Saturday, November 11, 2006


This just arrived in my email:


I meant to write to you the other day but I got tied up.... I know this was the talk on the asswipe's blog for a few days and I'm sorry I didn't write sooner.

The evening that Paulass accused Clay of meeting Matt in DC, I was there that night and I actually got to shake Clay's hand before he got on his bus. There is no way he was rushing anywhere because he took his sweet time coming out of the venue. I know because we were freezing that night and watching the clock. He finally came out with Jerome around 12:20 am and the bus did not roll out till maybe 12:45 am. The bus left for Baltimore which is about another 70 minute drive from D.C.

I was at the venue in Baltimore the next night also and talked with Maka, who is William Joseph's friend and bodyguard. I talked to him in great length about William and Clay and he happened to mention that they were all exhausted when they rolled into Baltimore early that morning. Clay was sleeping when the bus pulled up to the hotel and had to be wakened. So much for that asswipe's story of rushing to meet Matt. They did not stay in Baltimore that night either. They drove directly to the next venue. The only free night that Clay had was the night before he played in D.C.....but Butty boy made an error and picked the wrong night to set him up with Matt.

Btw, someone had posted that Clay was spotted at Bathesda Naval Hospital the day of his concert in D.C. He visited the wounded from Iraq but did not want the publicity. It just so happens that one of the nurses knew who he was and her sister was a fan.

It's things like this that the fans know which makes sh... stuff coming from JP and the swamp just another lie.

This just in from JP:

John Paulus has left a new comment on your post "WELL, LOOKY HERE!!!!!!":

Not going to work. How long did it take you people to come up with this.

Publish this comment.

Reject this comment.

Moderate comments for this blog.

Posted by John Paulus to Clay's Equalizers at 11/11/2006 08:37:27 AM

Say what, Asswipe? Here have another dose:

Found in the archives at the CB for December 13th:

posted by Clueless2 at CV


I also just returned from Constitution Hall and haven't had a chance to read the cellcert, but I will say that true to the DC phenomenon tonight's production was unique. There is something about DC that every time he is here something strange happens. The fact that he did not sing the encore GN was so unreal because we were totally unprepared when the houselights went up. Most of the front rows just sat there stunned.
The good thing about tonight was that the concert was fabulous and he did greet about 15-20 people at the buses. It was about 20 degrees out side but he went rapidly through the crowd in his dark blue hooded jacket and apologized for not being able to sign autographs, but shook hands and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.


Gina said...

I remember all these details very well, as my best friend in the fandom lives in that area and attended both shows, waited for the buses and I clearly remember the visiting of the hospital news.
What a great way to start this day.
Since it's Veteran's Day..I choose to remember the honorable thing Clay did visiting those soldiers in the hospital, rather than look at the homely looking creep in uniform. LOL...Did anyone see that picture over at Butty's?
Just reminding everyone to say a prayer for Brett today and also to remember that on "our" blog sites... we are allowed to say what we please. The rules do not change for us!

Anonymous said...

I loved this story and was so happy to see it posted. Anything that confirms that the asswipe is and ass is fun to read!

I had heard about the visit to WR hospital, soon after it happened, but forgot it in all that has happened since then.

Anonymous said...

I see that Clay popped into the OFC Chat room for a few minutes last night. How sweet of him and what a thrill it must have been for the girls that were on!

Anyone want to bet that Asswipe will print the transcript of the chat and spin it - he's so predictible!

Anonymous said...

I remember the WR visit, too, and I have a friend who waited at the DC bus. DUH
*a big slap in the head to me*.

I just assume buttboy's stories are a pile of crap and never put 2+2+2+2 together to negate them, but it's nice to know you all are on top of things. Thanks!

Truth Rules said...

I won't give stalker boy the satisfaction of knowing where Clay was on the 12th, but quite a few of us do know. And there is proof. Let him find it.

The concert on the 13th ended at exactly 10:30, after which there was a meet and greet.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Oh Crap and all you others for allowing a place for the truth to be told.

Anonymous said...

He finally came out with Jerome around 12:20 am and the bus did not roll out till maybe 12:45 am. The bus left for Baltimore which is about another 70 minute drive from D.C.

Moving on to the next venue would be consistent with the rule that everyone must be at the next venue the night before; whether the drive is one hour or six hours.

And we all heard about the Walter Reed hospital visit, but we're not telling Butty any of the humanitarian acts Clay has done in the past year, since he believes there were none!

Anonymous said...

I thought I remember something from that evening about cutting it short because of venue restrictions-union rules or something. Anyone else have an memory on that?

Truth Rules said...

I thought I remember something from that evening about cutting it short because of venue restrictions-union rules or something. Anyone else have an memory on that?

By Anonymous, at 11:21 AM

It was verified that was the reason for ending at precisely 10:30pm.

Anonymous said...

I was at the DC concert and several members of the local Clay group said they were told by the folks working as security and at the concessions that shows at Constitution Hall have to clear out by midnight, so most concerts end around 11:00-11:30 PM. I don't know if this is due to the union contracts or some rule of Constitution Hall.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked! You mean to tell me that since Butty and Clay are such good friends to the point of being able to tease each other on the phone that Clay forgot to tell Butty about all his charitable endeavors and hospital visits this year? How inconsiderate of him! I'm sure Butty would have liked to have joined him just to show the world what good friends they are. Instead, Butty spends his time sitting on his ass, posting his lies and demanding an apology as he tries to destroy the career of his friend. If they were in actual communication with each other, I'm sure Butty would have had his apology by now.

Incidentally, didn't Butty say that a private apology would suffice right now? Well, apologize to yourself, Butty, pretend it's Clay (since you always do, anyway) and move on. Too easy, huh? I guess Butty wants Clay to actually call him so he could try to charm Clay into meeting face to face. Butty thinks he's such a charming hunk of a guy, how could Clay resist him? Butty's obsessed with Clay, and Clay would be the perfect boyfriend for him - rich, famous, cute, etc. Butty needs a sugardaddy.

Too bad Clay isn't gay, Butty. Better luck next time.

Nightowl said...

Happy Veterans Day all!!

WRU said...

Looks like Butty busted again.




I believe there is a personal photo of Clay at Walter Reed Hospital.

WRU said...

Happy Veteran's Day Shady!

I had the pleasure a few years ago of visiting France on vacation during Veteran's Day, they call a different name there.

It was a laying of a wreath at the Arc de Triomphe for the unknown soldiers by Pres Mitterand and then a parade down the the Avenue des Champs-Elysees, including some of our Marines.

Then a follow up church ceremony in English (only one in English fortunately) at the Notre Dame Cathedral which was absolutely beautiful. All the flags of all the nations involved including the US sitting in a semi circle in the front. The British Ambassador spoke and I don't remember who was there for us, we were security wanded to get in but were allowed to watch it.

It was quite something to see.


WRU said...

Here's a write-up on it:

Anonymous said...

Butty deleted a blog just now after having it up all day. In the comments were some rather damaging evidence about Clay visiting the Bethesada Navel hospital in Dec. while in DC. I've tried to post this twice and both times he deleted it.

The blog had 33 comments. He deleted the damaging posts, then substituted the correct number to equal 33. I called him on it with the following post.

Check out the times from the last blog -

Yep, our man of honor and integrity went to the paper first as insurance, then told his CO. When the CO said No, John informed him he had no choice because he had gone to the paper.

4:01 AM

The last blog was begun at 11:00 AM this morning. How did you get 4:01 AM?

3:45 PM

Anonymous said...
We'll see if this blog changes direction on Nov. 30th.

2:41 PM

Oh, good God. November 30th is Clay's birthday--NOT Christmas.

4:23 PM

Anonymous said...
Clay you're a disgrace to the uniform. Men and women are dying every day serving our country while you sit there on your cowardly ass and lie. You're pathetic

4:59 PM

Anonymous said...
What uniform has Clay worn?

8:32 PM

Anonymous said...
^He prefers au natural in front of a web cam

10:44 PM

Anonymous said...
"Dramatic much?"

In the 1950s, when most of these goonmates were teenagers, it was called "hysteria," and they would commit them to institutions. Its obviously something that needs to be brought back, and specifically asylums for Claymates, they are the biggest hysterical drama queens that ever were.

10:46 PM

You deleted posts and then filled in the amount with posts from another blog. What are you so afraid of, John? Are you losing it?

I just discovered why you reacted so harshly to the Bethesada Navel hospital story. Equalizers had the same story posted at 8:05 AM this morning and made the same mistake that I did, calling it Walter Reed. But I went and searched out the story in the archives of RHT and learned it was Bethesada.

Along with that story, Equalizers posted an eye witness account of the events of Dec. 13th, proving Clay never met anyone that night. He drove in the buses with his cast and crew on to Baltimore.

You are such a fraud!

11:08 PM

I told Butty if he deleted it again I would post it at Equalizers and once again he deleted it.

If any one needs the link to the archives for the Bethesada Navel hospital, I'll get it for you.

Oh Crap said...

Anon, I was confused there for a minute about Clay's name in some of those posts but when you said he had substituted some old posts from a previous blog it jarred my memory. There was a time when the dumbass, JP, said he was going to change his name to Clay. People were shitting on his parade.

Oh Crap said...

So it was Bethesda then and not Walter Reed?

Truth Rules said...

I'm thoroughly confused.

Oh Crap said...

So am I Truth Rules. Apparently butthead had a blog up that he deleted and it deleted like 30 comments. Then for some reason he dug through his archives to replace them with different comments. Also someone wants to know if anyone got a screen cap of the blog he deleted.

Those comments that Anon copied are old ones that he used to replace what he deleted. He's a strange one.

Oh Crap said...

Well, NZ and Truth, I can't honestly say what he did because I didn't catch it. Trying to figure out what Anon is telling us. What I'm getting is that he filled in the blanks with ancient comments, went into delete mode and Anon copied us on the ancient comments. Oh Well.

Truth Rules said...

Without knowing what he deleted it makes no sense.

Why does he care if he deletes comments. Who's going to question him.

Oh Crap said...

I'm not because I didn't see it.

Oh Crap said...

I think I understand now based on the message JP left me and the message someone else left it appears JP or one of his ilk has hacked the OFC

John Paulus said...

Do you think your credit card and home addresses are safe at the OFC if it was hacked?

Anonymous said...

Yep, OFC chat was hacked by someone posing as Clay with 600(!) people in the room.

But the fans caught on really quickly and are not buying the crap that was spewed.

The maggots seem to be running around in circles because NO ONE believes them!!!!

Oh Crap said...

I don't have to worry because I'm not a member, JP. I won't join until the OC, Groucho and Emach, You and kcditto among others are out of there. mmmmmmmkayyyyyyyy.

I'm a fan of Clay Aiken and with the foul stench over there coming from your swamp I would just let my blistering tongue do its damage to everyone's eyeballs.

So you hacked the OFC pretending to be Clay or you had someone do it, huh? A pity you are so hated. Sucks to be you.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone recognize this email addy?

It came from the swamp and is somehow related to the hacking, which Butty claims he's too dumb to do.

Oh Crap said...

Don't know Poly Graf but let's put it on the front page and find out.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would asshole think credit cards info is at risk. Hacking chat software is a whole lot different than hacking into the OFC records. Not even related dumbass. Of course, he's right when he says he's too stupid to do this. We've had his minimal brain power pegged from the beginning. This creep is seriously starting to bore me.

Anonymous said...

Here is the archived post from RHT regarding Clay's whereabouts while in DC.

Posted: Jan 12 2006, 11:29 AM

Clay visits injured Marines

Heard from my student's Mom who works at Bethesda Naval hospital where there was a Clay sighting:

"Sorry for the delayed response as I have been under the weather. Clay Aiken was on the 5th floor of the hospital visiting the OIF patients. OIF is Operation Iraqi Freedom. He went through and spoke with the Marines who were wounded in Iraq and are being treated here. Most of these patients are amputees and some have a lot of disfigurement in the face. I work here with MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation). We have been showing new movies (some before they are out on video) on the wards for the patients and their families. My co worker Carol just brushed by him in the hall on her way to show the movies. Very low key and he didn't have an entourage with him. I looked for any photos but haven't found any. I will keep asking around."

In spite of the date and the link, Butty said this was made up. Right. Someone knew 10 months ago that we would need this story to protect Clay. Get real.

I suppose we made up the 5th floor as well, right? I wonder if the hospital has made any changes on the 5th floor during the past year? Seem easily verifiable.

He wanted evidence of a humanitarian act that Clay made that wasn't a photo op, yet he wanted a photo of Bethesada!

Butty was also told about Tommy, the little boy from Toronto that Clay and Angela visited during the JBT and the wayward teen home Clay visited while in Tenn. He said those two stories were unworthy of comment.

Oh Crap said...

Note to JP: You mean the people facilitating you?

Anonymous said...

Of course, visiting a hospital and a wayward teen home are unworthy of comment. Get with the program, people! Nothing beats sitting on your ass all day critiquing a celebrity, especially when you expected that celebrity to include you in the lifestyle to which you felt entitled.

Whatsa matter, Paulass? Your handlers not supplementing your income on a steady basis?

Anonymous said...

I was out all day but accidently left my computer running. What blog was it that he deleted? I still have the window open that was up when I left and could possibly get a screencap.

Oh Crap said...

It was a blog he had up at the swamp between 7:15 and 10:30 and I have no idea whose time zone so I would guess it's Eastern

Anonymous said...

IluvClay - it was the blog that showed the beheading of Berg in Iraq and the WTC. The purpose was that the military know why they are there and what it could be like if we don't get the job done.

Oh Crap said...

JP, your 10 comments today aren't even worth forwarding to Uncle Jess. Is it so freaking boring on you blog that you have to come here? HACKER

Anonymous said... you can tell by the language and content it's our friend Rick Campbell (fake alter as Groucho) and he is also notorious for "hating" on Clay, while trying to be combative and sly, so people won't think it's him. He's been busted and I sent him an email stating that I know about his gmail accounts and yahoo accounts he uses trying to defame Clay Aiken.

Anonymous said...

Ricky is linked to Perez Hilton and John Paulus and isn't it odd, as soon as I emailed him, he took down John Paulus's cesspool link. Can we say busted?

Anonymous said...

Polly I was doing some looking this morning and found this Gmail is mobile phone service hope it helps...

Google approach to email.

Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, efficient and useful. And maybe even fun. And now, when you're on the go, you can take all that fun with you, with the new downloadable Gmail for mobile devices:
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Download it once, and start accessing Gmail on your phone with just a click or two. You'll also like it because:

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Learn more about Gmail for mobile devices.

Oh, and you still have over 2783.741435 megabytes (and counting) of free storage.

Truth Rules said...

Last nights incident proves that no matter how much trash talk about Clay goes on, his fans love him to pieces. That's not going to change.

Pretty freaking dumb to associate yourself with those responsible.

Truth Rules said...

It also proves just how easy it is to impersonate someone on the Internet.

The best part is that everyone in that chat room knew immediately that wasn't the real Clay. People who know the real Clay can't be fooled.

WRU said...

Did he just admit to hacking a website and possibly stealing credit cards?


Idiot alert!

Why doesn't he just put on the orange jumpsuit now and start on the highway picking up trash, cut out the middle man!

Oh Crap said...

Iluv, yes! you can send them to me at that email address.

Oh Crap said...

Thanks for bringing Clay's blog over.

WRU, they need the idiot in the game a little longer but you knew that already. You were just making a funny wishing the time was NOW.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if buttboy is associated with the chat room mess or if he's just taking the opportunity attach himself to something that actually worked. God knows his record for causing damage in the fandom has been miserable seeing that his last 2 "bombs" actually BOMBED. Unfortunately, gmail is one of those email sevices that does not have IP info attached to it.

Oh Crap said...

Oh, there were a lot of his comments that I didn't post last night. Now I know why he was so busy sending them to me between 9:05 PM and 10:48 PM

Anonymous said...

Aiken4Clay - would you post that info at the OFC? From what I understand, that email was left in the chat room last night as the place to send the nude photos!

I think this is just hilarious, guys. Did you catch this in Clay's blog? Is Clay smart or what?

"I SINCERELY apologize to anyone who was upset, hurt, or offended by what was said.?


This was posted in swampland. I thought it was interesting and wanted to save it before it gets deleted.

Anonymous said...
Poor John. He said Clay would never release a CD because his career was over. ATDW debuts at #1 and #2 on Billboard Sept. 19th!!!! And GOLD within 30 days!

He said Clay was a liar and a fraud. Clay goes through an FBI background check and is appointed by a President that John admires to a Presidential committee!!

He said Clay never does any humantiarian acts unless it's a photo op. Last night--The Outstanding Young Alumnus(na) Award from UNCC!!

John said Clay hooked up with Cory during homecoming--Clay left Raleigh between 3:00 - 6:00 PM in the evening--never happened.

John said Clay hooked up with Terry Goldman--TG tells John he's insane--never happened.

John said Clay hooked up with Matt Clemens--MC said it never happened and Mates prove it--never happened.

Again John insists that Clay doesn't do humanitarian acts and he is confronted with 3 yesterday and one was with the Bethesada Naval hospital where Clay visited the wounded soldiers from Iraq. Now John wants a photo!!

John said the C'mas tour would fail and be cancelled. Two venues are already SOLD OUT!

John is not having a good week!

12:32 PM

Anonymous said...

This is the event Clay attended last night.

Clay received the Distinguished Young Alumni Award from UNCC last night: The Outstanding Young Alumnus(na) Award was established in 1996 and honors an alum who has graduated within the last 10 years and who has shown exceptional service to the UNC Charlotte community and the Alumni Association. Career accomplishments and demonstrated involvement in the community and / or state also are considered.

Isn't it interesting that Clay never mentioned it at the Official website, the OFC, his MS or in a blog.

Anonymous said...

Poor PaulAss! Clay doesn't want to date him. He's such a charming guy, too. Can't you all tell by his behavior the last 11 months what a charmer PaulAss is?

He's quite a catch, isn't he?

Oh Crap said...

He sure is a catch: Gator Bait

Anonymous said...

"Now John wants a photo!!"

Oh really? Tell him to go fuck himself and snap a pic of that. He should have lots of practice doing that by now.

Oh Crap said...

Note to Ticked: Yes I know that person. She's a major fan and if she recognized it, you can bet the info will get into the proper hands.

Oh Crap said...

Yeah that, I have some pending comments I hadn't published yet but I can now if you're referring to the Groucho thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was searching Google for the source of an article, which contains the following denial of the NJ School teacher incident. Here's an excerpt:

Performing is the easy part. He's a natural at that. He's apprehensive about another part of the program. "I'll have to speak at some point," he said. "I'm working on that."

The only downside to his global celebrity is that it has made him a target for the tabloids, which realize his face on the cover will sell papers. Not even someone with his wholesome image is immune to their creative smearing. He's adopted the savvy strategy of ignoring them, but one piece, which was sent to him, was especially hurtful, he said. "One of them wrote I was working with a children's choir last Christmas and I was rude to them. I've spent my entire life working with kids, trying to help them."

The only consolation, he said, is, "I think most people didn't believe this story because it was so preposterous." His actions, including Saturday's selfless volunteering of his limited time, speak much louder than those words.

Anyone have this article or know it's source or link? It's dated 04/13/05 and is from South Florida.

In my search I ran across this picture. Have any of you seen this before? Thanks!

Oh Crap said...

I took the comments back out. Too many rapid fire anonymous posts. Sounds like someone wants us to visit that site en masse so they probably set up someone. Typical.

Truth Rules said...

Poly, it's about the Best Buddies tree planting in Hollywood, FL.

The same day as the Florida Voices for Change BAF Gala Dinner and 2 days after he testified before Congress for Unicef.

Truth Rules said...

Took awhile but I found it.

Remember the Sewell, New Jersey incident when Clay was being accused of treating kids in a poor manner. This was not anything like the Clay that we knew – nothing like Clay had always talked about. Later we learned that indeed it was all baloney – and we also learned that Clay was hurt by the fact that he was accused of something that was so anti his character:

The only downside to his global celebrity is that it has made him a target for the tabloids, which realize his face on the cover will sell papers. Not even someone with his wholesome image is immune to their creative smearing. He's adopted the savvy strategy of ignoring them, but one piece, which was sent to him, was especially hurtful, he said. "One of them wrote I was working with a children's choir last Christmas and I was rude to them. I've spent my entire life working with kids, trying to help them." The only consolation, he said, is, "I think most people didn't believe this story because it was so preposterous." (Sun-Sentential – April 2,2005)

Anonymous said...

Truth - I know what it was about. I was asking for the name of the paper or a link.

I love this.

For troops, little can top a package from home.

"The Guard is grateful for everything that comes in — even for the 2,000 recently donated CDs of Clay Aiken, the runner-up on the second season of Fox’s hit television show American Idol.

"I must admit, I’m not a fan," Bramlish said of Aiken. Nevertheless, the effort by two fanclub members to donate the CDs was appreciated, and the tunes are being dropped into every care package that members’ families send out.

Anonymous said...

Douchebag is still making claims that Clay and Matt Clemens were together. Of course, we all know they never met nor have ever spoken to one another. Paulass also claims that Clay tried to get in touch with Cory when he was in Raleigh for AI2 when before he made how many claims that they met and Clay was begging for it?

Paulass is an idiot. We've got the screencaps. He can go back and edit all he wants. That doesn't change the fact that he's responsible for his blog and what's said on it, not only by him but by his band of turds also.

Anonymous said...

Jackass Paulass wants to be fair to Clay, when he's been spreading lies about him for 11 months. He's insinuated drug use before, among other things, and now he wants to be fair? Such a loser.

WRU said...

French Quarter = Noir = Groucho!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Truth!

Anonymous said...

Noir = night

PaulASS now claims he's in constant communication with 12 guys who say they've been with Clay.

Will they perjure themselves and face prison time?

It's coming, PaulASS. You're first.

Anonymous said...

What is ‘defamation’?
Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation.

If a person or the news media says or writes something about you that is understood to lower your reputation, or that keeps people from associating with you, defamation has occurred. Slander and libel are two forms of defamation.

So I am asking you nicely not to ever use my name (kcditto) on your blog again.

John Paulus said...

You should just close down your blog. It's really worthless.

Anonymous said...


Oh Crap said...

Then I suggest you quit doing to same to Clay on his own OFC and quit giving John Paulus access to your screen name, Basher.

Anonymous said...

KCDITTO said...
What is ‘defamation’? blah blah blah blah blah.....

So I am asking you nicely not to ever use my name (kcditto) on your blog again.

9:15 PM

she's kidding ...right? bwahaha! this whole thing gets weirder and weirder by the they really believe the stuff they spew? ...OMG!

Oh Crap said...

JP, you have no idea how useful this blog has been and will continue to be. Close yours down.

Oh Crap said...

Nah, Lizzie, they know but spewing is their life.

Anonymous said...

Look who just came out of JP's closet, his puppet, the skank of Orange County.

The only thing you two aren't sharing is each other's spit.

Anonymous said...

We heard that Butty was busy cultivating an alibi last night so he wouldn't be accused of hacking. Isn't that right, Butty?

Amazing how you knew so much before it ever hit the boards. Were you chewing on the aluminum foil again?

Anonymous said...

How the hell do you sue over a screen name. Is she kidding?

Sounds defensive to me. Does she have something to hide?

nzclaynz said...

Oh man, there's been a bit going on today. First, a note to JP - just in case he can't stay away.

No one "hacked" into Clay's account at OFC - they hacked the software that's used for the chat room. Why did you not know we'd know that? Underestimating us again? Second - even if that person did have my credit card - Good luck with that, LOL! And as for having my home address - I live in New Zealand - what, they're gonna come for a visit? Awesome - I know a whole bunch of NZ Clay fans that would love to meet them... *g*

"Paulass is an idiot. We've got the screencaps. He can go back and edit all he wants. That doesn't change the fact that he's responsible for his blog and what's said on it, not only by him but by his band of turds also. "

Yep, he's an idiot. Dumbass. Imbecile. Whichever word you use, you'd be correct. As for being "responsible" for what's on his blog - being responsible means contributing something to society. Holding down a job; paying your own bills and being honest in dealings with others. He quit the armed forces; played scams on various people; runs a hate blog for the attention and lives off others. He's a PARASITE on society.

Yes JP - I just called you a PARASITE.
Look it up.

As for the "Noir" email addy linked to the chat hacker. Has to be our friend Rick. Though tonight's visitor could be JP.

The alumnus award spoke of today hasn't been confirmed yet - we'll have to wait and see on this one.

And kc - Defamation and libel on a screenname? You've got to be kidding... LMAO!! Karma sure is a Bitch, isn't she? Dumbass.

nzclaynz said...

"John Paulus said...
You should just close down your blog. It's really worthless."

Worthless - now that's a word I bet you DO know the meaning of JP.*g*

Actually, I think this blog - and the private one - have been very enlightening...

Anonymous said...

BUTT PLUGG's newest blog goes on forever about how the BAF doesn't do anything right since FSL left. I know, confusing as it is, he says it was left on his blog "anon"!

Well, isn't it obvious anon=FSL??

And I only had to look at the link Poly provided to find very recent charitable contributions being made by the BAF

I guess all you need to do is LOOK!


nzclaynz said...

"I guess all you need to do is LOOK!"


Anonymous said...

OK, I have to ask...Who is JP and the asshats trying to convince? The only ones around his blog besides himself are the few brave souls around here who venture into the depths of hell. His lies were lame and tacky, always have one knows who he is anymore if they ever did.....he's just "that stalker guy".

This last blog seems that he's really out of ideas isn't he. I recall fran s.L. was let go/parted ways, yet somehow she still gets him an appointment to the white house 3 years later? Idiots.

Major news sources cleared up the "LIES" about the foundation already, what's thier point? I would imagine any company parting with millions of dollars would have checked a few things

They're really grasping at straws again aren't they. PATHETIC. The fact that he comes over here so often shows me that this is the only place paying any attention to him in any way. some one go poke him with a stick....he's dead...done....finished....finito...adios....gone and fogotten...last years shit stain! ewwww I grossed myself out on that last one.

Anonymous said...

Major news sources cleared up the "LIES" about the foundation already, what's thier point? I would imagine any company parting with millions of dollars would have checked a few things
Butty would have us believe that "they" are living off the money, not doing anything with it. Everything they say is spin. No matter what truth you present, they say just the opposite.

John Paulus said...
You should just close down your blog. It's really worthless.

9:29 PM

This was hysterical to me. If this blog is so worthless, why does it bother him so much? He certainly doesn't have to come here, but he just can't stay away. LOL!!

I would say it's his blog that's worthless. Hanging on for 10 months, and who knows how much longer into the future, waiting for an apology that will never come!

Hey Butty! As long as you're there, we'll be here. Got it? Let's us know when you're ready to make a deal.

Anonymous said...

You don't hve to post this, but I have a question about how your site meter works:

Can you actually go back and see the IPs of everyone who has visited your blog today or can you only see the IPs of those visiting the blog at the time you click on the icon? I thought it was the latter.

Just curious because JP was telling his minions that not only does he know Clay's IP (how? - is Clay the only one from the Raleigh area to check out his blog?) but that Clay checked out the swamp 3 times yesterday.

How would he know how many times Clay supposedly stopped by the blog unless he was sitting watching the site meter ALL day? I was under the impression that you could only see who was logged in at a point in time.

WRU said...

Everything BB had said and is currently saying has been proven to be totally false.

The very fact that BB is over here and our other sister blogs saying stuff like "your blog is dumb" or "you should close down" crap shows we ARE making a difference and it shows just how much of a pathetic BUTT MUNCH he truly is.

Food for thought, the little OFC thing had to do with the ID not the internet billing idiotso! I am a payroll person from way back and also a computer geek. Whomever it is that keeps breaking into that site, it is a federal crime just like identity theft and they can go to prison.

Noir = Black,

Search for Noir and Groucho and quite a few hits come up on Google, food for thought!

Truth Rules said...

Anonymous @ 4:36

The site meter shows the service provider's ip - not the individual's machine ip. i.e: AOL, RoadRunner, etc.

There is a set number of records shown and depending on traffic it could cover days or hours. As new records are added, the older ones get bumped off.

He could see a Raleigh area service provider and assume it's Clay but he's guessing. It could be anyone from the Raleigh area. It's a big city and lots of people live there. Lots use AOL or RoadRunner too.

However, when stalker boy posts on my blog and he's told everyone what small NC town he lives in, it's easy to find his service provider by matching his post time with the site meter record.

Anonymous said...

Clay's myspace has 15,843 friends.

A$$hat has 13 on one and 16 on the other.

topcop said...

Did your sitemeter detect any red Georgia clay on the footprints of kcditto when she visited here?

Oh Crap said...

Had 2 of them Topcop.

Anonymous said...

Truth Rules - thanks for answering my question about the sitemeter!

I remember being a nervous wreck when he started posting IP addresses and telling everyone he was going to track us all down.

Too bad he wasn't smart enough to keep his sitemeter PRIVATE! He wanted us to see how many people were visiting his just showed me that he didn't know!

My IP provider is miles away from my house...he could never track me down from my IP address.

I also recall seeing lots of IP addressed from NC back then, as you said both on RR and AOL.

Stalkerboi just makes me laugh everytime he so matter-of-factly says "Oh yes, Clay visted my blog 3 times today..." hoping that someone believes him.

nzclaynz said...

linda, I sure hope you're right about things coming to a head real soon. Nothing I'd like better than to see them ALL go down for what they've done. After they've tried to ruin Clay's reputation and career; they deserve it back tenfold.

Karma's still a Bitch. I'm counting on it.

WRU said...


If it makes you feel any better. My IP address shows at least 5 hours away from me and sometimes in a different state so don't worry about only the IRS knows who exactly you are and I wouldn't ever mess with them;)

Anonymous said...

I hope it all comes to an end soon too. I've had enough. That SOB just makes me want to puke!

Anonymous said...

I'll post this here in case anyone missed it - Clay WAS named Outstanding Young Alumnus at UNCC!!

Woohoo, and he looks frickin' adorable :)

Feel free to post this at the hellhole, buttboy.

WRU said...

Check out the tongue-in-cheek Clive Davis take-off on Hits Daily Double:

It's the one on the left called pop-up blocker has to be turned off:

COMMENTARY: Clive Davis and American Idol Make for a Historic Pop Culture Pairing (11/9a)


Nightowl said...

Got a new blog up, Warning will make you SPIT your drink so be sure
to put it down.

Anonymous said...

Rear Admiral Butty does not know shit about anything.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rear Admiral Butty does not know shit about anything.

6:08 PM

Did Butty play Cabana Boy in the Navy too? LOL!

nzclaynz said...

"Clay WAS named Outstanding Young Alumnus at UNCC!!"

Yes!! And yes he does look frickin' adorable!

Hey JP and swampdwellers - Clay gets another award for his smarts and his charitable work. This one goes nicely with that Presidential appointment and the UNICEF ambassadorship. He's getting respect from all kinds of people and organisations. We still love him - even more now than before and he knows it. He looks happy and he's moving on with his life - and here y'all are, still wallowing in shit that's nigh on 11 months old. How pathetic. I bet it sucks to be you.

Anonymous said...

We have a picture of Clay at UNC!!!

Anonymous said...

OhCrap, you should post John's IP, like he does other people's. He is in Lillington, NC. Supposedly (and this is according to him) he is staying with a celebrity that is well known at his private palace on the outskirts of Lillington.

Anonymous said...

John is posting IPs of all of the people who read his blog. He made an entry and it looks like he deleted it. Thanks for print screen I have it and I am reporting him. Posting IPs are illegal.

Oh Crap said...

WRU.. Clive = Historic

Oh Crap said...

Not putting up anyone's IPs. All the bloggers have it and the only use they are is to tell you who is hanging on for 3 hours watching 3 blogs with basically nothing on it except "we know something...". Like we would put it out there for him, Groucho and Saskwatch

WRU said...

Which they did for at least 3 hours all of them!!


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
OhCrap, you should post John's IP, like he does other people's. He is in Lillington, NC. Supposedly (and this is according to him) he is staying with a celebrity that is well known at his private palace on the outskirts of Lillington"

Why would a celebrity live in Lillington, NC? It's a not so large town near Fort Bragg. John find celebrities in the oddest places, mostly in his head. He's just a celebrity magnet, isn't he? LOL

Oh Crap said...

Buttassface left a comment on this blog with a fan's name, her profession, age and where she lives with a snide ROFLMAO.

Well, I can tell you who she is JP: She's a friend of mine and won't take too kindly to it when I tell her and I assure you that she will go straight to Sheriff Joe who will NOT hesitate to use the long arm of the law to get you.

She has NOT been in this fight at all as she chose to be one of the many to ignore YOU and the MESS.. and enjoy Clay by remaining oblivious; however, she is not one to be messed with.


Oh Crap said...

I'm forwarding the comment to her now.

Truth Rules said...

celebrity = porn star?

Not on my radar!

Anonymous said...

You mean porn lackey, stars have a career at it. Butty couldn't do more than a 15 minute scene with a straight man.

Anonymous said...

It's always interesting how long it takes him to make up his next story. What? Over a week?

Anonymous said...

It is listed on tivo and their site so it must be so.

Truth Rules said...

Good lawd I'm so impressed.

He speaks for Clay.

He speaks for the Claymates.

He speaks for the FBI.

He speaks for Christians.

He speaks for gossip bloggers.

He speaks for hate mongers.

He speaks for Reichen.

He speaks for Matt.

He speaks for Doogie.

He speaks for RJ.

He speaks for the gay community.

Did I leave anyone out?

Oh Crap said...

JP, quit dropping fans' personal information into the comments of my blog as a scare tactic. I've forwarded them all where they need to go. I'm not interested in where people live, their profession or anything else. Not my business nor is it yours. WE are private citizens unlike you who forced yourself into public life to harass Clay and his fans. It's your only reason for existance, I know, but you need to find another outlet for your sexual shortcomings.

Oh Crap said...

iminit, I am soooo proud of Clay and his accomplishments and I love him dorky, I love him in a suit, I love him in tight Continentals and leather jacket.... I just LOVE him period.

Anonymous said...

OC has the last few days of crap on that idiots board been forwarded to anyone? Is there really an end in sight to all of this?


Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that Buttboi posts another blog about Matt Clemens and THE Matt Clemens just so happened to be around to not only read it but to also respond to it?


Too bad Buttboi hasn't mastered the English language yet, and just proved that HE is posting as Matt!
matt clemens said...

I am looking to move pass this episode. You are bringing up shit from a year ago.

4:45 PM


Now who do we know that truncates words and uses the wrong tense???

Buttboi!!! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Oh idiot...for future reference, it's "I'm looking to move PAST this episode..."

Also, why after all this time would the real Matt Clemens just come to the swamp to say "Okay John, you got me...I really did meet leave me alone..."

And the "wonderful" (GAG!) person Buttboi is says "Sure, No problem..."

Puh-leese Asswipe! You really are a pathetic idiot!!

Anonymous said...

So what's happening at the swamp? I haven't been by since he published gore. He has a blog with IP's? Is this really illegal? What's the latest? Please update!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that - I was just at MC's blog and was struck by something you said. You said to him:

"I am sorry you were drug into this mess. No one deserves it.

Take care."

5:05 AM

That sounds exactly like something Revnoles said to Jonahcruise in the IMs. Taking it in context of how you meant it, I couldn't help wonder if something similar didn't happen to Butty.

I never have believed that Clay, allegedly as Revnoles, would say that to the person that had tried to "out" him in a tabloid in one breath and then say "these rumors are destructive" in the next. So, it may be that someone else was showing off, bragging and spreading a wild rumor around (like to his sister) and someone **coughtinamariecough** injected Butty into the story by calling the tabloid. She is/was a Kelly fan and maybe she saw an opportunity to bring Clay down.

I don't know. It's gnawing at me. That "I'm sorry you got dragged into this" has always bugged me because it doesn't fit. I'll have to think about it some more.

Anonymous said...

So now supposedly MC came back to deny his previous denial? Don't make no sense to me! (Talking bad english so JP can understand when he'll scrutinize these comments next!)

Anonymous said...

So isn't Matt going to do anything about it already? He ought to sue! Somebody needs to take down this JP character already!

Anonymous said...

What is that I read about death threats left on OMC's myspace? Is RCA looking into it? Have they been linked to JP already?

Anonymous said...

Now apparently BUTT PLUGG not only knows who OhC and YT are (and is planning to slay an innocent person over this, and has already posted plenty about her persoanl bus. under anon of course)but there is also a new claim by Matt that he "Met Clay, but that was it" and it links to Matt's blog (which hasn't been touched since Nov. 6 that I can see).

Quite the smart one BUTT PLUGG, isn't he?


Anonymous said...

Ok, can somebody explain what kind of info he's posting? Just IP's or names as well? What are his last blogs about? Does he still have those creepy pix up?

Oh Crap said...

Anemare, I guess he got an innocent person's info and posted it and also sent it to me. I've been everyone under the sun and I live in Long Island sometimes. Of course, Scottie has to beam me up for some of these places I live because I have no clue where they are.

Oh Crap said...

JP, are you saying you know Todd Venice? Wouldn't his RHTers that pay for that site love to know it? Thanks for that other person's email address and if anyone should be a leeeeeetle bit worried tonight it's you.

Anonymous said...

So now Jackass PaulASS is impersonating Matt Clemens? Has someone alerted Matt's lawyer yet? Impersonating someone on the internet is a federal crime. I doubt PaulASS cares, however, since this isn't the first time he's impersonated someone. Goody. Multiple charges.

Looks like PaulASS is cooking his own goose for Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Carol, you may be a member of this klan, but I'm going to overlook putting your information out there, because I know Todd Venice has already told you that Clay is gay.

In your dreams, asshole!!!

And don't do me any favors. You've already put my info "out there" and that of my son's, twice before. Go ahead. I have nothing to hide. Got it?

Where's the freakin email, John. The one you said MC sent to you. Liar!!

I think you need to lay off the booze for awhile. You've been drinking way too much since you little vacation.

Anonymous said...

BTW, John.

Who's Butch Harris??

Oh Crap said...

I have no idea who that is myself.

Anonymous said...

Well if Todd has-been, fame-whoring, let-me-attach-myself-to-this-celebrity-cause-my-career-is-shit Venice says Clay is gay, then it MUST be true.

What a freaking idiot.

Did everyone see the hi-res pic of Clay at UNCC?


Anonymous said...

Go To Hell, JP. You are a sick, ignorant, ASSHOLE! We don't like you and we don't fear you. We don't care what you have to say. Stay in your own nasty stinking hole.

Anonymous said...

One more thing since buttboy's still hanging around this place -

We've been following all things Clay for 3 years now. Please don't even attempt to intimidate us with the likes of Todd Venice, just another asshole whose crock of crap is as big as yours.

Been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

The real Todd Venice of RHT is now on JP's side? For real? Or is it another imposter?
Todd is claiming Clay is gay? Could someone translate the messages coming thru? I can't make heads or tails of anything tonight!

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 4:17, JP has a little help cooking his own goose. Not all the posts I'm getting are from him. Looks like he's got a little help from Saskwatch and some others.

Anonymous said...

Someone asked about the death threats at MySpace. The poster is listed as a 14-yr-old male from the midwest. He posts really disgusting, disturbed comments at Clay's place and I've reported him to MySpace at least 20 times. I tend to believe it's just a creepy kid because he usually only posts on the weekends (must have an early bedtime or computer restrictions - LOL). He was dumb enough to add me as his friend so I'm gonna try to freak him out if he pulls any more crap.

OhC, I apologize if the is the 3rd time you see this -I'm having a little problem - heh.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, look who was just at CB


Is this a new variation?

Anonymous said...

"Well if Todd has-been, fame-whoring, let-me-attach-myself-to-this-celebrity-cause-my-career-is-shit Venice says Clay is gay, then it MUST be true.

What a freaking idiot." ROFLMFAO. OMG! This is so hilarious. Thanks for the great laugh. Best dexcription I have ever heard of that a--hole Todd V.

Anonymous said...


BUTT PLUGG thinks he knows who YT and OhC are. He is targeting them and an innocent Clay fan is being targeted. Trust me, BUTT PLUGG thinks he is running the show.

Too bad BUTT PLUGG is WRONG but whatelse is new?

Anonymous said...


Let's see who pays for his lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Those e-mails from Matt C. sound an awful lot like those phony IM's and e-mails Butty claims came from Clay.

I heard it's going to be an Orange Christmas, Butty.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:01. Maybe you should try to find out info about this "kid" as his "friend" instead of scaring him.

Doesn't RCA monitor the posts at MySpace? They haven't been removed yet? Threaten myspace with a lawsuit and they ought to do something presto. It's always like that. Lazy until someone mentions "my attorney". Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Here's the email Butty claims he rec'd on his private acct from MC.
to me
More options (9 hours ago)

Hi- this is Matt Clemens. This morning I woke up to my inbox full of emails about a posting about me on your website. Please take it down. I don't want this information out there anymore and I didn't expect this type of reaction. If you help me out I'd sure appreciate it.

Thank you
Matt Clemens

8:58 PM

So did he help him out? No, Butty did the honorable thing by creating another blog with an updated picture. Such a nice guy.

Anonymous said...


BUTT PLUGG thinks he knows who YT and OhC are.

I know, I've been following the insanity since last night. He thinks the "innocent person" is OhC.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting - I remember asking him, begging him to tell me what my IP was and I got totally ignored. That was a long time ago, but even so, he couldn't tell anyone what my IP was.

Won't somebody please come take that mad man away and lock they key?

Anonymous said...

Those posts from the FAKE Matt are ridiculous. It took him almost a week to create it 'cause he was too damned busy writing fanfic.

This guy can't get any more out there, there is no possible way.

He knows there is no way he is going to convince us so he starts trying to intimidate us.

Screw you, you don't intimidate me.

Oh Crap said...

Intimidate us? Somebody gave that bastard a major wedgy. I'm holding no less than 9 "threats" in my pending plus there are the ones that I already rejected and forwarded to the innocent person whose info he posted on his blog and sent to me through comments.

Oh Crap said...

Plus he sent me someone's IP

Oh Crap said...

Oops! Make that 11 in pending. Passing along someone else's email info to me.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the swamp still have those disgusting creepy photos up? Has he lost readership because of that?

Truth Rules said...

What are you? His social secretary?

Amazing how a bunch of blue haired old ladies can be so threatening, huh?

Give me an hour to get out of my rocking chair and I'll go beat him with my cane. Of course I've got to find my glasses first. And then I need to find someone to drive me. That's after I get the nursing home to give me a pass.

Oh Crap said...

Don't forget your Depends Gramma

Anonymous said...

So OC, tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine. Oh wait, the sun does shine there now, doesn't it? You know it's almost impossible to insult this piece of

So Biddy, yes, I said Biddy, not enough traffic at the swamp for you? Damn shame you gotta hang with us tonight isn't it?

Dumbass! You freak!

Anonymous said...

"Don't forget your Depends Gramma"

hee, and some of us are MILF's. Look that up Buddy. We rock!

Anonymous said...

Truth Rules said...

What are you? His social secretary?

Who were you mocking there Truth?

Oh Crap said...

Let me know if you need anything in my archives and I can give a deposition over the phone to your attorney.

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee!

Anonymous said...

Yeahthat - You go girl - nail his ass! We are all behind you with our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Will Jackass PaulASS have to get a public defender? Will Sabby have to mortgage her home to pay for a lawyer? Will the almighty PaulASS defend himself in court?


It's about time somebody took on this turd.

WRU said...


I have a contact at the Harnett County Sheriff's office.

Oh Crap said...

Many thanks to Passion. I appreciate it and I'm sure she would too.

Oh Crap said...

To the Anon who thinks I'm Renee, you are dead wrong and JP will soon find that out. Whomever pulled up her personal information and provided it to him will also be in deep shit. I have my suspicions as to who that would be and I'll pass that along to her as well.

Anonymous said...

I've tried to tell them all day that OhC and Renee were two different people, but they won't listen.

They are so into lying they think everyone does.

They have posted all of Renee's personal info on John's blog and to my knowledge Renee never goes there.

Now they're trying to say we're doing harm to Clay by filing a civil suit and how it will look when the world finds out. I don't see that that's relevant. Yeah that met John on the Internet, period! He comes to our blog, spreading his hate and lies. And he did start this.

It was not anyone of us who sent him threatening emails in the beginning, yet he vowed to go after us and bring down the Clay Nation. I have the screen cap of that threat.

Anonymous said...

Clay just blogged about the Saturday night chat room fiasco.

"Anonymous said...
So OC, tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine. Oh wait, the sun does shine there now, doesn't it? "

BWAH! I just spit ovaltine on my monitor.

Yeahthat, I don't blame you for taking action but it's exactly what asswipe wants you to do. More attention for him.

Oh Crap said...

The guy needs to be behind bars and away from Society.

Truth Rules said...

Yeahthat, I don't blame you for taking action but it's exactly what asswipe wants you to do. More attention for him.

9:49 PM

You know, real journalists have this habit of checking references and records. It's my understanding they will find numerous complaints filed against him - so yeah, he'll get some attention. A whole list of harassment complaints that will paint a picture of exactly the type person he is and show people exactly how much credibility he has. NONE!

Anonymous said...

PaulASS' motion to subpoena Clay would be thrown out as it isn't relevant here.

However, the judge might allow the threats PaulASS made to Adam, Carrie and others in order to show a pattern. Criminal complaints are on file with the Hartnett County Sheriff's office.

John Paulus said...

Bring it on ladies. ROFLMAO.

John Paulus said...

I demand that all references to me or implied references be removed IMMEDIATELY.

Oh Crap said...

Are you going to take down the personal information and email information down that you posted on Yeah That and Renee?

Oh Crap said...

Oops! 2 Downs don't make an up.

Anonymous said...

Do we even have his name once on this blog?

Who are you talking about sir?

Anonymous said...

What happened to Butty's threat to sue Clay for $74 for the cost of the room?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this jerk understand that he's a public figure now and is held to a greater level of scrutiny, just as Clay is? He gave up his rights as a private citizen when he crawled out of his hole back in January.

Clay isn't suing him, not because Butty speaks the truth; Clay isn't suing him because, although the standard of slander and libel with malice was reached a long time ago, Butty isn't worth wasting Clay's money. Butty would also love the attention, even though he'd lose. To him, what's one more bankruptcy?

Oh, the price of fame, or in this case, infamy. Be careful what you wish, Butty.

nzclaynz said...

YEAHTHAT - you go girl. Don't know what I can do from this far away, but you have my moral support - we got your back.

JP - why the "Bring it on and in the next post ask OhC to remove any references "real or implied" from her blog? You a little bit scared maybe?

You should be.

John Paulus said...

Why did you delete that blog. No worry. I have it copied on mine. I hope that Yeahthat's police see it tomorrow. ROFLMAO

Oh Crap said...

I have it saved for a rainy day. There wasn't anything in there that wasn't the truth so enjoy reading your screenshot until I put it back up.

Just sitting here wondering if you're all there, JP?

John Paulus said...

No you are not saving it for a rainy day. You are well aware that your little click has been broken and we are starting to figure out whose behind this harassing blog. You Claymates really messed up when Chexxy published her hall of shame. It really changed a lot of peoples minds. Keep digging hell is just a few more feet.

Oh Crap said...

Yes, JP. I am saving for another time.

I have no idea what click you are talking that is broken up. It's true that we're fed up with you but we're not going anywhere. You are a big man only in your mind and not capable of breaking up anything.

Anonymous said...

Yeah That you kick his creepy ass good girl!!! You TOTALLY Rock!!!

ya got my support girlfriend!!

Anonymous said...


FYI it is CLIQUE, though you have never been a part of one so how could you be expected to spell it right.

And our CLIQUE? We are fine, thanks for the concern. See, we have Yeah That's back, another form of "friendship" that is foreign to you.

Sad, really sad.

Truth Rules said...

"You are well aware that your little click has been broken and we are starting to figure out whose behind this harassing blog."

He finally admits he has help and he's not in this alone.