

Hadn't even thought of that. It frightens me a little because those people have NO SCRUPLES.

"crew said...
Don't most people know its the HATERS anyway??? The stuff they are doing/saying makes it so freakin obvious."

No they don't. Unfortunately.

Clarus is not smart. He just thinks he is. He's 42 years old and hating on a singer he knows NADA about. He's nuts.

KCE's arent the only ones at Tinnys. There are several disgruntled Clay fans. These are obsessive ex-fans who feel rejected by Clay for some dumb reason. Scary women.

Oh Crap said...

That's ok Anon at 3:24, we have their names and locations too. So does TC and security

Anonymous said...

Now that Tin and her cronies are private, Clay and his security people better monitor them somehow. They could be planning to harm Clay physically. Her site and others have to be watched...VERY closely! GOD help them if Clay is harmed in ANY way!

Oh Crap said...

They aren't going to harm Clay; they know how Jerome watches over him like a papa bear and physical harm isn't their thing. They are into character assassination.

Anonymous said...

I just believe that after the last few months a lot of people like journalists and some others do know about the "haters".

Anonymous said...

It appears Buddy is experiencing technical difficulties.

Too many people ganged up on him at once, I guess. LOL!

crew said...

I think, more than not, that people know its nutheads that are "trying" to bring Clay down. People in my neck of the woods anyway. And, half don't even know about the shenanigans that are being pulled. Random people are coming up to me (knowing I'm a fan) saying that Clay is looking mighty fine these days. They aren't even mentioning the "other". And, the ones that do mention the other stuff are laughing about it.
I mean the cat stuff....good grief. It's so obvious what their intentions are. Too bad for them that they don't have faith in their "artist" that they are worried about someone else taking over the hot spot. Not knowing that there is room for more than one or two or three...or more!
Sheesh. Glad I'm not residing in their boat! Sucks to be miserable all the time.

Oh Crap said...

Really, Polly? People are ganging up on him. He deserves it. He has technical difficulties telling fact from fiction as well.

Yeah, Crew. It sucks to have a boat made of sponge. They sponge and they sponge and pretty soon they're all wet.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about the cat story in Clay's book? How could there be any more to say on that subject? Thats ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I sent copies of some of the more vulgar posts on new tin lizzie board to the boards security before they closed it so maybe either they had to close it or the security people are about to can it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's been great and a long time coming!

WRU said...

I bet Buddy is still crossing his tiny little pickle fingers hoping FOX will finally release that "interview" he did that no one ever saw or heard about.

Anonymous said...

I think someone scared the shit out of JP tonight, found this on his blog, and JP is no where around...I swear it sounds like Insane Bastard??

"So lets start showin PROOF of everything when ya throw out yer false accusations you chronic shit disturbin WHORE.

Im sick n tired of being accused of everything under the sun and seeing people like Clay and other nice people getting accused of everything under the sun by people who NEVER prove anything themselves, even when I STILL prove ya wrong n show proof.

The only mind fuck is the one yer tryin to do now JOHN by beggin for sympathy for yer own past actions. Yer the cloner, yer the nicey nice fag in public while constantly doin shit to try n fuck with people thru innuendos n games...I swear on my sons life I dont play the stupid fuckin moronic clone shit game..."

8:27 PM

Anonymous said...

So glad the tinhaters went private. They can write all the hate letters they want until hell freezes over. Most intelligent people know what they are up to and there campaign is sure to backfire. I agree, there are a few ex-fans on that UGLY board. I think they were instagators of another campaign, out to discredit Clay Aiken. If they are going to run a hate campaign, they can't stay anonymous forever.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but notice a familiar name in one of the comments here...Emach. Yikes, I know this name from another board and that scares the crap out of me!! (along with some other names).

These people have so much hatred, it's sad really.

Anonymous said...

These people are known to others, not just Clay fans. The more these people do, the crazier they look.
As I said, there are people who are aware of what their capable of. Eventually, they will screw up and make a big mistake.

Oh Crap said...


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