Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What a Crock!

It seems JP has left his blogs in the hands of someone who has no clue. Whether it's Clarus or someone else, an idiot is still an idiot.

I won't say but a few sentences about the Michael Sandecki thing because the kid had nothing but nice things to say during his early interviews and, again, he was most complimentary about how nice Clay was and how great the experience was on his My Space account and the American Idol Message Board. Now he's done a 180 after hearing a couple of rags say that Clay was upset about his camera time and sharing the spotlight.

Rags are rags and Clay is always Clay. He was in rehearsals for a few days and knew exactly what he would be doing and anyone who has followed his career knows that Clay does not want to be the focal point when the night belongs to others. He came in, did his thing and then left the stage. It's exactly what he did on the Jerry Lewis Telethon; he contributed but because the show was not about him he took his bow and left the stage not wanting to steal the limelight. He practically had to be dragged back in front of the cameras. He was the same when he emceed the Fantasia AI-3 hometown celebration on Finale Night. He told the audience that the night was about her and not to him.

I guess being a liar is a qualification, whether it was during the earlier interviews or the later ones, for being inducted into the JP Hall of Frame and anyone is free to apply .... which I guess Michael Sandecki did. If people are calling young Mr. MS names then I guess the shoe fits but I seriously doubt they are calling him anything other than a potential liar. The other descriptions come straight from the minds of JP, Clarus and the crew which were likely NEVER said by Clay's fans. Way to shoot your little 15 minutes right in the foot, kid.

Now on to the really absurd! Only an idiot and someone who knows nothing about Clay or Kelly would remark about Clay fans calling Angela a traitor when the entire fanbase knows that the singers, band members and crew are often shared by these two friends. Angela started out with Kelly so, of course, she is going to be part of Kelly's tour since the timing is right. Again, we knew ahead of time so the negative remarks were probably planted by the usual suspects to stir the turd. This goes beyond Idiot. Let's just say... DUMB ASS!

Last but not least is the Good Morning America date that was still open for their Summer Concert Series. Clarus or clone (if he's more of a female clone does that make him a clunt?) tries to make people think that some kind of fan war can be started between Clay's fans and Taylor's fans by stirring their same old turd ('s mush now, mkay). What he fails to realize is that many of Taylor's fans are Clay fans as well. He doesn't know because he knows nothing about Clay, nothing about Kelly, nothing about Taylor and definitely nothing about the fans other than what the voices inside his head tells him. Guess he knows about as much as JP did which is still NOTHING. Of course, Clay's fans would love to have seen him on the Summer Concert Series but we'd love to see him just about anywhere.

Clarus, JP or whichever clone wrote their little liar blog, admit they troll the Clay Aiken Message Boards. Do you NOT have a life of your own? Quit trying to horn in on ours. Make something of yourselves for Chrissakes...that or just plain piss off! The more you yap, the more you show just how far gone your minds are.


Truth Rules said...

Good for you.

This time don't accidently hit the delete key. There's a troll out there that is just waiting to pounce.

Oh Crap said...

Let's hope he pounces in his own pile soon. He already has shit for brains.

Oh Crap said...

You are welcome, Perfectday. We can never have enough blogs to keep the truth out there. Sooner or later all liars suffer from forked tongue syndrome and I'm here to help him choke sooner rather than later... didn't want to miss the celebration when that happens.

By the way, "Perfect Day" is my favorite song from the MOAM CD.

Oh Crap said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

So happy this Blog is back. Love your way with words!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

good for you, welcome back. Give
them hell!!!

Anonymous said...

ohcrap, just be sure that if you decide to shut this blog down, you leave a support thread like WSCA did. That way, the dumbass can't steal your blog address.

Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see we're back on again. Yay!!!

I'm happy for you, OC, but I'm not ready to come out of hiding just yet. It's embarrassing being an embarrassment even though I've given every one a great laugh, but I'll only make things worse.

I'm working on restoring Clay's career that I seem to have single-handedly destroyed and have just now learned that I'm responsible for the delay of his CD.

That's amazing when you think about it...I hardly broke a sweat!

Anonymous said...

By the way, "Perfect Day" is my favorite song from the MOAM CD.

Too bad that iTunes decided it wasn't worth offering anymore and deleted it from their library.

Anonymous said...

Just making room for the new CD!!

Anonymous said...

*clunt * bwahhhh

Oh Crap said...

Perfect Day is one of those songs that reminds you of decades past when there was a jazzy feel to songs. Maybe that's why I like it so much; it showed me how versatile Clay is.

Oh Crap said...

Yep, Polly Graf. I didn't see one little bead of sweat on you. Crap happens but we'll just go forward from here and get back to our name calling.

Billie is cracking up... Sorry, JP, Billie is female so forget about her crack.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the other point of view on a blog. Keep pointing!

Glad you are back. :D

Oh Crap said...

Glad to be back and now I'll just put us on Moderate for the night because I'm sleepy. Good Night everyone.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you here pollygraf.You go girl.
And thank you equalizer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is so funny how much the cesspool thinks they know. They would be more credible if they actually did their homework. But alas, they don't care about the truth. Their lives are built on LIES and DECEPTION, so it's easier to continue that way.

If they actually knew the truth behind Jacob's departure, I don't think they would be praising him or making him look like he was the party wronged. But they think they know the truth. They don't.

They think that Angela has left Clay. Wrong again. Angela is only doing a summer job and WILL be back with Clay in the Fall. But the cesspool didn't actually look for that truth either.

As for Michael Sandecki? Oh please. If PaulASS, ClarASS and Co., really looked for the truth, they would have seen that Michael signed the SAME confidentiality contract as the other guests. Team Clay did not make Michael sign one.

And the funniest thing they posted over there was that Clay gave an interview after AI5 stating that he was angry about sharing the stage with Michael! BWAH. Clay has not given an interview since his appearance - and for a very good reason too!! But I bet they will spin that as a negative too. The last laugh will be ON them though. We can't wait to see that. Go Clay and TC!!!! :)

But WE KNOW where Michael Sandecki has gotten his information. It's an OPENLY know secret. :)

Oh well, jobless and poor widdle JP knows all. He gets it from that windbag ClarASS. What a pair they must be. They are dying out over there, and that is when they open it to all people to post. If they left it to only their members, they would have to be there 24/7 just signing in as the multiple names they use.

Just have to add that we are still laughing our asses off at that BIG CHECK that JP gets from Lucas. I hope he at least paid his overdue bill of $81.00 from March with that. ROFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back, OC!

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap, glad to see you back up.'re incredible. All cohor's bow to you.

Anonymous said...

YEA, keep preaching the truth,girl.

Kallie1016 said...

Glad you gals are back!!! I missed you!!

Give em hell!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooooooo glad you're back!

Truth Rules said...

Clay, Kelly and their crew are all one big extended family...much to the dismay of certain grouchy ones. They share the same beliefs and values. Why wouldn't they all work together when time allows.

Unlike blood families, they are together because they want to be, not because they have to be.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home! I for one appreciate your blog and your posts! Thank you.

Oh Crap said...

Wow! All those nice ways of saying "Welcome Back". We certainly appreciate it and thank you all!

We realize that the torch of the enemy may have been passed onto others so the wee(wee) one can ummm...get some rest? You can see that their posted blogs have now become ramblings about their own turd stirring escapades.

Until the turds are flushed completely you need sanitizers to counter the smell, so yeah! We're back.

Anonymous said...

Good post oh crap -

You DO have a way with words!

Anonymous said...

I'm also glad you're back - I get info about "it's" blog from others but even I can see that pickle is running out of time.

Anonymous said...

So good to see you back, ohcrap. And great blog. :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Oh Crap! Don't you EVAH leave us like that again, OK?

Anonymous said...

Running out of time and running out of "dirt" to dig up! So, now he's resorted to making his dirt up.

The thing of it is, Buddy Jean doesn't seem to realize that the longer he carries this out the less sense it makes. What normal, rational, sane person turns his whole life into talking about a bad one-night stand, especially one that never occurred? There is a motive here.

I believe we reached "overkill" several months ago...probably around Feb. Buddy was in a pickle...what to do? Make up something new...apologize...yeah, that's it. Apologize to Clay, his family and his fans...get it published. OK, did it! Oops! It didn't work. Not enough media coverage from it; in fact, the NE calls him a liar! Go back to ridiculing Clay and his fans! So much for the apology. Only proves it wasn't geniune in the first place.

Now his plan is to destroy all the postitive buzz from the only public appearance Clay made this year by making Clay appear to be a phony and the bad guy. I hope MS was paid well by others. Maybe liking attorneys was a clue, huh? And I hope he can hold up his end for you. He seems rather unstable to me...doesn't truly know what a heartwarming dream come true he experienced with 200,000,000 people watching! And in the process, Buddy will destroy yet another innocent victim's life with his madness and lies.

Oh Crap said...

Well, John, when you collect all the smelly shit and shit stirrers in one spot, what do you call it?

Surely not a bed of roses.

Oh Crap said...

I just deleted John's comment because he couldn't help advertising his own blog on mine.

For those that didn't get a chance to see it, John said How dare we call his ***pickanumber blog a cesspool.

Answer: we dare just fine and how are you?

Truth Rules said...

How dare we?

That was a joke, right?

Anonymous said...

How DARE WE do anything - HOW DARE WE? What nerve. How DARE HE try to ruin a wonderful man's name and career. HOW DARE HE think that he can keep calling us names and get away with it. HOW DARE HE even think to post over here! HOW DARE HE. . . . . .look in the mirror asshole and answer your own question.

Anonymous said...

Still Here - Still Supporting 100%

Wish I had something more to contribute.

Anonymous said...

Hi oh crap!
So glad to see you're back.

Thanks for being strong enough to stand up to the crapmaster and keeping the TRUTH out there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting this blog back up. I admire and appreciate your intelligence and intestinal fortitude. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Must be lonely in the cesspool hole of Buddy Jean. He's on all our blogs, AGAIN. Sucks to be lonely and require SO very much attention. HUH?

Oh Crap said...

And now to KC, since your comment (threat) didn't sit well with me... Pffffffffffffffffft!!!!!!!!!

We know the routine... someone is going to do a story...blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back! This is one of my favorite blogs, funny, informative, intelligent, and truthful.

Oh Crap said...

Thank you Anon, all of you. Contributing can be done in various ways and the most important contribution to the effort of keeping the truth exposed is to just hold the line with us.

There was another anonymous post I didn't let thru just now... something about wanting to leave the fandom because Clay won't speak up... buh bye! He doesn't answer to his fans.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO! This is great and says it all! Glad you are back I missed your blogs!


Anonymous said...

"He doesn't answer to his fans."

Doesn't answer, but he does speak.

Sorry to differ with you, OhC. But Clay has spoken to us as best he could, considering, but we had to have ears that hear.

He first spoke to us with a scripture verse.

Next he spoke to us with a "Thank you."

Then he gave us that famous line, "So, let's talk about something that REALLY happened."

Now this next one is similar to the last and somewhat nebulous, but nevertheless he said, "I am here to let you know that the truth is..." (No doubt, as opposed to the lies we were hearing).

That was followed up with, "Take care and thanks for your love and support."

After a period of time while all the dirty laundry was being re-aired, he said, "What's with all this refried mess?"

Now, call me crazy, but that's what I heard and I even left out a few of them like "Cold as MESS!" or "No pics of my sick bed. Sorry." or "SCRUB up!" (Boy, I've needed to do that a few times.) Or "I'm very picky."

Don't allow anyone to tell you that Clay hasn't spoken about this MESS! He has, but only to the REALLY important people...his fans!

That's my story and...well, you know the rest!

Calico said...

A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than any other has by his words. Indeed, silence is oftimes more eloquent than words in the face of adversity.

Oh Crap said...

Sorry, I had to delete one of the posts which was in jest but I would only wish pickle fungus on JP not something tragic. I'd even settle for the 7 plagues of Egypt.

Please understand that while I believe this person is about as vile as any creature I've ever studied, he has to live his life as he carves it out for himself.

He has the ability to change his direction at any time.

Anonymous said...

Ohcrap and pollygraf......
Happy to see you here! This is the best blog.
Fellow cohor

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being here again!

You strength makes us all strong, more determined and even more united.

Truth does rule. In the end, it will more than equalize. It will triumph.

Oh Crap said...

Thank you, Bavarianstar. You said it all. High 5

Oh Crap said...
