Wednesday, September 20, 2006

JP and Haters: Take a Suck on THIS!

Well, here we have it, folks! The little gossip queens, the little stalker queen, Cafe Allegro (main entree: Sour Grapes), and the Kelly Clarkson and Ruben Studdard fans at Tinfoil Village who put their heads together to run a diabolical 9 month long smear campaign to stunt Clay's numbers might be in for a surprise.
Here's the way it stacks up from the Insider site:

"Crazy for Clay!

His newest CD dropped yesterday to big numbers, so how is CLAY AIKEN feeling today? He's in our studios today talking to LARA SPENCER about his latest success!

Featuring 10 cover songs from the "Idol" runner-up, plus four new tunes, Clay's latest collection has one driving theme behind it: L'amour!"

Love is such good medicine. It's a shame the folks listed above refuse their doses; hate is so much easier in their world.


Oh Crap said...

I'm bringing these over from the bottom of the previous blog comments:

Oh Crap said...
Message for JP about another one of his threats. I'd be the one to worry if I were you, dumbass Clay and Claymate stalker who puts out hit lists. Besides being a stalker you are a criminal who incites criminal activity in others.

If the message you left is true and you emailed this person with a threat, I'll call and raise you 1. If you are still with C/21, even as a sitting agent, tell your interim boss to be prepared to lose the C/21 affiliation.

4:07 AM

Oh Crap said...
If anybody got a screen cap of his comment section where I was added to his hit list and where Sheri Lyle's and someone else's personal info was posted, can you send it to me at I'm not putting up with this fool. It's going to be added to the collection of other threats from the swamp.

Thank you.

4:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Do you know the time frame of when it was?

Oh Crap said...

If you're asking about the time frame of when Paulus left his little comment on my blog to give someone else a warning, it was 11:41 last night.

If you're talking about the date and time of one of the comments on his blog adding me to the hit list I'd have to backtrack some of my own blogs' comments because a couple people let me know about it there.

I support Clay said...

My blog is up again, for the timebeing.

Anonymous said...

I watched the Interview...I'm wondering if those EX fans due to a bad M&G see now that there may have been a reason for his reaction. Do they feel stupid right now? do they feel anything? they should look at themselves and thier reaction to that.(they probably don't have a clue anymore do they,)

I love Clay and the very strong man he has become. You go Clay!

You guys are awsome too. keep doing what you are doing.

Oh Crap said...

I Support Clay, I'm sooooo glad you reactivated your blog. I've been sitting on the stuff you sent me in hopes that you would someday carry on. Going over now to thank you there as well.

Truth Rules said...

The ex-fans, smear queens and gay agenda pushers are so selfish and self-centered they can't see any thing but their own wants and desires. They have no empathy for Clay or anyone else and will never see beyond their own warped views and agendas.

Clay is right. They are not worth wasting time on.

Oh Crap said...

You're right, Truth. THEY are not worth it BUT things like this smear campaign need to stop. This has been the worst thing I have ever seen in my life and laws need to be passed to protect celebrities as well as private citizens. This smear campaign and celebrity blackmail has carried over ONTO the fandom and that is as low as any human can go.

Anonymous said...


Truth Rules said...

No argument from me on that OhCrap.

Oh Crap said...

It's usually Emach and her motley crew.