Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mutiny by the Bountiful

There is another rumbling underground in Clay Nation and if there is justice in this world a little mutiny will be good for many souls. What has happened at the OFC the last few days has basically become the last straw in the fandom when it comes to the fight against a vicious smear campaign. Some of the suppliers, promoters, enablers and, for Christ's sake, instigators may find themselves on the outside for once instead of stirring the turd from the will be a mass banning of actual fans who pay their money to enjoy Clay.

I am not a member and have refused to join the OFC until the haters, the OC with their agenda, and certain mods are gone; the sad part is that there are sooooo many just like me. The entire fandom knows that the group that goes by "Openly Clay" (OC) are not fans of Clay Aiken but are fans of a character in their fanfic and graphics which they present in boi on boi sexual situations. They have been a supply line to John Paulus both by association on his blog and by giving him access to their fanfic which he uses in many of his fairytales (no pun intended..well, let me think about it). The idiot media and others who believed this lying asshole would not know differently.

The long time members of the OC were the first to plant gay innuendo and outright lies on sites like DataLounge. Bina created the fiction about Clay and John Dahlstrom (hairdresser) and even after JD, himself, told her that Clay is straight and to leave them both alone, she continues and has others continue in her stead while she avoids the line of fire. Perhaps a little mutiny will see results and those associated with this particular message board will be ousted from the OFC.

Perhaps the haters will be ousted along with them and JP's supply line will be cut off from this source; however, the ousting needs to accompany the exit of some mods who have protected the OC, the haters and their agendas. These mods have banned, warned and abused the paying members who ARE fans and who have brought certain "proof" to their attention of the involvement of members who are only at the OFC to do as much damage as possible. The mods do creative editing whenever discord breaks out but they manage to leave the innuendo or lies of the OC and the haters (Soulful Ruben, KCE, stalkers and the Cafe of Bad Beans) while they delete vehement objections by fans of Clay Aiken.

Certain mods were originally on the RCA message board where the same tactics took place and they made sure that the message board became like a ghost town. Makes you wonder if they aren't getting a share of the payola used to fund the smear campaign.

It's a shame that a little fuckwad of a girl is permitted to come into Clay's house and bash him, bash religion and bash straight people then cry "homophobia" when fans get pissed. She repeatedly does a hit and run as a form of entertainment for herself and the OC yet she does not get banned. This really happened, folks, all because Clay will be doing a Christmas concert in a church this coming winter. If Clay Aiken was doing a concert from an outhouse his fans would be there; does this now mean that we are against those who take a shit where one can flush? Does not compute.

The above incident pissed some fans off but it was the mods' decision to post a tabloid article from a Canadian ragmag as a "sighting" laced with innuendo on the OFC thread that really has fans up in arms. Which is correct? They have said in the past that Admin and Clay approves everything they do... or "..a decision was made by the mods" to post the piece of shit tabloid article. One is a lie ladies. Pack it up and take the rest of the mods with you because if they are that ineffective to stop YOUR bullshit (and you know who you are), they shouldn't be at OFC either.

Good luck, Mutineers. You have my support.

Edited to add: Asswipe has copied my blog for his swamp blog. I'm flattered and he really gets ironic with his "rants" considering he lost touch with reality a long time ago. Funny how ageisms work their way into his prose. Here's my little ism: You little lizard faced frog, hopefully a few of your supply lines will be cut off. It'll match your dick.


Oh Crap said...

Grrrrr. I'm trying to edit my post and blogger is being a bitch. If anyone mentions it, I'm aware that I need to correct the reference to reflect the right gossip rag.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! It is about time for a changing of the guard at the OFC. The current moderators are ineffective and ... best case scenario...stupid (the worst case scenario would be that they are deliberately malicious). They don't know how to handle the board. They don't know how to moderate, as their opinion-laden "moderation" posts are often biased, inflammatory and condescending. They allow (or encourage) certain members to brown-nose them and then let those members get away with just about anything. They fail to draw the line between their own self-inflated opinions and moderation.

I firmly believe that the disaster that the OFC messageboard is can be directly placed on the moderators shoulders. Time for a change.

Anonymous said...

I am so with you. I refuse to rejoin the official fan club until it is totally revamped. I was a member the first go-around and I question if the mods then were Clay fans.

Anonymous said...

That board is run by RCA. 'Nuff said. CanadianGal is the biggest fag hag on the planet. She MUST be an OC'er because she is every bit as stupid as they are.

Anonymous said...

What "sighting" are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Oh Crap! I second your emotions!

It isn't just this particular incident - this being the last straw. It's about time for a mutiny and this latest represents the cumulative effect of EVERYTHING going on over there for a very long time. A very long time.

I quit going over there a long time ago because I saw "certain" names and topics dominating the discussions.

Ditto 6:38 PM - I have questioned that also.

Anonymous said...

The fact that it was a mod on Clay's own board who saw fit to provide the link to that shit AND to post the article is enfuriating.

It was a mistake to enlist mods from the RCA controlled official site to run the fanclub board.

The negative agendas which are allowed to perculate at the OFC are obvious. The current discussion shows how much frustration the majority of the fandom feels with the way the fanclub is being run.

A complete housecleaning is needed there and a new site which totally respects Clay is needed.

Anonymous said...

I know we don't like to talk tabloids but Is this something other than the Star rags airline thing or something new? I'm not sure what the issues are exactly and your blog is a bit vague. Do the posters not like the idea of the church because of it's beliefs or they mostly don't care? I'm not a member for that very reason, It's not very friendly.

Anonymous said...

This blog, the entire blog has been posted at the swamp as an original blog with the BUTT PLUG commenting this on the bottom:

My Rant

It's time to deviate from the seriousness of my political blog and read a blog posted about a fight going on at the Official Fan Club of Clay Aiken. I mean come on, what can be better than a bunch of angry menopausal women fighting with each other. Soon we can expect the Depends to come off and the wigs to start flying,

What's got these "ladies" so upset? The truth I guess. It seems that the OFC has allowed an unfavorable article about Clay Aiken to be posted on the site and these women aren't too happy about it. Days like this you just have to sit back, grab the popcorn, and enjoy the show.

By the way, for those new to this blog, yes those women at the Clay's Equalizer blog really do believe what they are writing. This is not satire, it's insanity at its best.

Oh Crap said...

Isn't he funny? He lost touch with reality a long time ago and doesn't realize fans are trying to cut off one of his supply lines. Fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

What would PaulASS know about the truth? His truth is whatever he farts outta his ass to further his own agenda.

Hey, JP, where's your good buddy Clay? Hasn't he checked in with you lately to fill you in on his plans? Has he confided in his trusted confidant so that you could blab about it on your blog?

Has he introduced you yet to his good friend, David Foster? Maybe David will give you a ride on his private jet someday. Has he taken you to lunch at Jean Georges to meet his friend Tyra? When he does, we're sure you'll let us know. Has he arranged a M&G for you and your mom at the Cary concert? I'm sure she'd love that, but no more so than you would. Breathing the same air as the object of your obsession.

In the meantime, keep wrapping your head in the heavy duty tin foil before you stuff it in the microwave. It picks up all the extra-sensory radioactive waves of all things Clay.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Yes, I read at the OFC until 2:30am and was still pissed at 4am. The OFC needs to be cleaned up and the freaks banned.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right OC! I didn't renew my membership either because of all the "member" information that was brought over to the hate sites. Too many haters plop their money down to join just so they can get information and put their evil spin on it.

I'll tell you one thing I know. Paulass is not going to the concert and he never was. He's just spouting his usual bullsh*t to try and get a rise out of Clay's fans. He's such a deluded freak!

Anonymous said...

What is JP's purpose in life? I mean...what will his tomb stone read?
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why a middle age man has this thing out for Clay? And, to constantly talk about Clay. I'm just baffled. Can he maybe go back to school since he has all this time on his hands? He seriously needs a hobby. Blogging crap on the Internet certainly doesn't pay the bills.
Has anybody ever met him? Seen him? I know men close to his age. They are productive in life. Jp's like this useless booger with no direction. No value. No purpose.
Tell me, JP, if you're readng....(and I know ya are!!) just what is your purpose in life? What is your goal in life? Other than your attempt to bring a good man down?
And, if you haven't figured it out by ain't workin'. You don't even show up on life's radar. What are ya? 38? You'll never get those 38 years back. And, what have ya got to show for all those 38?

Anonymous said...

What is JP's purpose in life? I mean...what will his tomb stone read?

How about "fertilizer, 2 cents a pound"

Anonymous said...

message board is shut down until further notice.

Oh Crap said...

Good! There's no reason for the anti-Clay Mods to stay there. Maybe we'll hear about a major housecleaning.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any idea who that Everlasting2 person is that posts at the OFC?