Don't you just crack up at Paulass' claims that he writes all of his blogs himself? One day it's all proper grammar, punctuation and big words then earlier this evening he types something about his "attorney's." HA! He doesn't even know the difference between plural and possessive forms of nouns. Idiot!
I have to laugh at the idiot counting the days since Clay blogged. It doesn't bother me in the least -but it obviously bothers asswipe. Clay will blog when he has something to say and I'm more than willing to wait until then. He's obviously been very busy with the varous TV shows, rehearsing for the coming Xmas concerts, etc.
Don't you know asswipe would love to have such a schedule - he instead, has lots and lots of time to blog. Go for it asswipe, you just make yourself look more and more stupid.
What a turkey. He's made himself a pseudo celebrity and as such has a higher standard he needs to abide by to prove malice. You can't have libel without proving malice - and there is none.
Expressing your opinions and displaying screen shots of his own words isn't malice by any stretch.
For income tax purposes I believe his main occupation would be that of paid LIAR,followed by limp dick failed porn star,and then of course two bit whore. I wonder if his Depends count as a business tax deduction.
JP is going to be posting stories with real men's names about other alleged hookups Clay had. Can we get out a message to not take this bait and contact these people? We need to ignore this stuff because it will only cause more problems for Clay. Clay fans need to be the bigger people and IGNORE.
Paid escort is usually synonomous with male prostitute. I guess "escorting" or "being escorted" doesn't pay very well when the equipment isn't working properly.
Some johns just aren't interested in dinner and a movie with such a charming personality. Especially a middle-aged fugly-faced self-aggrandizing little snake.
It has always been my belief that Paulass contacted the lawyers on January 9th telling them to stop the tabloid presses because he was hoping for a payoff to keep quiet. Mentioning the upcoming tabloid story was a veiled threat, IMO. He was told to f*ck off instead because Clay had nothing to hide.
By the time Paulass got back to the tabloids, they'd found a way to print the story by planting a blind item on a gossip blog.
His chance at celebrity and the ability to "cash in" didn't pan out as he'd hoped. Too bad. Next time, try earning a living by honest means, instead of trying to piggyback on someone else's talent and hard work.
Butty's claim of only wanting a private apology from Clay is such crap. He needs an excuse, no matter how ridiculous sounding, to keep this scam going.
Anonymous said... Butty's claim of only wanting a private apology from Clay is such crap. He needs an excuse, no matter how ridiculous sounding, to keep this scam going.
3:13 PM
He's full of it. He posted a supposed email or im with an apology in it. So he either already got his apology or he's admitting what he posted was fake.
I keep telling ya, asshole, to go find your own Lance Bass if you want so badly to play Reichen. At least his story was original. Finding a job as a realtor when Clay is moving back to Raleigh, hoping to sell him a house and thereby get to know each other is right out of Reichen's playbook. Even the "gays in the military" story.
Now you're trying to find a way out of this while saving face (too late for that) by demanding a private apology. Why should Clay bother? You started this, not him. He hasn't said one word about you.
I agree with the poster above. I think you were either looking for a payoff that didn't come, or a meeting with Clay, or a shot at celebrity, even if it was an illegitimate one. You didn't care if Clay sued you; it would only create headlines, which is exactly what you wanted. You have nothing to lose anyway; no assets, just bills, bills, and more bills.
The Pickle Report - which NEVER took off. The Celebrity Report - which NEVER took off. Photo Funnies - which NEVER took off. And now this new one (just called JP at this time.)
I don't know what he has planned for this one, but based on past history - it won't take off either!
The aspiring entrepreneur can't seem to get any of his OWN ideas up and running. He should be sending his thanks to whomever had the BRAINS to set up this smear campaign being waged against Clay because buttboi sure wouldn't have gotten this far on his own!
Paulus could have taught survival training, started his own security firm, or become a personal trainer. IOW, a decent, respectable life. Instead, he chose to become a paid escort. Now he's consumed with an unhealthy obsession for a certain celebrity (Clay) and wanting to become a celebrity in his own right.
Paulus, it takes talent, charisma, luck, hard work, a certain je ne se quoi. Whatever it is, you don't have IT. You were given a shot at a porn career, by trying to cash in on Clay's celebrity. It didn't work out because, again, you don't have IT. Whatever IT is that makes a star. You might have had some looks 10, 15, 20 years ago, but that was a long time ago. That ship has sailed. Time for a reality check.
Clay isn't interested in you. He was shown photos of you, and he doesn't recall ever meeting you, such as at a bus M&G or a book/CD signing. If he wanted to get to know you, he would have found a way to get in touch with you.
You've been claiming on and off that Clay's been in touch with you. Now I don't know if you're trying to pull everyone's leg, or if someone impersonating Clay on the internet (yes, that's been happening), is trying to pull yours. But it's over. Stop acting stupid. You're just making things worse for yourself.
Clay has the talent, the drive and the backing to go far in the business. He doesn't want you on that ride with him.
GROW UP AND GET A LIFE!! Find a decent job, pay your bills. Barring that, find yourself another celebrity to harass.
I still think this jerk was "hired" by a certain gay tabloid blogger looking for the BIG STORY. In exchange for "outing" himself, Paulass could have been promised media exposure and networking opportunities to achieve some level of his own fame. Judging by his own attitude and behavior, those goals were undoubtedly loftier and the outcome a lot more disappointing than originally anticipated.
Someone is keeping him afloat, either through a cash allowance, favors or future promises. He NEEDS Clay to come out, whether it's to validate his claims or to get the monkey off his back. There might also be a payoff at the end.
I'm not sure he was ever interested in Clay. Clay was (is) the means to an end for him. He could pull out now and go about getting his life back together. I don't think he will, however. This has become a game to him, a case of psychological warfare. He comes across as a very lonely and needy individual. Which is a shame. He might have had a lot going for him at one time, but has seemingly thrown it all away, and for what?
It appears to me that pickle is setting the stage for a "private" apology. He is looking for a way out of this to "save face". So, you see, his blog will disappear one day and everyone will be left to assume he got his apology.
Butty's claiming more hook-up stories, saying he got them from Clay. Yeah, because Clay is THAT stupid. Duh!
Butty says it will be two weeks' worth of hook-ups, starting in DC, with name, photo and contact info. You know, as in fictitious name, a account and a random photo from a gay website. All to end with a BIG BANG at the end of two weeks' time.
Doesn't he realize by now, that he might be the recipient of a BIG BANG of his own? Delusional much?
If I remember correctly...way back when - butty said that he had or could have several blogs ready and waiting if the one he is using gets shut down he could then jump to another and just keep on keeping on. Makes you wonder what the fool is up to now.
I talked to a girl named Amy that said she has talked to "Revnoles" before. OhCrap, do you have an email where you can be reached? I think you might want to see this.
If Clay had communicated with the stalker like he claims, those e-mails and/or IMs would have been posted on that blog for the world to see!!
Stalker would be doing the happy dance saying "I Told You So" yet he just taunts the fans. He's "shared" everything else - why not this new correspondence?
Oh I know - because it NEVER happened!
So why exactly did Clay supposedly contact him after LKL? To ask him what he thought of the show? or to say "Oh please don't think I was denying you" Oh Barf!
Oh the damn hook-up stories. That's just his latest crock of sh.. er, crap... Does anyone believe that are actual guys who were really paid $10,000 each for their 'stories'? I wonder if in fact, it's all made up, like "anonymous" at 6.06pm suggested, and that these 'guys' are just random photos with made up stories to go with...
Want to bet we could find out who the guys in the pictures really are - hypothetically, of course? I would never suggest anything like that...*g*
JP suing for libel. LMFAO! To do that he actually has to KNOW who the person is and the city where they live? Strike ONE. And he actually has to have an attorney that won't laugh him out of their office...Strike TWO. Then he and said attorney have to prove malice. HAH. Strike THU-REE - you're out, LOL.
Damn, it's fun knowing that there's all this proof that he's a liar. Bet he wishes he really could get into that private blog...
DC is the one with Raleigh playing on the bed. Makes it much more believable... right? Doesn't it seem strange that he knows about every gay guy in the world? Delusional? Let him post away, very few are reading him, less than that are posting. If the few haters and the very few fans would stop posting ... he would lose his audience!
Interesting that Clay had a government clearance yet pickle continues with his claims - just watching how quickly the Haggard story came out, I do believe the same thing would have happened about Clay if it were true. Free speech is all pickle has and he uses it in the dark alleys.
Threats of another contact to be posted at midnight? Hah, again think the Haggard story - if there was anyone legitimate it would have been all over the newspapers pronto - A LONG TIME AGO - not on an obscure blog 10-11 months later!
Oh, and he messes up with stuff like this from a couple blogs ago. (Monday the 26th?) And he messes up other things as well.
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:39:32 -0800 (PST) From: "John Paulus" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Subject: Tabloids To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com
blah blah .............
From: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com View Contact Details View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert To: "'John Paulus'" Subject: Retainer Agreement Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2006 12:26:28 -0500
NZ, it is rather strange that someone can be sued for telling the truth. There's no contract with a confidentiality clause between us and pickle so we can spew all the truth we want about him. The same goes for Alan Butterfield and that perverted child, Mario L.
LOL - so in buttboy's altered universe time goes from Tuesday Jan 24 to Monday Jan 26.
I thought the same thing when Haggard's male prosti, errr, escort showed up on The Today Show. Asshole must have been crying in his cornflakes during that NATIONALLY TELEVISED interview. If his story had one tiny ounce of credibility you can bet it would have been picked up by legitimate news outlets.
Sucks to be you, pickle, you lying piece of crap.
And why in the world wouldn't he have revealed all the hookup news when ATDW was released???? Wouldn't that have had the maximum impact on sales?
The idiot is always a day late and a dollar short even when he's writing fiction. I'll bet his backers are reeeeealy happy with him.
Buttboy, just step away from the Airwick and get a life.
Why does John insist on making his entire blog about Clay and sex? He claims he wants to expose Clay and us and claims we are hypocrites, but he adds every ounce of sexual perversion he can get and twists and spins. He is a freak. What a sad stalker that guy is.
#1. I seriously doubt, though I could be wrong, that the real Mario Cruz is posting on JP's blog.
#2. People like JP, PH, ML BM, et al have a perverted sense of what sex is about. Must be some kind of a short in their wiring. To them and the OC gals, their perversions are a way to make up for their shortcomings...if you get my drift. From what I've been able to see and read I get the feeling that they suffer from self loathing and the only way to make THEM feel better is to bring decent folks down to their level through lies and slashfic. Someone they started off admiring was beyond their reach or beyond their comprehension so it was necessary to dirty him up so they could be his equal.
#3. 2 didn't happen so now it's become their focus to destroy a man who stands his ground and refuses to veer from his own path. All this bullshit is simply bullshit.
I'd like to know how stalkerboi knows about every gay site that Clay supposedly visits, including his account info and when he logs in? Exactly how is that possible?
It's NOT!
It also amuses me that he is the leading authority on EVERY gay man or rumored-to-be gay man in Hollywood. He just rattles off who's dating who off the tip of his tongue.
He's one scary mo-fo!!
Oh ticked - that date error your found is just priceless!! Can't wait see how he's going to explain that one!!
Please pass on to tick that I have approximately 40 email correspondences between me and my attorney. It was a simple error. When I copied and pasted the email into wordpad I pasted over another email. There is nothing sinister and I did not fabricate those emails. She is more than welcome to ask Kristi Gamble for her emails and to the compare the two. Thank you.
It's all the same shell game folks. What is different is now, Pickle is showing how a federal crime called Exhortion is involved.
The people coming forward were bribed to lied, that is called Exhortion and punishable by prison time.
We will let the County Sheriff and JR know about who, what, where, and when. Oh, Sorry, we already know, too bad you REALLY don't access to the private blog.
Tent city, here they come!
They can all congregate and violate each others parole!
Buttee, the only attorney who would take your case is a Public Defender trying to lessen your jail time and you'd have to squeal on others to get your time cut.
You do look ok in orange, right? Orange and pink don't clash with your complexion, do they? I'm sure you're into chains 'n' shit so that won't bother you.
Especially since the 26th is a Thursday. But you keep on getting the hook-up stories.
Here a little hint. If you present people saying they hooked-up with Aiken and you do not know for a FACT that they did you are an accessory and are libel.
So Yeah, go ahead and continue to put up your garbage. We know the DC thing didn't happen and the other hook-ups didn't either.
I knew what pickle's answer would be, but it was nice to force it out of him. He's fallible, OMG! Who knew? I thought about posting on your blog, Buddy, about that error. In fact, I even gave you a heads-up that there was a date problem, but you failed to fix it. You didn't see it even after a heads-up. Your frog eyes have a hard time focusing. Oh, you went back over the blog all right and found you had copy/pasted the attorney's e-mail address and fixed that one. Big woopsy! You don't know who I am, do you JP?
You see, he has made several of those types of errors. He isn't a stickler for detail. Just one more along with condom, no condom; kiss, no kiss; dark-colored SUV, Mercedes.
Yeah right, about another hook-up. If there was one, it wouldn't be Buddy to bring it forward, it would be high-powered news media, not low-wattage swamp dwellers.
Looking at that picture of JP on the private blog, he looks just like Betty-Boop, I think we should change his name...Ya know Betty-Boop would be very fitting, she was a freaking airhead too....nice round ass cheeks you are sporting in that much younger picture PaulASS....Ya kinda look hot in it...what happen?
well all I can say is his mother must have beat him with an ugly stick, to look at him now. Honestly if I wasn't a married lady and him a so called gay person, I would jump his bones in a heart paperbag for that pretty face and butt cheeks. Betty you freaking rock when you were 10 years younger in that photo baby!!!
OC I don't think there is any photoshopping in that picture, the guy they came from said he was friends with Betty for years, and was pissed how he is living his life now days so he just kinda handed them over to us on his free will. I'm so happy we are getting the info we needed.
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:42:27 -0800 (PST) To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@****.com
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:20:10 -0800 (PST) To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:39:32 -0800 (PST) To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I bet anyone $20.00 that BUTTY says it was a typo, and that we shouldn't ever compare his intelligence to his typing skils... or some bullshit like that!
John Paulus said... I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
Hey Johnny Peee...don't flatter yourself. I went to the dictionary just the other day and when I looked up the word UGLY, your picture was posted along with this statement: "After viewing this picture, please poor bleach into your eyes and try to forget you were ever here. The memory will linger but the bleach should help." I've never seen a disclaimer like that in the dictionary. Don't believe me? Welcome to my world, I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth so we are even.
By the way, I saw the picture and I have to say, ewwwwwwwwww, honey, seriously, you need to do something about that mug of yours. Just no.
Now he is picking on NZ and claiming or insinuating that the person who's pic is going up at midnight is someone who "doesn't need Clay to be famous"??? He also said that we will have full access to him as well, email, phone, home address, etc...
I guess we will see! By the way, he is so tripping on the picture it is almost funny if it wasn't so pathetic!
and the haters are back at TWOP. except they really aren't good at hiding thier Kelly love and thier Clay hate. silly really. I've been around this fandom a long time and I'm always surprised at how many BAD stories come from Kelly fans. I've never heard af any of these from anywhere else. and tha Fact that Clay and KeLLY are such good friends makes thier posts seem so stupid.
John Paulus said... I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
3:08 PM
You know, I told myself I was going to refrain from posting today, but I just can't help myself. Butty is such a comedian!
Now, what have you got that women want? Is that a man who can't get it up, who's thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt and has to have his mommy cosign on a loan for a condo because his credit is so bad?
A guy who's told so many whoppers, he can't even keep his stories straight? A person who's trying to destroy the life and career of another human being because said human being won't pay attention to him? I guess he doesn't find you as irresistible as you think you are.
What is it you have that men wish they had? Hmmm. I'm stymied here, but obviously neither Michael Lucas nor Wilson Vasquez was impressed with your - er, ahem - manliness. I would think that if men were so impressed with your - er - assets, they'd be beating down your door wanting to date you and get in your pants. I guess that ain't happening, seeing as how you always have so much time to blog.
Doesn't Mama Sabby ever tell you to get out and meet someone, get married? I'm sure she's sick of seeing you around. Just like the rest of us.
Get a life, Butty. You ain't hot shit. If you were, the offers would have come pouring in. They're not because you're not. Hot shit, that is. Full of shit is more like it.
John Paulus said... I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
BWAH! You're so NOT hot. I don't know many women that lusts for a purple pecker either.
John Paulus said... I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
*sticking finger down throat" Oh just puke.
What every woman wants is a man that "can get it up and her off". That so is not you!
What every man wants..........BWAH! See above^^^^^^ "HOT" well no, you're just nasty with a big ass ego.
Oh and limp dick........the new pictures are disgusting, just like you.
JP said.... I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me. -------- If he were truely gay shouldn't it be.... I got what every MAN wants and every WOMEN wishes she had.
Paulass says he's going to continue posting Clay's hookups because the fans have been calling him and other gays fags on his blog and PH's. What a fool he is! Boy, is he being taken for a ride.
The very people he is in cahoots with are the ones doing the name calling. Wackos like groucho, emach, Director Sandy and other haters from KCE are spreading the gay hate and JP is either unwittingly helping them or is complicit. His own followers are using him BIG TIME to try and destroy Clay's career so Kelly can be the only successful idol. They're so busy spreading the hate, they don't even realize that Carrie is sneaking up and poised to overtake Kelly. Plus, they are gigantic HOMOPHOBES.
Me? LMAO! That's too funny. He did it once before and I ain't taking the bait this time.
JP - come over to my playground and tell me what you said about me. Such a big man (LOL) to pick on women; especially behind their backs. Be a man and do it to my face. Dare ya.
As for the latest, crap. JP, you need to tell someone who actually gives a sh... (oh hell, I'll just say it) SHIT.
What - do you think that if you keep saying Clay is gay and hooks up with guys on the internet; over and over; that we might actually suddenly believe you? That ANYONE might believe you? LMAO!! Even your swamp buddies don't. They're either using you, or playing mind games with you.
And you think you're hot. You are the epitomy of what is NOT hot. A liar with no conscience or empathy. Someone who schemes, but really isn't all that clever. And dead eyes that reflect a dead soul.
I commend all of you for ignoring his latest story. He wants you to attack him or this new guy. He wants to blame fans for his outrageous behavior so when we fans don't do anything, he can only blame himself.
Yeah! NZ, you gotta watch him. He'll have you living in NY in another day or two and try to convince you that you're goint through his May you would give a shit.
I'm still floating from Clay's blog yesterday. He's such a sweetie. I'm so looking forward to seeing more of him on TV - and can't wait for the new EP to show up. His version of My Grown Up Christmas List blows all the other versions out of the water.
And for you lucky people with tickets to the Christmas concerts, I'm so jealous.
Wonder what gave NZ away? I'm surprised he got that one. I've only said 50 times on my blog where I'm located and he still put me on the other side of the country. Not too bright at times.
Note to JP: Nope, nobody I know.
Bet his "business" has taken a big drop since he started this crap.
His sex life must be down to zero about now - can't imagine anyone in their right mind wanting anything to do with him.
Are you sure you did not make a mistake with the amount he is asking? Should that not be $2.50?
and he still can't pay his bills, I guess business is slow.
IIRC even Perez called him an escort.
Don't you just crack up at Paulass' claims that he writes all of his blogs himself? One day it's all proper grammar, punctuation and big words then earlier this evening he types something about his "attorney's." HA! He doesn't even know the difference between plural and possessive forms of nouns. Idiot!
I have to laugh at the idiot counting the days since Clay blogged. It doesn't bother me in the least -but it obviously bothers asswipe. Clay will blog when he has something to say and I'm more than willing to wait until then. He's obviously been very busy with the varous TV shows, rehearsing for the coming Xmas concerts, etc.
Don't you know asswipe would love to have such a schedule - he instead, has lots and lots of time to blog. Go for it asswipe, you just make yourself look more and more stupid.
Finally~ something that JP can write a book about...the escort trade. He can title it, "Call Me Madman".
*It seems Pickle is more concerned about Clay not blogging than any of Clay's fans are, LOL!*
Is he still whining about that? LOL
I was gonna write something, but I'm laughing too hard. What a tool.
Go OC!
Great job Cindy!
I wonder what occupation he lists on his income tax.
That was brilliant!
"Call Me Madman"
JP would not know the truth if it hit him in the face.
I wonder how deep that hole is that he is spinning in?
Oh Crap is off enjoying her day and I'm monitoring the posts for her.
aiken4clay - loved what you said but I'm going to let Oh Crap decided whether to let it through or not.
jp left her more presents. I wonder when an exact quote of someone's words became libel.
Butty claims to have access to WRU's blog. Amazing, since none of us can get in! lol
buttboi sure does like throwing that libel word around! He's always threatening to sue someone or other for libeling him, eh?
Funny how he never proceeds! If he had so much evidence of the "crazy claymates" libeling him - why hasn't he done anything about it yet?
Uhmm...maybe because what those clazy ladies have to say is the TRUTH??!!
What a turkey. He's made himself a pseudo celebrity and as such has a higher standard he needs to abide by to prove malice. You can't have libel without proving malice - and there is none.
Expressing your opinions and displaying screen shots of his own words isn't malice by any stretch.
For income tax purposes I believe his main occupation would be that of paid LIAR,followed by limp dick failed porn star,and then of course two bit whore. I wonder if his Depends count as a business tax deduction.
JP is going to be posting stories with real men's names about other alleged hookups Clay had. Can we get out a message to not take this bait and contact these people? We need to ignore this stuff because it will only cause more problems for Clay. Clay fans need to be the bigger people and IGNORE.
I have a new blog up.
well I'll be damn...JP set up another blog spot on Oct.13th, guess he thinks we are to dumb to find things like this....
Paid escort is usually synonomous with male prostitute. I guess "escorting" or "being escorted" doesn't pay very well when the equipment isn't working properly.
Some johns just aren't interested in dinner and a movie with such a charming personality. Especially a middle-aged fugly-faced self-aggrandizing little snake.
It has always been my belief that Paulass contacted the lawyers on January 9th telling them to stop the tabloid presses because he was hoping for a payoff to keep quiet. Mentioning the upcoming tabloid story was a veiled threat, IMO. He was told to f*ck off instead because Clay had nothing to hide.
By the time Paulass got back to the tabloids, they'd found a way to print the story by planting a blind item on a gossip blog.
His chance at celebrity and the ability to "cash in" didn't pan out as he'd hoped. Too bad. Next time, try earning a living by honest means, instead of trying to piggyback on someone else's talent and hard work.
Butty's claim of only wanting a private apology from Clay is such crap. He needs an excuse, no matter how ridiculous sounding, to keep this scam going.
Anonymous said...
Butty's claim of only wanting a private apology from Clay is such crap. He needs an excuse, no matter how ridiculous sounding, to keep this scam going.
3:13 PM
He's full of it. He posted a supposed email or im with an apology in it. So he either already got his apology or he's admitting what he posted was fake.
I keep telling ya, asshole, to go find your own Lance Bass if you want so badly to play Reichen. At least his story was original. Finding a job as a realtor when Clay is moving back to Raleigh, hoping to sell him a house and thereby get to know each other is right out of Reichen's playbook. Even the "gays in the military" story.
Now you're trying to find a way out of this while saving face (too late for that) by demanding a private apology. Why should Clay bother? You started this, not him. He hasn't said one word about you.
I agree with the poster above. I think you were either looking for a payoff that didn't come, or a meeting with Clay, or a shot at celebrity, even if it was an illegitimate one. You didn't care if Clay sued you; it would only create headlines, which is exactly what you wanted. You have nothing to lose anyway; no assets, just bills, bills, and more bills.
swamprat has set up quite a few blogs...
The Pickle Report - which NEVER took off.
The Celebrity Report - which NEVER took off.
Photo Funnies - which NEVER took off.
And now this new one (just called JP at this time.)
I don't know what he has planned for this one, but based on past history - it won't take off either!
The aspiring entrepreneur can't seem to get any of his OWN ideas up and running. He should be sending his thanks to whomever had the BRAINS to set up this smear campaign being waged against Clay because buttboi sure wouldn't have gotten this far on his own!
Let's face it. Asswipe was looking for either celebrity, a sugardaddy, or in the best of possible worlds, both.
Paulus could have taught survival training, started his own security firm, or become a personal trainer. IOW, a decent, respectable life. Instead, he chose to become a paid escort. Now he's consumed with an unhealthy obsession for a certain celebrity (Clay) and wanting to become a celebrity in his own right.
Paulus, it takes talent, charisma, luck, hard work, a certain je ne se quoi. Whatever it is, you don't have IT. You were given a shot at a porn career, by trying to cash in on Clay's celebrity. It didn't work out because, again, you don't have IT. Whatever IT is that makes a star. You might have had some looks 10, 15, 20 years ago, but that was a long time ago. That ship has sailed. Time for a reality check.
Clay isn't interested in you. He was shown photos of you, and he doesn't recall ever meeting you, such as at a bus M&G or a book/CD signing. If he wanted to get to know you, he would have found a way to get in touch with you.
You've been claiming on and off that Clay's been in touch with you. Now I don't know if you're trying to pull everyone's leg, or if someone impersonating Clay on the internet (yes, that's been happening), is trying to pull yours. But it's over. Stop acting stupid. You're just making things worse for yourself.
Clay has the talent, the drive and the backing to go far in the business. He doesn't want you on that ride with him.
GROW UP AND GET A LIFE!! Find a decent job, pay your bills. Barring that, find yourself another celebrity to harass.
I still think this jerk was "hired" by a certain gay tabloid blogger looking for the BIG STORY. In exchange for "outing" himself, Paulass could have been promised media exposure and networking opportunities to achieve some level of his own fame. Judging by his own attitude and behavior, those goals were undoubtedly loftier and the outcome a lot more disappointing than originally anticipated.
Someone is keeping him afloat, either through a cash allowance, favors or future promises. He NEEDS Clay to come out, whether it's to validate his claims or to get the monkey off his back. There might also be a payoff at the end.
I'm not sure he was ever interested in Clay. Clay was (is) the means to an end for him. He could pull out now and go about getting his life back together. I don't think he will, however. This has become a game to him, a case of psychological warfare. He comes across as a very lonely and needy individual. Which is a shame. He might have had a lot going for him at one time, but has seemingly thrown it all away, and for what?
It appears to me that pickle is setting the stage for a "private" apology. He is looking for a way out of this to "save face". So, you see, his blog will disappear one day and everyone will be left to assume he got his apology.
Such a delusional and evil person.
Everyone, here's the way to complain to Blogger which is owned by google:
Butty's claiming more hook-up stories, saying he got them from Clay. Yeah, because Clay is THAT stupid. Duh!
Butty says it will be two weeks' worth of hook-ups, starting in DC, with name, photo and contact info. You know, as in fictitious name, a account and a random photo from a gay website. All to end with a BIG BANG at the end of two weeks' time.
Doesn't he realize by now, that he might be the recipient of a BIG BANG of his own? Delusional much?
If I remember correctly...way back when - butty said that he had or could have several blogs ready and waiting if the one he is using gets shut down he could then jump to another and just keep on keeping on.
Makes you wonder what the fool is up to now.
Aiken4Clay hold those thoughts, keep your fingers crossed and wish upon a star.
Wow! Gone all day and I come back to a small stack of Paulus love notes. One of which tells me that Truth Rules now lives in NY.
Truth, did you make that move over night?
Wise words, whomever said to pay not attention to his blog. Nobody else will.
How does one do screen shots of his blogs? Could someone capture his current one?
I talked to a girl named Amy that said she has talked to "Revnoles" before. OhCrap, do you have an email where you can be reached? I think you might want to see this.
Well, considering that Revnoles is Groucho... I'm not biting.
If Clay had communicated with the stalker like he claims, those e-mails and/or IMs would have been posted on that blog for the world to see!!
Stalker would be doing the happy dance saying "I Told You So" yet he just taunts the fans. He's "shared" everything else - why not this new correspondence?
Oh I know - because it NEVER happened!
So why exactly did Clay supposedly contact him after LKL? To ask him what he thought of the show? or to say "Oh please don't think I was denying you" Oh Barf!
Well, considering that Revnoles is Groucho... I'm not biting.
hee, good for you OC.
Butty, you been saying that you have more dudes for months. Bring it. I hope you end up in jail this time. Buttwipe.
Oh the damn hook-up stories. That's just his latest crock of sh.. er, crap... Does anyone believe that are actual guys who were really paid $10,000 each for their 'stories'? I wonder if in fact, it's all made up, like "anonymous" at 6.06pm suggested, and that these 'guys' are just random photos with made up stories to go with...
Want to bet we could find out who the guys in the pictures really are - hypothetically, of course? I would never suggest anything like that...*g*
JP suing for libel. LMFAO! To do that he actually has to KNOW who the person is and the city where they live? Strike ONE. And he actually has to have an attorney that won't laugh him out of their office...Strike TWO. Then he and said attorney have to prove malice. HAH. Strike THU-REE - you're out, LOL.
Damn, it's fun knowing that there's all this proof that he's a liar. Bet he wishes he really could get into that private blog...
DC is the one with Raleigh playing on the bed. Makes it much more believable... right? Doesn't it seem strange that he knows about every gay guy in the world? Delusional? Let him post away, very few are reading him, less than that are posting. If the few haters and the very few fans would stop posting ... he would lose his audience!
Interesting that Clay had a government clearance yet pickle continues with his claims - just watching how quickly the Haggard story came out, I do believe the same thing would have happened about Clay if it were true. Free speech is all pickle has and he uses it in the dark alleys.
Threats of another contact to be posted at midnight? Hah, again think the Haggard story - if there was anyone legitimate it would have been all over the newspapers pronto - A LONG TIME AGO - not on an obscure blog 10-11 months later!
Oh, and he messes up with stuff like this from a couple blogs ago. (Monday the 26th?) And he messes up other things as well.
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:39:32 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Paulus" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Tabloids
To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com
blah blah .............
From: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com View Contact Details View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
To: "'John Paulus'"
Subject: Retainer Agreement
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2006 12:26:28 -0500
Ticked! You go girl!
NZ, it is rather strange that someone can be sued for telling the truth. There's no contract with a confidentiality clause between us and pickle so we can spew all the truth we want about him. The same goes for Alan Butterfield and that perverted child, Mario L.
LOL - so in buttboy's altered universe time goes from Tuesday Jan 24 to Monday Jan 26.
I thought the same thing when Haggard's male prosti, errr, escort showed up on The Today Show. Asshole must have been crying in his cornflakes during that NATIONALLY TELEVISED interview. If his story had one tiny ounce of credibility you can bet it would have been picked up by legitimate news outlets.
Sucks to be you, pickle, you lying piece of crap.
And why in the world wouldn't he have revealed all the hookup news when ATDW was released???? Wouldn't that have had the maximum impact on sales?
The idiot is always a day late and a dollar short even when he's writing fiction. I'll bet his backers are reeeeealy happy with him.
Buttboy, just step away from the Airwick and get a life.
Ticked - you rock.
Who is that Mario guy, OhCrap? Mario Cruz. He is one of the main people posting over at John's blog hating on Clay and his fans.
John's fictious porn script story is no longer marketable. He is running out of material. He is self destructing, as is his following.
Why does John insist on making his entire blog about Clay and sex? He claims he wants to expose Clay and us and claims we are hypocrites, but he adds every ounce of sexual perversion he can get and twists and spins. He is a freak. What a sad stalker that guy is.
#1. I seriously doubt, though I could be wrong, that the real Mario Cruz is posting on JP's blog.
#2. People like JP, PH, ML BM, et al have a perverted sense of what sex is about. Must be some kind of a short in their wiring. To them and the OC gals, their perversions are a way to make up for their shortcomings...if you get my drift. From what I've been able to see and read I get the feeling that they suffer from self loathing and the only way to make THEM feel better is to bring decent folks down to their level through lies and slashfic. Someone they started off admiring was beyond their reach or beyond their comprehension so it was necessary to dirty him up so they could be his equal.
#3. 2 didn't happen so now it's become their focus to destroy a man who stands his ground and refuses to veer from his own path. All this bullshit is simply bullshit.
I'd like to know how stalkerboi knows about every gay site that Clay supposedly visits, including his account info and when he logs in? Exactly how is that possible?
It's NOT!
It also amuses me that he is the leading authority on EVERY gay man or rumored-to-be gay man in Hollywood. He just rattles off who's dating who off the tip of his tongue.
He's one scary mo-fo!!
Oh ticked - that date error your found is just priceless!! Can't wait see how he's going to explain that one!!
Please pass on to tick that I have approximately 40 email correspondences between me and my attorney. It was a simple error. When I copied and pasted the email into wordpad I pasted over another email. There is nothing sinister and I did not fabricate those emails. She is more than welcome to ask Kristi Gamble for her emails and to the compare the two. Thank you.
It's all the same shell game folks. What is different is now, Pickle is showing how a federal crime called Exhortion is involved.
The people coming forward were bribed to lied, that is called Exhortion and punishable by prison time.
We will let the County Sheriff and JR know about who, what, where, and when. Oh, Sorry, we already know, too bad you REALLY don't access to the private blog.
Tent city, here they come!
They can all congregate and violate each others parole!
Anon at 8:33, his answer came right after your question. DID YOU CALL THAT ONE OR DID YOU CALL THAT ONE.
No one cares!
Gamble is a contract lawyer as in his porn contract.
Buttee, the only attorney who would take your case is a Public Defender trying to lessen your jail time and you'd have to squeal on others to get your time cut.
You do look ok in orange, right? Orange and pink don't clash with your complexion, do they? I'm sure you're into chains 'n' shit so that won't bother you.
Especially since the 26th is a Thursday. But you keep on getting the hook-up stories.
Here a little hint. If you present people saying they hooked-up with Aiken and you do not know for a FACT that they did you are an accessory and are libel.
So Yeah, go ahead and continue to put up your garbage. We know the DC thing didn't happen and the other hook-ups didn't either.
But you keep changing those dates...
I knew what pickle's answer would be, but it was nice to force it out of him. He's fallible, OMG! Who knew? I thought about posting on your blog, Buddy, about that error. In fact, I even gave you a heads-up that there was a date problem, but you failed to fix it. You didn't see it even after a heads-up. Your frog eyes have a hard time focusing. Oh, you went back over the blog all right and found you had copy/pasted the attorney's e-mail address and fixed that one. Big woopsy! You don't know who I am, do you JP?
You see, he has made several of those types of errors. He isn't a stickler for detail. Just one more along with condom, no condom; kiss, no kiss; dark-colored SUV, Mercedes.
Yeah right, about another hook-up. If there was one, it wouldn't be Buddy to bring it forward, it would be high-powered news media, not low-wattage swamp dwellers.
What would Butty do without CE?
He's now edited the blog with the inaccurate dates. I hope someone got a screen cap of the original.
Polly, I did. I made sure I had that before bringing it to his attention.
I love this blog because I could report that and he has no control over the delete key here. Yay OC!
He has NO idea who is talking to here. Who we are, what we know, who we know or who we are. Sucks to be him.
And he proves once again how easy it is to edit emails and IMs and make them appear to be something they're not.
Holy Shit!!!
Looking at that picture of JP on the private blog, he looks just like Betty-Boop, I think we should change his name...Ya know Betty-Boop would be very fitting, she was a freaking airhead too....nice round ass cheeks you are sporting in that much younger picture PaulASS....Ya kinda look hot in it...what happen?
It's the pic, pickle had NO idea we had of him.
Shows his true colors doesn't it;)
Please don't insult Betty Boop - she may have been peculiar, but she wasn't a freaking pickleliar.
The buns were a bit pomaceous. Do you suppose they were photoshopped?
well all I can say is his mother must have beat him with an ugly stick, to look at him now. Honestly if I wasn't a married lady and him a so called gay person, I would jump his bones in a heart paperbag for that pretty face and butt cheeks. Betty you freaking rock when you were 10 years younger in that photo baby!!!
OC I don't think there is any photoshopping in that picture, the guy they came from said he was friends with Betty for years, and was pissed how he is living his life now days so he just kinda handed them over to us on his free will. I'm so happy we are getting the info we needed.
Clay Blogged...
He's Happy...he's talkative...
Regis and Kelly is Oh ficial...
Take that Butt Plugg!!1
I really like the picture, but his skin color looks to fake, wonder if he used that copper-tone fake tan stuff, kinda gave him an orange glow...
He blogged!!!!!!!!!!
Sheesh, I love him.
Thanks Art, Aiken, Keep and Anon. He blogged...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
I love Clay Aiken. Did y'all know that?
Yup - ah shur do.
And he loves me.
I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
Size 38Ds?
Bad timing so I'm moving Aiken's comment after mine because she meant this about Clay, not asswipe:
aiken4clay said...
Lordy he melts my heart when he says he loves me......
3:18 PM
That took a few seconds to compute.
Sorry to go back to the subject of the BUTT PLUGG, but did anyone else notice how Kristy Gamble's email address keeps changing??
Example, look at the *****'s:
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 10:49:22 -0800 (PST)
To: "Kristi Gamble" Kgamble@****.com
From: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:36:48 -0500
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:42:27 -0800 (PST)
To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@****.com
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:20:10 -0800 (PST)
To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:39:32 -0800 (PST)
To: "Kristi Gamble" kgamble@*****.com
I bet anyone $20.00 that BUTTY says it was a typo, and that we shouldn't ever compare his intelligence to his typing skils... or some bullshit like that!
John Paulus said...
I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
3:08 PM
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Hey Johnny Peee...don't flatter yourself. I went to the dictionary just the other day and when I looked up the word UGLY, your picture was posted along with this statement: "After viewing this picture, please poor bleach into your eyes and try to forget you were ever here. The memory will linger but the bleach should help." I've never seen a disclaimer like that in the dictionary. Don't believe me? Welcome to my world, I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth so we are even.
By the way, I saw the picture and I have to say, ewwwwwwwwww, honey, seriously, you need to do something about that mug of yours. Just no.
They've got a glich in their software that invalidated some user names and forced you to choose a new one.
Since Clay is Clay they had to find and fix the glich first.
I know Art. When his name showed up as a new member many figured that he probably forgot his password.
I see Betty want's anyone to email him a copy of the picture we have of him, what's the matter Betty you scared????
BTW Betty thinks I live in Doylestown, Pa. where ever in hell that is...ain't no where's close Betty!!!
As I understand it (could be wrong), but didn't that picture come from Buddy's mother or at least someone in the family?
I imagine JP feels a little betrayed, but oh well. What goes the saying goes.
I type this long comment and hit post just as blogger went down.
Sorry I ruined your fun OhC, but you know I have a habit of getting the truth in there.
They screwed up my screen name and made me choose a new one. It took weeks to get it straighten out. That's how I know what happened with Clay's name.
Anyhow, it's fun to think of stalker boy trying to figure out which one of the thousands of registered users I am.
Bet he bought a Roget's Thesaurus for when he posts.
Now he is picking on NZ and claiming or insinuating that the person who's pic is going up at midnight is someone who "doesn't need Clay to be famous"??? He also said that we will have full access to him as well, email, phone, home address, etc...
I guess we will see! By the way, he is so tripping on the picture it is almost funny if it wasn't so pathetic!
and the haters are back at TWOP. except they really aren't good at hiding thier Kelly love and thier Clay hate. silly really. I've been around this fandom a long time and I'm always surprised at how many BAD stories come from Kelly fans. I've never heard af any of these from anywhere else. and tha Fact that Clay and KeLLY are such good friends makes thier posts seem so stupid.
well, it'll be someone's info anyway. I could say I'm Oprah for $10,000.
Wow, can y'all believe Oprah is here? I am so excited!!!
Well, I am just fine and I'm giving away Hummers to anyone who will come forth with pics of JP and his "real friend", Alan, in the clutches.
John Paulus said...
I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
3:08 PM
You know, I told myself I was going to refrain from posting today, but I just can't help myself. Butty is such a comedian!
Now, what have you got that women want? Is that a man who can't get it up, who's thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt and has to have his mommy cosign on a loan for a condo because his credit is so bad?
A guy who's told so many whoppers, he can't even keep his stories straight? A person who's trying to destroy the life and career of another human being because said human being won't pay attention to him? I guess he doesn't find you as irresistible as you think you are.
What is it you have that men wish they had? Hmmm. I'm stymied here, but obviously neither Michael Lucas nor Wilson Vasquez was impressed with your - er, ahem - manliness. I would think that if men were so impressed with your - er - assets, they'd be beating down your door wanting to date you and get in your pants. I guess that ain't happening, seeing as how you always have so much time to blog.
Doesn't Mama Sabby ever tell you to get out and meet someone, get married? I'm sure she's sick of seeing you around. Just like the rest of us.
Get a life, Butty. You ain't hot shit. If you were, the offers would have come pouring in. They're not because you're not. Hot shit, that is. Full of shit is more like it.
Full of shit you mean!
Let's hope that the person who's linked at midnight has been informed that his personal info is going on limp dick's blog.
If that person is a part of this, he isn't exactly famous. He might be trying to jumpstart his career. So what else is new?
John Paulus said...
I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
BWAH! You're so NOT hot. I don't know many women that lusts for a purple pecker either.
Geez, flush yourself already, just flush.
OPRAH said.....
Well, I am just fine and I'm giving away Hummers to anyone who will come forth with pics of JP and his "real friend", Alan, in the clutches.
7:06 PM
Oooooh You Go On Gurrlll! I didn't know we were here on the giveaway show!! WOWEEEE!
Off I go, leaving skidmarks to find what Oprah wants so I can win a non deserved prize!!
Why would this midnight person go through Buttie?
Wouldn't that be BIG news not to be shared with someone who couldn't prove his claim for what, going on 11 months now?
Wouldn't midnight cowboy at least go through Perez, Globe, NE - but breaking news is released at midnight in the swamps?
Things that make you go hmmmmmm. I'm off to bed - I'll "read all about it" tomorrow.
John Paulus said...
I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
*sticking finger down throat" Oh just puke.
What every woman wants is a man that "can get it up and her off". That so is not you!
What every man wants..........BWAH!
See above^^^^^^ "HOT" well no, you're just nasty with a big ass ego.
Oh and limp dick........the new pictures are disgusting, just like you.
Midnight Cowboy!!! Bwaahaahaahaa
Ticked, you are hysterical!!!!!!
So little Johnny Pee Pee has what all women want and men wish they had? Does he?
Hmmm, how about morals, a sense of humor, a heart, a mind, fairness, trust, I could go on.
He makes me puke!
He took awhile making this one up! I guess we will know his new lie tomorrow.
He can take his new lie and shove it. I ain't looking.
DO NOT take his bait and contact this new man. This is the only way he will stop. We must ignore him.
He can take his new lie and shove it. I ain't looking.
Ain't that the truth OC.
Oh and Buddy(with a limp one), get out of NC, you're so stinking up my lovely state.
someone just posted at chexxxys place that JP posted his hook up blog...anyone seen it yet?
JP said....
I am hot and I got what every women wants and every man wishes he had. With that said I really doubt you have any new pictures of me.
If he were truely gay shouldn't it be....
I got what every MAN wants and every WOMEN wishes she had.
Paulass says he's going to continue posting Clay's hookups because the fans have been calling him and other gays fags on his blog and PH's. What a fool he is! Boy, is he being taken for a ride.
The very people he is in cahoots with are the ones doing the name calling. Wackos like groucho, emach, Director Sandy and other haters from KCE are spreading the gay hate and JP is either unwittingly helping them or is complicit. His own followers are using him BIG TIME to try and destroy Clay's career so Kelly can be the only successful idol. They're so busy spreading the hate, they don't even realize that Carrie is sneaking up and poised to overtake Kelly. Plus, they are gigantic HOMOPHOBES.
Paulass, look around you. The enemy lies within.
"Now he is picking on NZ"
Me? LMAO! That's too funny. He did it once before and I ain't taking the bait this time.
JP - come over to my playground and tell me what you said about me. Such a big man (LOL) to pick on women; especially behind their backs. Be a man and do it to my face. Dare ya.
As for the latest, crap. JP, you need to tell someone who actually gives a sh... (oh hell, I'll just say it) SHIT.
What - do you think that if you keep saying Clay is gay and hooks up with guys on the internet; over and over; that we might actually suddenly believe you? That ANYONE might believe you? LMAO!! Even your swamp buddies don't. They're either using you, or playing mind games with you.
And you think you're hot. You are the epitomy of what is NOT hot. A liar with no conscience or empathy. Someone who schemes, but really isn't all that clever. And dead eyes that reflect a dead soul.
I commend all of you for ignoring his latest story. He wants you to attack him or this new guy. He wants to blame fans for his outrageous behavior so when we fans don't do anything, he can only blame himself.
Sorry folks, I fell asleep early and missed the excitement...... yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn! Was there any?
Yeah! NZ, you gotta watch him. He'll have you living in NY in another day or two and try to convince you that you're goint through his May you would give a shit.
going.....shit. too early to spell
I'm still floating from Clay's blog yesterday. He's such a sweetie. I'm so looking forward to seeing more of him on TV - and can't wait for the new EP to show up. His version of My Grown Up Christmas List blows all the other versions out of the water.
And for you lucky people with tickets to the Christmas concerts, I'm so jealous.
anon at 10:53... that's exactly what I thought when I read it. Kinda strange way for him to word it huh?
Wonder what gave NZ away? I'm surprised he got that one. I've only said 50 times on my blog where I'm located and he still put me on the other side of the country. Not too bright at times.
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