Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Breaking News in Clay Nation

Dear GOD in Heaven!

No wonder JP has a Hairbo up his ass! Or should that Be....

No wonder! JP has a Hairbo up his ass!

Please click on the link to Chexxxy's blog and read, if you haven't already. So far all of JP's "insiders" have been people who either NEVER met Clay or who saw him in a M&G but didn't get laid, former stalkers who couldn't get in his pants and those who thought they were intitled to run BAF (which they thought would entitle them to get in Clays pants).

Now, with Roger leaving RCA (how convenient as the lies come crashing down at this moment) perhaps JP's "royalty checks" will stop as well.

Closing Note: There sure are a lot of tentacles on this octo-pussy.


Anonymous said...

The blog is not private any longer.

I hope no one thought they'd actually won the war with that crazy fucker.

Anonymous said...

John Paulass has never met Clay. When his internet life comes crashing down will it(JP)survive? That's why he is trying so hard to stay afloat.

Oh Crap said...

Didn't know anyone was at war with it, anon 10:05. Didn't know anyone was paying attention to him anymore really. Just a few mentions that I've seen here and there in reference to the latest "outing" by Chexxxy and other scammers tied in with "it". The other was in reference to the "crazy fucker" might not have access to Roger anymore. I truly believe that Roger has been the 'director' and the purse strings in the JP fables.

I could really give a shit about him anymore as things are unfolding. I have no doubt that someone is going to "out" him soon to save their own hides. I don't even think he was duped by Fake Clay; I think he commissioned Fake Clay.

Anonymous said...

I could really give a shit about him anymore as things are unfolding. I have no doubt that someone is going to "out" him soon to save their own hides. I don't even think he was duped by Fake Clay; I think he commissioned Fake Clay.

10:35 AM


Anonymous said...

You may not be at war with him but the people posting all over the other blogs are breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for his blog going private.

If you or Chexxxy really have the goods on him, what are you waiting for? It's been almost 2 years.

Do it.

Oh Crap said...

Well, a lot you know! The majority of us were glad he was private for a while but only a few thought that it was a permanent thing. JP is too needy for attention and that blog is ALL HE HAS to fill his miserable, useless life.

As for the 2nd part of your comment. I don't remember either Chexxxy or I or any blogger feeling it was necessary to take our direction for you or anyone else according to YOUR time frame or anyone else's.

Anonymous said...

Now that Clay's stalker/defamer has thrown in the towel simply because he knows he could never submit it as evidence,talker/defamer was coercing baby momma Jessie/Kristin into insisting that Clay was gay. Stalker/defamer must hold onto whatever shreds of his lie he has left...that he met Clay at the QI. Which is totally untrue. If Clay isn't gay (which he isn't), then he'd have no reason to meet stalker/defamer at the QI.

I find it curious (like looking at a train wreck) that stalker/defamer always blames real Clay when he is duped by fake Clay. For whatever reason, he refuses to discern the difference. It's as if he must attach himself to real Clay forever or lose whatever shreds of dignity he thinks he has left (which is none). He's a fraud and a liar.

Oh Crap said...

What I found funny about his IMs was that FC had the same spelling errors and same truncated words as stalker and Groucho.