Wednesday, September 20, 2006


NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!

We interrupt this program to bring you the latest and greatest. "We Support Clay Aiken" has jumped back into the fight for TRUTH and JUSTICE. If you didn't get to see John Paulus's lies get busted earlier this year well here's your chance to see it.

Words cannot express how much their efforts were and are appreciated.

All we can say is THANK YOU for bringing your blog back. Here's the link to see an artist at work:


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Oh Crap said...

I really don't expect any other celebrities to speak out in support of Clay. I have a feeling they are all under blackmail alert by Perez Hilton and Billy Masters. These are the types of people that need to be stopped and there should be laws put in place to insure they cease these witch hunts.

Again, write your Congress and Senate Reps and push for equal protection of celebrities' rights to privacy.

Anonymous said...

We all know it would not have mattered one bit what Clay said. The haters would go at him just as hard, maybe harder. I love his resolve.

Oh Crap said...

Anonymous 8:35, I'm not sure what you mean by you wouldn't hold Clay responsible for what he said in the earlier years since he said he is NOT gay. Sounds to me like you do NOT believe him now. Please clarify!

Anonymous said...

I said I support Clay 100% no matter what.

I did not say he was gay - I did not say he was straight. I did not say he lied.

I said it is his personal business - period!

Oh Crap said...

jbc, I agree with you. I would have a hard time believing that they were doing anything other than role playing to prove a point. When he was saying "you" I think he was referring to journalists good and bad. Nobody else gets asked that question over and over and over again.

13 times asked the question by legit media, 13 times he answered with the same answer. The 14th time was a generalization that covered the same issues with the other that he was most recently faced with. If he has to answer a 15th time then I suggest those people asking need to get out the Dictionary for Idiots and look up NOT GAY..2 simple words, 1 syllable each. I think even the swamp can handle that.

Anonymous said...

People are different.

What is important to me is Today and Tomorrow - and Clay's CD selling - and his singing with orchestras and more people falling in love with him.

What is important to me is Clay growing as a person and a musician and as a humanitarian and that he is at peace and enjoying life.

Like Clay said - I'm done with it - I'm moving forward - I've go things to do.

The past is the past.

Anonymous said...

You know Diane Sawyer is getting a lot of flack on some of the boards for her "gay " question.

I think that she is a supporter and fan of Clay's and they worked together so that Clay would be able to make his point the WAY he wanted to.

Their "plan" seems to have worked because Clay is now getting positve response to his "that's rude" answer.

Anonymous said...

The most frustrating part of all these clips from various interviews is the editing, much of it taken out of context.

I feel my intelligence is being insulted in the name of sensationalism for these programs - GMA, ET and The Insider in particular.

As media consumers and interest in people, why can't we see these interviews from start to finish without their "clever" chopping. We've had enough of photoshopping and peoplechopping.

So, now I'm off to try to weave the different pieces together so I can have one continuous story. So far, I can figure some of them out by what he had on. This chaps my butt.

Anonymous said...

OC - maybe to make it EASY for the swamp dwellers to grasp the truth, you could list ALL the times & places Clay said NO.

Since everything is black and white for them, seeing it in black and white may jolt their senses enough that they'll all just shrivel up and float away. Idiots!

Oh Crap said...

Always, I'll have a new blog up by 7 am and perhaps I will put up those 13 interviews and answers. I think someone else did too but obviously the swamp has short term memory.

Ticked, I think there is a download on the insider site with a less edited version. If I read the posts at the OC correctly, this is one of the reasons they are pissed. Someone heard him say something to the effect that he is straight but Lara talked right over it.

Again, allowing the public to hear that would mean they might not be able to drag this shit out longer and get the ratings.

Anonymous said...

I went out to dinner with my family tonight to a Mexican restaurant. Suddenly, we heard "Without You."

Of course, it was Clay...on sattelite radio!!

9:36 - the swamp has seen the evidence, but there are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know...even in black and white.

WRU said...

He did say he was straight on the online interview with Lara or Diane, I can't remember which.

Oh Crap said...

Glad I don't have short term or long term memory loss. Truth Rules has a couple of the 13 up on her blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I didn't mean to imply that I didn't get what Clay said. Oh yes, indeedy I did. But I am sensitive to everything that can be taken wrong and those teasers are meant to do just that.

And, unfortunately, The Insider interview is the best one, but guess what time it comes on here? 11:00 p.m. The good folks in our town probably only saw the ET clip that was very misleading because of the "clever" editing. My own 86 year old mother called to ask if I saw it and asked me if he was gay. I explained to her how all the other interviews had bits and pieces and strung altogether told the real story. I told her I would bring my tapes next time I was over so she could see them in their entirety. Again, the ones shown in prime time are the misleading ones.

I have a problem with those strobe-effect news clips on E, ET, GMA and The Insider. You've heard of "buyer beware". Those shows are "Viewer Beware".

Along with those famous 13 points, it would be nice to tag on comments from others such as Kelly Clarkson's statement and some of his radio interview comments.

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of totally different points here and may ramble... it's late, forgive me.

1st - I really do think the GMA interview was planned in advance, that Diane would ask, he would be pissed and get his point across. The many points - I've answered that I'm not gay, I don't think it's anyone's business anyhow, I'm not talking about it anymore!
Diane is a good journalist and seems to really like Clay. I do NOT think this was some sort of ambush on her part.

2nd - The guys who write Southpark were just one tv. I wasn't paying much attention until I heard an interviewer asking something like, "but why is it funny if he's gay and in the closet?"

They were talking about Tom Cruise and the lawsuits. One of the Southpark guys said. "It isn't funny that he's gay or not. It's funny that he sued because someone said he is gay. People can say I'm gay. What do I care? It's not something you sue over."

Clay hasn't been a celebrity for a long time, but he is very smart. He knew that suing wouldn't change opinions, just like him answering the question won't change some opinions, so why bother?

Also, from reading a lot about Clay and how he phrases things, I've always been under the impression that one reason he won't stand up and say "Hell no, I'm not gay," is because he is very tolerant and doesn't want to be seen as saying being gay is wrong. He's not gay, but isn't going to say it's because he's a Christian and believes it's wrong... JMO on that, but parts of the GMA interview seemed back that up.... the whole, "Are Southern Baptists tolerant?" He nodded very quickly in agreement. I think he was talking about himself there as far as being tolerant and nonjudgemental.

Oh Crap said...

The new blog is up now. I'll be up for about another 15 minutes and then I'm watching a movie.

Anonymous said...

"anonymous wrote:
1st - I really do think the GMA interview was planned in advance, that Diane would ask, he would be pissed and get his point across. The many points - I've answered that I'm not gay, I don't think it's anyone's business anyhow, I'm not talking about it anymore!
Diane is a good journalist and seems to really like Clay. I do NOT think this was some sort of ambush on her part."

They still made a mess of it when choosing which parts to leave out. The questions and answers don't always match up. The editing sucked and made the interview sound much different than the way it likely happened. I draw this conclusion after watching Insider Online. Dianne DID try to sensationlize the interview which was irritating. It made me lose respect for her. She did Clay no favors.

Oh Crap said...

WRU, I got your message and I know. I know that you know that I know.

Oh Crap said...

Personally, I'm biding my time but I am NOT going to tell anyone else what to do or what NOT to do.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, tonight was just a big FU to all of this crap. Our Clay honey, is back and he's happy. He'll be just fine. God I love him.

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