Friday, July 14, 2006

Some People Can Kiss My Butt Right in the Groove

But don't light a match because I ate baked beans yesterday.

I posted a comment that came in at 9 AM my time and I'd like to answer it for all with the same agenda to see:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if all you intend to do with this blog is recite platitudes about Clay, you might consider renaming it: Clay's Regurgitators, for it has become as boring, tedious and censored as the Clayboard.

9:00 AM


Yeah! Right! The purpose of this blog was to expose the truth, NOT to lend credence to YOUR agenda and lies or anyone else's. We already know what those agendas are. There have been 5 different entities with their different reasons to accomplish the same end and that is to take down an innocent young man who works hard at keeping himself real.

The fact that Clay Aiken is such a good person and he is as upstanding as he's proven to be over and over again just sticks in your craw. One entity wanted him to be gay and when he disappointed them, they lied to get even. One entity grabbed that lie and tried to profit from it. Two entities were so freaking jealous of his success that they tried to demean him by using us. One entity (which is where I think you fall) wanted to be a part of him through his foundation thinking that being a part of it would bring some sort of entitlement... for what... getting in his pants? Four entities trying to get in his pants and one entity wishing he was wearing Clay's pants thinking it would get himself closer to Kelly's pants.

This brings us to another bottom line. You've ALL wanted in Clay Aiken's pants and it didn't happen, it's not happening and it ain't NEVER gonna happen. He's outsmarted all of you because you underestimated him. He's young and innocent but he can see right through you and your attempts. It's the age old story... "Well, if I can't have him, nobody can."

I try to put as much through on this blog as possible even if it means paraphrasing in order to exclude YOUR (Anon's) mindless insults and some of the foulest language I've ever seen from others who try to spam this blog.

Yep, we keep saying how great Clay is amid all this bullshit we've been going through for 3 years because he's freaking worth all these "platitudes".

So what's your point, Bitch!?


Anonymous said...

WOW! Good one! Remind me to never get on your bad side :-)
I just don't understand what is wrong with some of these idiots why don't they just slither back under the rocks from witch they slithered from and allow us to enjoy our fandom.


Oh Crap said...

Maggiwiz, because we're happy, we make Clay happy and he makes us happy. They are pissed because they can't break the bond. Some fools just want others to be as miserable as they. Pffffffffffft! I refuse to give up what makes me happy.... including Baked Beans.

Truth Rules said...

OhCrap, you do have a way with words.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why some people feel they are entitled to tell you what the content of your blog should be. Meanwhile, if anyone dare try to disagree with anything they put in their blogs, "we" are told to go back to where we came from. Shouldn't YOU be free to put what YOU want in YOUR blog the same way they are?

Just a teeny weeny suggestion for the haters: If ya don't like what you're readin', don't come here lookin' for it. Kthanxbye!

Oh Crap said...

The anonymice fucker just keeps trying. For his/her information I DID CORRECT MYSELF on the Brogan error to say he's with the Post Chronicle. You missed it and that's what comes from "selective reading".....dumbass!

This is not your battleground so head back to Cootieville or wherever.

Oh Crap said...

Anonynasty, like I said... selective reading. Try the blog after that which is when the reference came through correcting the Brogan thing.

Now please take your nasty ass away from MY blog...mkay?

Anonymous said...

Hey, oh crap, could you just get to the point next time instead of being so darn nice - LOL.

I absolutely LOVE the "pants tally"!

Oh Crap said...

ROFLMAO.. this person is still calling me a liar even after I told her/him to keep reading.

Nothing like trying to argue with a person who came in as the loser, I guess.

I'm done asshole. Keep reading the comments is all I can say.

Oh Crap said...

LOL... Linda, this is the person who uses the pseudo-intelligent rhetoric to goad a fight and just keeps at it and at it and at it then when you get to be not so nice, they tell you how civil they've been. We know the MO all too well; I just thought it was kinda funny to watch her gnaw off her paw.

Anonymous said...

Another terrific blog


I can still fantasize about getting into those pants can't I?

Anonymous said...

You stated that the purpose of this blog was to "expose the truth" and may I congratulate you on having such SUCCESS in doing so. The haters that continue to plague you are evidence of your achieved goal. They can't handle the TRUTH and your diligence in the matter really pisses them off. Your explaination of the 5 entities agendas is very accurate. The "in Clay's pants" wannabes---PRICELESS!!! LMFAO

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 1:15, there's so many of us sharing that fantasy that I know for a fact that the scientific explanation for Global Warming is just a front.

Oh Crap said...

..and a nice behind.

Anonymous said...

You go girl!! When will they ever learn? Nothing they do can change the way we feel about Clay and the kind, caring man he is.

Oh, and the pants. Don't get me started on those pants of perfection!

Anonymous said...

They wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on their widdle ding-dongs.

Maybe the solution to their problem is.....DON'T READ THIS BLOG OR THE CLAYBOARD.

Anonymous said...

OhC and to whomever it may concern. I found OhC's correction that you were too lazy to find.

From Monday's blog - "Weebletown Cooties"

"Oh Crap said...
I wish to thank an anonymous poster who brought it to my attention that I had credited Mr. Brogan for being with the SF Chronicle when he is with the Post Chronicle.

As for the rest of your remark... shove it up your ass along with everything else.

9:57 AM"

Let us now how it feel up there!!

Anonymous said...

I posted something funny a while ago about how they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on their widdle ding-dongs. The count went up on the blog but I can't see it. Can any of you see it or is it hanging in cyber-space? Maybe it went on its own to the Cootie site. Oh, I should have said a lot more.

Oh Crap said...

Anonymouse at 2:47...yep, your comment is here with the widdle ding dongs. My internet was down for a while and it just went back up.

Truth Rules said...

I borrowed your cootie catcher directions for my new blog.

Anonymous said...

OC at 1:15: Was the pseudo-intelligent pursuing random thoughts and writing essays for Anne?


Anonymous said...

Let us now how it feel up there!!

For the record, once again, I only ask why you do not (very easily) correct the original error and post? It does seem strange you continue to refuse to do that, unless you want to diliberately mislead readers who come across your blog yet don't choose to read through all the comments? I find that curious since you continue to claim this blog is about "truth".

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Oh crap, I see it now. Sorry about the second post.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 4:21. Get a grip on reality, would you? I owe YOU nothing as Clay owes YOU nothing. Your constant badgering tells me you just like to pick at cross hairs. Find something constructive to do with your time and quit taking up mine with your bullshit.

Oh Crap said...

Truth, I just read your blog and burst a gut.

Anon at 4:02, it was one of those double talkers. Maybe the baked beans at the Cafe aren't quite as good as mine and she's trying to torture me until she gets the recipe.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know about the cafe person---from personal experience. Sad, really......except when she is so unintentionally funny. Go f*ck Zorro and forget about Clay already, Annie!

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, oh crap,LMAO. See I wouldn't tell them freaks about the matches. I'd just fart and pretend it wasn't me.

BWAH. Love the blog.


Anonymous said...

OMG, Ohcrap, tell us how you REALLY feel. LMAO! Loved your "entities" analogy.

Keep at it!

Anonymous said...

Go look at John Paulus' blog.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus is BACK. Grrrr.

Anonymous said...

He's back and up to his old crap again at Groucho's blog:

To the Claymates that are emailing me about why I am posting on this blog my response to you people is "WHY NOT!!!" Is there some rule that says I can't. Don't tick me off, cause it won't take but a few minutes to get a blog up and running again and I won't be as nice this time around. Let's just say I learned quite a few new things about Clay and I still have lots of information about Clay's male hook-ups in LA, Santa Monica, Indiana, DC, NYC, Boston, Raleigh, Cary, Morrisville, Ft. Lauderdale, or should I go on?

My advice to you people is to leave me the heck alone or I will unload like nothing you have seen yet.

I guess someone is upset that another blogger is stealing his thunder!

Anonymous said...

Revised Ebay Listing- Item # 130007835047

Anonymous said...

I see that asswipe is back at it again. Now he's got the dirty towel up for sale on ebay and someplace else. I hope he gets enough money from the damn thing to OD!

John Paulus said...

Someone has been posting as me on various blogs. They have access my email and blog account. I have no idea how they got my password. Those are NOT my auctions and I have nothing to do with them. I have alerted ebay and naughtybids and have deleted any mention of it on my blog. I think this Rick James is behind this. Please pass this on.

Oh Crap said...

Well, John, if you gave your password to Groucho or Emach or Clarus to post on your behalf on your blog, then you know where to start looking.

Anonymous said...

I'm rolling here...checked out Butty's new office website...where his name is listed and a picture should appear, it says "camera shy"....