Monday, November 06, 2006

Lies, Lies with a Little Help from His Friends

Just heard the latest about a certain blog and a certain hook-up. The holes were punched in this story while I was sleeping; nothing changes. Impossible date for Clay... again. An OLD story that was posted on PH in February to rile the fans. A photo straight off a website and the address is the address of a venue.

Well, that was certainly boring but here are some interesting tidbits that went with the same hole punching discussion:

"Jewel on Taylor Hicks:

'Wow...there is just no way that man isn't just a leeetle bit gay. And if he isn't, he will be when I'm done with him' "

Way to go Bina Bitch!

"One of the OC members, Beachbum, just board suicided and admitted to helping JP and admitted that she has not been a fan for a long time. She outed herself and anna and said they've been helping JP along with other OCers that are still members but she wouldn't name them."

Source: Anonymous

I would give credit to the person that caught this before it was deleted from the open forum at the OC and moved to the private forum...but nahhhhh. Nobody should become a target of the swamp rats and rags.

Oh, and JP. Let's not go blaming Clay's fans AGAIN for the foul language and name calling that only happens on YOUR blog. By YOUR own admission when you shut down the first time, the culprit(s) is/are your own supporters. Just to name a few: Groucho, a Kelly Clarkson fan; Emach, a Ruben Studdard fan; Tiffany, your fan.

...And here's an excerpt from your new blog, JP:

"Clay told Matt that he would find an excuse to cut the show short that evening so that the two could get together earlier."

Groucho (Kelly Clarkson's stalker and your personal "insider") already laid claim to this show being cut short on his once upon a time blog, Wimbletoncootie. He claimed to have put a "HIT" out on Clay for people to flash away with their cameras even though flashes weren't allowed because his very light grey green beauties are very sensitive to the light especially bright flashes.

Way to F*CK UP, Asswipe.

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jbc4clay said...

I listened to the audio. The hello and the giggles were pulled from phone interviews.
The rest - p.l.e.a.s.e.
jerkface - if you are going to make a fake audio - you need better actors and editors.
I could have done better that that.

Truth Rules said...

Guess what. The 818 area code is California, one of the states that requires that both parties give permission to tape a phone call. So if he continues down this path he's finally crossed the line.

Or he admits it's a doctored tape.

Besides, didn't stalker boy say he didn't have the phone number.

Oh Crap said...

I bet someone will have the exact interviews that the "Hello" and the giggles came from by 9 AM.

I'm betting $5.00. It will be either Strolly or Rainlover2

Oh Crap said...

I think I meant Riverdance2.

Truth I believe you are correct about the phone number but in the taunt he left me he wasn't quite sure. He had a few options listed... just in case. It'll take him until 9 a.m. to figure it out too.

John Paulus said...

You Claymates are going down.

Anonymous said...

I know who you are and I'm going to expose you.

Oh Crap said...

Sorry, Bub. We just got a screen shot of the 4shared screen with your screen name and "Clay Aikens Message to Me" right underneath it.

You already went down and just don't know get it. 2 Duds in a row and some great screen shots. I'd be practicing my walking in some heavy ankle bracelets if I were you.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 10:49... so what's your point, Bitch?

Unknown said...

So, now we are being threatened? Got a screencap of that too.

Anonymous said...


Guess Butty took you at your word, OhC. He removed the "Mama" blog.

Having a bad week, Butty?

Oh Crap said...

Iluvclay, you are my hero.

Oh Crap said...

Thanks for that link you sent me Polly Graf. I said it had his screen name on that 4shared page but it was his email address with the title underneath. Gotta love it.

nzclaynz said...

"Besides, didn't stalker boy say he didn't have the phone number."

Yup. He probably forgot that little bit of the script. Just as well we have it all, huh?

Hey JP - we Claymates are "going down", huh? In what way? You gonna sue us? Good luck with that. LOL! Or you have something more nefarious in mind, hmm?

As for the 'recording of Clay' you have. What a crock of shit. It's not even a good fake. Stop underestimating us. Don't you know that we know practically every word, every giggle, every sigh, every idiosyncrasy of Clay's speech patterns? In other words, everything Clay has ever said? Don't you know how many of us have met or know Faye and know her voice too? We're just a little obsessed with him, you see. Your buddies may believe it (only NOT), but no one else is buying it.

If this is your second "bomb" - then it BOMBED. Big time. So, where's the third one? What's that - the fake shit hasn't finished being made up yet? Oh hell, just go away already.

And the "anonymous" at 10.49 that threated OhC - you're way out of your depth messing with OhCrap. She's a hell of a woman. She knows we have her back too - so go back and play with the little kids, huh?

Anonymous said...

What phone number are we talking about that JP has that he claimed he didn't have?

Oh Crap said...

There's a very easy remedy for all this. JP, just go away again. Go get a life that doesn't include dragging innocent people through the mud. It's as simple as that. Nobody owes you an apology, nobody owes you a living or an easy life. We all have to suck it up when life kicks the shit out of us. God knows that if I have to suck it up anymore my lungs will explode.

Oh Crap said...

Will do WRU.

Oh Crap said...

This comment didn't come through for some reason so I'm bringing it over:

LINDA Said.......

The asshole isn't smart enough to just go away. That's ok, let him hang himself. He deserves everything that's coming to him.

Sucks to be you, doesn't it, asshole?

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooooo confused. I could have sworn I saw a new blog on this site yesterday but I didn't have time to read it. Just came back and can't see anything. Then there's the comments about some kind of audio tape? I never bother going to the swamp so I have no idea what you're talking about. Can someone explain some of what's happened since yesterday?

Anonymous said...

So we are "GOING DOWN?" OK, I have to say I believe that. I knew sooner or later a CLAY FAN would be able to tie those BIG shoes.

Any other threats for us BUTT PLUGG?

John Paulus said...

What happened to your link to donate? Did you wimp out? ROFLMAO. I wanted to contribute $10K that I was able to raise.

Oh Crap said...

For those asking, yes we pulled the plug on the blogs having to do with the Matt C Legal Fund and the Fund for Polygraph and DNA Testing at 1-800-Poly-Graf. No sense in being a party to another innocent person being dragged through the mud by people with no souls or shred of common decency.

Yes there was an audio that we were taunted with and when a few listened it turned out to be another of JP's DUDS and I mean DUD. It was a "Hello" and a couple of giggles lifted from a radio interview and then about 30 seconds of some scripted crap by a voice not even close to Clay's. Not EVEN a good fake.

John Paulus said...

Oh Crap, I can assure you that it was not lifted from a radio station. Please. Where do you people come up with such nonsense. It was a message from Clay to me. Stop with your foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Well, the best thing to do is ignore the screwball. His elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. Anyone who has been watching this the last few months knows this. It doesn't make it right, though. I think he will eventually hang himself. I am waiting and watching for that.

nzclaynz said...

So, when are we supposed to be "going down", eh JP?

How long did it take whoever it was to fake that recording? What a damn waste of their time. You keep throwing this stuff out there and we prove it's fake in next to no time. Honestly - I would have thought you'd have learned by now that we can spot a fake at 50 paces. Dumbass.

Oh Crap said...

JP, you need to stop it. I among others recognized that the "Hello" and giggles were from 1 or more radio interviews and my guess is the one right after the Rolling Stone photoshoot when they were talking about his "little tummy" showing because of the fan.

Go away now. Nothing else you do will have any affect on us. You bombed twice in a row and I would suggest you give back the money somebody paid you to to do this character assassination.

If whomever is paying you wants to keep it up for the CD cycle, so be it. We will still be here and so will Clay. We'll all just be in a better place. You're going to be the fall guy for everything and that's KARMA.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap, I can assure you that it was not lifted from a radio station. Please. Where do you people come up with such nonsense. It was a message from Clay to me. Stop with your foolishness.

Dream on Buddy, dream on. Just admit it asswipe, the whole dang thing is a fake.

Anonymous said...

The phone call, besides sounding fake, did not make any sense.

crew said...

Ya know.....Dickhead doesn't interest me in the least. I have no desire to hear the fake audio. It's been proven (and I didn't need proof...I already knew) that Clay isn't what DIckhead says he is. DIckhead is just blowing smoke out of his butt. ANd, the more he says...the less I care. Poof....go away you gnat.

Oh Crap said...

Reposting after just a leeeeetle edit:

Anonymous said...
'The phone call, besides sounding fake, did not make any sense."

and he never did/does make any sense.

So the lovely Bina is going to target Taylor. Buddy, tell your pal Bina, not to look into any mirrors. Can't have that bad luck now can we?

1:56 PM

Anonymous said...

Apparently, prickhead doesn't have enough to keep him busy at his own blog and has to come puke all over this one.

Have you ever seen another person with the arrogance of that prick?

Problem is, he has nothing to be arrogant about. He looks like a complete fool with these last 2 "bombs" but that doesn't stop him.

Do you think he will ever get the drift that nothing he says will be believed?

What a freaking DUMBASS.

Oh Crap said...

Crew, I think that's the attitude of a lot of people today. He gave it 2 shots and bombed ....instead of dropping bombs.

Buddy, get a clue from all those flies buzzing ya. We're ready for you to go away now. We're getting ready to celebrate another new CD for Christmas. What a great extra gift.

nzclaynz said...

OH PLEASE JP - I'm laughing so hard right now!! What, is it so quiet at your swamp right now that you have to come bug us?

You speak to us of "foolishness". Gimme a break, LOL! You're the fool, and what's more you don't even realise just how much of a joke you've become. Even your 'supporters' don't really believe you any more - it just suits their own agenda to hang around with ya. Is it difficult knowing that you have no real friends? It must really suck to be you.

Get this through your tiny brain:



And yeah OhC - I agree. I've heard the samples from the new EP and I can't wait to have this new CD in my hands. What a lovely Christmas present. *sigh*

John Paulus said...

You need to leave Bina, Beachbum, Anna, Clarus, Lucas, Perez, Masters, SHF, GJAC, and the rest alone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining about the other blog.

I haven't listened to the audio. I just can't bring myself to visit the swamp anymore. I'm sure it's a fake anyway for a couple of reasons.

He would have played it a long time ago if it added to his credibility - back when the media were paying attention.

How does one record a phone call to a cell phone? I don't remember buttplug ever saying Clay called and left messages on voicemail. "They" IM-ed and "Clay" called right after each time, right?

Wasn't that the original script?

Oh Crap said...

Got it Billie and I don't know why that happens. There are 2 screen names that do that and I figured the first one was because of the first 10 characters but the one you mentioned has me stumped. Could be him.

Truth Rules said...

Why does stalker boy feel it's necessary to defend the people he just named in his 4:08 post?

Oh Crap said...

He's afraid they won't play with him anymore???

Anonymous said...

"You need to leave Bina, Beachbum, Anna, Clarus, Lucas, Perez, Masters, SHF, GJAC, and the rest alone."

Oh really???? They admitted to playing and feeding you crap, fool!

OC, I so love you. We love Clay and will be here until the end. That's what he/buddy doesn't get. We love him. Buddy will never get it......ever!

I can't wait until December to see him in all his glory. He is giving us this nice little present, of his music, before Christmas. God love him.

Anonymous said...

We need to leave them alone?
That made me laugh so hard, I almost spit Pepsi.

This from the asswipe that drags anyone he wants into his swamp of shit.

Can you see my middle finger, buttplug? No? Want me to show it to you up close and personal?

Anonymous said...

What a idiot...............idiot!!!

No bombs, No nothing. He/Buddy needs to just go. And his dumbass little haters too.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus said...
You need to leave Bina, Beachbum, Anna, Clarus, Lucas, Perez, Masters, SHF, GJAC, and the rest alone.

4:08 PM

I guess he just admitted who's been helping him in this smear campaign all these months.

Oh Crap said...

It really is funny that JP said that because these people are "outing" themselves right and left. Nobody bothered Beachbum that I know of and the first time I ever heard that screen name was when someone mentioned what happened at the OC Corral when she admitted that she and others have been helping JP. I knew the OC had their own agenda but didn't know they were feeding the little troll.

Truth Rules said...

John Paulus said...
You need to leave Bina, Beachbum, Anna, Clarus, Lucas, Perez, Masters, SHF, GJAC, and the rest alone.

4:08 PM

Your always saying your in control so how about you get them, along with yourself, to leave Clay alone and then we will leave y'all alone.

nzclaynz said...

"You need to leave Bina, Beachbum, Anna, Clarus, Lucas, Perez, Masters, SHF, GJAC, and the rest alone."

Or what? They're going to cry? Sheesh, what is this - grade school?

They want to play their nasty, vindictive and imbecilic games - then they've got to take the consequences. Nope, we don't have to leave them alone. What are they gonna do - tell their mommies on us?

As for you JP - My middle finger salutes you. Now, go play off a high cliff with a short rope, will ya?


WRU said...

I agree with you 100% NZ except for 1 thing, these criminals will NOT get away with it and will treated as ADULTS in a court of law.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus said...
You need to leave Bina, Beachbum, Anna, Clarus, Lucas, Perez, Masters, SHF, GJAC, and the rest alone.

4:08 PM

Hey, Bud, thanks for the list. Admittedly, Bina, Beachbum and Anna have been discussed. But, thanks for letting us know who else is helping you. We'll turn up the heat with this confirmation.

nzclaynz said...

"I agree with you 100% NZ except for 1 thing, these criminals will NOT get away with it and will treated as ADULTS in a court of law."

Yup, and boyoboyoboy do I look forward to that!! I want a front row ticket to that show.

ceecee said...

"Oh Crap, I can ASSure you that it was not lifted from a radio station."

yes, mr.PaulASS, I'm sure you can ASSure us...because your word is so good....NOT.

Anonymous said...

You would think that if Paulass and Clay had such a friendly relationship, Paulass would have managed to extract a private apology from Clay by now.

If Paulass and Clay could fool around like that, why is Paulass trying to destroy Clay's career and potentially his life?

Makes no sense to me. Paulass looks like a jerk here (as usual)and is just pulling another lie outta his ass.

Anonymous said...

They have never met, Butty thought Thom Yorke was Clay Aiken!

Give me a break!

nzclaynz said...

Yep, isn't it funny how he has this 'message' from Clay - yet JP continues to defame and abuse him on his blog because he hasn't got his 'apology' yet?

The sad thing is - he doesn't realise just how much of a joke he is. He thinks he's smart; but his blogs often contradict one another. He knows we have it ALL. Not just copy and paste, but screenshots. It's all just sitting there waiting for the right time to use it. And still, he doesn't learn.


Anonymous said...

help is on the way said...
OMG! The swamp is filthier than usual! I can't even bring you the comments, they involve nasty, nasty, graphic insults!

Ok, you might enjoy this one! It's one comment recapping JP's lies.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus said...
John, since you and Matt have supposedly been so chummy, did he e-mail you today to explained why he backed out?

Yes. To my private email. Hmmm a bit strange that he would know that one. Don't you think? I wonder why?
1:34 AM

LIE #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Paulus said...

Nice creation Claymate. Not going to fool me. You all try so hard and are really very talented but Matt didn't write that.
1:46 AM
Lie #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt DID write that! If you were around yesterday, you woulda known that!!!!!!!!!

John Paulus said...
Question. Why would I post something about someone and provide all their information if I knew that it wasn't the truth and could be verified.

Could it be more plausible that he was attack this morning by Claymates demanding that he rot in gay hell and that he better say he was lying. Could it be that they CLaymates were calling the theater FIRST THING THIS MORNING!!! You Claymates think your little threat tactics work, well they may for some, but they don't for me. I stand by the story, because Matt posted his email address on PH back in Feb. People emailed him about the story and he's emailed people back. He's contact me back in Feb/Mar. and April. Odd that way back then he wouldn't have said the story was a lie. Odd that when I contacted him last week he didn't say the story was a lit. Odd that he's friend also backs up the story and gave detail. A LOT of details.
2:02 AM
Lie #3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prove those HORRIBLE emails that the Claymates sent him!!!!!!! You can't!!!!!!!!!!! Because NONE WERE SENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Paulus said...
John, you mean you emailed Matt last week (same email address Matt claimed stolen) and Matt didn't deny the story?

Yes. I emailed him last week from my private email and said that I was going to finally post the story he told me. He had a WHOLE week to write back and say. "uh, I don't know anything about that" but he didn't. It was ONLY after the Claymates threatened him did he get concerned. 2:17 AM
LIE#4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You said you hadn’t talked with him since last April!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
John Paulus said...
John, since you and Matt have supposedly been so chummy, did he e-mail you today to explained why he backed out?

Yes. To my private email.

I thought you had a computer outage all day today?
2:21 AM

LIE #5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12:45 PM

10:09 AM

Hey..I POSTED THAT in jps blog! LOLOLOL!! hes SUCH a liar! Rock on guys!

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