Friday, July 28, 2006

When I See Him Smile

Some people do their best to make the world a better place; some devote their lives to easing the pain of children and making sure their chances for a life are secure. Accomplishing this often involves enlisting the help of others by informing them of the most urgent particular needs. Clay Aiken and his fandom epitomize the "Cream Rising to the Top" and the CREAM is at its sweetest when it rises above the sour milk.

Some people do their best to show the world their asses. Leave it to all the cooties, the people in tin houses, and those from the Roach Motel to do just that. In the future when the children aided by UNICEF are old enough to appreciate others' humanitarian efforts do you think they will acknowledge all the help they got from the sour milk?

To think that people would use something like a UNICEF drive to shed a bad light on Clay not only proves they are sour milk but they end up with rotten egg on their faces. I just hope they don't eat any of it because we've noticed that their mouths and asses already stink badly enough.


Anonymous said...

What are the 10 idiots at tinhaters smoking. Talk about fairy tales...none of them have much of a imagination...the more they talk,the more foolish they look

Oh Crap said...

They're smoking Loco weed

Anonymous said...

Pretty much the same blog is on that new Groucho site. I am sure Clay did not want a link to him, and I will bet anything what happened was good intentioned fans started calling UNICEF asking how they could donate on Clay's behalf.

Oh Crap said...

This is strange. There was an anonymous poster who I clicked on Publish but it didn't make it in.. so if someone is feeling left out, please post it again. I have no clue what happened.

Oh Crap said...

Nevermind, it went in the previous blog comments.

WRU said...

I still think Pickle is one of the tin can, hat, foil people. Some of the spew sounds like his crap.

I have to agree with somewhere I believe that superpooperfan is Corey or Tim or a pickle fan.

WRU said...

That Reichen guy, WOW!! He is a fine looking fellow. Good luck to Lance, sucks he was forced out by PH.

Anonymous said...

Looks like hairbo saw the light. But unfortunately she gave herself away. But I'll keep mum for now..RN

Oh Crap said...

He was forced out by PH? Someone needs to do a little forcing as far as PH is concerned.

Oh Crap said...

Ok... so let's everyone pool the info we have and we all share in writing the next blog post. A nice expose' is in order this time as someone else suggested.

The case of the fugly webcams has been cracked, the fake IM's have been cracked, I think we've cracked the VPB thang and now this OTHER Parallel Universe of the Gherkin projecting himself as the Lem dude and pickle, along with the entire gay community, allowing folks to believe everything Clay.

The cootie insider was feeding JP as much crap as JP was feeding him.

I think it's time they all got something pretty fugly back for themselves.

Anonymous said...

You know, if Clay Aiken was the person portrayed by tinfoilhat, groucho, superherofan, jp, clarus and others, I wouldn't like him either.

The thing is, he is NOT that person.

I admire Clay even more for having endured this crap and I'm sure we don't even know the half of what he has had to deal with.

brought over from last blog

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the tabloid rumors of a "spiky-haired popstar" were actually about Lance Bass, and not Clay Aiken.

So, did Buddy believe the rumors about Reichen knowing Clay (denied by both Reichen and his mom after his movie came out; was nothing more than a publicity stunt) and decided to mirror Reichen's life for his own shot at celebrity? Or was the gay mafia using the same script (ex-military guy, real estate agent, writing a book about gays in the military) to "out" both Clay and Lance and threaten to destroy their careers if they didn't come out? Lance basically admitted he was about to be forced out.

Oh Crap said...

I'm inclined to believe that JP was trying to mirror Reichen's life since there were already a couple of similarities like being in the service and being in Real Estate. Question for me is when did JP go into RE?

Anonymous said...

I started a press release if you guys want to work on it. I think we need to fully tell about the webcam evidence and spell it all out though and focus on the coming release of Clay's new CD too.

I'm not good at this, but I looked online and this is what I have so far. Go ahead and change it up or add to it if you want.

For Immediate Release


7/31/06 - Clay' Equalizers, a dedicated group of fans of superstar Clay Aiken has uncovered and now reveals that the tabloid rumors of a "spiky-haired popstar" sexuality were actually about Lance Bass, and not Clay Aiken.

The revelation of popstar Lance Bass's sexuality now highlights striking similarities in the allegations that have plagued Clay Aiken for the past 7 months.

Namely: A former real-estate agent with a military background who aims to write a book about his experiences has a homosexual relationship with a spiky-haired popstar.

Oh Crap said...

I wish I could get the gals that had WSCA to put the Webcam proof and the IM proof back up but I have no idea who they were.

Not sure I would go with a press release although I would just love to make Perez and the others sweat big time. The whole thing of taking these guys down on the internet is to avoid mainstream media. I just want all the bullshit to stop but the jerk had to go and put up another thread about Clay. Little weenie PH can't make enough money to live on without using Clay's name but it's a damned shame he has to try to drag it through the mud.

He soooo deserves to be exposed for the troublemaker he truly is.

Anonymous said...

press release??

Surely you jest! :0
Isn't that a rather trolly thing to suggest??

Anonymous said...

It has become so obvious that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where JP's story came from. Now that the story has been exposed for the lie it was, will the minions ever have the nerve to admit they were wrong? Of course not, they aren't big enough people to do that. Instead they are still trying to spin the UNICEF accomplishment into something bad. Even tinfoil had to "Steal" groucho's fake UNICEF letter to do her blog! Now the desperation is beginning to show--stealing groucho's work! Hahahaha! They so want to believe Clay is a bad person and can't admit they are wrong. Clay isn't perfect and he never claimed to be, who is? but he is nothing like the person they want to believe him to be.

They are so obsessed with Clay. They follow his every move, have everything he does or says on their blog as fast as it is on any of the Clay boards. They read the Clay mb's to gather information and make fun of Clay fans. They spend 24/7 thinking about Clay and they can't see that for themselves? Unbelieveable. And what was their total for UNICEF?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry doing press releases is not our job and could backfire and be harmful!


Anonymous said...

Please don't get anymore crap started, I do not want who know
who back in the picture again, leave it be, we all had it with
the crap. Don't go to the media
either please.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap said:

Question for me is when did JP go into RE?

The questions for me are when did Clay's house go on sale and when did JP move to Raleigh. I have not seem these two dates, but I bet they are connected.

WRU said...

You may not want to post this, look at this yourself.

This guy is one of pickles buddies on and has the dimensions 6'1" 155 that may by vpb (the description of vpb), look at some of his buddies and one resembles the frame of corey.

Here is pickles, he use to have his photo up:

Here is who I think is at least the description of vpb:

WRU said...,0,2,120, the email supposely CA used to contact pickle, look at the date of it. No way a celeb would use it that long.

Also, look at this for coti collins link and look at the dates, search for valleyprettyboy and you see the mention of it, the interesting thing is the Florida - North Carolina link thus JP lived in FL and moved to NC and the mention of vpb also about that time May or June 2004 is when the infamous boob grabbing photo came out and my first exposure to Groucho in May 2004 on the boards slamming CA.

Next, see this:
Look at the date of this, CA at a body building, JP = body building.

WRU said...

I have screen shots of all the wsc blog, I have no problem emailing you them but I think we should get permission from wsc.


Oh Crap said...

Ok, ok... don't anyone panic. I agree as well that an actual Press Release was the furthest thing from my mind and not something I would want to pursue. What I want are the parallels to all these stories which appear to be deja vu, something like what I've already been getting, to put up on the blog so we can close this chapter in our fandom.

Someone sent me the download to PH's interview with HS which also has some deja vu material in it that I want to listen to. Do these little bitches all use the same fricking script? Was it written 3 years ago? WTF!? I haven't listened to it yet but I will shortly.

While I do want to see PH writhe in sweat for a while I think that can be accomplished by blogging. He doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets his "6 figures" from his blog of filth. Why didn't he pursue the LB truth as avidly as he pursued the Clay Aiken lie? A couple of mere mentions of LB does not compute when he's been trying to gouge Clay's eyes out hot and heavy the last 7 months....and Clay's the innocent one who isn't gay.


Anonymous said...

Press Release=bad idea. Don't do it, please. Although your heart is in the right place, it will cause more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

When froggie did his first interview with Lucas the porn guy, he never mentioned the fisting thing. Later when froggie interviewed with Howard Stern he added that in. I wondered if anyone else had ever picked up on this?

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is this new 'Dizzy' person over on Tinny's blog? Talks like she's an actual 'insider'. God, I just can't believe the hate over there. Haribo even asked that her name be removed from the blog. Good God.

Anonymous said...

I agree with not a press release but just a blog about what really happened and let that be it.

Anonymous said...

The greatest revenge is living well and the greatest punishment for JP is to live out his days in obscurity as an aging bat boy for some minor league team.
Groucho lives in a mess of of his own making on a daily basis. I do wish that every complication life has to offer comes Groucho's seems to keep him busy. You have to does Groucho stay afloat financially when he sits on a computer all day. Perhaps he runs his businesses under the table and collects public assistance...who knows if the guy even knows what a tax return is. The fact that he is always bragging about his personal wealth when we know otherwise...tell me his Achilles' heel is $.

Oh Crap said...

I heard from WSCA and I got what I needed. We should be able to give this segment of our lives a satisfying send off and kiss it good-bye within the next week.

I look forward to the day when this blog will be critiquing the music and concert critics just for the fun of it. Lighthearted fun things are ahead and it will be a breath of fresh air..just like Clay has been for the last 3 years.

Please understand that some of us want closure on this and the best way I know of is to do a final summary of all those holes we've punched in the saga and put them in the one spot.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm.. I saw John's post at Tinny's blog. Right after Clarus' post. Looks pretty long winded and thought out to me. Not like John at all.

Anonymous said...

I agree....I final summary and end to this horrible lie against Clay!

Anonymous said...

No that is not a insider a tin's blog. Just one of the girls that wanted to take FSL and Clay's foundation down. Nothing we have not heard before.

Anonymous said...

So which one is the insider? eczemaann or theonewhomovedtoraleightobenearhim ?

Anonymous said...

John Paulus wrote at tinfoil's blog:
"The tabloids are very aware of my relationship with the one actor and have approached me many times over the course OF NEARLY 5 YEARS to out him and tell of my relationship-offering me ten times the money I delined when I spoke about my tryst with CA."

Now excuse me, is this fool saying he's had contact with the tabloids for over 5 years??? Is this an outright lie or has gone to the tabloids before?

John P. also wrote that he met Lance Bass in a gay men's club (no sex)three years ago in Ft. Lauderdale. That fameho wouldn't have kept that secret to himself!!! Funny how he "knew" but only after Lance's said so. More of the same. He is a pathological liar, tried and true.

He still makes me sick to my stomach after all this time.

Oh Crap said...

Well, let's just chalk it up to JP having sex with every man on the planet...that way there's no doubt about his prowess....but what does that make him?

Anonymous said...

I respect what all of you say but really agree with Yeah That. At this point, anyway.

I can't get to TFH blog. Why is that? I have before with Yahoo or Google but not now.

Anonymous said...

And how, I ask you, did the tabloids find out about JP's sexual relationship with this A list celebrity? JP has just proven that he has been in contact with tabloids for over 5 years, using celebrity names to try to draw attention to himself. GAG.

Anonymous said...

According to Ft. Lauderdale guy, JP was allegedly into blackmail. He used his "cruisin' sites" to hook up with men and also men he met as a go-go dancer at Legends in Fla.

It's possible he tried blackmail first and if the victim refused, then he would try the tabloids.

Then again, it could all be make believe. You know, Once Upon A Time!

He was discharged from the military in March, 1997. He claimed he was with his BF for 8 years and had been single for 3. Do the math; it doesn't add up.

When this mess first began, he said he had been living in NC for about a year.

Some one asked when Clay sold his home in LA. He listed it in Mar/April of 05. I remember because he said his mom had just "hung the curtains." By late summer it was in escrow.

Does anyone know whether Clarus ever received any receipts from those "anonymous" registered letters he sent out?

Anonymous said...

Yup, sounds like he personally knows every frickin' actor who's supposedly gay. I guess he's been famewhoring for a long, long time.

Just when I was convinced he left with an ounce of diginty he posts and proves once again exactly what he is.

WRU said...

Insider = Groucho, he tried that crap with the boob grabbing thing in 2004.

Anonymous said...

As if Buddy would turn down any amount of money and/or recognition. He's a famewhore wannabe who uses hindsight to formulate his stories. In the current issue of People Magazine, Lance states that he had his first boyfriend 5 years ago. Lying comes second nature to asshat.

Anonymous said...

And how, I ask you, did the tabloids find out about JP's sexual relationship with this A list celebrity? JP has just proven that he has been in contact with tabloids for over 5 years, using celebrity names to try to draw attention to himself.

I think what JP just proved is that he is majorly full of shit! There was no relationship with an A list star, and no relationship with a popstar, either.

Anonymous said...

Is this new 'Dizzie' an actual insider I wonder? Or somebody that used to post there, but now back with a different name? Seems kinda weird to me. I see slander & libel written all over that one.

WRU said...

Just to bring up an old rumor...

John met Coti Collins at a Legends..


WRU said...

We all know the story, it has changed about 5 or 6 times, each time it was embellished and added on to when people came forth and called him on it. I think by now, the media that kind of believed pickle have finally realized the crap was a total fabrication. The time lines were not in sync, no pun intended;)

WRU said...

Some places online are showing a pre-sale for CA starting Aug 22 and release Sept 19.

Oh Crap said...

I cannot wait for that CD to be in my hot little hands. After the hint was given of one of the songs on there I think I'll die before I get it.

Oh Crap said...

Coti claimed he hadn't met him so I really don't know what to believe in some situations. All I know is that most everything fits now with the latest revelation and the arrogance on the new HS interview. I'm reaching a peaceful place.

WRU said...

I agree with you OC, the REAL story has surfaced finally.

Funny, they kind of gave away themselves.

True in advertising, pickle started was at the begin, middle, and end a whore and all the people who helped him make this crap up.

Anonymous said...

What HS interview, by whom?

Oh Crap said...

PH was on HS and there's a download out there. PH is also getting beat up pretty badly on his own site by his own people. We don't have to do anything but sit back and watch.

Poetic Justice all the way around this week.

Despite a little tension in here a little earlier it's turned out to be a pretty good day.

Sorry for not letting all the comments through but they were basically the same in support of not rehashing and I take it under very good consideration since these are people I respect.

I have taken a wait and see mode after watching PH's own bitches slam him. BWAhahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Did Buddy actually meet Coti Collins at one time? He claimed never to have heard of Coti despite the fact that they worked the same clubs. Even if they'd never met, Buddy should at least have heard of him.

What is Dizzie saying now? Were some posts erased here, because I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Well, I finally was able to read Tinfoils blog and may I say, I am stunned. The lies they are telling. These are some sick people.

Truth Rules said...

Interesting that on the HS interview PH glossed over the January story and wanted to talk about one he did in Novemeber that concerned the Claymates.

Anonymous said...

Why is taking Clay at his word and having a wait and see attitude, homophobic?

That's how we're being described at the Tin Shed by none other than that heterophobic, Clarus.

To hear the Perez interview on HS, go here -

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 9:35, I don't let all comments through. There were 2 or 3 that looked like they were trying to goad us plus after one is published and I see the whole context I might make a decision to delete if I think it might be to stir the turd.

Oh Crap said...

I don't read TFH so I have no clue who "Dizzy" is other than what's said here about her/him being a newbie. Yeah! Not all comments get thru and not all the ones that get thru get to stay and not all comments go up right away. I often spend time weighing the comments because I really don't want the infighting.

Oh Crap said...

I know, Shady. I deleted one of those comments myself and I didn't go there. got guts. Could be someone from the OC; who knows! All I know is I ain't buying what they are trying to sell.

Oh Crap said...

You know.... after the last couple of weeks I've come to the conclusion that Clay's magic is so powerful, so all-encompassing, that the gay community is baffled by it. They are so drawn to him that they have to make him gay in order for them to understand it.

Anonymous said...

What kind of people really believe the stories being told at TFH? If what they say were true, Clay would not have done as well as he has done. I have a friend who knows someone at Uniceff in NY. He said if anyone who works there is spreading around negative stories, or even their girlfriend, that would not be good. I would never have bothered him about something like this but this burns my ass. He will pass the info. on. He feels they would not want anyone in the org. saying anything negative about the Ambassadors.

He read the blog and said he knew there were deranged people in the world but these would be right up there with them. He is not a Clay fan, but thinks this is a rotten thing to do to him.

This man is a sucessful businessman, and a trusted friend. I appreciate his taking time for this.

Anonymous said...

I thought the OC was a fan board but just believed the gay crap.

I do believe the people at TFH are facinated by him and obsessed and don't want to or can't let themselves admit it. How else can you explain so much time spent on him?

If I were a fan of someone, and I became disillusioned, then I would just move on. Their behavior is not normal.

Anonymous said...

PH says he is afraid of the claymates, if I were him I'd be afraid too. All this gay stuff on the internet is total bullshit, I think the scum bloggers know it. They just know this stuff gets hits, the preverted pleasure of the masses. LB came out because he wanted to, not because he was forced.

Anonymous said...

Do these nutheads(tinhat, groucho, etc etc) happen to be fans of another AI contestant?

Oh Crap said...

I know nothing about the Tinfolk but Groucho is a Kelly fan and her stalker.

Oh Crap said...

Jennie I deleted your post because you put up your AIM screen name. The site was temporarily down but it's back up now.

Anonymous said...

LB came out because he wanted to, not because he was forced.

Um, did you even read his interview? He said he came out because the rumors were starting to affect his daily life, and he said his mom read it on the internet.
It sure sounds like he didn't have any other choice.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out tinfoil for the first time in a while. Boy, there is some seriously intense hating going on over there...also some seriously egotistical people there. I guess it will be a long while before I bother reading there again.

Anonymous said...

okay folks, I've been doing some research today. I found a message board that helps you get answers about I want to report Groucho's blog and this really cool guy directed me to this link here is what he had to say about it.

inform Blogger Support of your problem. If they don't help you instantly, they may help the group in the end.

Blogger is Slow Poke Blogger Support.

Be sure to read the input at the bottom of the page where you can send them your message!

You probably have to keep notifying them; Their first response is always an automated reply. If their first response gives you a number, reference it every time you write back! I plan to contact them every day until it is shut down then I'm going after tinfoilhat's blog

anyone care to help me out here????

Oh Crap said...

Message to Gaykin who left a comment on my blog.

We support Clay in all he does; it's YOU and YOUR TACTICS we DO NOT SUPPORT.

DON'T piss me off.

Oh Crap said...

Sorry... that was Gayken spelled with an "e".

...and it's not Clay's lifestyle, it's YOURS. There's been enough projection of others' adventures projected onto him the last few months. Shall I mention that part of YOUR lifestyle or someone's close to you is joining a certain gossip blogger in setting up VPB profiles and sharing the screen name pretending to be Clay for the past 3 years?

Anonymous said...

Some days I think we should just ignore the a**holes. They are really imbeciles. I don't think they can continue to spew that kind of hate and get away with it, even on the internet. We should just sit back and watch them destroy themselves. Anyone with a rational mind would know these people are missing a few brain cells.

Oh Crap said...

Whomever it is won't be getting any of their comments through nor will I address them again. Pffffffft

Anonymous said...

I think most of the tinfoilhat brigade are ex-fans who were once involved with the BAF (possibly ex-Cafe Allegro). They hated FSL and tried to get Clay's attention as to what she was doing. Well, Clay is very loyal and usually gives people the benefit of the doubt. When he realized that what they were saying had merit, he let FSL go.

I think some of them are bitter because they were expecting acknowledgement or some other recognition from Clay and it wasn't forthcoming. A few are extremely miffed because they were hoping to be put in charge of the BAF themselves. What they fail to understand is that if Clay got hoodwinked by FSL, why would he trust any of them not to pull the same crap? Not saying they would, but Clay has trust issues and had just gotten burned. So he hired his trusted friend Kristy to keep an eye on things and then hired an unbiased professional to run the organization. Give the guy credit for seeing the light and taking action.

They complain at that blog that Clay may have paid FSL off. This may be correct as she was probably under contract and it is the norm when letting someone go, unless that person was fired outright, to buy out the contract or at least issue a severance package in order to offset a possible lawsuit. Nothing abnormal there.

What we have for the most part are a bunch of obsessed and bitter ex-fans who were looking for recognition from Clay and, what seems to be a prevailing theme here, access to his inner circle. I'm sure this gets old really fast for Clay as he is already suspicious as to why so many people are now so anxious to become his best friends. If he's standoffish, it's because he's wary of their motives. While he appreciates the time and effort being put into the BAF events by volunteers, some people need to realize that volunteering is its own reward and not expect their own carrot, ie. a power trip or direct access to Clay, at the end of the stick. Their bitterness is beyond the pale. Let it go and move on.

Clarus is in this for Clarus. He has his own agenda and if he is who he says he is, doesn't really know the history of some of these people and takes it all at face value because it suits his agenda.

Superherofan sounds like someone with an axe to grind. It may be someone from early on in the fandom who claimed to know Clay before AI, but is just spewing garbage. SHF is just a troublemaker with a jealous streak and no real knowledge, just a propensity for lying.

Buddy is someone who craves attention and wants to be a celebrity. By attaching his name to Clay's, he can be a celebrity by proxy. He might have tried at one time to become a porn actor and was turned down. Using Clay's name got his foot in the door. He failed at it and then blamed ML for tricking him into doing it. A face saving tactic. Now he's claiming he talked to Lance 5 years ago at a gay bathhouse. I guess Buddy read the People story. It seems Lance's first boyfriend was 5 years ago. Yet Lance was still closeted 5 years ago, so why would he, a known celebrity much bigger then than he is now and easily recognizable, talk to a total stranger in a gay bathhouse about what role he likes to play during sex? Lance could have become tabloid fodder at a time when he was still not ready to come out.

Also, if Buddy was having a difficult time shopping his book proposal (if Buddy was shopping it at all), it was because Reichen beat him to the punch. Reichen had name recognition and was well-known to those who follow reality shows, had the same backstory (ex-military) and was much better looking. If Buddy was following the rumors about Lance through the back channels and knew Reichen's background, he would know all this. So Buddy latched onto someone even more high profile than Lance,and who better to go after than a local celebrity who coincidentally was just moving back home. Get the story out there and make it your own before Lance comes out.

Anonymous said...

I just used Aiken4clay's link to report G's blog. He's totally off the wall and much more dangerous that JP ever was.

Anonymous said...

Is the rumor true that Clay and Janine are engaged?

Oh Crap said...

I have no clue who Janine is. I'm sure nobody will know who Clay gets engaged to until he tells folks himself.

WRU said...

Groucho =

Oh Crap said...

Wow! Anon at 5:22, you wrote a book. I think a few people have put some clues together and believe that SHF is JP's boyfriend of 4 years, Corey.

It's also just possible that it was time to re-elect new officers for BAF and if it's like some of the organizations I've been in, the Chairman steps down and is ineligible to run for a position for 2 years. Anything about those circumstances I've pretty much steered clear of. I am aware that the cafe gals thought there was some kind of entitlement and that's why they were pissed.

As for you guess on the LB/Reichen mirror story, a lot of people are looking at that right now as too coincidental.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 5:22 - Nice post. I wish I had something more to add, but that's it for now :)

WRU said...

Could Janine be the yellow sweater girl from the fashion show?

Don't know.

Oh Crap said...

Yellow Sweater Girl came to my mind but I still have no clue. YSG looks like Barbara Parkins. I know some will remember her but not the younger folk. You can rent the old movie Valley of the Dolls if you want to see what she looks like. Gorgeous.

WRU said...

Is Kristy married, that's who I would believe over anyone else?

Anonymous said...

LB came out because he wanted to, not because he was forced.

Um, did you even read his interview? He said he came out because the rumors were starting to affect his daily life, and he said his mom read it on the internet.
It sure sounds like he didn't have any other choice.

1:30 PM

1:30 - Wrong, LB was openly gay
way before that people article
he was getting no worse than anyone
else that PH was targeting. He wanted to come out and live
his life, he was not forced out by rumors. That is my opinion.

WRU said...

With the LB story coming out, pun intended, wonder if pickle got wind of it early and bowed out knowing full well of what the connection to it would bring. His blog was going strong then all of a sudden, poof!!!


Anonymous said...

I remember when Buddy first began to talk about his book deal, he admitted that his alleged relationship with Clay had actually hurt him. I never quite understood what he meant by that.

I suppose that kind of tabloid notoriety was good enough for porn, but book publishers frowned upon it.

Oh Crap said...

I thought PH was under the impression that HE forced LB out. Maybe you'd better tell him.

Anonymous said...

My impression of PH is that his so-called "activism" is just another way to promote his blog and increase his profile. He exposes the big celebrity "scandals" (even if he makes them up) to increase his blog hits and put money in his pockets. He also works for a tabloid, and 99.9% of what they write is fabricated garbage. So is his blog.

If he was an activist at one time, it's been greatly overshadowed by his smarminess. He just found a legal way to earn a living at bullying people. He's a punk.

WRU said...

I don't make a habit of quoting from PH blog but this needed to be shared:

"Closeted or not - we gay dudes love and respect him as a symbol of everything that is good about our community! He rocks. And while he may not be out, we gays and lesbians know the reality and are thankful he is such a great role model.
While I'm glad the gay community feels this way about Anderson Cooper, it seems disingenious to make a statement that it is okay for him to remain closeted while at the same time labeling someone like Clay Aiken a hypocrite for doing so. We have been saying for months now that we don't care if Clay is gay or not..if staying closeted means that he can continue with his endeavors for children with disabilities and his philantropic efforts on behalf of children in ravaged and impoverished areas then that's his call. The persecution by the gay community of Clay Aiken that has gone on unmercilessly this past year has given you and your community a big ole black eye.

As far as your statement - here's mine about Clay--closeted or not - we Clay fans love and respect him as a symbol of everything that is good about our community and our world! He rocks. And while he may not be out or even in, we fans - gays, lesbians and heteros know the reality and are thankful he is such a great role model.

Posted by: Judge Judy | July 30, 2006 8:37 PM

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 7:23...EXACTLY! He's smarmy, he's a computer bully, he's a punk and he makes up shit. He's got the hots for Clay so in his mind there's no way that Clay could be straight.

Well...Pffffffft because I feel there's no way that PH is part of the human race. He belongs in Cootieville living in his own tin tin house. He's Groucho with a lisp.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Lord, why do people never bother to do research before they spew out crap? Grouchy does it too.. I can't even fathom his latest crap on his blog. These guys really should remember that great ole saying.. 'What goes around, surely does come around'.

WRU said...

This from another Groucho blog from Anon:

Clay Aiken is engaged to Janine Falsone/Falstone. The couple were seen lastnight in Raleigh. She recently moved into his house.

Here's her photo and I believe yellow sweater girl:

Don't have any confirmation.

Oh Crap said...

Yep! That's YSG.

WRU said...


Must be someone else, she was on AI2.

Anonymous said...

Janine Falsone was one of the 8 contestants during Wildcard on AI2.

Oh Crap said...

So many informative comments in here today and I didn't get a chance to acknowledge them all. RL has a way of interfering sometime.

Aiken, thanks for that link to Blogger

I did notice that PH said he was afraid of those threatening if. It's amazing how we threaten these little guys before we even know who they are. That shared story is getting old and it's one that the Grouch used long before them..when we didn't know who Groucho was yet either.

Anonymous said...

That is NOT yellow sweater girl. YSG is older. Whoever posted at Groucho's about Clay and this Janine girl, likely made it up. If we believe gossip just because we like it, we're no better than the posters at Tinnys.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the alleged engagement. Call me stupid, but I had this same argument with others while Clay was rooming with Kim.

If and when Clay is ever engaged and we know about it, I do not believe he will be living with the girl. Talk about ruining a role model image and setting a poor example for his younger fans.

I can't see him doing that. But who knows? I suppose it could happen.

Anonymous said...

The person who said not to believe
gossip just because we like it is right.

Anonymous said...

Talk about ruining a role model image and setting a poor example for his younger fans.

I can't see him doing that. But who knows? I suppose it could happen.

Oh, you mean like him stripping for guys on the internet using his webcam? Or you mean you are only willing to grant him the possibility of him being human (and making choices you may not agree with) to a point?
How gracious of you.

Oh Crap said...

I let you in Anon at 11:17 just so I could say FUCK YOU.

Oh Crap said...

MY Bad?

Anonymous said...

It's ok - people just keep showing how immature and stupid they are.
Just making themselves look dumber than they already do.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt this engagment rumor. Clay will not let the world or fans intrude on such an important event in his life. One day he'll get married and we'll hear about it afterwards.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that 11:17PM is a moron. Those webcams are so phony, they wouldn't even make it through a pre-trial hearing. The judge would have to stop the proceedings from laughing so hard.

Ask any professional photographer or photoshopper. That's why Buddy tried his case in the court of public opinion, instead of a real courtroom. He knew he had nothing. Even the DNA evidence was fabricated. He couldn't even keep his stories straight. The IM's were laughable.

Believe what you want. Now I've got some swampland in Florida I'll sell you for a good price.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, you mean like him stripping for guys on the internet using his webcam?"

Guys? As in plural? I've seen no evidence of that and neither have you. All you've seen are 3 bust shots of a likeness attempting to portray CA and one headless, fat torso. Nothing about those webcams say "gay sex!"

And since that webcam was allegedly from the same day that Clay made a TV appearance, a comparison will show you that something is really quite wrong with them. Not only have the pics been placed in the hotel room of the downtown Wyndham which happens to be a 5 star hotel and not a dump, but Clay never stayed at the Wyndham on that trip to Boston in Dec.

As far as allowing Clay to be human, we all know he is. Surprise! He can do whatever he wants, be whomever he wants. Even misbehave however he wants. I am not his keeper. He may even manipulate all he wants. He's building a career, which is the same as a business and he's becoming a very good business man. That doesn't change why I'm a fan. It's the voice! And he can do anything legally he wants to in order to keep bringing us that voice!

None of that changes my opinion that he will not "live" with his lady love before marriage. He's just old fashioned like that.

Nice talking to you...drop in again sometime.

Anonymous said...

Side Dish
John Paulus, the ex-Marine who claims he had a wild tryst with "American Idol's" Clay Aiken, may need to rely on his own muscle to protect himself from crazed Aiken fans: The feds have turned down his appeals for help. Since revealing his sordid hotel-room one-night stand with the pop singer in The National Enquirer, Paulus has been bombarded with death threats from crazed Aiken fans, a loosely organized army of middle-aged women called "The Claymates." Paulus appealed to his local FBI office, but his plea was rejected. "It was turned down by the U.S. attorney, and the FBI determined there are no federal statutes that have been violated," an FBI spokesman tells us. "It is a little strange." …

And JP claimed that the FBI was all over this! Another lie on his part. JP, you're digging the hole deeper and deeper.

Oh Crap said...

How dare they call us "loosely organized"!

Anonymous said...

The FBI says it's strange?...I think the FBI has a lot better things to do than worry about non-existant claymate assasins!
JP is a complete idiot.
Does anyone really think JP is anything but a lauhing stock!

Anonymous said...

Is nydaily news a gossip magazine? And when was this publish? Today?
What a timing for them to release that when we are expecting news about the CD any day now.

WRU said...

I thought FBI was the feds, we should send pickle a bill for wasting our fed money.


Anonymous said...

Oh Crap said...
"How dare they call us "loosely organized"!"


WRU said...

I would love to file a class action lawsuit against these haters for deflamation of character and libel for calling the claymates names. Anyone know a good lawyer.

Oh Crap said...

Gail somebody in California, I think. I've worked on a few of her harassment cases. She goes for the jugular but we need to figure out who has the deepest pockets.. PH maybe or Groucho. We could win his tour van, decorate it and call it the TugMobile or WaldoVan or BendyBoxCar.

WRU said...

How about pickle busters r us!!

Oh Crap said...

Too bad the NY Daily News Gossip Mag is a couple months behind the times and doesn't know that the Pickle was busted in his lies.

Anonymous said...

crazed Aiken fans, a loosely organized army of middle-aged women called "The Claymates."

PFFFFFT - they can't get anything

Oh Crap said...

Was anyone else able to pull that NY Daily News story up? I can't find it.

Anonymous said...

There is a link at FOC

Anonymous said...

Aw. Is the wussy little ex-Green Beret afraid of a bunch of fat, middle-aged housewives wearing mumu's? Didn't he say he realized that it was Rick C. (groucho) behind the threats? I know we've got it all screencapped. I guess the little runt doesn't remember what he says. As long as his mouth is moving, he's lying.

I'm sure the timing is purely coincidental, too. After all, he's such an honorable guy, he'd never go back on his word, now would he?

Anonymous said...


SEPT 19!(!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think JP ever claimed the FBI was all over this. I remember him writing that he had spoken to the FBI and they were investigating. We don't have to agree with the pickle, but we should be fair. He did call them and they did investigate only to find that no federal laws were broken.

Anonymous said...

And he's upped our quota to 8 hahahhahaaahhhha...the roaches will have a field day with that...oh well let em!

Anonymous said...

Yep, now we've gotta buy 8 of 'em.

LOL. You know Clay knows what kind of crap that's gonna start in Hateville. Don't you just LOVE the little turd-stirrer?

And I'm also deeply offended by that "loosely organized" comment. Are they kidding?

September 19 - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

The haters have made me want to buy more than 8. I was not going to but I will now. They accuse us of it, so why not, if you can?

Oh Crap said...


Hey, I'll buy 8 and if the haters on both sides try to throw it in our faces I'll find the info where the other two entities confess to multiple the KC fan that bought 125 of her latest CD..uh huh, uh huh!

Anonymous said...

OhC - Maybe we'll finally meet at the CD Release party!!

Let the games begin!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is SoHo's spin on Clay, but I felt it more accurately described JP, Clarus and Groucho

SohoYoyo said...
I found a similar list to the one I posted above and this one describes the 'serial bully'. Almost the same as the 'sociopath' list but with more detail.

The serial bully:
•is a convincing, practiced liar and when called to account, will make up anything spontaneously to fit their needs at that moment
•has a Jekyll and Hyde nature - is vile, vicious and vindictive in private, but innocent and charming in front of witnesses; no-one can (or wants to) believe this individual has a vindictive nature - only the current target of the serial bully's aggression sees both sides; whilst the Jekyll side is described as "charming" and convincing enough to deceive personnel, management and a tribunal, the Hyde side is frequently described as "evil"; Hyde is the real person, Jekyll is an act
•excels at deception and should never be underestimated in their capacity to deceive
•uses excessive charm and is always plausible and convincing when peers, superiors or others are present (charm can be used to deceive as well as to cover for lack of empathy)
•is glib, shallow and superficial with plenty of fine words and lots of form - but there's no substance
•is possessed of an exceptional verbal facility and will outmaneuver most people in verbal interaction, especially at times of conflict
•is unusually skilled in being able to anticipate what people want to hear and then saying it plausibly
•is emotionally immature and emotionally untrustworthy
•exhibits unusual and inappropriate attitudes to sexual matters, sexual behavior and bodily functions; underneath the charming exterior there are often suspicions or hints of sex discrimination and sexual harassment, perhaps also sexual dysfunction, sexual inadequacy, sexual perversion, sexual violence or sexual abuse
•in a relationship, is incapable of initiating or sustaining intimacy
•holds deep prejudices (e.g. against the opposite gender, people of a different sexual orientation, other cultures and religious beliefs, foreigners, etc - prejudiced people are unvaryingly unimaginative) but goes to great lengths to keep this prejudicial aspect of their personality secret
•is self-opinionated and displays arrogance, audacity, a superior sense of entitlement and sense of invulnerability and untouchability
•is a control freak and has a compulsive need to control everyone and everything you say, do, think and believe; for example, will launch an immediate personal attack attempting to restrict what you are permitted to say if you start talking knowledgeably about psychopathic personality or antisocial personality disorder in their presence - but aggressively maintains the right to talk (usually unknowledgeably) about anything they choose; serial bullies despise anyone who enables others to see through their deception and their mask of sanity
•displays a compulsive need to criticise whilst simultaneously refusing to value, praise and acknowledge others, their achievements, or their existence
•flits from topic to topic so that you come away feeling you've never had a proper conversation
•refuses to be specific and never gives a straight answer
•is evasive and has a Houdini-like ability to escape accountability
•undermines and destroys anyone who the bully perceives to be an adversary, a potential threat, or who can see through the bully's mask
•is adept at creating conflict between those who would otherwise collate incriminating information about them
•may pursue a vindictive vendetta against anyone who dares to held them accountable, perhaps using others' resources and contemptuous of the damage caused to other people and organisations in pursuance of the vendetta
•is also quick to belittle, undermine, denigrate and discredit anyone who calls, attempts to call, or might call the bully to account
•is highly manipulative, especially of people's perceptions and emotions (e.g. guilt)
•poisons peoples' minds by manipulating their perceptions
•is arrogant, haughty, high-handed, and a know-all
•often has an overwhelming, unhealthy and narcissistic attention-seeking need to portray themselves as a wonderful, kind, caring and compassionate person, in contrast to their behavior and treatment of others; the bully sees nothing wrong with their behavior and chooses to remain oblivious to the discrepancy between how they like to be seen and how they are seen by others
•is spiritually dead although may loudly profess some religious belief or affiliation
•is mean-spirited, officious, and often unbelievably petty
•is convinced of their superiority and has an overbearing belief in their qualities of leadership but cannot distinguish between leadership (maturity, decisiveness, assertiveness, co-operation, trust, integrity) and bullying (immaturity, impulsiveness, aggression, manipulation, distrust, deceitfulness)
•often fraudulently claims qualifications, experience, titles, entitlements or affiliations which are ambiguous, misleading, or bogus
•knows the words but not the song
•is constantly imposing on others a false reality made up of distortion and fabrication
•sometimes displays a seemingly limitless demonic energy especially when engaged in attention-seeking activities or evasion of accountability and is often a committeeaholic or apparent workaholic

12:52 PM

1:05 PM

Oh Crap said...

Can't wait for the CD Release Party. The party in Tallahassee for MOAM was small but great fun.

Oh Crap said...

ROFLMAO...that's been posted dozens of times but was in reference to the ones posting it now. A day late and a dollar short again. They really need to move to glass houses instead of the tin ones.

It's amazing how all of them, including JP, find something about themselves and then they try to project it onto the victim.

Anonymous said...

Oh please.. we're serial bullies, we have jekyll and Hyde type personalities and we're cult members. Blah Blah Blah. And they don't realize they fit those lists perfectly? We spend 24 hours a day thinking about Clay.. HELLO? What are you doing? Except.. we're not filled with hate. They take anything they can and spin it around. In the article about the FBI, they want the Claymates to wake up and see that WE were shown in a negative light, and the FBI called us crazy. Can't people see that THEY do anything wrong? And I love the 8 copies thing.. little brat :)

Anonymous said...

Its hard to believe that they don't recognize the actions in that article as their own? Maybe they can't read or comprehend, they just know its long so it must say some good stuff. LOL! It is incredible that there are people that dumb.

WRU said...

$66,723.12 for Unicef by Claymates!!

Way to go!!

Great cause and support for a great guy!!

WRU said...

I think a good idea for CD buying is to at least buy 1 more of the new one than you did MOAM.

WRU said...

919 is the area code for Raleigh, wonderful if that was planned liked that!

Sounds like snarky Clay would do that!

Love that man!


Anonymous said...

Does anyone recognize the s/n Notsomuch? I haven't seen it before. Also, NCBBC? Have you seen these before?

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 2:38, it's particularly surprising that it didn't ring a bell to them because we had it in a comment somewhere in the old blog, Truth Rules had a link to it on hers and Shady had excepts on hers.. and they'll find it at Anatomy of a Smear Campaign as well. What are the chances they DIDN'T see it?

WRU said...

It rang a bell, they have nothing better to put up because ALL of their "predictions" and lies have been exposed as TOTAL CRAP.

Anonymous said...

I don't think JP ever claimed the FBI was all over this. I remember him writing that he had spoken to the FBI and they were investigating. We don't have to agree with the pickle, but we should be fair. He did call them and they did investigate only to find that no federal laws were broken.

If we are going to be fair, JP actually never said he called them. The FBI called him after someone reported a threat from the OC against JP to them. Once the FBI contacted him, he related his experiences and they started their investigation.

The article only says the US attorney refused to prosecute. That does not mean they can't reevaluate at any time and choose to go forward if they believe it is warranted.

Oh Crap said...

That's really funny asking people to be fair to JP.

Anonymous said...

For those of you minions who still can't see the forest for the trees, Agent McGrath wasn't investigating the fans, he was investigating Buddy.

There was a lot more going on behind the scenes than some of you will ever know.

You were led down a primrose path. How's the snake oil workin' for ya?

Anonymous said...

JP just posted at the Tin Shed to explain what the article in the NY Daily News REALLY meant. LMAO!

It seems the natives are restless tonight. So much anger! Everything they've said and worked on for the last few months are falling apart around them. I think I feel sorry for them. Should I?

Anonymous said...

OMG! I just heard IWKWLI and I love it!

This person has it up on their MS.

Anonymous said...

"Oh Crap said...
That's really funny asking people to be fair to JP."

Ain't that the gospel?

John DID TOO call the FBI and he stated that he did. He called them and anyone else he could think of. What a loser.

I'm LMAO at the the tinfoil bloggers. They need to lighten up and get a sense of humor. I love that Clay snarked about buying 8 CD's. The tinnys' need to know that the more they hate, the more we dig our heels in. Hmmm. Think I'll buy 10. Ya hear that, tinnys?

WRU said...

It sounds like Kelly to me, what ya think Polly Graf.

What a fantastic song!

WRU said...

I will buy 1 for every hater listed, just to spite them.

Bring it on baby, VISA in hand!

Wombats ready, willing, and able!

Oh Crap said...

Hell, yeah he called the guy and then Adam talked to him as well. Guess the Anon that wanted us to be fair wasn't around that night but we were.

Anonymous said...

I have it on strong authority that the female singer on the promosquad "I Want To Know What Love Is" clip is Tina Arena.

WRU said...

I know for a fact Buddy said that no attorney from CA side ever contacted him in anyway or at anytime but Buddy logged this on tin can:

Clay's attorney relayed to my attorney, the one that Clay's counsel got for me, that his client reponse to me was "F**k off".

You see when they called to ask me what I wanted in exchange for my "no comment" I shocked them with my response. All I wanted was an apology. I didn't want any money or any public acknowledgement, just a private apology. Rather than Clay swallow his pride and say I was wrong and I am sorry, he allowed to to fester and to put his family, friends and most of all his fans through this. That is selfish and pathetic.

9:32 PM

Shock, another lie pickle!

Anonymous said...

I agree, OhC. There was Secret Agent man, the Sheriff of Harnett County and Sheriff Joe of Tent City, dontcha know?! Yeah, we contacted them all and guess what?

Bye, bye Buddy! And he says he's had a lot of things to do. LMAO!

I guess staying one step ahead of the law will keep you busy!

Oh Crap said...

Actually, I think McGrath told him to call his local law enforcement; that it wasn't the FBI's jurisdiction to follow up on snark.

Sheriff Joe and Bubba have been waiting long time...Bubba love him long time with flag pole.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and she has even recorded IWKWLI. Click the link to listen.,,398300,00.html#artist_name

Anonymous said...

Everyone who is a member of the OFC, please go post something positive on Clay's blog. There are some posters writing alot of hateful things to him right now. Let's throw him some love. Clayandr's been reading tonight too. She may still be.

Oh Crap said...

Those would be the anti-fans and the Cafe, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Why would would Buddy accept an attorney from Clay's counsel, or am I reading that wrong? The shit they are making up now, makes no sense, not that it ever did.

Anonymous said...

JP is still trying to hang on, sad really.

Oh Crap said...

Bwahahahaha....I just caught the part of JP's post about TC asking him what he wanted in exchange for No Comment. He's still trying to get people to believe him. Yeah! The victim's attorney would refer him to another. Duhhhhhhhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, JP claimed he called the attorneys on Jan. 9th. No doubt to ask them what they were willing to give him for his silence. (This never happened, folks!) And within 30 minutes Kristi Gambel called him to help issue the C&D letter to NE, which also never happened.

Has anyone read Groucho today? He planning his anti-CD release strategy.

Anonymous said...

Buddy is scum sucking trash, this all I want is an apology shit, is really pushing it, saying that does not make the story believable a F***ing fame whore, and all he wants is an apology, right. Buddy you've had your 15 - give it up (if the real Buddy even posted that)

Anonymous said...

Pickle is a riot. All his yak about attorney's calling him and relaying this and that. Yeah right. Probably it was the same source as the Senator McCain insider. Some of you will remember that one! Hysterical!

Of course, then he lied about that one and said he knew all along the insider was not an insider. Yeah right.

His followers just keep drinking the lemming-aide.

Truth Rules said...

Did groucho or tin's group ever say how much they donated to the children?

I really wish the girl in the duet had been Kelly. groucho would have choked. Rats.

We've got the NE editor and now the FBI spokeperson making disparaging remarks about stalker boy. Who's next?

Oh Crap said...

Truth, they've been too busy writing essays on what a bad person Clay is for doing his job for UNICEF...go figure. Don't think they are the donating time.. no heart.

WRU said...

I think for our CD release party we should thank the haters for the free publicity for OMC.

To the haters, tin, pickle, groucho you are all SO dang funny and BUSTED!!

Thanks for being the best Claymate of all, you gave more reason for people to know and love CA and now he has even MORE fans!

Thanks to the new Claymates!!


Oh Crap said...

WRU, you made me dribble coffee.

WRU said...

Uploading a napkin for OC;)

Anonymous said...

The girl singer on "I want to know what love is" is Suzie McNeil from TV's Rockstar: Supernova. She has her own CD coming out in the winter that they are working to build buzz for. Either that or they like to put reality show contestants together?

Anonymous said...

OK, mystery solved.

The female singer's name is Suzi McNeil. Her duet with Clay is mentioned in this article.

WRU said...

It looks like another Canada connection.

Great, the song is wonderful!

WRU said...

She is or did tour with Pink.

Anonymous said...

She's pretty

Anonymous said...

On tinfoil's blog, cactusurf asked Clarus if he ever got those confirmation letters. And she asked other questions. Sparkled no likey.

Others would like to know if Clarus ever got those confirmations, too. I always figured since we didn't hear that he did, then he didn't. Or, more likely, he never mailed them in the first place.

Keep hitting those "nerves" cactussurf, if you're reading here.

Anonymous said...

"There was a lot more going on behind the scenes than some of you will ever know."

Well why don't you enlighten us poor souls then.

Oh Crap said...

Some are privvy to the info and some aren't. I also know there was stuff going on behind the scenes but I don't know what it was and not in any hurry to find out. The whole FBI evening was hysterical.

WRU said...

Maybe pickle had to keep picking up and moving the CA cut out away from the video camera (since they made up those cam shots) because the FBI kept coming to pickles front door to tell him to quit calling him.

And especially told him to get some mental health.

Anonymous said...

Time for a new blog - soon is here
Clay is hot -

Anonymous said...

I think some of those people at tinfoil's blog need lobotomies to erase hatred from their brains. They have ragged on Clay about everything until there's almost nothing left. Next they'll probably just come right out and call him Lucifer. They are disturbed individuals. Sucks to be them.

Fandoms come and go. It's natural to move on to someone else. It's NOT natural to see only evil in the one you left behind. There are no words to describe how sick I think some of those tinnys are.

WRU said...

For 3 years we knew there were haters out there and now we know EXACTLY who they are.

Dumb that they were that obvious to congregate like that.

Thankyou to the new tinny Claymates!!!

Keep the foul crap going, CA looks more likeable with every nasty thing you say!!

I think I will buy 20 CD's instead of 10!!!!


WRU said...

This is long OC so I will let you decide to let it through or not:

To Tin Hat, John Paulus, and Groucho:

LoveNote. . . If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive. - Mother Theresa
Forgiveness works! It is often difficult, AND it works!
We often think of forgiveness as something that someone who has done us wrong must ask of US. There is always another way of looking at something. My thoughts on forgiveness suggest that you focus on offering forgiveness TO the person who has wronged you. To not forgive them is like taking the poison (continuing to suffer for what they did or didn't do to you) and expecting THEM to die!

Alexander Pope once said, "To err is human; to forgive, Divine." Believe it!

Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is not something you do FOR someone else. It is not complicated. It is simple. Simply identify the situation to be forgiven and ask yourself: "Am I willing to waste my energy further on this matter?" If the answer is "No," then that's it! All is forgiven.

Forgiveness is an act of the imagination. It dares you to imagine a better future, one that is based on the blessed possibility that your hurt will not be the final word on the matter. It challenges you to give up your destructive thoughts about the situation and to believe in the possibility of a better future. It builds confidence that you can survive the pain and grow from it.

Telling someone is a bonus! It is not necessary for forgiveness to begin the process that heals the hurt. Forgiveness has little or nothing to do with another person because forgiveness is an internal matter.

Choice is always present in forgiveness. You do not have to forgive AND there are consequences. Refusing to forgive by holding on to the anger, resentment and a sense of betrayal can make your own life miserable. A vindictive mind-set creates bitterness and lets the betrayer claim one more victim.

There is nothing so bad that cannot be forgiven. Nothing!

Some will argue that in the case of child abuse, the Holocaust, Saddam Hussain, 9-11, etc, the abuser has no "right" to forgiveness -- such blessings can only be earned -- that forgiveness only leads to further victimization. Such acts are heinous and dispicable and with time (and in many cases, therapy) they can be forgiven. Every day you may have to forgive again.

The greatest misconception about forgiveness is the belief that forgiving the offense, such as an affair, means that you condone it. Not true. In fact, we can only forgive what we know to be wrong. Forgiveness does not mean that you have to reconcile with someone who badly treated you.

Another misconception is that it depends on whether the person who did you wrong apologizes, wants you back, or changes his or her ways. If another person's poor behavior were the primary determinant for your healing then the unkind and selfish people in your life would retain power over you indefinitely. Forgiveness is the experience of finding peace inside and can neither be compelled nor stopped by another.

I believe that to withhold forgiveness is to choose to continue to remain the victim. Remember, you always have choice.

When you forgive you do it for you, not for the other. The person you have never forgiven. . . owns you! How about an affair? Just because you choose to forgive, does not mean you have to stay in the relationship. That is only and always your choice. The choice to forgive is only and always yours.

When you feel that forgiveness is necessary, do not forgive for "their" sake. Do it for yourself! It would be great if they would come to you and ask forgiveness but you must accept the fact that some people will never do that. That is their choice. They do not NEED to be forgiven. They did what they did and that is it - except for the consequences, which THEY must live with.

The hurts won't heal until you forgive! Recovery from wrongdoing that produces genuine forgiveness takes time. For some, it may take years. Don't rush it. Constantly reliving your wounded feelings gives the person who caused you pain power over you. Instead of mentally replaying your hurt, it helps to focus your energy on the healing, not the hurt!

Learn to look for and appreciate the love, beauty and kindness around you. It's there, and you may have to change your thinking and behavior to discover it.

HEALTHY love relationships are not possible without forgiveness! You cannot have a loving and rewarding relationship with anyone else, much less yourself, if you continue to hold on to things that happened in the past. Regardless of the situation, making peace with past love partners, your parents, children, your boss or anyone who you think may have "done you wrong" is the only way to improve your chances of a "healthy" relationship with yourself or anyone else for that matter!

It is not possible to truly be present and available to a new relationship until you heal the hurt and upsets of the past.

Forgiving someone else is to agree within yourself to overlook the wrong they have committed against you and to move on with your life. It's the only way. It means cutting them some slack.

"What?" you say! "Cut them some slack after what THEY did to me? Never!" Let go! Move on!

Non-forgiveness keeps you in the struggle. Being willing to forgive can bring a sense of peace and well-being. It lifts anxiety and delivers you from depression. It can enhance your self-esteem and give you hope.

LoveNote. . . The things that two people in love do to each other they remember. And if they stay together, it is not because they forget, it is because they forgive. - From the movie, Indecent Proposal
Forgive and forget is a myth. You may never forget AND you can choose to forgive. As life goes on and you remember, then is the time to once again remember that you have already forgiven. Mentally forgive again if necessary, then move forward. When we allow it, time can dull the vividness of the memory of the hurt; the memory will fade.
Always remember that you are human. Sometimes people do and say hurtful things. It is important to focus on what you have done to learn from the experience.

"In this life. . . we are unable to forget whatever remains unforgiven. So, if we won't let go of some pain - whose time has now past - then who is to blame for the weight of this burden still being carried on our back?"
Guy Finley

Forgiveness is a creative act that changes us from prisoners of the past to liberated people at peace with our memories. It is not forgetfulness, but it involves accepting the promise that the future can be more than dwelling on memories of past injury.

There is no future in the past. You can never live in the present and create a new and exciting future for yourself and your love partner if you always stay stuck in the past.

Begin again! It is truly impossible to start new and to make clear, healthy, life giving choices until we have let go of past hurts, confusion and resentments. Old wounds have a drawing power and pull our attention to them over and over, taking energy and hope from us, preventing us from starting again. Old wounds raise fearful spectres of the same thing happening again in the future. For this reason it is so important to spend time understanding the true nature of forgiveness, and what it really entails.

To forgive means to "give up", to let go. It also means to restore oneself to basic goodness and health. When we forgive, we are willing to give up resentment, revenge and obsession. We are willing to restore faith not only in ourselves, but in life itself. The inability or unwillingness to do this, causes harm in the one who is holding onto the anger.

"The only upside of anger is the person you become. Hopefully someone that wakes up one day and realizes they are not afraid of the journey. Someone that knows that the truth, is at best, a partially told story. That anger, like growth, comes in spurts and sits and in it's wake leaves a new chance of acceptance and the promise of calm."
From the movie, "The Upside of Anger" starring
Kevin Coster and Joan Allen

If you are at war with others you cannot be at peace with yourself. You CAN let go. . . and forgive! It takes no strength to let go. . . only courage. Life either expands or contracts in direct proportion to your courage to forgive. Your choice to forgive or not to forgive either moves you closer to what you desire or further away from it. There is no middle ground. Change is constant.

Want peace of mind? Forgive. The same energy you use to hold on (to not forgive), is the same energy you need to create a new and exciting relationship TOGETHER; a relationship anchored in unconditional love.

Forgiveness is the most important single process that brings peace to our soul and harmony to our life. All of us, at some point in our lives, have been hurt and wounded by the actions or words of another. Sometimes the grievances have been so great we thought, "no way, this I cannot forgive!" Resentment and hostility can run so deep that forgiveness becomes very difficult. We feel we have a right to our indignation!

However, living from resentment takes so much effort. It creates a tremendous void in and around us. All the toxic feelings of hatred and resentment stay bottled up inside and eventually seep into all the areas of our life with the result that we become bitter, angry, unhappy and frustrated. And so, living from forgiveness becomes a necessity. Not that this is easy; it isn't. But we cannot keep ourselves in the flow of good if we hold another in unforgiveness.

Forgiveness is not something we have to do, but something we must allow to flow through us. When we step away from the consciousness of our human nature, and allow the divine or God's grace to express through us, to forgive through us, we can at that point, feel the radiant and warm rays of the flow of divine love dissolving all hurt, all bitterness, all sense of injustice. We become aware that we are free and we can project that love outward into our world.

Forgiveness helps you move forward. No one benefits from forgiveness more than the one who forgives!

Give yourself the gift of forgiveness. The very word forgiveness is built on the root word give. Forgiveness releases your partner from your criticism and also releases you from being imprisoned by your own negative judgments. It is not surrender, but a conscious decision to cease to harbor resentment. In affect, it takes the poison our of your body. It cleanses your system of the poison that will surely fester and cause illness and continued misery if not released. You cannot take the poison and expect someone else to die. They will go on with their life and you will be the only one to continue to suffer.

LoveNote. . . You know you have forgiven someone when he or she has harmless passage through your mind. - Rev. Karyl Huntley
Forgiveness is the key to your own happiness. Forgiving someone else takes moral courage. It ends the illusion of separation, and its power can change misery into happiness in an instant. Forgiveness means choosing to let go, move on, and favor the positive.

Forgiveness is a form of love within the context of a personal crisis. To forgive is, in a sense, to love one's enemy. When forgiveness is given because you think you should, it no longer is forgiveness but an act of self- interest.

"There are those who will tell you why it is wise to never forget the pain of the past. . . but if you look closely at the anger, sorrow, and bitterness that has hardened their faces, then you will also see why learning to forgive is the better of the two paths."
Guy Finley

The act of forgiveness constitutes a mental bath, letting go of something that can only poison us within.

Robert Enright, a developmental psychologist at the University of Wisconsin defines forgiveness as "giving up the resentment to which you are entitled and offering to the person who hurt you friendlier attitudes to which they are not entitled."

Mona Gustafson Affinito says, "Forgiveness means deciding not to punish a perceived injustice, taking action on that decision, and experiencing the emotional relief that follows."

It is important to recognize that your distress is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now, not what offended you or hurt you five minutes ago or five years ago. Research has shown that people who are deeply and unjustly hurt by others can heal emotionally and, in some cases, physically by forgiving their offender.

Forgiveness breaks the cycle of hatred, resentment, anger and pain that is often passed on to those around you. Forgiveness helps you make peace with your past.

Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. The only people you should ever want to get even with are those who have helped you.

Forgiveness. What it's for? It creates the freedom to create a new future beginning now!

Researchers and academics may have an answer for those who do not believe that the act of forgiveness is good for the soul. Scientists have gotten interested in the health benefits of forgiveness. Their studies have shown the serious mental, emotional and physical consequences of an unforgiving heart.

In some studies, forgiveness has been linked to a lessening of chronic back pain and depression; in others to reduce levels of stress hormones. Scientist have also found that forgiveness is one of several coping mechanisms that help people with HIV/AIDS live longer, or at least more satisfying lives.

• • •
Prayer for Forgiveness.

WRU said...

I put it on Grouchy's blog and he deleted it but he let the F*g and N***ger one's go through.

That really shows what he is about.

Anonymous said...

wow, 188 comments!!!

Anonymous said...

Go to or that
will ease your mind.

Anonymous said...

Wombatsrus, IMO that should have been a blog, instead of a comment.

Who is forgiving whom? If anything, Buddy should be apologizing to Clay and those fans he's threatened. I don't plan on forgiving Buddy. The day will come when everyone will know the TRUTH, it just won't be Buddy's truth, which is whatever lie he's telling at the time. Lying comes second nature to him.

Anonymous said...

Why is John's blog back? :::sigh:::

WRU said...

What those tin foil hats at tinfoilhat blog are REALLY for:

Oh Crap said...

JP is blaming his blog being back up on us because people commented on his blog comments at the Tinfoil house.

What, John? Maybe 3 comments on what you said on that blog and a few on those gossip sites? Pfffffft!

Admit you missed being the center of attention and that's the reason you're back in business because YOU couldn't stay away yourself. YOU put yourself right back in it but other than a few mentions nobody's given 2 craps about you.

Oh Crap said...

Oh, yeah! Some of us work for a living and I've had 3 lawsuits I've been working on so moderating all the comments in the last few days has been the least of my worries.

You are not the center of my world.

Anonymous said...

He's looking for any reason to get back in business. I don't think the local sheriff will like that idea.

Oh Crap said...

After the latest breaking story I don't think too many people would be interested in keeping track of him. I'm surely not interested. We've got all the pieces to the puzzle now and I'm fine with ignoring him.

Anonymous said...

What latest breaking story? Lance is gay?

Anonymous said...

John's back and according to him it's all Clayfans' fault. ::pats John on head:: Of course it is dear.

I think he's back because Clay is on ET tonight. Froggie can't stand it!

Oh Crap said...

It's not Sept. 19th yet but if they release the snippets slowly... painfully slow.. then I won't mind the torture of waiting. To hit us with 2 more so quickly, I darn near peed my pants from the excitement 5 times.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 12:41, not so much that Lance is gay but that the Lance/Reichen parallels to JP's fairy tale and life are just too coincidental.

Oh Crap said...

Don't pay any attention to him. The focus of this blog has shifted because he is not significant now.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm happy to see Buddy finally found a job!

I suppose now he'll brag about it all over the Internet.

$900 a month is better than $179 a week.

Oh Crap said...

He has a job? I'm happy for him.. it's a start.

Anonymous said...

I've taken a wait and see attitude and now I SEE!

Oh Crap said...

We obviously SEE the same thing. Too bad it wasn't a reincarnation of something good this time. Oh well!