Friday, June 30, 2006

When Will Enough Be Enough ???

We all know the story. A little man seeks a little notice from his peers so he needed something to make himself seem special. It started with a little white lie among acquaintances about a certain HOT Superstar but it spread to a couple of gossip vultures who we will refer to as PH and BM. PH and BM were already trying to convince others that a certain humble, innocent, and different Southern Boy with a sweet demeanor and a voice to beat all voices was one of them. Being the vultures that they are, they vied for JP to post on their blogs like the slobbering bitches they are.

Somehow JP posted and managed to catch the eye of the sinister Groucho who was caught offering JP all he knew about Clay and the "Claymates". He would tell all if JP wanted to email back and forth. Next we find out that there will be a breaking story where JP makes a claim that he had a tryst with our innocent young singerboy. Immediately the majority of the fanbase knew it was a lie because others managed to find these blog posts early, see the lies changing on a daily basis based on those few fans pointing out his lies to him and they reported back to a handful of people in private forums.

Wrong guy, wrong fanbase! If you little gay men want to bitch fight with real women who love them some Clay, you'd better bring a bigger can O' WHUP ASS. We were like Soldier Ants doing our own investigations, tapping into friends' talents, and calling in favors. It did not take long to dispel the Paulus lies because the dummy believed that the information from the Grouch would be accurate and enough. When asked certain questions on topics he obviously wasn't coached on, his lies became blatant. He simply didn't know anything about Clay other than what everyone saw on TV. He's 6'1" and he can sing.

We will rehash a couple of those blatant lies on a daily basis. As painful as this is for Clay's fans, I will delight in the slow burn it causes Paulus. We're putting the truth out there in hopes that we're seeing the end of this MESS as it appears the hate blog is slowing down and becoming more of a farce. We really would rather not do this so we're hoping JP comes clean and admits to his lies. Honor is something you can reclaim with honesty, John.

1. JP claims his tryst was January 2, 2006. ........ NOT Possible. NYC is nowhere near that
Quality Inn with a Sooooofa in NC and NYC is where Clay was on January 2. Clay is very
unique but even he can't be in 2 places at once...being a mere mortal and all.

2. THEEEEE most blatant lie surfaced during the Howard Stern interview. The question of
size came up (HS is an asswipe) and JP blew it. He hinted that Clay was small.
ROFLMAO! Size 12-13 hands, size 12-13 feet, size 12-13...... well, let's just say that these
two myths apply to our cutesingerguy. There are some things that baggy pants and shirts
with their tails out just can't hide in certain situations, namely the very gorgeous Angela
Fisher who only has to look Clay's way and cortisone shots.

When we can prove the first 2 lies you can count on everything else being lies.

I'll bet doing homework was never JP's forte.

It seems certain keyboard commands have a mind of their own...oh well! I never claimed to be technically adept.


Anonymous said...

Soon is almost here. We won't even
remember whats his name, anymore.
When Clay comes back to us in all his glory that little prick might
as well be ----- fill in the blanks
Ohcrap fight the good fight.
I stand with you!!!

Anonymous said...

I just read my post, ya know who
the *prick* is ,right? It didn't
come out the way I meant it ,OK

Oh Crap said...

LOL...Billie, I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything. I guess we are all so bonded that we read each others' minds. I know what you meant.

Anonymous said...

I knew he was lying since the very beginning. He proved it to everyone when he admitted that he thought a picture of Thom Yorke was Clay until someone informed him that he was wrong. If he spent 90 minutes having sex with a guy, he's going to know every expression, every grimace, every line and curve of that guy's face. He may have had sex with someone on Jan. 2nd but it sure the hell wasn't Clay Aiken.

Anonymous said...

Morning ladies!

Did you see the latest blog from shrivel dick? OMG, what a riot. He wants to enjoy the contest for the cd title and even gave his thoughts for the acronym. He is really smokin' some wacky crap or still *snortin* his morning fix.

I think the ONLY acronym that fits shrivel dick is PYBB. "PAY YOUR BILLS BUDDY".

I'm going to give you the link here in a little while to the new blog that the guy "Ft. Lauderdale" started. OMG, wait until you see it. He has everything listed about shrivel dick. And I think it's being sent to the media too... with the help of someone that originally gave Shrivel Dick the platform to start his LIES, but is now ready to admit that he knows that Shrivel Dick LIED about the whole thing. :)

Should know shortly when it's up and running, but so far so good. Talk about a total DEADBEAT. This blog shows everything from WAY BACK.

Anonymous said...

Looking very much forward to it, 7:45!

This blog is amazing, ohcrap. Keep up the good work!

Oh Crap said...

Thanks, CSI. I hope the FT. Lauderdale person throws it up there soon. I did NOT want to be the person responsible for dragging all our hearts through this whole muddy MESS again. Perhaps the Equalizers can sit back and take delight in the fireworks exploding from JP's ass.

Truth Rules said...

First they attack Clay hoping his fans will desert him. That didn't happen.

Second, they go after the fan base trying to undermine and destroy it. That didn't happen.

Third, personal attacks on more vocal fans takes place trying to scare them off. That didn't happen.

Now, they try and turn the fans against each other but once again we close ranks. So that ain't gonna happen.

We weren't joking when we said we've got Clay's back and we were here for him and for each other. When will they learn that throwing dirt at us only increases our strength. The more soil we have the deeper our roots grow and the stronger we get.

Anonymous said...

Yea, looks like a big ol' boom is finally going off. What purdy fireworks they will be.

Thanks CSI

Anonymous said...

Admit it had sex with Thom Yorke on Jan. 2.

Anonymous said...

Truth Rules said...
When will they learn that throwing dirt at us only increases our strength. The more soil we have the deeper our roots grow and the stronger we get.

8:09 AM

I love this!!!! Perfect!!!!! ty

Go!!!! ft. lauderdale guy...

Oh Crap said...

I doubt JP knows anymore about Thom Yorke than he does about Clay. The ironic thing is that he would put this particular pic of Yorke on his blog (I think this is the one):

For those who didn't get to see how WSCA busted the webcam shots as phony, do your own comparison. Note the hairstyle on the right side of the webcam shots and Yorke, notice the ears, jawline and cheeks. Notice the sunglasses on Yorke and the shadow of sunglasses on the Webcams. Even Terry Goldman used the same Yorke template for his photoshopped webcam pic. You'll have to find the nasty webcam shots on your own because my link is from a private forum and I can't give that out but someone will have it.

Another odd thing is that whomever did the photoshopping also did NOT fade out Yorke's nose. Unfreakingbelievable that they wouldn't know that we'd not catch all the tiny details but the nose was a blatant screwup.

Oh Crap said...

The last sentence of my diatribe should have said
"Unfreakingbelievable that they wouldn't know that we'd catch all the tiny details but the nose was a blatant screwup."

Anonymous said...

This link is down there is no picture. I want to see what York looks like.

Anonymous said...

It is about time that this (little flaccid cock)ROACH is exposed to the world for what he really is---a lying sack of crap. The light needs to be shined on his ass so he can run to the Raid motel,where BUGS "check in" but they don't "check out".

Oh Crap said...

Don't know why you can see the whole thing when I type it but it cuts off when it posts. copy and past what shows of that link into your browser and then add /9.php at the end

Anonymous said...

Thanks I got there now, but that picture of Thom looks like someone from The Planet of the Apes. It doesn't resemble Clay at all.

Oh Crap said...

No it doesn't resemble Clay and the phony webcam shots barely resembled Clay. Whomever photoshopped pasted bits and pieces of Clay's features into the template. I wish WSCA would reopen their blog to show how it was done.

Anonymous said...

I could definitely tell that wasn't Clay nor his gut/man boobs in those web cam pics the minute I saw it. I started laughing. That's definitely not him.

Oh Crap said...

Holy Crap! We've had people from all over the world and the media visiting our little playground the last 2 days.

Dear Clay, Can You Fell the Love Today?

I love the site meter secret doors.

Truth Rules said...

Handy little bugger that site meter. :)

Oh Crap said...

Imagine the money we could make if we had one of THOSE blogs. Oh well, some people will make up bullshit by using a person's name to get money hits and some people deflect the bullshit for free when the motivation is LOVE and TRUTH.

Oh Crap said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Casey who is the original nutcracker of the webcam shots.

I still lurvs ya, girl!

Truth Rules said...

I went investigating the Ads and how they get on the blogs. It's determined by blog content what ads get put on the pages. Now those of us who have been to the cesspool know that the ads are either porn or adult content. So what does that tell you about the cesspool blog.

What that low life excuse for a human did is wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

Oh goody! This should be fun if the media is watching. Unfortunately I don't think you are gonna be happy with what they find and report.

Good luck with that though. ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope we soon see or hear something, the day is almost over....

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 10:29, save your threats for someone who gives a shit.

nonnymus said...

BRAVO for this blog. *clap clap I'm so happy you're back and really looking forward to the FT. Lauderdale link.

Buh-bye JP, something tells me you're on your way out and we won't
be missing ya!

Oh Crap, forgive me if this shows up more than once, I'm trying to use the html tags, but getting an error. DUH me, I keep trying to fix it not thinking it may try to post each time.

Truth Rules said...

OhCrap - I know someone else who always ends a post with the wink symbol. You can check where it came from.

Oh Crap said...

Oh me with the tech stuff.

Oh Crap said...

Erika, maybe Howard, NE, Globe, Star,the Gay Gossip Media and internet rag media will give you a call wanting an interview since they are soooo influenced by the Gherkin's gospel.

Anonymous said...

One by one, they'll all reach that same conclusion.

Psssst!! I just heard that the name of Clay's new CD is:



Oh Crap said...

Polly Graf, you've done it again. You are so good at decyphering the ClayVinci Code

Oh Crap said...

Did I spell that right? I was too excited knowing the title of the CD. I know ciphering is adding; i.e. 2+2 = Truth (yeah, asswipe)

Anonymous said...

I think Clay should call his new cd BIALP

Buddy Is A Lying Prick

Anonymous said...

No way I think it should be
FOCHAM = friends of clay has a mole.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm my Bitch Slapping uniform on, now where is LadyJack? Darn she must still be at FOC, I want to see that girl Bitch Slap Pickle into next week....LMAO

Oh Crap said...

It's amazing how many anonymous posters are trying to "reason" with us to stop Ft. Lauderdale's story or trying to be sarcastic.


Read my words....this blog has nothing to do with the other. We can't stop whomever it is because we don't know who it is.

To the person wanting to know which one of us would be available for interviews with the major news media.....very funny.

Anonymous said...

kathy G looks like a she/he...

With all the new information coming out about paulus, it shouldn't be long before he and his delusional followers are just a footnote in the clay world.

Oh Crap said...

Someone needs to call off his swamp rats because they are not getting through on our blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh go girlfriend, you are doing an awesome job here!!!

I can't wait to see peckerhead go down!

Oh Crap said...

I'm beginning to wonder if we're going to hear anything from CSI before the day is over but it sure is fun to see all the tricks the swamp is trying. It's too funny watching them squirm.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you remember Willysnout from JP's blog very early on?

He/she, or someone using that s/n name, posted at PH and he/she still believes JP is a hustler!

And guess what else? We had Greg post the other night at PH, which JP didn't like very much and now Ft. Lauderdale guy. This is looking good, Clay fans. JP must have left a trail of enemies along the way and now they're ready to talk. I know this for a fact! I can't wait!

Man, it sure is great to have a blog where "anonymous people" can contact you. Right, OhC? Mums the word. We don't want to reveal too many secrets.

I think Buddy Jean knows his time is running out that's why he isn't around his blog too much anymore. He spends more time at this blog than his own waiting for info. What does that tell you? Scared, JP? I would be if I were you.

Anonymous said...

oh crap, thanks for taking the crap for us. I don't wish to read any of it, ever. Crap is crap and it stinks. Shame they ain't drown in that swamp yet. Shame we can't hold their heads under it too.hee

Anonymous said...

Polly, Willysnout, has multiple sclerosis and post at a board I am a member of. Good for him calling JP out. His life partner passed away, leaving him alone. He's a good guy.

Anonymous said...

Where is the big relevation? Soon is now here.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's not happening tonight. PP is going out of town for a few days. BS! That 170.00 doesn't let him do much.BWAH

Oh Crap said...

I have no clue what 8:28 is trying to say but I thought it was kinda fun.

Anonymous said...

oh crap, just Rick's new ID on another board. Dumba%%

Oh Crap said...

Thank you very much. Shit for brains.

Anonymous said...

asswipe just post your whole last

Oh Crap said...

LOL... Hope he enjoys it. Guess he's really running out of followers who know anything.

Maybe I'll copy and paste the Florida Boy's when his goes live.

Anonymous said...

ohcrap ,good idea ,go for it!

Anonymous said...

When is this Ft Laurderdale person suppose to post?

Oh Crap said...

We have no clue if or when the Ft. Lauderdale person is supposed to take his blog live. Again, we are not connected in anyway; anyone's guess is as good as mine.

Calico said...

Please view thom/clay photoshopped fakes here:

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the Ft. Lauderdale blog address is going to be yet? I can't wait for this.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted on another board that the NANA contest was childish. I guess they forget that some of the fans are as young as 12!

Nevertheless, I found the following quote from a J-14 interview:

Q: In what ways are you still a kid at heart?

A: "I don't have a problem dressing up in stupid costumes and goofing off. I like to play silly games. To me, fun is not going out drinking and partying. I don't like it. To me, fun is goofing off. My friends and I went to the beach this week, and we played the silly Taboo board game and then we played Hide and Seek. The reason kids have more fun than anyone else is because they don't care what anyone thinks of them, and that's my goal--not to care what anyone thinks!"

Happy 4th of July, Clay. I hope you feel like a kid again, because you make all of us feel like kids again! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I felt it was my duty to post this warning to all Clay fans. It's from Buddy Jean and I think he really means business this time.

John Paulus said...

"Clarus- they are fools and naive if they think that people here posted for them to stop. [Do you deny that you and your crew are posting here?] It's the sane fans that are asking them to stop or Clay himself posting as anonymous asking them to stop. [How did you find this out, Buddy? No one was suppose to know that Clay posts on this blog. I must say I'm very impressed with your powers of detection.] Clay has been informed [Really? How was this communication accomplished? By carrier pigeon?] that I will sue any person who libels me [Well, you should know all about libeling. You're the expert libeler, even in situations that had nothing to do with you] in a way that impacts my ability to earn a living [You have got to be kidding? In what way exactly do you earn a living? It's been so long I forgot. How about the way you've attempted to destroy Clay's ability to earn a living and his support of numerous charities by smearing the man's reputation?] and that he will be called as a witness. [Clay will be called as a witness for "any person" that libels you? And this was sound legal advice that you paid for? I'd ask for a refund, Buddy.] Clay knows that if he is called to collaborate [collaborate: (work together) or did you mean corroborate: (to support)?] my account that he will have to tell the truth and it will have a harmful impact on his career. [Telling "his" truth will be more harmful than "your" truth? Right!] I seriously wouldn't put it past Team Clay being responsible for the posts asking those Claymates to stop. [Well, which is it? Sane fans, Clay or TC that's posting anonymously? Here's a clue: In law suits, you must keep your story straight!]

12:12 AM"

Buddy Jean, you really need to get a grip. What has you so on edge? Was it Greg's post or the Ft. Lauderdale guy?

Oh, and speaking of lies, how about the blatant lie that you couldn't receive visitors at your home because your mother was "visiting" until the end of the month? She's still there, correct? Or is it that you're still there? Is that libel? You're the one who said sue me!

Oh Crap said...

Heeheehee! Polly Graf, let's use your last post as a Main Page next after the one I just posted for Sunday! I love when you do that and it's too good to pass up, especially since we're stirring so much interest. OR Maybe Truth Rules could use it on her Blog. I'll give her first dibs if she has nothing else planned.

Oh Crap said...

Good Morning, NZ..of course, it's past A.M. in your neck of the woods by now.