Sunday, July 02, 2006

When Opportunity Knocks

No! No! John, we weren't talking about the possibility of you actually getting a job. In hopes that WSCA will hear the power of my voice through telepathy (not to be confused with the voices inside JP's head) and reopen their blog to post the fabulous comparisons of real pics vs webcam fakes.

Remember this one? There was once an imaginary Boston school teacher who had imaginary webcam shots of Clay Aiken so he sent his story to the Star (which should only exist in one's imagination) ...but not before making contact with JP. Seems all imaginary beings want to use JP as their Medium to out someone who isn't gay (or gay only in John's imagination). I would have used Jeanne Dixon who is far more credible, well established and hits her mark at least 50% of the time. JP is still batting ZERO.

Since my telepathy skills are as good as my technical skills (Bwahahahaha!) Calico has come through for us to help show just how low some people will stoop in an effort to drag someone decent (and sane) through the mire in order to make themselves seem important. This is on her blog and we thank her from our very bottoms. Please read and enjoy.

We couldn't let you get away until we had a chance to thank JP for being so ding dang dingeeee to post, on HIS blog, the one photo that could bust those fake webcam shots.

Special Thanks goes to CASEY who was the first that I know of to bust JP's ass on this one by noticing the Yorke features that had us stumped for months. We knew the features weren't Clay's but Casey's intuition sent us scrambling for all the Yorke pics we could find on the internet and we found a boatload.

Please view Thom/clay photoshopped fakes here:

Then enjoy these Thom Yorke photos where I think you'll find other "borrowed" bits and pieces used in the infamous and imaginary webcams (pic 6, page 5 is especially eye opening):

Then go to the link below to do the same comparisons with the Terry Goldman photoshopped webcam that he had up on his site. Since he took it down, this is the only source I know of to see it but the source provides some good reading material. You'll also note that the same template of Thom Yorke was used (note hairstyle on right side of the face) and then bits from other photos were pasted in. Note the shadow of a mustache coming from the middle of Clay's nose and then go back to the photos that Calico uses for comparisons and you'll see where it came from.


Anonymous said...

I took this from Pickles blog, hey he steals them from here all the time ....LMAO
Pickle ass said....

Clarus- they are fools and naive if they think that people here posted for them to stop. It's the sane fans that are asking them to stop or Clay himself posting as anonymous asking them to stop. Clay has been informed that I will sue any person who libels me in a way that impacts my ability to earn a living and that he will be called as a witness. Clay knows that if he is called to collaborate my account that he will have to tell the truth and it will have a harmful impact on his career. I seriously wouldn't put it past Team Clay being responsible for the posts asking those Claymates to stop.

12:12 AM

clarus said...
JP -- do you think that maybe they don't care anymore? Maybe a part of them wants you to call in Faiken to testify, so they can force him to give an explanation. I know they put on a public face of how they support him and understand why he is remaining silent, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're hoping that actions you will take will force him out in the open so to speak. I think that might be one reason why people gave you that woman clayfandango, claylambada, claywatusi, or whatever's information. Just a speculation on my part to do with what you will.

pickle ass said....

Clarus- To answer your question- I have no idea what to think about Team Clay or their motives.

12:53 AM

sounds like pickle is worried about NOT getting any more fame time...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the links, what an eye

Oh Crap said...

To answer a pal's question who left no way to contact her/him: sometimes the mountain goes to the mole hill.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog. And as Billie said.."what an eye opener" indeed! OhCrap...I'm really glad to see you back.

Oh Crap said...

Yep, Aiken4Clay. Both JP and Clarus have read enough to know that neither TC nor Clay are interested in their games. Sounds like another one of JP's scripts where he's doing the questioning and the answering because the object of his obsession could give a rat's ass.

At this point we don't give a rats ass. We're just trying to put the truth out there since Buddy won't admit to his lies. When we've got it all out there then we'll push the button that says "ignore".

Oh Crap said...

Ohhhhh..and that doesn't mean the Equalizers are going away. We have payola, radio and music industry in general to take on.

Anonymous said... go girlfriend, you totally kick ass!!!

Anonymous said...

Incredible information that all makes sense now. By the way, is Clarus that dumb that he doesn't know that JP is using him for his blog? He's using Clarus to do all the work now while he can go off rimming or whatever he does and so he can't get the legal problems beccause he can say Clarus posted it. Nice to be used, isn't it Clarus? JP is dragging you down with him and you "chose" to believe him. Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Oh crap have you heard anything more about the Ft Lauderdale blog?

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh..and that doesn't mean the Equalizers are going away. We have payola, radio and music industry in general to take on.

So I'm guessing you are one of the ladies suing the record companies thru the FTC for false advertising?

Oh Crap said...

Very funny 10:08. You know and we know that those were the usual culprits pretending to be former fans. As James Shepard so eloquently put it: if these so called fans were scattered across the country, how did they find each other?

Simple. It was just another of their whacked out efforts they knew wouldn't be taken seriously except by scavengers feeding off feces at the bottom of the swamp.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at 10:08 AM

Okay who let the nuts in here.....OH CRAP where are you?

Oh Crap said...

My bad, aiken? Just taking advantage of someone foolish enough to bring up the subject of another one of the swamp's scams.

Oh Crap said...

The swamp anonymice are still trying. Read my lips... GIVE IT UP! I won't print your lies no matter how you try to disguise them. Freaks!

Anonymous said...

Here is a comment from jp's blog:
"Get real. If Clay knew he had a rock solid case against John and the Enquirer that could win him millions of dollars he would have been ON IT. In JANUARY."

When a tabloid prefaces it's story with "ALLEGED", it covers it's A**s and you have a hard time sueing. Clay would have to sue jp and we all know that jpig doesn't have millions ( cliggle, cliggle)

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people call JP pickle or buddy or any of that. He flipping looks exactly like a frog! Ribbet ribbet ribbet!

Truth Rules said...

I'm not going away either. There will always be something to talk about.

Tomorrow I will have a very special treat on my blog. Not sure what time yet.

I did some searching and found these posts on ph. All this "it's the fans fault" is b.s. He has no intention of going away.

I am going to clean it up. That's what I will be doing for the next year. Getting out there and setting out the facts.

Posted by: John Paulus | April 2, 2006 04:51 PM

There is nothing more that I love than to be underestimated. We shall see. We shall see. ;-)

Posted by: John Paulus | April 2, 2006 05:14 PM

I'm going mainstream and there is nothing none of you rapid fans can do to stop me. Mainstream media is on my side. ;-)

Posted by: John Paulus | April 2, 2006 05:17 PM

Anonymous said...

hey pickle and croonies here is what the President thinks of you , must be Claymates!!!

Oh Crap said...

To anonymice 1: Nope! The truth is not up for discussion. We're going for actual truths not THE truth vs what you want people to believe is the truth. Suck it up, honey!

How many times do you all have to be busted in your individual scams before you quit playing your games?

Oh Crap said...

Yes we are rapid, aren't we?

Why, I just had another swamp thing trying to use an esteemed Clay Fan's screen name trying to convince me that Thom Yorke photos were not the ones used for the phony webcams.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, at Bush shooting the bird.

oh crap, soooooooo, the idiot wants to sue AGAIN? What a piece of work he is, along with his cesspool residents.BWAH!

What's he going to sue with? His good looks? Oh, I am very sure that will get him far.NOT! He sure gives TC a lot of power. He thinks TC is telling us to back off. You just keep thinking that buddy boy. I certainly have not gotten a email from TC to shut my fingers up.:)

pickle ass said....

Clarus- To answer your question- I have no idea what to think about Team Clay or their motives.

and there ya go.....

That's very telling isn't it? Can we just give him "his Sign" now? You know, that one that says "Stupid"?

Anonymous said...

I remember those shirts one says STUPID, then the other one says I'M WITH STUPID.... sounds like perfect shirts for Pickle and Clarus

Anonymous said...

Oh wait superhero needs one that says I'M STUPID'S OFFSPRING..LMAO

Truth Rules said...

My treat is a day early. It's up on Truth Rules.

Anonymous said...

OMG .. that pic 6 on page 5 link!! Even if I were able to dispute the others (which I don't, actually -- they are too convincing) -- THAT one is IMPOSSIBLE to dispute! It is dead-on.

Taken as a whole -- that they are all shots of Yorke, and that idiot frog face was stupid enough to post the pic on his blog thinking it was Clay -- yeah, I'd say it's a smoking gun.

Well done.

Now the question is, did he come up with that himself, or is he in cahoots with someone just as stupid as he?

Oh Crap said...

Here's the link to Shady's blog.

It's very informative

Anonymous said...

Oh cool, I hang out with the "in crowd".

oh crap, your last blog just made cesspool's blog. They can't even think for themselves.BWAH!

Oh Crap said...

LOL... that's 2 in a row, Anon. You don't suppose he's trying to make people think he grew a conscience, do you?

Anonymous said...

LOL... that's 2 in a row, Anon. You don't suppose he's trying to make people think he grew a conscience, do you?

Naw, jerks don't have a conscience. I don't much think they have any pride either.LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh crap I made the swamp blog!!!! must of pissed off superturd er...I mean hero

supershit er...hero said..

Oh wait superhero needs one that says I'M STUPID'S OFFSPRING..LMAO

2:09 PM

To answer our "friend" on the other blog... I tried to find such a shirt but they ALL has Erika's two-faced DUMBASS self on them... the ATTENTION whore that she is.

All the XL, XXL, and XXXL sizes seemed to be bought up by the ClayMates... since there has been no CD or calendar to snap up!

7:26 PM

hey stipid's offspring peckerhead it's not who you think it have no clue who I am...little boy!!!

Truth Rules said...

Being in a position where they are reacting to us is a good place to be.

Oh Crap said...

HAHA... I just read his remarks about the post yesterday. Seems JP has become a personage of great virtue by pointing out that ladies shouldn't speak sooo...soooo bluntly when proving him a liar.

Imagine that! Where's all that indignity when he or someone points out his shortcomings?

Anonymous said...

Imagine that! Where's all that indignity when he or someone points out his shortcomings?

hee. oh crap, you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

Here's a quote from Clarus65:
clarus65 said...
"I would just like to ask one question. Is anyone here attempting to post on the Rationalizers site? They seem to be under the impression that we are all clamoring to get on there and I was just curious to see if anyone had made an attempt. Obviously it is certainly within your right to do so, but I can't imagine why anyone would. I don't think they're interested in what anyone who shares a contrary opinion to them has to say."

Well Clarus, while you hold down the fort for John, he is busy trying to make statements over here. Have any of you realized that since he changed his blog name and dumped most of his archives that he says as little as possible on his own site. Most of his blogs are copied form other Clay sites and then he makes a little comment and leaves the rest of you to say it all. You should also notice this pattern: you ask him a question he doesn't want to answer and he posts a new blog to change the subject.
And Clarus, you asked your friends to read the post at Truth Rules and told them that you would like to hear their comments. Here's mine.( even though I'm not a friend of yours) That was written by a very happy person. I'm a happy person. I don't hear much happiness on jp's blog, only anger. Anger affects health. Be kind to yourselves. Try channeling those feelings into something worthwhile. John is not a major player in Clay's career. He only thinks he is.

Anonymous said...

John is not a major player in Clay's career. He only thinks he is.

and this is "the Truth".

Clarus, now there's a dude that likes to hear himself rattle on and on and on. Good grief, Clarus, get a new life. This one stinks.

Calico said...

How easy it is to photoshop pictures? Come find out.

Anonymous said...

Oh snap,Aiken4Clay, you tell 'em girl.hee

Stupid, would just love to know who I am and where I am. I'm so close.

Hey Stupid, here's your sign.:-P

Truth Rules said...

"And Clarus, you asked your friends to read the post at Truth Rules and told them that you would like to hear their comments."

Well that explains the nasty comment I couldn't let through.

They may call it censorship, I call it being a responsible blogger.

Oh Crap said...

YES, by all means check out what Calico has done. With the right pics we can make even the swamp thangs look human.

Oh Crap said...

Unfortunately, JP's cesspool has been over at Calico's spamming. Same spammers that plague Truth Rules and me. Aren't they just a boat load of mature dung?

Calico said...

Yea, they got me huh? I mistakenly thought I might not need to moderate posts! Silly me :) What cracks me up is, what moron would sit there reposting the same post like 30 times anyway? How very original and clever they are!

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see Terry Goldman brought up in this blog because I wanted to get this added into the record. Let's not forget that Terry was another of Buddy's mistakes. Here's what he said:

"Terry said...

Are you completely insane?

So months later you decide to drudge this back up? For someone that wants this to go away, you sure are milking your 15 mins for all its worth and now dragging others down into the mud with you.

Removing my blog posting about Clay wasn't about being a coward. It wasn't ever meant to be seen by the mass public but only for my friends on MySpace. It was not to get attention or recognition. When I saw I was upsetting fans and that it was spreading around the net, I immediately removed it. My conversation with him was actually quite nice and completely non-sexual but it wasn't meant for mass consumption.

I don't quite understand what you're hoping to accomplish with this but I'm sure my lawyer will enjoy a conversation with you.

9:53 PM"

Anonymous said...

I checked out the photoshop pics/Tom Yorke. I have to say that I wondered about the pics at first - not that they were sent in the way said in the rags - but just wondered if they were photoshopped or real. I think there is A LOT of evidence to suggest they are photoshopped.

When I first saw them I also wondered if they might be altered still photos from video at the buses or something and was waiting for someone to find the videos they came from.

One truth in all of this - with the pics and IMs - is that it can all be fabricated very easily. Anyone with a hole in their ass (if it isn't occupied by someone else) knows this and brushes this stuff off as so much tabloid crap.

That last statement refers to the general public who are not following the crazy pickle online. Another thing he has failed to realize - MOST FANS online aren't following his crap. The ones that aren't online have no idea any of this is going on and could care less. And there are MANY MANY MORE that aren't online than are.

Crazy Pickle miscalculated big time.

Anonymous said...

They just love to bring up that lawsuit over there--how stupid can they be? We all knew it was fake a long time ago. The FTC declared it a hoax and threw it out a long time ago--all they have to do is write the FTC and ask to get that info, but they are still talking about it like it is going to happen. LOL

Oh Crap said...

I didn't get to see the Terry Goldman response though I've heard there was one; So was Terry directing this to JP or to the fans and where?

The strange thing is that TG used the SAME MO as those who used the phony webcams sent to the Star.

How did he get them or was he the one that made them up or did someone make them up for both JP and TG?

Did TG panic because he, too, underestimated Clay's fans as well?

A lot of unanswered questions here and if was addressing his comment to JP then we know that he knew what was going on.

Anonymous said...

Also, it's SO completely obvious that Superherofan and Clarus have a huge agenda in all of this....especially SHF. When he first started posting at The pickle's blog, he claimed to NOT know John, and that he'd heard about what was happening to John through the tabloids. He claimed to first start posting because he wanted to offer his support. Then, later on, he forgot his original story and said he's known John for years! When we tried to go back and recover the first few posts that SHF made, they had magically disappeared. SHF OBVIOUSLY has major hatred for Clay's fans....a hatred that runs way too deep for a person that claimed to not be involved in the Clay fandom. Put 2 and 2 together. SHF HATES Clay and his fans. SHF has known John for years. SHF pretended to not know John in the beginning. It all points to one answer....he's a huge player in this entire MESS.

Clarus, in the beginning, pretended to be unbiased, only gathering information to make an informed desision. He almost sounded unjudgmental. How quickly that changed when he was given the reins to Pickle's blog! Remember, Clarus has admitted that he's addicted to gay porn. In my opinion, he's either trying to get in good with John because of his porn connections, or is pretending to be someone he's not to justify his disgusting hatred of an innocent man and his fans.

These people did NOT just appear out of thin air to give JP support. They have a stake in all of this. don't be fooled!

Oh Crap said...

To Anonymous that tried to get a comment through: I didn't let it through because I'm not quite sure what the purpose of the post was.

It was something taken off JP's blog that Clarus said about Erika and then Michael Sandecki. The comments on him that Clarus repeated did not come from here plus it drags up a name of someone I've never heard of. There is no way I'm going to include something on here about an innocent person who has yet to be brought into all this.

Anonymous said...

You're right.. I sorry :) I think I was just mad after reading that, and needed to vent somewhere.. I'm done now. Again, my bad :)

Oh Crap said...

Thanks for explaining, Anon. I know that some of the swamp posts can rile people so here is the gist of the comment that didn't get thru.

It had to do with civility and fair play that the swamp boasts about (when they're not being vile) and then Clarus comments in a way reveals himself in an opposite manner... proving that he has no clue what civility means. Not nice of him no matter how he disguises things.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to see the Terry Goldman response though I've heard there was one; So was Terry directing this to JP or to the fans and where?

OhC - In early March when we first learned of TG, Buddy didn't have his blog. But over a month later, in typical fashion and after he began his blog, Buddy used the TG story as a blog. TG ended up commenting at Buddy's blog, but for some reason he began a blog profile where the above quoted statement was made. It was never quite clear why he did so, unless it was a legal move to cover his butt. I believe it was deleted shortly thereafter.

This is my take on TG. TG has a large MySpace account with many "friends." As a gay man, I assume many of his friends are gay as well, and I think the single Revnoles picture he posted was meant as a "joke," and only meant for his friends in keeping up with the current gossip at the time. (I'm trying to be charitable here.) He even copied some of the "alleged" IM script from the tabloid.

Due to his company Electric Artist's connection with RCA/BMG and the fact that he is also a Kelly fan, it didn't look good for TG at the time this first occurred. But he did delete the blog from his MySpace. Then Buddy brought it all up again when he used it in a blog. That's what prompted TG's statement to the best of my memory.

I would love for Calico or any photoshop expert to screen cap the shot of Clay in the VH1 clip at 03:05-06 and compare it with the TG "Revnoles" webcam pic.

Here's the link -

It is the closest in pose to the TG webcam that I've discovered and proves it is so NOT Clay.

Anonymous said...

I have the original posts and TG's email response if anyone is interested.

Oh Crap said...

Anonymous 11:44: TG's email response to whom? I'm not one to post personal email info like some other fool we've all come to know.. sort of.

Anonymous said...

His email response to me.

Anonymous said...

If I could jump in here, let's not forget that Buddy is notorious for faking emails. And to be fair, TG has completely removed himself from this cesspool and any "alleged" involvement he had with CA by telling the truth. For that, I thank him. Wish others would do the same.

We have no way of knowing whether those emails were originals from TG. If I remember correctly, one was even out of sequence, i.e., a 1:00 email was answered at 5:00 and the one at 3:00 was totally disregarded. For that reason it could be why TG posted his own statement in a blog profile so it couldn't be tampered with.

Anonymous said...

I agree. TG's email to me was not flattering to pickle. He just said that pickle was "INSANE" and he was contacting his lawyer.

On another note, I rarely read the swamp blog or comments. I did a few minutes ago. Ripping apart a mother who has just lost her child shows what type of people post over there.

It's obvious from the comments that some are Kelly fans using that blog to spread their hatred. So there are several agendas going on over there.

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, WAIT....I read the post at CB where a Clayfan lost her son. Let me get this JP's blog they are ripping her apart??? Why?

Oh Crap said...

I guess because it's a hate blog. Must be they hate everything and it makes me want to puke because the name of the blog has Clay's name.

Some people are just too sick in the head.

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz Sparkle! Did I read you right? Did you refer to a gay as being a fairy? Oh my word! Such a derogatory comment in the presence of gay men!
You are so angry today! Anger is what you feed on, so I guess you are feeling high today.

Clarus, how does that word fairy make you feel?

Anonymous said...

You need a psychological commitment, you're insane.

Anonymous said...

I read on FOC that MS 'apologized' to Clay for his comments on the radio station. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

Ok went to pickles blog - this one
just amazes me ....

Shock and yawwn said:
LMAO! Ok you guys got me :-)

I'm looking at the Clayboard. How sad is it that 95% of the entire first page is various polls to spam?

11:22 AM

I say, how sad is it that you're looking at the Clayboard, don't you hate Clay?

Oh Crap said...

How sad is it that Clay's fans learned how to spam from looking at other idol boards in 2003? I remember when we first learned how it was done and where the info came from. Pot...Kettle. Brew some more over there, will ya?

Anonymous said...

So two wrongs make a right? Is that what I am to infer?

Truth Rules said...

There's one celebrity I can't stomach. All I know about her is what I see on TV news or entertainment programs. Wasting my time trying to convince others to not like her makes no sense to me. I'm just not wired like that.

Anonymous said...

I just realized that we are their life at pickles blog....If they actually succeeded in distroying Clay.... whatever would they do?

just move on to the next innocent I guess........

Anonymous said...

From what I read, they are criticizing her for doing the WFI and attending C'mas concerts while her child was on his death bed. Then she wants to play Clay's music at the funeral, when she admitted that her son was not a Clay fan.

I have nothing but sympathy for this poor woman who is going through the horror of losing a child, but maybe not every situation in our lives should involve Clay on the message boards.

Don't throw tomatoes at me; I don't mean it that way. I realize we are one extended family. But isn't it time for the Clay Nation to realize that everything we say or post is being scrutinized by others?

If we are going to talk about the "truth," the truth is that not all fans are alike and we have to admit that some do go overboard...that's why Jerome has a list, is it not? I'm not placing this woman in any way on Jerome's list, I'm only suggesting that all of us need to be more aware of what we post.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 2:27, you can "infer" anything you like. The person on JP's blog "inferred" it was spamming; most of those polls "infer" that you can vote as often as you want, or again in 5 minutes, or a limited number of times, etc. Just depends on who is doing the "inferring". Since the "inferring" comes from JP's blog, the "inferror" will omit certain facts in order to make it sound as bad as they possibly can.

Anonymous said...

All I will say about spamming is since it is not only Clay fans that do it...... to the "inferiors"

Anonymous said...

I read on FOC that MS 'apologized' to Clay for his comments on the radio station. Is that true?

Someone posted at the AI board and at PH in the name of MS and apologized. The AI thread has been deleted, but this is what was posted at PH:

"i sent an apology to clay aiken i know what i said on the interview was wrong i even made a public apology on american idol website im really sorry and i hope you will forgive me clay and know i dont even know anything about that john guy he contacted me and told me that you didnt want to sing with me and it hurt me but i am sorry i believed him without knowing it from you i hope you can forgive me you will always be my idol

love always,

michael sandecki

Posted by: michael | July 3, 2006 06:32 AM"

I would like to hope that this was Michael and he did sincerely apologize, but since he didn't make such an apology at his MySpace, I tend to doubt it was actually him.