Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Control, My Ass

The main purpose of Pickle's blog is CONTROL.

* To incite hatred amongst the Clay Fans, turning them against Clay as well as each other, trying to convince the fans that he is a victim that was used against his will.

* To try to convince the fans that Clay is gay when we know he's not. Then further calling Clay a hypocrite, a liar, a con, and a manipulator, borrowing from Pickle's own traits (and only the Pickle is right).

* to humiliate, and embarrass Clay and his family; pry into his private life and post titillating tid-bits of a sexual nature from a Gherkin's experiences, NOT Clay's.

* To continually criticize, bash, make fun of Clay, his voice and music and inciting others, including minors, to do so as well.

* Taking various things that Clay may say in a joking manner and posting them on his blog - not as a joke ...but as factual, twisting Clay's words and using them against him in an exaggerated manner.

* Taking things that friends and fans may say, repeating them out of context to use against Clay.

* Using archived files and exaggerating the content to use against Clay.

Purple Pecker has an agenda: to destroy Clay Aiken. Pickle claims to have honor and integrity but has never displayed any signs of it on his blog. The majority of Clay's fans are strong minded and not easily led - but some fans are more vulnerable and may be convinced to turn against Clay - and this is what Purple Gherkin hopes to accomplish with his blog. There is too much to write here - but even with just this.....I still feel sorry for Gherkin as he is not a happy man. But how can you find happiness at the expense of so many???

Dropped off by an Anonymous blogger
Edited by Oh Crap


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Anonymous said...

What I still don't get, after all this time, is why the haters care so much about Clay and his fans. They are more obsessed than any fan I know of. It's like their hatred and contempt is the focal point of their lives. How sad. And yet they call us "pathetic". They download every piece of Clack, they read every article, they stay up for Leno,Kimmel, and cell certs. WTF?! Most sane people have too much going on in their lives to be consumed with something or someone they claim to despise. But then, these idiots are clearly not sane, and they have no lives. At least we spend our time on energy on an artist we love.

Anonymous said...

I keep hoping against hope that JP will eventually be "found out" and stopped. I don't even know what I want to happen but I just want to know he got what was coming to him.

It is rather sad that so much energy is being spent focussing on that pitiful excuse for a human. JP is, if anything, hate filled. He is your classic wolf in sheep's clothing - constantly trying to show himself as victim. I'd suggest he look that word up in the dictionary. Then again, given his writing history, I'd just suggest he get a dictionary period.

I can read his words now and laugh. I don't go often now but when I do go, I find his meltdown more and more interesting.

My one and only concern has been for the safety of Clay. JP is a stalker. And THAT is the only reason he deserves any attention from camp Clay.

As for the others that join in on the hate campaign. I can't imagine spending that much time on someone I say I hate. Sad and pathetic come to mind.

JP has gotten more educated on all things Clay over the months. I can't even imagine how many thousands of hours he's had to use to do so.


Anonymous said...

anonymous @ 3:41 am.
They say there's a fine line between love and hate. JP is madly in love with Clay. He's gone off the deep end, because obviously he has some major mental issues. His unrequited love has turned to obsession.....a dangerous thing. All the little followers have no life......sad and pathetic human beings who love to hate on others because they feel so bad about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Most of Clay's fans are intelligent enough to see a scam for what it is. I don't think JP or any of those other idiots have much influence. A few gullible souls might believe it, but not many.

Truth Rules said...

I'd love to see us all stop using the name of Clay's stalker. It only serves to keep his name out there attached to Clay and that's exactly what he wants. Clay refused to use his name thereby effectively castrating him. Can we not do the same?

He's having a temper tantrum because without his name in any of Clay's interviews no legitimate media can contact him. So he huffs and puffs and gets the fans to use his name thereby keeping it attached to Clay.

He's nothing more than a very sick person who is cyber stalking or cyber terrorizing Clay and his fans. He doesn't deserve to have his name used.

WRU said...

Up late OC?


To the posters in the prior blog,
JR/Attorneys/Sheriff Dept are on the case, just don't go over there, come over here and vent.

The OFC doesn't matter, any one can copy/paste which is against the law.

For pickle who said it was alright to do that after saying it wasn't ok to do that, maybe you need the conference call function on the voices in your head to get the story straight.

Anonymous said...

I agree we need to stop using his
name, starve the sick stalker.

Oh Crap said...

Ok. I'll go along with avoiding his name like a plague. Purple Gherkin or Dead Meat is fine with me.

Anonymous said...

"To the posters in the prior blog,
JR/Attorneys/Sheriff Dept are on the case...."

Sadly I think Gherkin would love to be arrested. He'd enjoy ANYTHING that would put his name in a headline.

Anonymous said...

I saw a jar of small gherkins pickles at the grocery store and I thought of Butty-boy. I knew he would be a household name, just in the cupboards!

Anonymous said...

I prefer maggot, because he lives on filth and rot.

Anonymous said...

Wow, rarely posted at the swamp! I read there, and usually laugh because the pp is running around in circles! Sometimes he can't help stepping outside and makes things up!

I know that TC is doing their job. I just know that all the fans would like to see more of it in action. I am okay.

I shake my head at the fact he was in the armed forces under false pretentions. He lied and took pay, and yet his minions don't see that.

He clearly has a written agenda that he was only to happy to promote. He was smitten and delusional about the fame he thought this would bring about. I clearly think he was promised a bonus if he could get his name spoken. That is not going to happen.

I also believe he was paid for his story, either by NE or the story maker. There is a money trail somewhere, either in a fake name or numbered account. His eye probably twitches every time money is brought into a post!

Oh Crap said...

I'll try this again without people's email addresses this time.

Phantom found something interesting and sent it to me. Note the date:

KRZE 3/10/2003 1:54:00 AM amazon.com buyers! HELP!
okay as you know the whole krze.com album project thing, and maybe you know that on april 10th i am making a purchase of over 3000 dollars for kelly albums, well the whole point is to buy as many kelly albums as possible and well i suddenly remembered something! you know after you make a purchase on amazon.com it lets you email your friends with a 10 percent discount on items you just bought? WELL i was thinking if ONE of you guys did that for me and sent me the discount i figured i could buy even more albums! any people here interested in sending me that discount? if so PLEASE EMAIL me! krze***@***.com , orangej**@***.com , thank you!

First | Prev | 1 - 50 / 1000 | Next | Last | Back to Search Page

Email comments and suggestions to Don at fest****80@****.com
Thanks to MSN Groups for hosting the Express. Thanks to all the Express managers and members for making it the best discussion forum on the Internet. And, most of all, thanks to Kelly Clarkson for bringing talent and class back to mainstream music.

Oh Crap said...

Which reminds me...anybody got the letter Dallas Ivy got caught on? The 2 together might make an interesting blog page someday.

Anonymous said...

OC, I used to have a lot of DI stuff! I didn't transfer it to my new pc. Never dreamed of it being any use in 2006! Pulls hair!

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 1:22. I really, really want to give the Pickle the benefit of the doubt on his military career. He served and he obviously had merit at one time in order to be a Green Beret. I, personally, would never want to belittle that.

He abused what he had accomplished thus abusing the system, thereby abusing himself and he has to live with losing what could have been.

Now carry on the poking because he blames his self-abuse on us.

Oh Crap said...

1:38, I know what you mean. I'm not much of a pack rat except for certain Clack I can't do without. Tons of other people have it though, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Dallas Ivy?

Never heard of it, what happened or is it something that can't be put on the blog?

a friend

Oh Crap said...

Dallas Ivy is a screen name for one of Emach's friends. She wrote an article for either BOI or FOI slamming multiple purchases by Clay's fans then she got stung when someone plastered a link to Soulful Ruben on the CB exposing her multiple buying admission.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't, in good conscience, even give that asshat the benefit when it comes to his military career. My brother would roll over in his grave if he knew what this prick was trying to do and hiding behind his military career to do it. Bullshit.

The reason he is still here, the reason he can continue to manipulate fans and create hate and havoc is because of that military training. He is trained in psychological warfare. He plays the game well.

Unfortunately, he is also a crazy prick who deserves no breaks, imho.

If he is such a model of integrity, shut down the fucking blog and leave Clay and the fans alone. That would show me that he has an ounce of integrity.

I won't hold my breath.

He deserves everything he has coming to him, and more. Military service or no. Fuck him.

Anonymous said...

I have never got why anyone would go trash a singer they don't like, why not spend all that effort in support the singer's you like. Let everyone have their own choices and tastes, who cares!

Get a damn life!

Are these people young or just damn stupid, it all sounds so highschool to me?

Anonymous said...

Perez again with more shit. Sheez.
Theses gay guys will never ever leave clay alone. He is just too hot for his own good.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I can't, in good conscience, even give that asshat the benefit when it comes to his military career. My brother would roll over in his grave if he knew what this prick was trying to do and hiding behind his military career to do it. Bullshit.

The reason he is still here, the reason he can continue to manipulate fans and create hate and havoc is because of that military training. He is trained in psychological warfare. He plays the game well.

Unfortunately, he is also a crazy prick who deserves no breaks, imho.

If he is such a model of integrity, shut down the fucking blog and leave Clay and the fans alone. That would show me that he has an ounce of integrity.

I won't hold my breath.

He deserves everything he has coming to him, and more. Military service or no. Fuck him.

2:08 PM




OhCrap, Wru, Truth & Polly,
Can I be like you LADIES when I grow up????? Y'all ROCK!!!!!!

Truth Rules said...

Anon @ 2:46 - they're obsessed.

Anonymous said...

Here is an explanation Butty gave about his lying in the military. At the time I remember thinking this came from someone other than Butty...

"I think being closeted and risking my life for my country is a far cry from being closeted to line my pockets. Hello."

Posted by: J--n P----s | February 26, 2006 03:58 AM

He rec'd the following response:

What gives YOU the right to make that decision for someone else? You are acting like God, Jury, and Executioner. You hid the fact you were gay while you were in the Military for 12 years. You just tonight said you weren't out at work. You never gave Clay the chance to make that decision for himself, did you?

What is it? Are you jealous of his wealth, Fame, Talent, the fact that he has millions of women drooling over him?

I posted that article to show you have a history of going to the Media.

BTW-I think you are lying through your teeth. I bet you never even met Clay.

Posted by: j----------t | February 26, 2006 04:11 AM

Anonymous said...

I just read this post and maybe I have an answer.

Anonymous said...
What I still don't get, after all this time, is why the haters care so much about Clay and his fans.

The following explanation, believe it or not, came from Billy Master's Filth2go blog:

"The fanwars between the Idols never ends. Clay outsold Kelly, Ruben, Fantasia and all of the rest. Kelly is doing well now but Clay's sophomore CD is about to be launched. Some people desperately want him to lose his fans before he can eclipse the winners again. The misconception is that all of his fans are homophobic Christian old ladies. This strategy might have worked if it were true. The reality is that they have bonded even closer if that is possible. Clay started out as the one that was robbed of the title. If he is attacked the fans just get more protective. I have been to some of the fansites. The majority is female but not all by any means. The men have their own site and there are plenty of them. The fans aren't buying this story at all.

Don’t try to label me as crazy. I didn’t start this MESS; none of us did. And we’re a lot more familiar with him than any of the Johnettes are...even the so-called ex-fans. They obviously never really knew Clay in the first place.

This alleged encounter never happened and all of the speculation in the world and carrying it on until the next millennium won’t prove it. There is no smoking gun. Clay’s sexuality isn’t the issue. Follow the money. Who has a dog in this hunt? Paulus, Perez, Billy, Lucas and any other anonymous guy that jumps on the bandwagon saying, "Me, too!" Let’s not forget the militant gays that "out" stars for sport and the bloggers and gossip writers that make money on hits. Perez has profited from this story. Paulus is a willing patsy that gets a new car, a trip to NY and a porn career out of it so far. He is the weapon to try to bring Clay down, but Clay’s sexuality is not the main focus...it’s the fans. Why? Because that’s where the strength and power lies. Someone wants Clay to lose his fans.

Paulus’s story is so inconsistant and full of holes that he should be embarrassed. Acting is not his strong suit so it’s a good thing it isn’t required in the porn industry.

J--e - Friday, 10 February 2006, at 1:35 PM PST

Anonymous said...

Of course, somebody wants Clay to lose his fans. Without fans, a singer doesn't have a career.

Let's hypothesize a bit. If Clay's contract with RCA was for only three albums, all avenues for renegotiation with RCA have been exhausted, and he's ready to accept an offer from another record company, what would his former record company want to keep? Why, his humongous fanbase, of course! Money in the bank. Bring them back to the fold. Kill two birds with one stone. No fanbase, no career, no need to make excuses to RCA's stockholders as to why Clive lost Clay. Big new fanbase to back someone like, oh say, Chris Daughtry, who finished fourth on AI5 and doesn't have a fanbase the size of Taylor's. There's lots of promotional dollars about to be spent on Daughtry, and lots of hype. Just needs the fanbase to make him a success. Or any idol they're pushing, for that matter.

Paulass was bought and paid for. It doesn't matter what he says about not taking money. It's all being laundered. He's been propped up for ten months now. He's never met Clay. There's written documentation and witnesses as to where Clay was the eve of January 2 and it was nowhere near that skank. Paulass is trying to provoke Clay as much as possible, even going after the family, in order to get Clay into court to ruin him both professionally and financially. That's what Paulass was hired to do.

Anonymous said...

Just a question.....

a couple of blogs back xyz posted a summary of blue aaa posts that was quite interesting. Her/His post suggested that she compiling others to post but either that hasn't happened or I missed it. Is it still going to happen?

Anonymous said...

Well said all!

I have felt all of it was fan base driven and jealousy all along.

There is not doubt pickle was bought and paid for.

Oh Crap said...

The "aaa" comments are under consideration at the moment because the focus is on the pickle jar.

Anonymous said...

Paulass is trying to provoke Clay as much as possible, even going after the family, in order to get Clay into court to ruin him both professionally and financially.

I totally agree with this. Any mention of a lawsuit would have opened a huge can of worms and brought much unwanted publicity. As things stand now, the swamp is an out-of-the-way blog, frequented by few viewers. Not so if there had been a lawsuit and the fallout that would have resulted.

Truth doesn't need defending. It's lies that should be ignored.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...

......Force him to sing love song cover ballads and then who pops up but a porn actor wannabe who claims he had a one-nighter with Clay. Such a coincidence! Kinda puts a damper on those love songs, doesn't it?.....


Yep, and they made sure the timing was just right. Clay didn't even get a much needed vacation.

And, the worst of all, they chose someone from his hometown which he is so proud of. This whole thing stinks.

Oh Crap, those Dallas Ivy quotes...do you know the time frame of those? I didn't know about Emach and Groucho until recently, but it seems that I did read someone's copy/pastes somewhere because the story and the name sound familiar.

Anonymous said...

And, the worst of all, they chose someone from his hometown which he is so proud of. This whole thing stinks.

I have always always believed John was chosen because he was from NC.

Anonymous said...

From public page at OFC

10/10/06 : More Clay on TV!
By Team Clay

Clay will be busy filming his appearance on the Tyra Banks Show this coming Friday, October 13th. Stay tuned to the news for details on when his appearance will air.

He will also be working on a taping of The Megan Mullally Show in Hollywood on November 1st. Be sure to catch it when it airs the next day, Novemeber 2nd!

Additionally, you'll be able to find Clay appearing in an upcoming episode of Days of Our Lives. Stay tuned for more info.

Last, but not least, don't miss Clay on November 21st when he'll be presenting on the American Music Awards!

WRU said...

And how juvenile it is all!

God people, we don't want to be here talking about Butty-boy, but we had no choice after he started to attack us personally!

Not only insulting but illegal!

Get a fucking life.

WRU said...

I think the NC was chosen but I think Pickle was paid to move from Fla to come to NC. He says in his biography he came to NC about a year and a half ago, about 2 years ago now.

How convenient that he would be a veteran and just happened out of the MILLIONS of guys to be picked by CA. And according to the fake MO for CA, he likes younger men which doesn't even come close to butty-boy.

Anyway, all of it has been proven to be pure live shit and we know all now.

Anonymous said...

A whole lot of artist would be happy with 300,000 in sales in total for a CD and have excellent careers. Now I know we know clay could have done better, but why are those numbnuts trumpeting that Clay is over?

Truth Rules said...

They underestimated Clay and they underestimated us.

Anonymous said...

Truth Rules said...

They underestimated Clay and they underestimated us.

8:24 PM

Well put, Truth, well put.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to dipshit's belief...WE have the power and control and HE is trying his damndest to get it.

Yeah that

He has not convinced one person of anything they didn't already believe.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to one day reading an enlighting sequel to Learning to Sing.

JP is turd along the side of the road on the highway of life.

PH on the other hand is an automobile accident slowing traffic.
He needs to be towed away and demolished.

Oh Crap said...

Edited below because, while we don't understand the lack of stock provided the majority of stores, some of us would rather wait and see which direction to point the fickled finger of fate.

Anonymous said...
Pickle is just another paid player in this sick attempt to ruin Clay's value as a singer. The plan did not work thanks to the intelligence and devotion of Clay's large core fanbase. I hope an act of God removes pickle from our midst soon. I'm sick of him and his ilk trying to be a part of this fandom.

7:41 PM

Anonymous said...

oh crap, I'm steaming pissed off now. That gherkin is trying to cause a war within the fandom with his new blog. Don't.anyone.fall.for.it!

Oh Crap said...

Anon in pending, do I know who you are?

Oh Crap said...

LOL....thanks Anon in pending. That helps a lot. I notified partners because I'd rather it be a joint decision.

John Paulus said...


I just wanted to warn you that unless you evidence that I am a liar, fraud or a crook that you remove any mention of me on your blog.

Oh Crap said...

JP, we evidenced that a long time ago. I'm not into fancy picture posting but I'll be happy to repost just a blog page of links that show that you are a liar and a fraud. Then we can get a transcript of the HS interview and point to the lies easily. We can take some comments out of the NE and other articles and point out those lies and we can point out the terminology that Groucho uses which were also in the NE article.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to warn you that unless you evidence that I am a liar, fraud or a crook that you remove any mention of me on your blog.

9:44 PM

Or what? You gonna sue??? I'm so afraid.

What's the matter? Is the Rose story a little too boring for you? Yeah, I kinda know what you mean. It's been going on all day long.

Is my picture still on your blog? Did you delete my address? If not, there's your answer...stalker!

Oh Crap said...

Editing but reposting:

Polly Graf said...

And who was it again (don't answer) that leaked the love song concept in late October? (Remember, don't answer. Just think about it).

10:04 PM

Oh Crap said...

Thanks, Anon behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Oh Crap said...

Here's a deal, JP. You get out of this, shut down your blog, disappear, never mention Clay's name again, retract everything you ever lied about where he's concerned, and we'll forget that you're alive. How's that?

This blog will be able to be more constructive because, quite frankly, we're tired of sticking to you like flies on shit to counter your lies.

Anonymous said...

Who's the poster here who works for a law firm? Is it criminal law? Have they been paying attention to what's going on here?

Oh Crap said...

The person that works for a Firm is Linda.

Oh Crap said...

Reposting with Edit

Anonymous said...
Polly Graf:

I know who leaked the love songs ballad concept in October, but can you connect this person with Paulass? Is this person local to NC?

There are others helping this jackass besides the usual suspects. He's getting help from some of the OC'ers, not that it would be a surprise to anyone. They want to believe his story. It's the only action some of these hags get, even if it's in their fantasies.

What is the Rose story? And why is Jackass Paulass in such a lather? It amazes me how he's been smearing Clay's good name for 10 months now, and he gets angry when people insinuate he's a fraud and a liar. Well, boo hoo!

10:24 PM

Anonymous said...

"he gets angry when people insinuate he's a fraud and a liar."...because he's totally delusional!!! He has himself convinced that he has integrity. HA!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be boo-f--king-hoo? :>)

Anonymous said...

Hey PP. This is the internet, so we can say what we want, right?


I'm still waiting for my subpoena with Claymate filled in the blank. Remember way back when, when you threatened to sue the Claymates?

How's that working for you, shithead?

One thing we have all learned, YOU are ALL TALK and very little action.... and really pretty boring unless it's for late-night reading. I like to go to sleep after a good laugh.

Yes, I'm laughing at YOU!

Anonymous said...

10:40 - It would not be an appropriate time to discuss your question openly. Please understand.

Of course, there are others helping him. He's too much of a bungling idiot to handle everything on his own and keep all his lies straight.

Many at his blog don't care whether his story is true or not. They've been lurking in the shadows for so long at their small, obscure boards that they jumped on the bandwagon as soon as they found the chance to come out in the open with their opinions. They don't seem to understand that undermining Clay and his word is NOT helping Clay; yet, they call themselves fans. Strange logic...

The Rose story is about a lesbian named Rose from the Woodshed and the OC that has been chosen to appear on the Tyra show along with her "partner," Heather. The controversy arose when someone posted alleged comments from Rose of her annomosity toward Clay, her insistence there was a relationship between Clay and John D. in descriptive detail, and then her trying to convince everyone what a sweet, young thing she is. I do not know the truth of the matter. I only learned about it today myself.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap...I have all the articles regarding Dallas Ivy that were on BOI.

I can email them to you.

Oh Crap said...

If you just want to post a link to the BOI articles, that would be great. There are a lot of new fans in here that weren't around at that time. They would get a kick out of some of it.

Anonymous said...

Butt Plugg says he is "appalled at the Clay Nation" for supposed attaks on the two OC fans that were picked to be on Tyra.

Apparently "Rose" is one of the girls, and she is boo hooing: "Stonehouse
post Today, 02:12 PM
Post #4

*cries* Why won't they let us have fun? Why won't they leave me alone? They don't even think, honestly. They don't think what it would mean to my family to see me on TV. They don't know what it would mean to me - how I used to work on a TV show and how every time I go to a taping I'm enthralled with what's going on around me. They don't understand how I've lived my whole life to work on a TV show, or how excited I was that someone actually wanted to pick me because of the way I looked. They don't get how my parents are freaking out in the good way, how my grandparents are so excited to see me, how they are all telling their friends how proud they are that I'm going to be there.

No. They don't care about that. They care that for some unknown reason I would embarass myself, Clay fans, our board, Tyr'as show, Clay himself, and most importantly my family if I did ANYTHING rude or controversial.

If there are lurkers here, I promise you I would never do that. I know you can't believe me, but just hold off judgement until you see me on TV and you'll realize just how increadably harmless I am.

12:46 AM


Just yesterday this was the tag line in Rose's posts, and has been proudly displayed at the OC for a long time.

"in a roflcopter: asshole
Stonehouse kthx: you know it, i love it, rimming :-P
in a roflcopter: no.
Stonehouse kthx: that is my rimming face
Stonehouse kthx: lick lick lick rimmmm
Stonehouse kthx: RIM AROUND THE ROSIE
in a roflcopter: OMG
Stonehouse kthx: I CAN'T STOP
in a roflcopter: ITS SO WRONG
User is online!Profile CardPM"


These are some of Butty's responses to this (You will LOVE the irony of the last one!!)

"John Paulus said...
You bastard John why are you keeping this going? Now its going to get a lot worse because of the lies you have told in that blog.
You are loving this you manipultaive fucker.

What did I lie about? And how am I manipulating? I am coming out to support a girl who is being attacked by you Claymates."


"John Paulus said...
I want to congratulate the two fans from Openly Clay who were selected to be on the Tyra Banks Show.
"I hope they share with Clay's more homophobic fans that it's alright to accept Clay for being a homosexual and at the same time still love his music."
Tyra's viewing audience and with Clay should know that the members of Openly Clay don't judge. Again, congratulations ladies. I'm glad Tyra pick the best of the Claymates to represent his fans.
"Now go out and represent the gays and do us proud!!!"

"John Paulus said...
She loves all the lurid details. Seems like strange behavior for a 20 year old girl.
No, I'm not a old, blue-haired, fat lady. Just someone who is respectful of someone's privacy.

I'll make a deal with you. Go to the boards and ban the Claymates who illegally obtained my credit report and then posted them altered on their boards. Go after the Claymates who took pictures of where I lived. Go after the Claymates who pulled property and tax records of me. Go after all these Claymates that ACTUALLY went into my private life and broke the law and then I'll try to see your point about an innocent 20 year old girl speculating on Clay's sexuality. OK."

"John Paulus said...
He has said I am in public who I am in private.

Tell me that he didn't say that! If this is so true then why is he so afraid to talk about his private life if it is the same as his public one. This is really very interesting.

Let me share with you OC girls something. Clay I met is a lying whore, who swears like a sailor and has the sexual appetite of a nympho. Truth said."

"John Paulus said...
I have to confess. Even I am shocked at the jealous these women have for these poor girls. I mean I am just sitting back *eats more popcorn* and watching this shocked at the canabalism."

That's about the gist of it all!

Anonymous said...

Rose is Stonehouse and she's a bullshitter with a filthy mouth. There was NO sexual relationship between Clay and John D. NEVER. That rumor was devised by the OC'ers for their own perverse pleasure (it's all they got, folks) and one of them sent it to DataLounge way back when for "fun." That's how it all started. Yes, they are pathological.

John D. told Bina straight to her face at a concert in front of plenty of witnesses that he and Clay were NEVER a couple, that Clay was straight and to stop harassing them. Jacob Lutrell also told her that Clay was straight. She had a meltdown both times, but now seems to have forgotten all about it, because it doesn't suit her agenda.

BTW, Bina is also Jewel/LexicalJewel. She's a troublemaker.

That whole Clay/John D. scenario started with an internet rumor. It never happened. At the time it started, Clay was dating a pretty blonde girl from RCA. She even visited him on tour.

Paulass borrows some of the OC's slashfic to embellish his fantasy tryst with Clay.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap...they aren't in the BOI archived files anymore that I could find. I can copy and paste and post them here.

Do you want the original article by a clayfan that started it all?

Anonymous said...

First Article by Clay fan (I deleted author name)

Dear Mr. DJ: Will You Play Clay for Us?

The eagerly awaited first CD "Measure of a Man" by American Idol star Clay Aiken debuted last week as # 1 on the Billboard Top 200 Album Chart, after having sold a phenomenal 613,000 copies. According to Billboard Magazine, it was the second best selling CD for first week sales for a new artist in Soundscan history. It was also the third highest selling CD for first week sales of any artist this year. Based on outstanding first day sales, RCA, Aiken’s record label, shipped two million copies, assuring double platinum status which is based on shipments rather than sales.
Aiken’s first single "This is the Night" sold over 900,000 copies and was the second highest selling single in history. It debuted at #1 on the Top 100 Single Chart, spending two weeks at that position, and spending 16 weeks at # 1 on the Sales Charts. It was certified platinum after only 37 days on the charts. Aiken’s second single, "Invisible", though not released as a single for sale, has been released for radio play. As of this writing, it has not charted.
So how does a single selling as many copies as "This is the Night" only spend two weeks at the top of the charts while being the best selling single for 16 weeks? How does a single such as "Invisible", from one of the best selling albums of the year, fail to chart?
It has to do with radio play. Or, in this case, lack of radio play. Billboard chart positions are determined by a combination of sales and radio play. There is no question that Aiken has the sales. However, disc jockeys and radio program managers have been resistant to playing Aiken’s songs on radio effectively limiting his charting opportunities. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons that have been offered for this.
The songs do not fit our format. It is understandable that if your radio station plays only hip hop, rap, oldies, or country Aiken’s songs would not be a good fit. However, this excuse has been rendered by stations that play Celine Dion, Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Daniel Beddingfield, and others of the same ilk. It is inconceivable that Aiken’s music would not fit here.
We have had no requests for him. I find that doubtful. Aiken has a wide range of fans of all ages and walks of life and they are requesting. They are calling and e-mailing every day and they are becoming frustrated at the lack of response from the radio stations. They are voting on your countdowns and they are almost begging you to play Clay.
We are tired of fans e-mailing and calling requesting Clay. Make up your minds. What better way to know who is listening than through calls and e-mails. Don’t you want to play what your listeners want to hear? Don’t you want to increase your listener base?
He has a questionable personal persona. Okay, I’m trying to be nicer than some of you have been. He’s not macho. He has also said he is not what some of you have accused him of being. My question is how is that relevant to his music?
We are waiting for the large markets to play him, or, once he is on the chart, we will put him on our playlist. Oh, come on, live a little. Be a trendsetter.
He is not a legitimate artist because he came from American Idol and he didn’t even win. Three words: Mickey Mouse Club. Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera are alumni of the Mickey Mouse Club with Britney and Justin also spending some time on Star Search along with Leann Rimes where they didn’t win either. All of them are considered legitimate artists and enjoy extensive air play.
He is not a legitimate artist because he did not pay his dues. Aiken answered this on a recent AOL Sessions interview where he said that anybody out there today would have taken a shortcut two years ago if the opportunity had been presented to them. He did pay dues by subjecting himself to public humiliation week after week on American Idol. He sang beautifully each week, took criticism as a man (in the words of Simon), and learned and improved from it, all while other contestants received "pass-throughs" while exhibiting lesser talent.
He is not a legitimate artist because he doesn’t play an instrument. Oh, yes he does: his voice. As Aiken said to Jay Leno, "I just sang. Isn’t that enough?"
He is not a legitimate artist because he doesn’t write songs. Do most actors write screenplays? Do directors act? Do all songwriters sing?
"Invisible" is a stalker song. A stalker song? "Every Little Breath You Take" by the Police is a stalker song. "Invisible" is about unrequited love. This excuse is laughable considering the lyrics of the songs that do enjoy extensive airplay. Have you ever listened to P.I.M.P or Get Low? Thank goodness, the vocals are so bad that the lyrics are not easily understood.
There are some disc jockeys who understand the phenomenon of Clay. JoJo Wright of KIIS FM in Los Angeles has embraced Clay Aiken fans, and they have embraced him. The Bolt Babes of the Bolt Clay Aiken message board have even named JoJo as a honorary Bolt Babe. JoJo loves to play Clay’s songs and recently had Clay in the studio for an interview. JoJo further endeared himself to fans by telling Clay that he was truly a genuine person who he didn’t see changing in the future. As a result, Clay Aiken fans tune in to listen to JoJo every night through internet streaming, increasing his listening audience by the thousands.
It is apparent that fans want to hear Clay Aiken on the radio. It is also apparent that radio does not want to play him. Clay’s music is different from the status quo on the radio and seemingly poses a threat. His songs feature melodies with understandable lyrics. He sings of love rather than sex. He sings of morals rather than depravity. He sings of romance rather than violence. His music reaches the hearts of his fans and they want to hear him on the radio. Fans want to see his songs on the chart because they deserve to be there.
There are hundreds of thousands of fans who buy his CDs, who buy the magazines that feature him, who flock to his concerts, who will watch any obscure TV show just to see him, and who will tune into your radio stations to hear him - if you would just play Clay. And if you won’t play Clay, the next thing you hear will be the sound of thousands of fans turning the radio dial to stations that do play Clay - or turning on their CD players.

Oh Crap said...

Stonehouse also has a signature phrase under her screen name that John borrowed the term "quarter turn" from.

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, Dallas Ivy used the fake name of Jaysen Miller (in cahoots with Emach)

Dear Mr. DJ: Will You Have a Mind of Your Own?
by Jaysen Miller (2003/11/02)

[The article is a response to Dear Mr. DJ: Will You Play Clay for Us? -- The Editor]

The Claymate requested, Critic detested, DJ rejected debut CD “Measure of a Man” by American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken hit the ground running with it’s release last week selling a disappointing 613,000 copies only. According to Billboard Magazine, it was the second best selling CD for the first week sales for a new artist in SoundScan history, but in reality it came in a mere third behind 50 Cent’s release earlier this year with Get Rich or Die Trying, which sold upwards of 830,00 copies and first runner-up honors goes to Snoop Doggy Dog who clocked in with about 803,000 copies of Doggy Style for his first week. So I guess that Mr. Aiken is the Kimberley Locke in the race for the first weeks Platinum sales.
Aiken’s first single “This is the Night” sold over 900,000 copies and it was the second highest selling single in history. What an accomplishment right? Wrong. This accomplishment was purely motivated by hate and revenge. Embittered Claymates who were so enraged, enflamed and embarrassed by the geeky white boy losing out to the obese black man on American Idol that they vowed to “never let the so-called winner” beat their boy again. The goal was to “win with their wallets, whatever it took”! Campaigns were launched on websites dedicated to Clay Aiken such as Bolt.Com, That’s The Clay, All Things Clay Aiken, etc. “We MUST beat Ruben in sales” was the battle cry. Those who refused to participate were called ‘haters’, ‘bashers’ or ugly racist names; but hey, who cares? Clay won the battle of the sales with over 900,000 copies to Ruben’s mere 800,000.
So how does a single selling as many copies as “This is the Night” only spend two weeks at the top of the charts while being the best selling single for 16 weeks? How does a single such as “Invisible”, from one of the best selling albums of the year fail to chart? The answer to that is simple, but let’s take a look at some of the reasons that have been offered for this.
“The songs do not fit our format.” Even if a station plays Celine Dion, Jason Mraz, and John Mayer, that is not necessarily in the same format. Most DJs have been at this radio thing a lot longer than us laypersons, so I would think that they would know their format a little bit better than some of us.
“We have had no requests for him.” Most DJs have mastered the art of voice recognition. They can tell when the same people are calling over and over again. When they feel that it is their general listeners in their own area who are calling in, maybe they’ll heed the requests.
“We are tired of fans e-mailing and calling requesting Clay.” Again, DJs and voice recognition. Also a wide majority of DJs are aware of the ‘campaign’ on the Internet to push Clay, and frankly, some find it offensive.
“He has a questionable personal persona.” Maybe what some find offensive is not his persona, but his personality. In some interviews Mr. Aiken portrays himself as if he is above reproach. He’s even gone so far as to put down other artists, in a nice way, mind you.
“We are waiting for the large markets to play him, or, once he is on the chart, we will put him on our playlist.” Again, the fan frenzy comes into play. More harm than good comes from harassing. This may just be the excuse that they are using for now, but money can’t buy the hearts of some people - especially DJs.
“He is not a legitimate artist because he did not pay his dues.” Clay did subject himself to humiliation week after week. So did many others on the same show. That is no indicator of dues being paid. Ask Vanessa Olivarez. When Clay is still making music five or ten years from now, we’ll talk dues being paid.
“He is not a legitimate artist because he doesn’t play an instrument.” His voice? You’re kidding right? While I don’t think that playing an instrument constitutes being a legitimate artist, you certainly cannot claim that Clay’s voice is comparable to a musical instrument, or that his voice should be the catalyst for DJs to play him. No, it isn’t enough.
“He is not a legitimate artist because he doesn’t write songs.” Do most actors write screenplays? I don’t know, ask Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Do directors act? Not sure, ask Billy Bob Thorton, Clint Eastwood, or Denzel Washington. Do all songwriters sing? Perhaps you should ask Jewel, Missy Elliot, or Michael Jackson.
“'Invisible' is a stalker song. Hmmm…” "Every Little Breath You Take" by the Police is a great example of a stalker song, PIMP and Get Low are great examples of songs with questionable lyrics, but I don’t recall any of the artists who recorded those songs proclaiming to be devout Southern Baptists, nor wearing a WWJD bracelet while singing about stalking, or pimping.
I think that it’s fantastic that some DJs like and support Clay Aiken, and in my research I have found that most DJs do not dislike Clay. What they dislike are his rabid, obsessive fans who continually harass and torment them. JoJo Wright is the exception, but he is a media hound who is looking to move forward in the industry, and what better way than to embrace what seems to be the ‘newest thing’? It also helped that the Claymates bribed him with cookie bouquets, cards and letters, and more recently a gift for winning the National DJ Award. As I stated before, money talks. If only JoJo knew that once Clay gets to #1 on the nightly countdown, all of the Claymates who are streaming turn off their radios. Interesting!
It is apparent that Claymates want to hear Clay Aiken on the radio. It is also apparent that radio programmers and DJs are fed up with the rabid fan base that Clay has. I can concede that Clay Aiken has a most beautific voice, but frankly the "Measure of a Man" CD reeks of sappy sentimentality. It is so sugary sweet that I needed an insulin shot after listening to it. Maybe, just maybe, some DJs have heard it and feel the same way. It is possible that not everyone loves Clay Aiken the way that his Internet fans love him.
Clay has thousands of fans who have vowed to make him successful, vowed to support him, no matter what the cost. They have bought multiple CD copies, multiple magazine copies, written countless letters, ran up their phone bills calling out-of-state DJs, radio stations, and any media personality who dares to tell a joke, or insult their beloved idol. My hope is that when the dust settles, and Clay’s hype dies down, that some of these Claymates still have husbands, significant others, children, homes, and cars. They really have sacrificed a lot for Clay Aiken, and I hope that it was worth it to see Clay finally making it. Let’s hope it lasts a little more than 15 minutes - for their sakes.

Jaysen Miller is a business owner, residing in Riverside, Ohio.

Anonymous said...

And this is the last article authored by the owner of BOI.

Deception of a Fan
(Grazed by Idol Fan Wars)
by James Shepherd (2003/12/27)

Beavers On Idol is an ezine that came into being as a place where fans of American and Canadian Idol could submit for publication articles of interest for other fans. It is not a commercial enterprise but is strictly a labour of love developed and maintained by one fan, yours truly. I enjoy receiving and publishing articles that give information and insight into any area surrounding the Idol television programs, and I like publishing my own opinions and thoughts.

I have always assumed that those who submit articles to BOI would provide their real names under which their articles would be published. This is a legal technically in that the authors hold copyright to their own material, and, this is the honest thing to do. I trust that people are honest, and I try to treat everyone as fairly as possible. Unfortunately, I have discovered that at least one person who has published here at BOI has practiced deception. This has led me to revise my article submission policy.

I will not reveal the identity of this author because this would serve little positive purpose. Although, for the astute reader, the identity of this author should be quite evident. I will concentrate on the war between the Clay and Ruben fans that led to this deception, and perhaps discover why the author thought it necessary to deceive.

War of the Fans

All out war between some Clay and Ruben fans officially commenced when Ruben received the American Idol 2 crown. Clay fans felt very much let down by this event because they were certain that Clay had the majority votes. I must confess that in consideration of what the Internet has continually revealed, Clay fans are in the majority. Ruben's showing in popularity on the Internet is paltry as compared to Clay's. Also, even within the competition itself, Ruben, mid-way through, stood on the chopping block for elimination. Clay never had this experience during the Top 12 performances, and this showed a very strong voting base for him throughout the competition.

I really do not want to bring up all the issues surrounding the final vote tally for AI2 when Ruben won by such a slim majority. But it should be pointed out that even IF Ruben had more fans than did Clay on the night of final voting, and I emphasize the "IF," given the tenacity of Clay fans, and a system that allows for multiple voting, it seems very unlikely that Ruben should have received the American Idol title. If the Internet is any guide whatsoever as to how typical fans of these two performers would vote, the scenario would have been that the typical Ruben might have redialed their votes in for about 10-15 minutes that evening, whereas a typical Clay fan would have redialed continually for the full three hours and perhaps wept a bit when the time was up. If you do not believe me, just do a little Internet research and observe the nature of these fans.

What was happening behind the scenes of the AI2 program? Was the decision to offer both Ruben and Clay contracts prior to the finale done ad hoc within a week of the telecast? I doubt it very much. These offers, or at least, preparation of these offers, were more than likely done many weeks in advance. Those pulling the strings of the television program, Entertainment 19, knew what the pattern of the voting was revealing. They demanded that Ruben be the winner, but they could not deny that Clay had a huge following. The only way to avoid a totally embarrassing situation was to ensure that contracts were offered to both parties. Let us look at it this way: if only Ruben had been offered a contract before the show's completion, and if Clay had won, what kind of scandal would that have produced? The point is this - Clay's obvious massive fan base forced the dual winner outcome, in spite of the fact that it would seem "the powers that be" wanted only Ruben to be the winner.

What a wonderful marketing opportunity this all turned out to be. Schedule the release of Clay's and Ruben's CD's at the same time and watch the fans try and beat out one another with their wallets. The ones at the helm of CD making and distributing have encouraged the competition to continue on. But did they expect that Clay would continually out-sell Ruben at the cash register? Did they expect that more media attention would be focused on Clay rather than Ruben? Did they expect that Clay would win two awards so soon? I bet the one thing that was completely unforeseen, was that some people of this "fan war" were going to get very nasty indeed.

Under Dogs Become Exclusive

One will find Clay Aiken Internet discussion boards all over the place. There are at least 100 of these boards. Most are quite active. You will find only a small handful of Ruben Studdard discussion boards. Why are there so few concentrating on Ruben Studdard? Is it because for some reason Ruben fans are mainly from a socio-economic layer that does not have Internet access? Well, this could very well be the reason, but it seems rather unlikely to me. Perhaps someone can point out the rationale for this explanation. I have yet to even hear one.

Of this handful of Ruben discussion boards, few are very active, but there is one that is quite active indeed. However, this particular one is a "closed board." In other words, it is not open for public viewing. You have to apply for membership in order to view the topics under discussion. This type of board is not conducive for growth but is rather more in tune with keeping secrets, and since I had an opportunity to view the inside of this discussion board for a brief time, I can understand why it is closed to the public.

The name of the board is "Soulful Ruben Studdard." Upon entering it, one would expect to find a smiling graphic of Ruben. Instead, this is what you see:

[Editor's note: You can see this graphic image by clicking here. Please be warned that it is very shocking and I do not advise people to view it, however, it is your own choice.]

This graphic sets the entire tone of this discussion board. Rather than concentrating on their idol, Ruben, it concentrates, and in a most hateful way, upon Clay Aiken. This graphic image is inciting hate not to mention a criminal activity. We are talking about a singing competition folks! Has someone lost perspective?

We have laws in Canada against hate literature and disseminating the like. I would imagine that in the U.S.A. there must be similar laws. It is a criminal offence in Canada to disseminate hate literature. If this discussion board were hosted by a Canadian company, I would report it to the appropriate authorities.

There is a forum dedicated on this discussion board to Fred Bronson of Billboard. Of course, it is common knowledge that Bronson is a supporter of Clay Aiken - well, everyone knows this because Billboard gave such a positive review of Clay's debut album - right, folks? Upon this forum, you can also read about the alleged homosexual exploits between Fred and Clay. It is sick, sick, sick!

Upon another forum you can find someone gloating about how they fooled Beavers On Idol by having a couple of articles published under a phony name. You can also find other items that I would rather not talk too much about because it concerns some of these Ruben fans posing as Claymates in order to discredit Clay's fans. Internet anonymity strikes again.

The Fortunatelys

Fortunately, this is a closed set of boards so the general public does not have to be subject to reading all this hatred and deception.

Fortunately, although this is the most active Ruben discussion board I can find in the Internet, it has a total membership of only 25. Some Clay Aiken discussion boards have over 5,000 active members.

Fortunately, this discussion board is not a reflection on all Ruben fans, as I'm sure most of them would be disgusted with the contents contained therein.

Fortunately, I'm sure that Ruben's family members are not a part of what goes on here, and if they could, they would try and put a stop to it.

Beavers On Idol and Clay Aiken

I have published quite a few articles on Clay Aiken at Beavers On Idol. Many were written by yours truly. Most were very positive towards Clay. I am not ashamed of this, and if you look at the listing of articles on American Idol in the past six months elsewhere on the Internet, you will find that a large portion of them are about Clay Aiken too.

It is possible that Ruben fans thought I would only publish articles about Clay and not about Ruben. Of course, this is a false assumption. I would love to publish more articles on Ruben. But perhaps Ruben fans thought that I would not publish their articles if I knew they were Ruben fans - and this too is a false assumption. In fact, I found out that the author who was using a false name was in fact a very avid Ruben fan, even before I published her second article. This did not dissuade me from publishing her article, although, I found it curious that she did try to hide this fact from me.

As a matter of fact, I discovered that elsewhere on the 'Net she admitted to buying multiple CD's of Ruben's, and yet, she was accusing Clay fans of buying multiple copies of Clay's CD's in her article. I thought this a bit hypocritical of her but I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she had forgotten this admission that had been posted elsewhere several months previously.

Criticisms of Clay Articles

When I reviewed Clay's debut album, "Measure of a Man," and this was a very positive review, I received about six emails criticizing my review. I always found these critical emails to be curious though. I could never put my finger on it, until recently. You see, not one of the senders identified themselves as being fans of Ruben, but most of them claimed that they had been formerly fans of Clay. They also claimed that it was the Clay fans that turned them off from enjoying Clay's music, and that is why they thought my review was just pure crap.

I would love to reproduce these emails for other readers to see what I mean about how curious they are, but doing such a thing as publishing someone's emails in full that were sent to them in private is a breach of trust. Of course, it should be mentioned at this time that my phony author did in fact publish my emails sent to her on the Soulful Ruben Studdard discussion board. I regard this most assuredly as a breach of trust on her part. Perhaps she will start cleaning up that discussion board a bit and make it more suitable for public viewing. I will be checking there from time to time to see if this board ever does become opened up to the public, but if they delete all of the hate topics and documented deception, there would not be too much left to view.

Parting Points

Please be aware that what a couple of dozen fans do should be no reflection upon their idol. Ruben is not responsible for any of his fans that act in despicable ways, as was revealed above. However, I hope Ruben, or his family, does take some action to end the goings on in "Soulful Ruben Studdard."

I am also aware that some Clay fans have taken pot shots at Ruben and his fans. However, to my knowledge, these things are not hidden but are on public record at the Clay fans' discussion boards. I am not aware of any "closed" Clay discussion board wherein hateful things are said about Ruben or his fans. If any one knows of any, please keep me informed. I would love to do an expose on them too.

I am more than willing to publish insightful articles on Ruben and his music from outside contributors. In fact recently, I asked one of my regular contributors at BOI to write a review on Ruben's debut album. She did a very fine review. I did not feel qualified to do a review on this album because I have no knowledge on R&B/hip hop music.

Given the obvious different paths that Clay and Ruben are taking with their music, I am hoping that these "fan wars" will soon come to an end in the very near future. It is so ironic that these two men are such good friends, and yet some of their fans can be so disruptively aggressive and mean. But such is life, and thank you for reading.

James Shepherd is the Editor of Beavers On Idol.

John Paulus said...

If you think that I am lying that file a class action lawsuit. Put up or be quiet. You have nothing but utter speculation and shimmers of false and twisted hope.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap...The Editors Note referenced mid-article on the third one by James S. mentions a graphic image...that image was a picture of Clay with a sniper target across his face and the words "Snipers Watching The Claymates"

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are that JP and his minions probably harrassed these OC girls with one of their many screen names pretending to be irate Claymates..I would not put anything past this gang of idiots.


Oh Crap said...

We don't think, we KNOW you have lied about everything as far as meeting Clay is concerned.

You do NOT know the man, you have not met the man and it was obvious. We've already "put up" the evidence for all to see and there's more but we're not giving that away.

Anonymous said...

FYI Rose is NOT a member of the Woodshed.The Woodshed and OC are diametrically opposed.

Anonymous said...

OC this is just a ramble by me feel free to edit or not post this!
Boy JP will do or say anything to get his name in print..He wants a Class action suit to be filed so that it will get picked up on the internet and once again his name will be linked with Clay's.

John Paulus said...

Well if you KNOW that I have lied then file a class action lawsuit against me for the pain and suffering I have alledgedly caused. You claim has no merit and it is defamatory. I hope you and Polly Graf, Truth Rules, yeahthat, WSCA, Wombatsrus, et el are all very rich, because I'd like to have you all in court. Probably sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

Did you see JP's comments on Ruben's myspace?


you are truly an American Idol and I hope your new album goes platinum in its first month. I encourage all Ruben fans to buy 7 no 8 of his new CD and send them to our men and women in uniform so they too can enjoy and appreciate his voice. You're the man!!!

Oh Crap said...

We don't need to go to Court to prove that you lie. How do you sue a pickle anyway?

John Paulus said...

I want you to sue me so you can prove your case. Instead of sitting behind your computer pretending to know something I am asking in the name of the fandom to produce your proof in a court of law. Are't Clay and the fans worthy of that?

Anonymous said...

Of course he wants Clay's fans in court. He'd love to get his name in the papers. He'd have one big sob story ready. A real whoa-is-me tale. He's got nothing to lose. He has no assets. Just owes lots and lots of money to his creditors.

Don't hold your breath, Butty. Unlike you, everybody else has a life.

Anonymous said...

OC!! How do you sue a pickle???

Thanks for the chuckle **snort** **sniff**

Wow! That was funny!

And pickles talk about defamation of character? Unbelievable. I am left totally speechless.

Oh Crap said...

JP, we KNOW you want a day in court; we KNOW you want your name out there and none of us are going to give it to you.

You are nothing but a fart stuck crossways

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 12:26, I hope they do come out and support Ruben this time. The first time many Clay fans got together and purchased a CD after seeing that support for him was sparse at the concerts.

Anons in pending, there is a reason I can't let your comments thru right now.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that the "Extortionist Stalker" is trying to hurt Clay's fanbase. The thing is that the fanbase is much smarter and stronger than he is. We know he talks to himself on his own blog, and we know who he has connected with to get dribs and drabs of information.

ES (extortionist stalker) is a lying, 2-bit hustler. He was in Ft. Lauderdale and he is in NC as well. The stooge had to pretend to get a job so his plan would look legit. He chose real estate because he could do little work, all the while he was getting paid under the table by those that are trying to ruin Clay. ES even went as far as to contact that great PR person Roger at one time to have him have the Claymates back off of him. Roger hung up on him. lol

That is neither here or there now, because the fans know now just how deep the pockets really are and whose hands are in those pockets. Sucks to be them... or it will be.

Extortionist Stalker will be facing a real bad day soon, and then he will make the papers. Just not in the area he wants to be seen in.

Green Beret my ass!! Just remember Psychological Testing. ;)

Oh Crap said...

reposting with minor edit:

Anonymous said...
First of all, Paulass sounds like he was hired to "out" Clay. Hmmmm. Wonder who needs Clay to be gay? Besides the OC (so they can get their jollies). Is the gay mafia still looking for a gay role model while they sully him up? Why would they want someone they say is a hobag representing them? Doesn't make sense to me.

Secondly, Paulass singlehandedly has set gay rights back a decade. He's an embarrassment to the gay community. They don't want him. They can't stand him. He's as delusional as the OC'ers.

BTW, Rose's (SH) post reeks of ME! ME! ME! Sound familiar? Paulass is always about ME! ME! ME! They have a lot in common.

12:11 AM

Anonymous said...

m" Oh Crap said...
JP, we KNOW you want a day in court; we KNOW you want your name out there and none of us are going to give it to you.

You are nothing but a fart stuck crossways."

And that really says it all doesn't it?

I have Ruben's other two cds and I will buy his newest. I love Ruben.

Stonehouse writes that her parents and grandparents will be so proud to see her on tv. Do you think they would be proud to read her xxxx-rated slashfic? She writes the slash at OC under the screenname HotLen. She also used to post at OFC using Hotlen. This girl has in the past been one of the shit-stirrers at OFC.

Oh Crap said...

Note to Anon at 1:20 a.m. I know nothing along those lines. I know there is a lot of speculation and I know that on occassion we are asked to edit some comments.

Oh Crap said...

That was to anon 1:20 that wasn't posted.

Truth Rules said...

I see stalker boy wants us to sue him. Best laugh I had all day. But then it's still early.

If I won't give him the attention he seeks by using a proper name why on earth would he think I'd give him attention by suing.

Ah, I forgot .... he's delusional.

Truth Rules said...

You know OhC, that doesn't make sense to me either. They say they want a gay role model, yet they go out of their way to make being gay a scandal. There's a disconnect there.

You'd think that they'd be extolling character virtues instead of focusing on presumed character flaws.

Gay men touting the torrid aspects of gay life does nothing to further their cause. It has the opposite effect. It disgusts and turns people off.

So it would seem this is not about finding a role model, it's about character assassination.

Oh Crap said...

Truth, EXACTLY !

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:34:
Stonehouse writes that her parents and grandparents will be so proud to see her on tv. Do you think they would be proud to read her xxxx-rated slashfic? She writes the slash at OC under the screenname HotLen. She also used to post at OFC using Hotlen. This girl has in the past been one of the shit-stirrers at OFC.


She is also ClayAmazesMe on The Clayboard. And, her "roommate's" screen name on CB was something with "flatirons" in it. I was reading that thread when she was busted for being on OC and the thread disappeared so I didn't get the full name of her roommate. Thanks for the additional information on her other name. Seems she was one busy little gal spreading her filth and helping to defame Clay.

WRU said...

Really want to sue me, for what exactly? BTW, I copied others comments and interviews, sound familiar?

Maybe confirmation of character?

Nope I work for a living like everyone else, broke, broke, and more broke.


Keep in mind who this is and what he does, OC, how about moving those threats to email, no one needs to see the pathetic liars puss on here.

Anonymous said...

I think Rose's roommate, and the other one going to Tyra, is Heather as in heatherlovesclay. She is the one who had the "coming out of the closet" avi at the OFC (and was behind lots of the fights there) and, after the tabloids had their big, front page crap on the lies this spring, her MySpace avi was of her holding up the tabloid and grinning.

Just sayin ...

If they don't get to appear, it will probably be as a result of the intervention of Clay's security, rather than anything the fans might say.

Anonymous said...

Jury awards $11.3M over defamatory Internet posts
Posted 10/10/2006 10:07 PM ET E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this

By Laura Parker, USA TODAY

A Florida woman has been awarded $11.3 million in a defamation lawsuit against a Louisiana woman who posted messages on the Internet accusing her of being a "crook," a "con artist" and a "fraud."

Scheff says she wanted to make a point to those who unfairly criticize others on the Internet. "I'm sure (Bock) doesn't have $1 million, let alone $11 million, but the message is strong and clear," Scheff says. "People are using the Internet to destroy people they don't like, and you can't do that."

Anonymous said...

I got an e-mail today that said Clay is nominated for the Nobel Peace prize. Can anyone confirm this?

Oh Crap said...

Note to Ticked: That wasn't it. What I was looking for was in a thread where Dallas Ivy had copied a fan letter she wrote to Ruben so the others could see it. Right after the BOI article she wrote slamming Clay fans for buying multiple copies of CDs someone found that and showed the world... well, the CB anyway.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 9:43, they have your answer up on the CB. It originated from a sarcastic remark from a Chicago paper.

Truth Rules said...

I've never once threatened him nor harassed him. He cannot say the same.

Anonymous said...

JP wants a lawsuit to get his name in legit press. He is an internet nut and I believe he knows it, it doesn't matter. Any recognition at all is what he craves.

Anonymous said...

It seems Clay's going to be pretty busy. I am certain there is more to come.

All times listed in Eastern Standard Time (ET)

Oct 16 Clay Aiken - Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC) re-airing
Oct 20 Kings Of Leon - VH1 Decades
TBA Clay Aiken - Tyra Banks Show
TBA Clay Aiken - Dr, Phil
TBA Clay Aiken - The Megan Mullally Show
Nov 11 Christina Aguilera - Saturday Night Live
Nov 17 Clay Aiken - Live with Regis & Kelly:
Co-hosting with Kelly and performing
Nov 21 Clay Aiken - American Music Awards: Presenter
Nov 21 Christina Aguilera - Tony Bennett Special on NBC Performing "Steppin Out"
Nov 29 Christina Aguilera - NBC Christmas Tree Lighting Special:
Performing “Hurt” in skating rink
Choreographed skaters in background
Nov 29 My Morning Jacket - Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Dec 22 Katharine McPhee - CBS Primetime Special:
“A Home for the Holidays”
TBD Bullets and Octane - Fearless TV
TBD Anti Flag - Fearless TV

Anonymous said...

EEEE!!! Clay is co-hosting the Regis and Kelly show on Nov. 17!!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe a single thing out of PaulASS's mouth, or his ASS. I was thinking last night, he is playing everyone. For starters look how he is posting how many days since Clay blogged, you all know what is going to happen there. As soon as Clay does blog, PaulASS will be screaming " I told you he reads my blog, that's why he blogged today" He thinks he freaking wons Clay, and hos fans...freaking control freak big time. Just like with all this bullshit about a porn movie, all he is after is for team Clay to come after him, he wants to be sued so bad. Another thing he can't stand the fact the MOST of Clay's fans have stopped posting there, and it is tearing his ass up big time. He is loosing and he knows it. Soon all you will see is ASS over there talking to himself....

Anonymous said...

LOL - so here we are again worrying and getting PO'd. about an inconsequential piece of internet shit while boyfriend is gearing up for some great TV appearances.

Buttboy may cause us a few seconds of angst here and there but lately he's just provided me with a few laughs. What was Clay's latest transgression - forgotten lyrics? Bwaaaaaaaah.

Sue him? What is he, nuts? Oh yeah, never mind:)

Whatever happened to that "book" he was going to write? Maybe he should concentrate on THAT delusion because he isn't getting anywhere with the Aiken. And he NEVER will.

Anonymous said...

wow, fair warning, don't type when you are tired...I spell just as bad as asswipe :-(

Anonymous said...

how many posts/blogs does he do in a day? a week? life sucks for him huh.

I'm lucky if I find a few hours to check things out and I like to check the blogger search sometimes and his name comes up, what a crazy psycho. he realizes people think he's a joke right? he knows that, right.
Does he realize the only people posting are himself and his looney tunes cohorts? and they sound ridiculous. I laughed so hard one night and I don't even know what's going on. Don't need to, I'm a Clay fan. I'm here for him. everyone else is meaningless in this "story" but I've found it fun here(or as fun as hate and lies can be) I get the gist of the stuff from here. I thank you for that.
everytime the HATAHS open thier mouths I'm more reassured that I backed the right guy. As a non AI fan, I'm happy. how about you? JP? nevermind, you'll just lie anyway, it's what you do, It's what you've always done.

Anonymous said...

aiken4clay, you've got butty pegged to a T. He tries to take credit for every little thing that happens. He really thinks he is 'all powerful' in the ClayNation.

Anonymous said...

Today at the swamp there is someone again who claims to be an insider telling Clay fans Clay is so unhappy and it's the fans fault. Sounds like a ploy to try and separate Clay from his fans to me.

Oh Crap said...

Anon in pending, I can't put your MOST excellent post through at this time

Anonymous said...

keepclaysafe -
"Buttboy may cause us a few seconds of angst here and there but lately he's just provided me with a few laughs. What was Clay's latest transgression - forgotten lyrics? Bwaaaaaaaah."

What he fails to see is that great personality of Clay's when he forgets words!! He is so ding dang cute. But you all know that.

OhCrap - suspense! I wanna see that most excellent post! I know I know, we can't!

Anonymous said...

"Clay is so unhappy, and it is the fan's fault",huh? Bwahahaha. I think Clay looked extremely happy the last few times we have seen him on TV. The man is glowing, and his smile is beautiful and genuine. And THAT is what bothers Asswipe and his band of idiots the most. Clay is living his life. The fans are enjoying the CD and the TV appearances. We won. Clay won. Enough said.

Truth Rules said...

Guess he never heard of the random lyric generator. Clay and Kelly both use it on occassion. Proves neither one is lip-synching and keeps them real.

Oh Crap said...

Ticked, I love it when Clay turns on his Random Lyric Generator. He knows we love it.

DAMN! Am I seeing that schedule correctly? Clay will be on Conan O'Brien? I hope he whips it out backstage and pisses on him.

Kallie1016 said...

OC...Clay is not going to be on Conan....although I would so love to see that!!

My Morning Jacket...ummm who are they anyway?

Anonymous said...

OhC that schedule is a list of RCA artists. My Morning Jacket will be on Conass OBrien. Thank God.

Truth Rules said...

Oh... their "insider" missed the message Clay left for his fans. He's very happy that we love the CD.

Calico said...

Clay is looking good! =)

Anonymous said...

I was just reading over at the swamp and someone is asking that we contact this myspace girl. They think she has had a relationship with Clay in the past.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 6:27, don't do it.

Runs to Calico's site

Anonymous said...

I saw that about the myspace girl too. Someone also said they think aaa is really John.

Anonymous said...

The pictures on Calico's site...HOT!!! He looks so happy! I really like the ones where he is in the white shirt.

Anonymous said...

Please leave that girl alone. I already researched that and saved this response to it several days ago. I also posted this at the "other" blog. People need to leave this girl alone.

J!@# P##$^@ said...
I just received the email below. It seems that the Claymates are starting to harass the fans now.

Hi John,
It was brought to my attention tonight that someone has posted a link to my myspace account claiming I am Clay Aiken's girlfriend on your website. While I am a fan of Clay Aiken's voice, and am on his myspace friends list, I am not his girlfriend nor have I ever even met the man. Please remove these links from your website.

Thank you.

Oh Crap said...

Holy Mary, Mother of God! WARNING! WARNING! Wear Depends when visiting Calico's Blog.

Anon, JP is not intelligent enough to be aaa. It's someone who is adept at burying a negative with a positive.

Anonymous said...

I heard the myspace was set up as a virus. The one with the girl on it, don't go!

Anonymous said...

It's someone who is adept at burying a negative with a positive.

6:44 PM

From this statement OC, I take it you don't like/trust aaa?

Anonymous said...

6:48. It's not set up as a virus. I actually went there a few weeks ago when it was first posted and it is a private profile. There was no virus.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 6:48, I know the myspace girl. I am on her friends list. There is no virus, and she does not know Clay. Mystery solved.

Anonymous said...

I actually think people are saying the myspace girl's page is a virus because they are afraid she actually knows Clay. I wouldn't be surprised if John is the one saying there is a virus. Maybe it's true. Maybe she knows Clay. I'm not sure, but I don't think we should bother the poor girl.

Oh Crap said...

Truth Prevails, I just noticed you said that Roger hung up on stalkerboy; if true.... BWAAAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Clay looks HOT!! Runs to get

Anonymous said...

I got a new blog up OC

Anonymous said...

I'm trying hard not to go to her myspace site. I am really curious, but it is none of my business if she knows Clay or not. It's really hard though. I want to know what she looks like. To some of you that have gone to the site, what does she look like? Does she look like what you think Clay's "type" is? Would she be cute with Clay?

Anonymous said...

If original aaa stops back by, I am curious on her thoughts about aaa possibly really being John.

Anonymous said...

I posted 7:06, and I meant if the original xyz stops in.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 7:04, she's definitely cute and definitely looks like Clay's type. He's partial to blondes. He's partial to ample backsides too but, of course, we can't see that.

He had a major crush on Brittney Spears after he and Ruben met her at the Z100 bash right after AI. I think that's why Kimmel had her on the first time Clay appeared on his show.

Oh Crap said...

If you noticed, he was checking out her little bubbies...ornery boy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:04, she is a very pretty girl. Blond hair that is shoulder length. Very pretty smile. That's about all you can see in the picture.

Her profile is private, and says she is from Ky, so I doubt she knows Clay. Although, I do think they would be adorable together. And she is 28, so she is close to him in age!

Wonder if she knows someone is posting the link to her profile?

Anonymous said...

She really is pretty. On her profile, she has the quote: "those three words are said too much". She looks like a very sweet girl. Definitely Clay's type.

WRU said...

I remember that, he did have a huge crush on Brit Spears.

The myspace is private of the girl in question and it is not a virus.

I thought it was hard to be both straight and gay.

Idiots from the swamp can't figure out what to think of CA's sex pref but we know they are full of shit. It is obvious when CA is attracted to women how he acts haters. We have all seen him check out more than one woman. I have personally seen him check out a woman at a concert that I attended and when he walked outside to greet the crowd also.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all who responded to my questions on how she looks. Too bad she lives in Ky and Clay is in NC!

*runs to the myspace link, because now I am really curious! No willpower left*

WRU said...

And I am willing to state that in court, so SUE away idiots, we all have enough clack in our position showing CA dry humping Angela and getting aroused.

Last time I checked, gay men don't do that, at least not with the opposite sex!

Anonymous said...

I'm back, and I agree. She is really pretty. Not sure what Clay's type is, but whoever gets that girl is lucky, and whoever gets Clay is lucky. I wonder if she belongs to any boards????

Oh Crap said...

LOL, WRU, you crack me up. How about the AI Road Trip special they had on Fox where Clay was pretending to lay one on Kim Locke. That leg went right over her like it was awfullllllllly natural.

WRU said...

I still think they were an item.

Oh Crap said...

...and those weren't zits on Carmen's face in that hair commercial; those were whisker burns she was wearing like a trophy. Note Clay had Whiskers in said commercial.

WRU said...

He likes the big breasted ones!

Oh Crap said...

WRU, I think that's why Simon turned into shrew. I think he had visions of deflowering Carmen the minute she turned 18 but she had eyes for Clay from the very beginning....and Clay wasn't exactly able to keep his hands off her either once she turned 18.

WRU said...

Do you all remember the AI2 show where CA put his head on Carmen's chest? That wasn't because he felt like being gay that day!

People, Clay isn't gay!

All this crap was made up, look for yourself at the photos of him snuggling up with the AI2 contestants. There is a public photo of him on the AI2 set holding hands with one of the contestants, can't remember her name, not Carmen or Kim L. Shes' married now and just had a child.

WRU said...

Slimon Coward, yuch!

He's such a sleaze!


Anonymous said...

Actually, the myspace girl is a member of the OFC. Her picture on there is the same as her myspace picture. I've read her blogs many times. She actually rarely talks about Clay, and she has a good friend Alex that used to post on her blog until she banned him (long story). She has a great sense of humor. I remember one of her blogs made me laugh because she posted something along the lines of: no one is perfect and Clay's feet prove that". She has commented many times how she doesn't like Clay's feet. She doesn't know why, they just bother her.

Because she is a member of the OFC, I really believe she does not know Clay.

Oh Crap said...

Yeahthat! Yep! They had a little thang going on. He admitted in a radio interview that the guys were all crushing on Carmen because she was so darned cute.

On her site or in an interview she admitted to playing smacky-mouth with Clay because she thought he was cute.

Anonymous said...

John's blog is now asking for info on you guys, He says he going to sue you for defaming his character.

Anonymous said...

John's latest blog -

For months Claymates have been calling me a liar and a fraud. They have concocted elaborate stories and have posted false information about me. I have requested they remove blogs and comments that make such false accusations and they have ignored or laughed at me. Yesterday it was ruled that posting such messages about a person is defamatory.

If you would like to see the Claymates be made examples I am requesting information on the following screen names from the Clay's Equalizer blog. oh crap, wru, truth rules, polly graf, wombatrus, yeahthat, and linda. I am also looking for information on chexxxy and WSCA. By information I mean real names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Please do not post their information on my blog, but kindly email it to me. You can set up a new email address if you are concerned about privacy in order to send me the information. Also if you are aware of any site that are writing things that are defamatory please send me that information as well.

Clay won't sue me, because he can't. I'm telling the truth. These women have no evidence that I am a fraud; that I am part of some conspiracy; that I have been paid; that I have lied about this story; that I have stolen information; or any thing else that have purported to know. If they did, they would have produced this evidence long ago. It's high-time that these Claymates learn a lesson and I think writing checks to me for damages rather than writing those checks to pay for 10 more Clay Aiken cover CD's would be a great one. I seek your help. Please. Jonahcruise@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this? They are like 100% spot on about John aka Clay's stalker.

WRU said...

After she turned 18 of course.

Oh Crap said...

JP defamed his own character a long time ago. He did himself in, not us.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't one have to have character in order for it to be defamed?

Oh Crap said...

For anyone he mentions, check the previous blog page and contact that FBI site and fill out the form.

Oh Crap said...

Go ahead, JP...let them go to a couple of the blogs to see your lies got busted. What a dumbass

Anonymous said...

That sick loser Groucho is spreading around a rumor that Clay is "coming out" on Dr. Phil.

WRU said...

Anyone posts my personal information online will be put in jail, period. I will personally call your local police department and have you arrested.

BTW, I'm unlisted and on the no- call list dilhole.

You put your own personal information out there including a phone bill with your name and address and phone number out there, DUH!

Oh Crap said...

You got a shot of that Wombats? I'm sending you an IM conversation he had with WSCA for Uncle Jess. Proof that he's using IPs

Anonymous said...

Paulus can't sue. He has to prove malice and malice is very difficult to prove. He's infamous now. The laws regarding private citizens don't apply to him now.

He's in the same position Clay was in until he stepped over the line. Clay can easily sue and prove malice now, but he won't, not that he can't, because he can and he'd win. Why bother suing a deadbeat with no assets?

For some reason, Paulus wants to drag Clay and his fans into court. That must be part of the deal, to cause so much bad publicity in order to diminish Clay in the eyes of those who would offer him a record deal. Time is running out.

This isn't about sexual preference; this is a conspiracy to destroy a good man's career. It always was.

Anonymous said...

Paulass knows his gig is almost up. Clay's next record company won't put up with this bullshit the way RCA has. They'll go after him BIG TIME. He won't know what hit him when they're through chewing him up and spitting him out.

Anonymous said...

IP addresses are the servers people not the actual PC's.

The only time it would be easy if someone logged on through there own intranet at work and the work id would be attached.

Anonymous said...

Defamation of character? Is Butty a comedian now? He accused Clay of sodomy, said Clay practically raped him, insinuated Clay might be HIV+, claims a bunch of strangers slept with Clay, says Clay trolls the internet begging men for sex, and he says the fans defamed HIM? Who the hell is he kidding?

What's in that kool-aid you been drinking, Butty?

Anonymous said...

Pickle is very funny about deflamation of character, it's more like confirmation of character!

Oh Crap said...

Well, I can tell you right now he added the wrong person to his latest hit list. Linda will have a hay day with that asswipe.

WRU said...

I lawyer "friend" of mine just offered his free assistance also.

Anonymous said...

Paulus~ is buffing...just trying to scare some women. Big bad man..lol..

Anonymous said...

Well, Gee. If he hurries maybe he can add the trial to his movie. I've always been a Court TV fan and just the thought that I might be on TV is so exciting!! My family can see me, and my grandparents...oh wait, they're dead. But my neighbors will love it.

But I don't have time to think about it right now. Go cast an eye on these out takes from People...OMG!


Anonymous said...

Once again I ask.... JP realizes he's a joke right? NO ONE CARES 1 BIT ABOUY HIM. he can't see that?
He really thinks he's sombody dudn't he. Can anyone find a bigger loser to laugh at than him? JP.......YOU ARE A JOKE!!!!!!

Truth Rules said...

Nick Lachey just said it's time to keep his private life private.

It's catching.

Oh Crap said...

The only thing with declaring your private life private is that Buttee thinks it's an invitation to claim a tryst.

Anonymous said...

Paulass has no case. NONE. All he has is a moldy towel with no proof of when, where or how he got it; he did not maintain the integrity of the DNA; his hotel receipt proves only that HE was there, no one else; his Sprint bill shows that he received blocked calls while at the hotel, doesn't show who called.

He would have to prove that Clay was there in order to prove he's not a liar. He can't force Clay to give a DNA sample because Clay hasn't committed a crime; if he falsely accuses Clay of a crime, he can go to prison. Clay has already stated that ALL the tabloid rumors are lies. That includes Butty's fantasy night of lust, or sodomy or almost rape or whatever story he's pushing at the time.

Lie detector test results are not admissable in court because innocent people can fail them and pathological liars can easily pass them. The burden of proof is on Paulass. He has to prove his case or he has no case against the fans.

Is he going to say that the fans have no proof he took money for his story? He didn't have to take anything. A middleman could have laundered it into a car, or some other form of payment. Or it could have been promises of a publisher, a porn career (he got that and failed at it). So he did profit. He still hasn't proven his case, and he's counting on Clay's not calling him out as proof he's telling the truth. One has nothing to do with the other. Clay can sue at this point and win, but why bother? In fact, it would be easier to prove that Paulass is a stalker and a cyberterrorist.

WRU said...

For everyone who thinks any blogs are breaking the rules, here's the official way to complain:


Oh Crap said...

Heehee...thanks Wombats. I pretty much figured the same thing.

By the way, I have a shot of Buttee's character if anyone's attorneys wants to see it.

Anonymous said...

Is this creep still at it? Doesn't he ever work, or sleep?


Anonymous said...

With ButtBoi, it isn’t defamation of character, it’s defecation on the character. Crappin’ on him is fun!

Besides, you have to human to sue someone. Kind of makes me sorry I didn't use a recognizable screen name. I've been laughing at the brainless fool for 10 months.

WRU said...

Is this the bi-racial character or the gherkin shot OC?

Anonymous said...

John Paulus said...
I will only have to call ONE witness to prove that I am not a fraud and dispel all their claims. Claymates, give me your information and at least you'll be able to see Clay. He will be the witness that will be testifying for the plantiff. Imagine that. It will be Clay's testimony that will make the Claymates lose and have to pay me. SWEET JUSTICE and KARMA!!!

11:25 PM

Well, I have the perfect solution for that. We all get together and tell what happened in that M&G we shared with cutesingerguy. You remember, the night he was feeling so frisky!! It will be our word against John's.

What a loser! What a liar!! LIAR! LIAR!! LIAR!! PANTS ON FIRE!!

I noticed my pic is still up on his blog. Did anyone screen cap that? And the little tale about me having a sexual tryst with Todd. Now that's defamation!!

The last time I checked, you're allowed to state your opinion on the Net. We don't believe Butty's story, so we can say he's a liar!!

I have no idea who posted his credit report or any other personal info about him and I doubt if he can prove who did. After all, he's the one who handed his personal info to us by posting it.

WRU said...

I am actually in love with you pickle!!!

Can I have your baby? I love a man in uniform!

Really, can I buy you dinner some time?!??!!!


Oh Crap said...

...and I came in after the credit report so I have no clue what's there and could care less.

WRU, Buttee's character is the butt shot with bull's nuts. Those were two other characters he pasted onto himself to hide Thumbalina.

WRU said...

CA checked my 42 D's out once at a M&G.

I have witnesses and a lovely photo with him, proving that I met him!

WRU said...

I remember now!

LOL and wanting brain washing liquid to get that SMALL image out of my mind!

Oh Crap said...

WRU, save that one post in pending for a rainy day.

Anonymous said...

Clay said to Diane Sawyer, to Larry King, to all of them who ask about his sexuality and rumors the same thing. He is tired of answering the question. He is not coming out on Dr. Phil. Don't let white trash Groucho fool you. Groucho is a 55 year old man that looks 70 that hates Clay because is jealous. He will do anything to help John in his sick agenda.

Anonymous said...

John is now making claims that he knows Ruben and Ruben knows about his dirty blog.

Anonymous said...

yep - pickle boy made himself a public figure by giving interviews over and over. We can say just about whatever we want about him and his story.

I wish I could see the look on the face of the person asked to issue a subpoena to me as "Claymate."

Bring it on asswipe!

Oh Crap said...

Well, Ladies and Gents, it was fun but I have a yen for pulling out my AI2 CDs so I can watch the birth of a legend one more time.

Anonymous said...

I see the ButtBoi is on the "I'll call Clay as a witness" kick again. Does he think anyone believes that crap?

Oh Crap said...

Groucho is doubly jealous because Clay probably had a little smacky-mouth going with Kelly. They were in that bus together for a long, long time.

WRU said...

Both Kelly and Clay admitted that Clay had seen her breasts, that was on an ET interview I believe!

Clay's a breast guy not a peter guy!

Anonymous said...

Paulass defamed himself. He went blabbing to the tabloids. Even if it were true, and it isn't, but even if it were, he should have kept his mouth shut. He wanted to boast. He wanted to be a "celebrity" and have all the perks. Well, having to put up with lies, slander, libel, and defamation of character is part of what celebrities have to put up with.

Clay has put up with your garbage for ten months now, jackass. Nobody forced you to go to the tabloids. You did it by yourself. You made your bed; you can lie in it now. Stop whining and STFU!

Anonymous said...

Pickle wants to sue some Clay fans and is taunting them to do the legwork for him? Is he kidding?

Who knew pickle could be so funny. A regular laugh riot!

Anonymous said...

Someone should start a rumor that groucho was committed to a psychiatric hospital. He belongs in a straightjacket.

Anonymous said...

Polly and a tryst with Todd?

OMG that's funny. Polly is soooo not Todds type,no woman is.

Anonymous said...

Really, can I buy you dinner some time?!??!!!

WRU - You have to wait in line. I have first dibs on Butty for lunch. I'm still waiting.

Anonymous said...

You're going down bitch! I just sent JP your real name and address, and he's going to sue your fat ass for defamation. That'll teach you to mess with me you bitch!

Anonymous said...

well how about that....my name made asswipes blog!!! I'm famous now, I want a contract!!! Bring on the media, I want radio interviews also!!! I best run out and buy a new dress, and heels, need to get my nails done, don't want to look bad for all the camera time I will be getting here soon!! *does the happy dance*

Boy I feel so special to be on the list of fans online at OFC!!!!

Hell I think I'm going to start my own blog now, what can I blog about?? Dam that's easy... what a fucking ashole John PaulASS REALLY is and what REALLY happened!!!

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