Friday, July 07, 2006

As WSCA Once Said...."DING DING...

WE HAVE A LIAR!!!!!" Never try to put something over on a Clay Aiken Fan. BUSTED!!!

Polly Graf said...
Clay was in Sweden in June and attended Michael Buble's concert.Here's what Michael said:"It's funny, because Clay Aiken came to my show in Sweden," Buble says. "He's a nice kid, and we were talking about the press beating up on us. He said, 'You think you get beaten up, I get beaten up every single day.'" While he's not the punching bag that Aiken has become, Buble says it still hurts to read bad press.

Anonymous said...
Polly Graf said... Not to change the subject, but I just had to share this.Clay was in Sweden in June and attended Michael Buble's concert.

Here's what Michael said:"It's funny, because Clay Aiken came to my show in Sweden," Buble says. "He's a nice kid, and we were talking about the press beating up on us. He said, 'You think you get beaten up, I get beaten up every single day.'" While he's not the punching bag that Aiken has become, Buble says it still hurts to read bad


9:39 AM

Oh, please, please do a blog on this. It just so happens that JP blogged that Clay was in NY at a pool party at that time!! And we all know that the pickle doesn't lie.....
10:58 AM

Truth Rules said...
Well well well. The truth just continues to surface.

Pickles blog of 6/6 has Aiken at a pool party in NYC. And a 6/6 post by the grouchy "insider" says:" RCA flatly refuses to invest anymore money in this CD so Foster won't be a featured writer or producer on any of its original tracks unless Foster lowers his price - a possibility if he really wants Aikens contract. There are no public facts to support another scandal but the reluctance of Fosters backers and RCAs own wariness with regard to it are obviously worrying them enough to keep them from committing to a deal. RCA, with few other options, is now leaning toward releasing the album in it's current form with little or no promotion as it's most profitable scenario."

*So where was Sweden at the Michael Buble concert. Taking time off recording his new RCA CD to catch a fellow artist.
11:10 AM



Anonymous said...

The people over at the swamp are so dimwitted. Sooner or later the 5 people that go over there are gonna realize that everything they say is created in their own tiny minds and have nothing at all to do with the real Clay Aiken.
We've known that all along but it takes stupid people a little longer.....jeez.......
Great blog BTW.

Anonymous said...

This is just one more story that pickle didn't get right. One of these days, even jp's minions will need to stop and add them all up.

I think cactussurf is beginning to see that. Cactussurf, if you are reading this, perhaps the answer to all your questions lie not with jp, but with the fact that Clay Aiken is who is said he is.

Clay didn't just attend a Michael Buble concert, he had a conversation him and guess what it was about? This kind of crap.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. now the pickle will have to consult his "insider". You know, the one that can prove Micheal Buble is a liar and didn't even have a June concert date in Sweden.

Karma, baby.

Anonymous said...

BOOM, OH SNAP, yet another lie exploded in his face! These folks really are crazy.LMBO

Truth Rules said...

Michael Sandeki blogged an apology today on his myspace.

Didn't pickle say he wouldn't do that?

Truth Rules said...

Looks like Karma might be cleaning things up a bit.

Anonymous said...

Oh Karma, how do I love ya, babe.

Oh Crap said...

As I said before...sometimes you just can't plan for something like this. T-H-W-A-C-K !!!!!!!!!!

Hear that JP & Groucho? That's Karma saying, "Bend Over for Me One More Time!"

Anonymous said...

I can just picture the pickled one formulating his response - uh, uh, uh, Michael Buble must be gay! Yeah, that's the ticket.


Anonymous said...

oh crap(BTW, I really hate calling ya that), you got such a way with words. Thank you. TR, you and Polly too.

I have been so angry at this piece of trailor trash, because, I have a friend and he is dying, of rectal cancer, from AIDS. He is such a good guy too. I love him, like the brother I never had. My kids/DH love him. Our hearts will be broken upon his death.

But Karma has smiled. Paulus is NOT an example, of the real honest, hard-working, educated, and loving people, in the Gay Community. I suppose there are bad pickles in every bunch. Looks like we found a really nasty smelling one.

Paulus, gay people are good people, you, happen not to be one of them. Our service men and women are good people, who love our country, and you happen not to be one of those either. Keep sitting behind that computer, you just get dumber every day that passes.

Clay's coming back to us and we can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Another great blog!

Well well well. What do you know? JP is a LIAR! Go figure. Wake up Pickle Minions you are being played!

Anonymous said...

about Michael Sandecki's apology: he says in his blog " i do retract the statement and apologize for the hurt that it may have cause "

Then pickle is silly enough to make this claim:

"John Paulus said...
I am happy that Michael is following my lead on how to apologize to Claymates and Clay on his blog. You apologize, but don't really retract what you said. It's keeping it honest and it's great publicity. Clay ought to hire his publicist. No offense Roger, but I know you have your hands full."

I think I see the word RETRACT in Michaels blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, there's another blog for ya. BWAH!

Can you believe this idiot??? See there he goes, inserting foot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
about Michael Sandecki's apology: he says in his blog " i do retract the statement and apologize for the hurt that it may have cause "

Then pickle is silly enough to make this claim:

"John Paulus said...
I am happy that Michael is following my lead on how to apologize to Claymates and Clay on his blog. You apologize, but don't really retract what you said. It's keeping it honest and it's great publicity. Clay ought to hire his publicist. No offense Roger, but I know you have your hands full."

I think I see the word RETRACT in Michaels blog!!!

1:45 PM

What a friggin idiot. We know pickle can't write but now we find out he can't read too! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

So, here is the pickles dilemma. It’s now July 7, and pickle is just now finding out Clay was in Sweden on June 5. He reported Clay at a pool party in NYC. The problem is now how to make up a story about Clay at gay clubs in Sweden without looking like more of an idiot than he is already, and how does he explain that he didn’t know Clay was in Sweden?

Truth Rules said...

"You apologize, but don't really retract what you said.

Dumbass doesn't realize his own words prove the apology was fake.

Anonymous said...

Is JP saying to pretend to apologize to use it for publicity?

Well he spun that really well...only not

Anonymous said...

I'd like to tell PaulASS, that of course Roger has his hands full. He's got a major star to promote.
Where's your publicist?

Truth Rules said...

That reminds me of another lie.

Someone found the photo of the gay bar in Prague, sans Clay. (No, I didn't save it but I'm sure someone did.)

Of course, they neglected to mention that Clay was so sick he barely made it to Prague to catch a flight to London.

Oh Crap said...

Paulus is pretty much saying to print an apology for hurting people but don't retract your lies. It's good for grabbing another 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

So PaulASS' apology was another LIE and THE SWAMP SCUMBAG used it for publicity. PAULASS, YOU ARE THE LOWEST FORM OF LIFE THAT THERE IS. You are a disgusting, hopeless, pathetic little man.

I think we need another blog about this.

PAULASS keep blogging you stupid piece of crap because pretty soon you are going to tell all your lies.

nonnymus said...

Just popping in to say.....
YOU GUYS ROCK!! usual.

... and no pickle, that doesn't mean you. You're more like a grain of sand that has washed out to sea.

Anonymous said...

THe of house of cards is starting to fall.....finally.....:=)


OhCrap and truthrules thank you for all you do to get rid of this PP


Oh Crap said...

I'll hold off on blogging "How to Apologize Paulus Style" on the front page because some of your comments are priceless and should be front and center as well.

Oh Crap said...

Is today a good day, or what?

Anonymous said...

Is today a good day, or what?

You betcha. I've been LMBO actually.

John Paulus said...

I never said Clay was at a pool party on June 5th. Perhaps you should read the blog again.

Oh Crap said...

5th, 6th..what makes the difference, JP? You're still The Guinness World Book of Records #1 LIAR!

Anonymous said...

"John Paulus said...
I am happy that Michael is following my lead on how to apologize to Claymates and Clay on his blog. You apologize, but don't really retract what you said. It's keeping it honest and it's great publicity. Clay ought to hire his publicist. No offense Roger, but I know you have your hands full."

And look where it got him - he was called a LIAR by the National Enquirer. ROFLMAO

Of course he won't retract his story because he knows it never happened. ONLY in his tiny little head (the one on his shoulders, although the other one is considered tiny too). And the National Enquirer KNOWS it too. Just as Billy Masters knows too. I wonder why PaulASS never checked back with BM to find out that BM admitted that the naked picture that JP posted as Clay, was indeed NOT Clay. I bet PaulASS forgot that though. Can you spell IDIOT?

As for the gay community. I feel bad for the gay community to have someone like PaulASS in it. He is a degenerate in every sense of the word. He is the laughing stock of the gay community, as well as to the Military. He is the lowest form of life there is. But it must run in his family, so I have no pity for any of them.

PaulASS has NOBODY! NOTHING! He is a famewhore, lowlife, out of work, can't pay any bills, had property repossed, cars repossed LOWLIFE that sits behind his widdle computer, showing nothing but pure JEALOUSY for someone that he could never be, not even in his wildest dreams. And we all know about his wildest dreams. ;)

He and his sister usually work out their "dreams" together, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Apparently JP assumes that everyone spends their life pretty much holed up in their shuttered mama's guest room in front of a computer. Faulty assumption- Clay is a busy and hard working professional. He has a singing career, professional empire, a foundation, activities with UNICEF and other charity activities that never even hit the media to manage...add to that directing his considerable personal investments and writing plus spending time with long time friends and extended family and you will see that Clay's time will be fully accounted for. JP should just give it up . He should have picked on a more sedentary celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Another informative blog exposing yet another LIE. The TRUTH is so much fun to read. Keep the TRUTH out there so we can keep having fun! You ladies have done a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

This from kc at the swamp:
"kc said...
I really, really hope y'all are wrong about Ms.Parker. I don't understand how a parent can turn their back on their child because he/she loves differently than them."

Has anyone read anywhere that Faye has rejected her son? This is based on the premise that Clay told Pickle that he came out to his Mom. Of course Clay didn't come out to his mom, so we can assume that she is not estranged from her son. Pickle is a liar once again. Clay never told pickle anything!!!

Oh Crap said...

JP sent in another comment and to paraphrase (leaving out his condescending words)he said that his blog said "recently" seen at a poolside party. We know the poolside party was May 15th or 16th after the AI Finale. He blogged on 6/6. THEN he said that Clay caught a flight to Sweden on 6/4.

NC Gurl, did you see Clay's flight schedule published there in NC?

Fact is JP tried to make people think that "recently" meant recently..ok, I'll give him half a point. So if I give YOU that half a point the fact that you knew his flight schedule proves that you are ummmmm.. a STALKER!

Truth Rules said...

THEN he said that Clay caught a flight to Sweden on 6/4.

There was no mention of a flight to Sweden in the original blog, and yes there is a copy of it.

Anonymous said...

I thought the AI finale was the following week? So what is PaulASS trying to say?

Anonymous said...

PaulASS knew nothing about Sweden. He just wishes he did, because then he could have said he knew ahead of time. WRONG AGAIN BUDDY!

And his "insider" saying that RCA wouldn't put any money towards Clay in the recording process? WRONG AGAIN BUDDY! Who paid his expenses to go to Sweden to RECORD for his cd?

Face it BUDDY - you know shit! Can you spell LOSER? If not, just look in the mirror, or a family album even - that must be full of losers.

Get a FREAKIN life you degenerate.

Anonymous said...

OhCrap, I think you or TruthRules should do a blog using the following...

JP on June 16, 2006:

My blog will still exist, but will be a medium where others can come and openly discuss the latest Clay Aiken news without fear of retribution- it will not be a place where Clay's private life is investigated and exposed.

JP on July 7, 2006:

The guy in the picture use to be a male prostitute and was paid for his service.

The guy is actually French and he lives in Raleigh. He stopped prostituting full time a few months ago. I will tell you more over the next few days. I think I will let the Claymates sit and worry about this one for a bit. Clay does leave a trail and in Raleigh it's a wide one.

That apology and promise lasted what, 3 weeks? And he talks about integrity and hypocrisy - pot meet kettle.

Oh Crap said...

At any rate I'm not going to worry about dates. The fact is that JP, Groucho and the rest want people to believe them and they skew the facts in a way to try to put a bad light on Clay. He suggests that Clay was checking out the guys when, in actuality, he was present for the AI Pool Party in a totally different month.

Fact is he photoshopped a pic of Clay in the Prague Bar from an identical pic of the bar without Clay in it.

Fact is he relies too much on the voices in his head.

Anonymous said...

Spin, spin, spin PaulASS!! What the lies are catching up to you, exposing you, proving you are what NE called you...a LIAR!

John Paulus said...

Oh crap, I NEVER said that was Clay in the bar. In fact I wasn't the one who photoshopped it. It was photoshopped by another blog. The NEW YORK POST stated that Clay was at that bar and patrons and staff at that bar said he was there. That's a fact. I EVEN provided numbers for anyone to call and verify the information.

EVERYONE know's that the picture of Clay in the bar was photoshopped and NO ONE was passing it off as otherwise. You have got to be joking if you thought that picture was legitimate. Perhaps you should follow the links that were provided. Do your homework.

Oh Crap said...

Oh, we knew the photos weren't legit.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus said...
Oh crap, I NEVER said that was Clay in the bar. In fact I wasn't the one who photoshopped it. It was photoshopped by another blog. The NEW YORK POST stated that Clay was at that bar and patrons and staff at that bar said he was there. That's a fact. I EVEN provided numbers for anyone to call and verify the information.

EVERYONE know's that the picture of Clay in the bar was photoshopped and NO ONE was passing it off as otherwise. You have got to be joking if you thought that picture was legitimate. Perhaps you should follow the links that were provided. Do your homework.

4:17 PM

What was it, Page Six that posted that crap? Yeah, they are so reliable, only not. Just another piece of tabloid trash. Clay was extremely sick when he was there. I'm sure he went and propped himself up on a bar and tried to pick up men. Do you think Kristy went with him?

Oh Crap said...

Well, John did you have the photo in question on your blog or did you mention it in your blog and if you did, did you say it was a photoshop or did you just let people think what you wanted them to?

You see, I don't go to your Swamp.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the New York Post, printed it on PAGE SIX! Now I believe it...NOT!! You mean the same PAGE SIX that is under investigation for something? Like making up lies and then going after the people they lie about and asking them pay so the New York POst doesn't print the lies. What is that called?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:36

Sounds sort of like what JP is doing to CA

Oh Crap said...

I call it blackmail and extortion and I still call what JP does on his blog distorting information and making things up. You want people to believe in your lies so badly that you throw garbage out there to make an innocent person appear to be as low as you. That's the bottom line.

You were caught in your original lies and you've told so many that you can't keep them straight.

Anonymous said...

Add this to your apology list, because it really sounds like someone who will not investigate or expose Clay Aiken

"Now for a little tease. Sometime in the next couple of days I will be sharing a lot more about the Escort and tell you about someone else Clay "knows" well. Can we say "From Russia With Love"? This should be a VERY interest week of more revelations."

JP is backtracking, deleting posts all together and adding "things" to others! LMAO! What a sad sad little turd.

Oh and for the record John, Clay flew to Sweden on Saturday June 3rd. Yep, you know nothing!

Anonymous said...

PaulASS said: The NEW YORK POST stated that Clay was at that bar and patrons and staff at that bar said he was there.

Yeah, because Clay is soooooo well known in Prague that he went into a bar and the patrons and staff all said he was there! Amazing isn't it. No one knew Clay was in Eastern Europe until he got back - but once he said he was there -- voila, the whole bar knew who Clay Aiken was.

You don't have to be a Clay fan to have common sense.

Anonymous said...

Go back to your swamp, PaulASS! We don't believe anything you have to say!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Add this to your apology list, because it really sounds like someone who will not investigate or expose Clay Aiken

"Now for a little tease. Sometime in the next couple of days I will be sharing a lot more about the Escort and tell you about someone else Clay "knows" well. Can we say "From Russia With Love"? This should be a VERY interest week of more revelations."

JP is backtracking, deleting posts all together and adding "things" to others! LMAO! What a sad sad little turd.

Oh and for the record John, Clay flew to Sweden on Saturday June 3rd. Yep, you know nothing!

4:42 PM

But, but, but JP promised no more talking about Clay's private life on his blog. He even apologized. Please tell me he didn't lie!

Oh Crap said...

Don't worry, he won't get through again today. I think we have enough of his fodder over here to pick apart. I'm loving it that he's over there "rearranging" things on his blogs. Guess he can't line up his milk bottles well enough to convince you they are bricks of cheese.

Anonymous said...

JP finds out CA went overseas, now all of a sudden JP knows all about his foregin exploits....and he is coming up with all these foreign guys......this is just plain silly
Go JP keep it up stupid...

John Paulus said...

I really wish you would put out the facts. That's all I deal in.

Oh Crap said...

Ok. I let one more through because it's just too funny. I couldn't resist

realityplease said...

JP has absolutely no integrity. Some apology. Yeah, really heart felt. JP's thought process: Now that I've apologized and got my needed attention, let me go forward and see what else I can stir up in my attempt to humiliate Clay and get my name back in the press.

What's worse than a lying famewhore? An attention seeking, two-faced, lying famewhore, that's what.

Let him go ahead and post whatever crap he wants to post. I'm sure his script writer is busy right now. If JP hasn't figured out bu now, that Claynation is stronger than he is, he never will. The support and love shown to Clay this week proves that he is only important in his own mind and that of the 'desperately in need of a real life' picklettes.

Anonymous said...

Here are some facts for you pickle...

It's a fact your apology was fake
It's a fact that you are deleting posts left and right.
It's a fact you wish you had a life
It's a fact that you constantly lie
It's a fact that you have been caught in your lies.
It's a fact that you are a stalker

The list of facts continues....

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! PaulASS really didn't post that...that he only deals with facts! That is priceless!! PaulASS is delusional. How many lies have we caught him in?

Oh Crap said...

Yeah, Paulus you made it so easy for me to go back on my word. It was like the bait I couldn't resist taking. Watch what you call me asswipe.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus said...
I really wish you would put out the facts. That's all I deal in.

5:09 PM
Since I refuse to post in your swamp I'll address you here John.
The fact is you are a lying hypocrite with no integrity what-so-ever and you have proven that over and over again but especially today with the "revelations" about Clay's private life which of course I and many know are more fabrications. Was it not you, John who issued an apology and promised no more talk about such things or was that someone using your name? And now, here we are, 3 weeks later and being the stand up guy you are we see you are living up to that promise, only not. Hypocrite? Look in the mirror John. There's no bigger hypocrite than you. Integrity? You don't know the meaning of the word. You said you were sorry that you hurt Clay. Another lie. You continue this crusade to try to humiliate and destroy the man.

Anonymous said...

Why is scumbag deleting and rearranging posts? Because he is exposing himself for the liar that he is.

You only deal with facts, PaulASS! Well someone in the Claynation has copied all your blogs and will repost them as needed to prove that you are a lying piece of crap.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 5:19. All of them

Oh Crap said...

Somebody posted about the 2 different cars Clay supposedly arrived in at the Quality Inn with the Sooooofa as well as him mentioning the 2 different circumstances.

How's that for beginners?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. The SWAMP THING'S pathetic posts sure do provide ALOT of comic relief. I can't stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

I knew that the apology he issued would turn out to be insincere. He promised to not hurt Clay any more with "revelations" into his personal life. His bleeding heart apology said that he could no longer continue down that path. How long did that last? Three whole weeks. How sad.

Anonymous said...

"You only deal with facts, PaulASS! Well someone in the Claynation has copied all your blogs and will repost them as needed to prove that you are a lying piece of crap."

Oh yeah, Print Screen is my friend!

Anonymous said...

: )

Hang tough Oh Crap! As long as it takes.

After all the pickle has a minimal shelf life - - before it rots and decayes into oblivion.

And just because: Purple Pickle Pleaser--Masturbation Sleeve for HIM!

Oh Crap said...

Sorry, John. I have to take that half point away from you. I didn't know you were backtracking to delete posts and change others.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:54. DID you find that item???...LOL. Now that is some site.
(Still giggling)

Anonymous said...

Here's Michael's apology -

"Friday, July 07, 2006

You will all know in due time
Current mood: sympathetic

at this point and time i am not at liberty to express what i stated about the current situation that all the claymates are getting upset about i promise i will post another bulliten in the near future explaining what and why! just know that there was documentation of reason for me to say what i said i do retract the statement and apologize for the hurt that it may have cause i am still Sandecki the guy who had to Pee and sang with MY IDOL CLAY AIKEN things were taken out of context and now things got dirty i dont want drama and hope all my fans understand and are still by my side for the many things that are to come from me in the future again i am truley sorry for the comment and i do retract it in hope to calm the fued that there might or might not be i have no problems with MR. AIKEN and enjoy his music and presentation I love you guys and you havent seen nothing yet! watch and you will see!

love each and everyone of you with all my heart,


12:15 PM -"

Thank you, Michael. It takes a very big man to apologize. Learn to be true to yourself!

And for Michael Buble, let's get this established for the record -

"With that success has come increased scrutiny by the press, especially in England, where a particularly personal story detailed Buble's alleged carousing and womanizing. (He's now dating actress Emily Blunt, who co-stars in "The Devil Wears Prada")."

Buddy Jean - Remember the rental car you said Clay came to the motel in, the one you were going to find and collect traces of his DNA from? This was after you learned that Clay had ordered a new Mercedes, but it had not been delivered yet. Remember that? Well, I do. In fact, at my JNT Clay told us we bought him a new car!

As far as Prague is concerned, Clay was taken ill in Budapest and drove to Vienna, where he sought medical care. He spent four days in a hotel bed until he was able to drive to Prague to catch a plane to London, where he spent another two days in bed until he was able to fly home to Raleigh.

BTW, how's your mother? I hope she's doing well. Is she still visiting with you?

Anonymous said...

Really, why is SWAMP-THING, backtracking, deleting and adding to other posts?

Anonymous said...

Since someone mentioned Clay's mom earlier I have a comment about that. Clay's brother left for Iraq the same month JP claims Clay came out to his mother. There's no way Clay would have dumped anything on his mother at that time. I never believed it anyway of course, but it should be something for the "pickled minions" to think about. Not that they will.


Anonymous said...

OMG, that is too funny. The pickle just found out from us that Clay was in Sweden, so now he is going to write a fiction about a gay Russian adventure! And I'll bet his brainless followers will believe it! They do suffer from chronic stupid.

Anonymous said...

I know Faye personally and although all of this is a pain in her side and she hates it. She always says "Sticks and stones"

Clay is not now nor was he ever gay PaulASS. Oh man I wish I could present my proof!

Anonymous said...

I had a 45 minute conversation with Diane Bubel one time and she offhandedly told me several stories about Clay in college that she thought were cute. I wouldn't begin to say what she told me because, unlike Paul-ASS, I have something called integrity but I will say they were not the humorous exploits of a gay man.
Give it up pickle, you've been lying from day one, we've always known it, anybody with any sense knows it and you know it (and if you don't know it - you need to go ahead and check yourself into a mental hospital).

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:37

I, also, know that there is no way Clay could be gay. I, also, wish I could present my proof!!
Maybe we have the same proof!

All I can say is he's a great kisser! LOL!!! Soul kisser.

Oh Crap said...

I wish that soul kisser would pucker up for me. Yeah, yeah, I know; stand in line.

Anonymous said...

"I, also, know that there is no way Clay could be gay. I, also, wish I could present my proof!!
Maybe we have the same proof!

All I can say is he's a great kisser! LOL!!! Soul kisser. "

LOL! Not my proof at all...but maybe you were the one at the Christmas get together that I witnessed? Hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I am so glad I found this blog? OK I am so glad I found this blog!

Let the Truth be known!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if PaulASS has been able to pay his March 2006, $81.00 OVERDUE, in collection bill yet?

He was able to go on a vacation (he says), and buy more hair dye for his balding head, so I would think he could pay that little bill. But it looks like he is too busy deleting and re-arranging all his blogs. Well, if he needs help with them, he can always ask..... they've all been screen capped along with every comment too. ;)

Oh well, off to go read the fanboard. PaulASS - that is the place where people go that like, support, care and BELIEVE someone that actually has a life and is loved by many. I know you don't know about that because all you have is your Mommy that you continually mooch off of and that charming, opportunist sister of yours. :) Enjoy your evening with your "friends" ROFLMAO

Calico said...

Two blogs coming up tonight, in the next 15-20 min.

Oh Crap said...

Nice, John. Nobody wants to hear about your puckering strings.

Anonymous said...

PP's spending his past due bill money buying hair color for his balding head? Seems like a waste of money- he should just blast it with some comes in a really wide variety of colors and if he goes to Big Lots he can get some discontinued purple for about $4.

Can't wait for your blogs Calico.


Anonymous said...

Puckering strings???? I don't think I even wanta know......LOL.


Oh Crap said...

Lana, you don't want to know what he said either. It was as disgusting as he is but what would you expect?

Anonymous said...

Puckering strings? Does that have to do with JP's dirty anal cavaties or something?

Anonymous said...

Would someone please inform John Paulus that Clay isn't gay and he needs to give it up.

Anonymous said...

"Has anyone read anywhere that Faye has rejected her son? This is based on the premise that Clay told Pickle that he came out to his Mom. Of course Clay didn't come out to his mom, so we can assume that she is not estranged from her son."

OK, we all remember the month Clay allegedly came out to his mom, right? Now think back to the TV Guide article in JULY! Here's the quote:

"Parker says her new dream for her older child (Aiken has a younger half brother, Brett, 19) is for him to have a normal life and get married. "I mostly leave him alone because I didn't get married until I was in my thirties," she says. Aiken himself is clear on the subject, "I want a family," he insists. "But not now. I don't want to be the dad who is always gone, working, the dad who sends someone else to the PTA meetings. If I can't do it right, I don't want to do it at all."

There is no way Mrs. Parker would say this if she knew there wasn't a chance for her son to ever marry and have a family. Not unless we're to believe that she is part and parcel to the fraud and deception, which I don't think anyone would believe!

They were still together during the holidays and when Brett returned from Iraq.

This is another lie.

Oh Crap said...

As you can see Calico is presenting us with an email conversation she had with John Paulus. Proof that you cannot take this man at his word about anything.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think the pickled minions should chip in and pay pickle's tax bills for him. I mean, he's so generous and all, letting his mama come visit at Casa Pickle, and it would just be the generous thing to do. Those minions are the cutest little lap dogs ever!

And don't blame the pickle for his lies. He has to go away for a few days and get his script from his out-and-proud friends and carry on. What's a pickle to do? It's for the good of mankind after all!! This world will be a better place when they turn Clay Aiken into a gay man. Cuz see, Clay fills a role model category they have open, and I guess that gay guy in India just isn't good enough.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately John posted their conversation on his nasty blog first.

Oh Crap said...

I deleted Calico's conversation because she now has it on her blog as JP does on his.

Just for the record, John, she had already told me she was going to post them with your permission... so neener neener.

Calico said...

ok guys, I'm going into JP land amongst all his people. Wish me luck eh? I'm already feeling the barrage of insults about to be thrown at me.

Oh Crap said...

Good Luck, Calico. Hope you took the bleach.

Calico said...

too tired to continue

Anonymous said...

Calico I don't even know why you are wasting your time and breath over in the swamp. These people are servere mental idiots to focus so much hate on someone they hate because he is or isn't gay or he is this or that. If they don't like Clay or agree with the things he does, don't listen to him, don't have anything to do with him. To waste that much energy on negativity against someone they hate so bad, shows how truly mental they are. There are tons of celebrities I think so many things about and many I don't like, but I ignore them and could care less about them. I don't waste every waking moment obsessing over every move they make with negativity. There is just something plain wrong with that and those that live over there in the swamp DO seriously have mental problems because it's just not normal to waste that much time on someone they don't like or agree with. It just isn't.

Anonymous said...

Calico, you are wasting your precious time. They truly are mental idiots over there. Why are you stooping to their level?

Oh Crap said...

She had a goal in mind and I don't think she was stooping to anyone's level. They just can't comprehend her because her level is so high.

I'll wait to see what she says when she's rested but my guess is that she wanted to see if they would practiced the civility that JP tried to convey that the new blog was about. Without reading the swamp, my guess is that they weren't civil at all and it really is a hate blog.

Ding Ding! Another Lie

Anonymous said...

No, they didn't personally attack her that I could see and it was actually civil.

Oh Crap said...

JP, would you keep your foul mouthed swamp rats on your side of the tracks? They are not getting through.

Anonymous said...

They are never ever going to stop and they will disect every move Clay makes forever. They are more obsessed than the Claymates with Clay. The point is that they think they will single handedly ruin Clay's career. I personally could care less about Clay's personal life and I believe many feel the same. You can't deny that voice and that is what will always keep Clay so successful. Everyone knows that Clay has the most incredible voice ever. Clay isn't going anywhere gay or not gay. Who cares! Bring on the music!

Anonymous said...

If JP and his sickos are trying to get through and using bad langauge then that just shows what hypocrites they are.

Anonymous said...

I thought John got a job? LOL!!!!!!!

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 11:27 I'm all for bringing on the music and Clay's personal life is not my business for sure; however, there's never been a doubt in my mind that he's straight.

Before the swamp tries twist my meaning I'm a huge Elton John and Melissa Etheridge fan.

Anonymous said...

Hey! We should crown JP the "queen" of Claymates. No pun intended. He seems to be Clay's biggest fan eva!

Anonymous said...

It seems Chargrined beat me to it. Per Buddy's latest blog, THIS IS A MAJOR SCREW UP, BUDDY!

Clay sure did make the rounds after that Bulls/Durham game. First it was Corey and now Tim, too? My oh my, how did he manage to ditch that camera crew and increased security to make it with two guys?

Buddy, you continue to make our point that OMC is simply amazing! There's no other man like him!

Anonymous said...

I find it extremely interesting that supposedly Clay sleep with every one JP did, man how ironic!


Corey and Tim are JP's ex's and he said that CA shagged them both.


How in MILLIONS of men would CA happen to shag 3 people that knew each other especially when CA's security is so tight especially 2003 when he was 100% AI property.

Not adding up Pickle, maybe you need to go back to porn, at least you can actually have sex with a real person than a cardboard cut out of Aiken or maybe he was Invisible!