Sunday, September 23, 2007


Here's an interesting post at the swamp that someone with a keen eye honed in on:

"I do not care about Chexxxy. I am not engaged in her blog.

I am, and have been, engaged in THIS blog, John's blog, since inception.

I feel that John has a relationship, a trust, and a bond with me, because I am his reader; its a promise to be fair (not perfect, but fair).

And as someone above put it, this latest antic is very, very low. I expect that if Chexxxy jumps off a bridge, John has the the sense not to use her actions as a pattern to follow - because he knows better. Same story here.
likesclayspriorteeth | 09.23.07 - 6:57 pm | # "

Thanks for confirming that you've been there all along and you have that "bond", Woodle! And just in case you try to deny who you are, someone else spotted this one:

"do not make fun. I am trapped by my possessions. The other night someone was talking about Jane Wyman and I went to look for a costume I made for her - from way back in the 80's I think. I was in Taipei working and got a call to change something on it, for a show called FalconCrest maybe? can't remember but I flew from there to the US. Anyway, point is, I cannot detach from these items. When I open a closet I feel like they are all going to fall out and attack me.
likesclayspriorteeth | 09.18.07 - 9:03 pm | #"


Anonymous said...

So THAT'S her alias these days?!!


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you don't see the irony in the slogan on your banner.

You vigilantes are doing more damage to the fandom and therefore Clay than JP ever could.


Oh Crap said...

So let's see if I have this right. JP, Groucho and the KCE Gang, Emach and her Cockroaches along with the other scammers and the former female stalkers can say anything they want and the fandom is supposed to continue to be quiet. Well, it didn't work in stopping the scammers/liars/criminals.

Damn straight! I'm a vigilante who believes that exposure will neutralize those involved and make future scammers think twice. Don't fork out the bullshit about the fandom and expect me to eat it. There were board wars in the beginning and personality conflicts, etc. but we managed to survive the attacks from the outside because we come together when it counted. There are always opposing views but shit happens and what is destined to be will be no matter what anyone does. I just happen to believe that those involved in wrong doing should be exposed.

"Through all the lies we were the truth....We were his voice when he COULDN'T speak..."

There's a message in those lyrics; that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Truth Rules said...

You tell 'em OhCrap. You left out the OC bitches and their twisted slash fiction stories they spread all over.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Anonymous said...

You vigilantes are doing more damage to the fandom and therefore Clay than JP ever could.
This person says we are vigilantes, but I bet this person is being a lot more cautious in what she/he believes. If not she/he is just stupid.

Anonymous said...

You vigilantes are doing more damage to the fandom and therefore Clay than JP ever could.
What medical school did you attend?

A good dose of truth serum never hurt anyone.

It's the lies that kill, steal, and destroy!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we're the vigilantes, but it was the Fan Police blog that started outing everyone they believed were involved and plan to add more to it without any evidence whatsoever other than their totally bullshit story. Please, it's so over-the-top.

Someone is very scared that Chexxxy is getting too close to the truth. That's what that blog was really about. To scare Chexxxy off in order to protect someone who wanted to be an insider and got involved in something that wasn't her business and now has to cover her tracks. Chexxxy is being made the fall guy for someone who should have never stuck her nose in this situation and now must deflect blame.

I'm sure she meant well in the beginning, but now she's scared shitless that her involvement will be discovered; therefore, Chexxxy must be made the fall guy. Meanwhile, the identities of a bunch of innocent people are now on that blog so that a bunch of no-nothings who couldn't be bothered before can now point fingers at everyone except where it really belongs, right at their friend.

Anonymous said...

Well, I would like to know who this person is because I think she is a two-faced traitor. And a stupid fool if she is a friend of JP.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your vigilance in EXPOSING these LIARS and CON ARTISTS. Keep shining the light of TRUTH on them. They are scattering and running scared just like the cockroaches they are. Thank you and keep up the good work.

John Paulus said...

Running and scattering? BWAAAAAAAAH!!!! I'm ever more determined. Chexxxy better stick to her skills as an artist and step away from the detective work.

Anonymous said...

Would that be a threat or maybe even blackmail?

Anonymous said...

jonah cruise

Do you know that one day you are going to pay for everything you have done and are doing to Clay?

You don't know Clay, never have and never will...yet you have been trying to ruin his life for almost two years now.

Have you ever heard that you reap what you sow?

When it's your to pay up, just remember you brought it all on yourself.

I don't think I have ever wished anything bad on anybody, but I hope your turn to pay up comes very soon. You are a dispicable little creature.

Oh Crap said...

Sure sounded like a threat to me and that's why I put the comment through.

Oh Crap said...

...and why would JP be using the phony webcam pics with text from the old Tommy Gnosis profiles as his avatar?

Anonymous said...

Shithead is disappointed because Clay doesn't want to be his rich and famous boyfriend.

He needs a sugar daddy to pay all his bills and keep him awash in Viagra and hair plugs.

Unpack your bags, dickhead, because Clay isn't sending the car for you. Of course, maybe Fake Clay can set you up with something. After all, he was the one you were communicating with all these months.

You're just pissed because everyone knows it now.

Anonymous said...

john paulas is an evil little man

Oh Crap said...

He IS evil but he's not a man. He's a deserter who used the media to desert. His priority was someone's butthole over his country and commitment to the Armed Services. He's a woman wannabe. He's a failure in making it through life on his own. He sported a floppy disk instead of his hard drive at his one chance of being a "star". He's a stalker. He's a worm who is dead inside.

JP's latest escapade still will not force Clay's hand in giving him any recognition so he'll remain an unimportant nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stalker!

I found this interesting,

in particular the paragraph below:

(3) Electronically mail or electronically communicate to another and to knowingly make any false statement concerning death, injury, illness, disfigurement, indecent conduct, or criminal conduct of the person electronically mailed or of any member of the person's family or household with the intent to abuse, annoy, threaten, terrify, harass, or embarrass.

Yeah, you're a stalker and you're breaking the law, aren't you now?

OhCrap, I think it's time this pig was put away!
