Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ya Know?

Sometimes it's these little thoughts or images flashing through your mind that puts a smile on a woman's face. Do you know what is sexier than Clay Aiken?

NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It seems the unscrupulous Perez Hilton is now taking swipes at another innocent celebrity in the form of Kelly Clarkson. We will support her by not jumping on the bandwagon. In a recent article I just read this morning, PH says that he doesn't make accusations about someone's gender preference unless he knows them to be true. A year ago we uncovered exactly what he does and how he does it so all I can say about his "truth" is, "LIAR!"

Since he thinks with his asshole, he has no problem pulling this kind of shit out of it just to stir the turd in the punchbowl hoping it will make him enough money off the hits. Perhaps he has to do something in order to pay for the suits being filed against him...may they be successful in dropping him to his knees and not for the purpose of his pleasure.

PH, I don't know what your underlying REAL problem is, FOOL, other than self-loathing but why not just leave our celebrities alone and quit blackmailing them to make yourself seem important? You have undermined what the respectable half of the gay community is working toward and celebrities HATE you. Get it? There is nothing endearing about you, there is nothing redeemable about you and there is nothing about you that is likeable. Some celebrities tolerate/cater to you in order to keep from being blackmailed by the likes of you.

What someone is or isn't, what someone wants to be or not be, and what celebrities want the public to know about their private life is their shot to call, not yours. In my new unabridged dictionary the definition of "Outing" is "Blackmail". So who are you blackmailing at the GMA set or the ABC Network? It's the only way you would get a spot on that show because people Just Aren't That Into YOU! You poor pathetic loser in life.

We won't give you the hits that you were expecting from the Clay Nation. We will sit back and see how this pans out but we won't engage on YOUR cowpie of a site. If you thought we'd be there en masse to gloat, you are mistaken. We know that Kelly is innocent and straight just as we know that Clay is innocent and straight. You and those like you are a disease that nobody wants. Your crotch crickets sing so loudly that you can't think like an adult... make that like a human being with an ounce of integrity.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007


I think it's coming! "S**N!"

Again, I have to divert your attention to the Claymate911 Blog today as Nighthawk calls out some members of the 411 hate blog and the lazy media who have been so easily duped by a small band of escapees from various State Institutions. No, I am not Nighthawk and she is not me. I don't write that eloquently when I'm in a facing you down mode. I can't help throwing into the mix a few explatives... explitives...exple.... ah SHIT!

Anyway, because I'm not attempting to be eloquent I thought I'd enlighten those readers who go from here to there. You will see where Nighthawk shows posts made on that other blog filled with hate and deception by characters with screen names such as MPSLC and Percocet. Of course, you might not know who these players are so let me clue you in. MPSLC is more commonly known as "Mypeesmellslikecheerios" and "Woodle" from Soulful Ruben and Percocet is believed to be DirectorSandy who is a Moderator at Kelly Clarkson Express message board and "Tinfoilhat" at her Tinfoilhat hate blog and message board. The board is private now because this is where most of the plotting is done for new tabloid stories by those soul(less) gals and the rejects from the KCE.

Just thought you'd like to know. Oh! I did come across a copy of MPSLC's comment where she was trying to make others in her group believe that someone had made me stop my attacks on the lies. Perhaps you should lay off those meds because that was another lie you got caught in.

I heartily salute the new Claymate911 blog and I whole heartedly give 411 the One-Fingered salute. Pffffffffffft!

**Added 1/14: Looks like a Pro-Clay blog attack happening so here is another coming in under the wire It's another MUST READ. Keep up the assault.**

In closing this blog about those who fabricate sleaze and those who report it, I leave you with my thoughts for today:

***Those who are listening and believing are too lazy to find the truth. Those who are hearing and not believing already know the truth. Those distorting the truth are dead inside so they hear nothing but the voices in their heads.***

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Can DIG IT !!!!!

Especially when the digs are on the worst AssWipes and ButtMunchers in the Universe!

Monday, January 01, 2007



2007 arrives with a promise of better things to come. You know how we're always thinking about how Clay will ever top something he's done and how we don't think we can love him anymore, yet he always manages to floor us with something new. I'm really excited about this new year.

I'm making this blog post short and sweet right now because a fan started something on another board and I thought it would be fun to carry over some of that humorous enthusiasm here. Please comment on a Resolution you'd like to see happen since Clay said this year would be a "FRESH START" (i.e. I hope to see the retirement of _____). I will add some of your witty and applicable comments on this front page so have at it. Let's see what the fans really want to see happen in the very near future.
Update 1/3/2007

This comment just in and I felt it should be answered followed by a question from me.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR":

OhCrap, is your name really *****?

ANSWER: No that isn't my name.

QUESTION: Is it true that Jody, the Stub Hub Stalker, gave you the list of AZ Clay fans so that you Kelly Clarkson and Ruben Studdard fans could harass us?