Friday, April 13, 2007

Pride and Prejudice?

US Fund for UNICEF

Here we are at UNICEF's page where donations can be made for the urgent needs of Afghani children. Clay has requested that those who can, please help in raising $100,000 in 10 days for this specific cause. It's what an Ambassador does; it's their job for UNICEF. Clay's appeal for funds has prompted amazing response and the mission has almost been accomplished in a little over 24 hours. It looks like the thermometer has risen to almost $80,000 already.

How is this possible? Clay knows that most people are passionate about the needs of children. Clay and UNICEF are aware that his fans are a different breed, are givers, are passionate, and most of all loving. While some believe that these are the more disgusting traits of Clay and his fans all I can say is Up YOURS! Those who have a problem with us will just have to eat my shorts. I wouldn't trade all the good that is in us for all the evil that is in them for anything.

Let's do a comparison, shall we? I've brought over some comments from the CM411 blog and for those who aren't familiar with CM411, these are vile subhumans from Kelly Clarkson Express (including their Mod DirectorSandy), Soulful Ruben and other ilk who have made their way to the blog. They are dead inside and they only live for their hatred.

Examples of their comments followed by my comments with asterisks:

"what a shame that aiken as their ambassador is not able to bring new people to their organization.only lunatic old mats
anony 04.12.07 - 10:05 pm "

*** and you know this how?????????

"He only wants $100,000 raised in 10 days to make HIMSELF look good.
Greedy little bastard. Dramamine 04.12.07 - 10:02 pm "

*** He's giving of his time and we're giving to UNICEF. You're just yapping with your purse closed so who is the greedy one? Yep, he looks good and you look like an idiot. Feel better?

"Kathy Griffin went to Afganistan, and Iraq, and did shows, and toured the whole country. And in the last blog it said Suzie McNeil did as well. Those are the people that deserve all the accolades Faiken is hamming it up for, but they don't use it to advertise themselves, they go there strictly to give back.

Unicef realizes they can get a chunk of money by having Faiken pester the mats, if he says jump over a cliff, they do it, and they probably have a corporate jet that was going to Afganistan anyway, just shove Faiken in it as well and they can get the mat money.
midol 04.13.07 - 6:41 pm "

***Well, if their trip wasn't publicized how'd you find out about it? Perhaps you need an injection of those stem cells you've been researching. Might make you more human and instill the decency to stop your internet trolling of Clay Aiken on University time while collecting grant money. Earn it, bitch!


Yeah, we know what you say about us and Clay. Thought I'd give you a taste of what's said about YOU at Chexxxy's:

"Do these people know how truly STUPID they sound? They play and play this game but when an article like the press release hits them, they open their mouths and STUPID falls out."

*** Thanks, Myaikenback, you said a mouthful and nothing fell out. It flowed like music to my ears.


*** ROFLMAO! This was borrowed from Sansue and she was kind enough to share the laugh with everyone.


Of course, Perez couldn't keep his innuendo laden bullshit out of his comments about Clay's trip to Afghanistan. He mentioned that Clay didn't have a chance to troll the internet..of course, he leaves out the fact that he's the one doing the trolling while impersonating Clay and has been for 4 years. Anyway, we know all about Perez's passions... Ohhhh, some of you don't? Well perhaps the most passionate I've seen Perez is when he did a Rant Thread against the FBI. Guess he wasn't too happy when he found out that IPs that visit the same Child Porn site 3 times get blocked from the internet. Guess we know his real passion for children, huh?

When all is said and done, Perez and the low lives at CM411 and the Swamp are the big losers. Kelly and Ruben must be proud (snort, not really).

As for Clay and his fans and the efforts to reach our goals, we do as we were meant to do. Mamarose10 from the CB sums it up the best I've seen so far:

"Claymates...Clay fans...THIS is what it is about. THIS is what WE do. THIS is who WE are!!! There is no denying we have taken some undeserved abuse from time to time. But the TRUTH is the TRUTH and the TRUTH of who we are and what we do will always rise to the surface!!!!!"

*** My final comment to the ilk who could never understand Clay, us or what MamaRose has said: Neener Neener!


Truth Rules said...

Given a choice between jumping off a cliff with Clay or spending 1 minute of my time with the slugs from the swamplands, I'll go with Clay every single time.

Anonymous said...

I have to say it is fun watching their heads explode. They just can't
out do Clay, they can't stop Clay. When the tour starts they will again be blubbering.

Oh Crap said...

Just move out of the way when JP explodes because he blows from the bottom up.

Truth Rules said...

Thank goodness my mouth was not full of soda - it would be all over my keyboard and monitor.


Anonymous said...

OC all I can say is I hope JP has mad sex in the ass before he explodes, don't they douch before sex??? At least the smell might not be to bad, but dammmm it would be fun to watch all the pieces fly by, best go get my goggles out of the trunk.....

Anonymous said...

perez is just about the most worthless excuse I can think of for a human being; well, behind jp of course. Or, wait.......... maybe jp would rather be behind perez; guess it depends who wants to be the top since they both do so well at efffffing people they don't even know.

Either way, they're a perfectly matched pair in that one is just as reprehensible as the other.

All their 'outing' of Clay on their respective fugly blogs is because Clay has never even acknowledged their smarmy existence.

And jp can cry wolf all he wants, but he's still spinning the same salacious fabrications he started all those months ago. He only WISHES he had met Clay Aiken.

As for the 411 gang, I think they've spent way too much time in the swamps and have grown to love their own falsehoods, innuendo, and vile hatred so much that they reached the point where they can't live without it.

The problem with ALL of them is that Clay never did and never will give any of them the time of day.

Guess it sucks for them that Clay just keeps on living his life and making a difference in the real world while they are stuck in their hate filled little lives.

Anonymous said...

You have a nice way of pointing out how stupid these wackos really are. Thank you, and thanks, Clay for being the man you are, and not letting the maggots get to you!

I'm glad you pointed out that PH appears to be into kiddie porn. That is something everyone should know about him, and it doesn't suprise me at all.

Anonymous said...

The problem with ALL of them is that Clay never did and never will give any of them the time of day.

Guess it sucks for them that Clay just keeps on living his life and making a difference in the real world while they are stuck in their hate filled little lives.
7:53 PM

Clay lives his life in the real world and it has no resemblance at all to the fictionalized world the 'Mad Hatters' have spun.

Anonymous said...

Has Piggy Perez been reported to the FBI yet?

Anonymous said...

Perez was once accused of forging a stolen check to support his drug habit. Now we find out that he's into child pornography?

That doesn't look too good. His bosses at AI and RCA might not want it made public that they are doing business with him. There go all those paychecks and favors to legitimize him.

Anonymous said...

If PH is into child porn, he'd have a fine old time in Afghanistan. He can write his next blog from there. Unless, of course, the Taliban track him down and chop off his little dick. He won't need it anyway. Word on street is that he's a bottom. No one wants to be looking at that face!

Anonymous said...

Without darkness there would be no light, without evil, there would be no goodness, without lies there would be no truth and without hatred there would be no love.

No matter how dark it gets, the light always shines through brilliantly, evil has never won a battle and truth is always the winner.

So all the maggots can take that and shove it straight up their dark, evil, lying, hating fat asses.

They are seen for exactly what they are. They can have their blackheart, we have our Brave Heart and I love him dearly.

Anonymous said...

"It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena...who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of great achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly. So that his place will never be with those cold timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

......Theodore Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

Why did ph appear on another nbc friday night game show?
He must have some higher up at nbc by the nuts.

Oh Crap said...

I think he is blackmailing the entire entertainment industry in order to make himself a celebrity. That's what most children want for themselves when they grow up. The only problem is that people like Perez never grow up. Becoming an adult means accepting responsibility for their actions and that's one thing neither he nor JP are capable of.

Anonymous said...

PH and JP have a lot in common. They're both pathological liars and sociopaths. They'd make such a lovely couple. Too bad they're both bottoms.

Anonymous said...

PH and JP have a lot in common. They're both pathological liars and sociopaths. They'd make such a lovely couple. Too bad they're both bottoms.

5:21 PM


Truth Rules said...

You know what? Clay's fans are an awesome bunch. Raising 90% of $100,000.00 in less than 48 hours is mind boggling. We've been beaten up in the press, made fun of and called all kinds of vile names by some filled with hatred, stood by our man and trust him, and opened our hearts and pocketbooks to those in need.

I feel really good to be part of this group. We've weathered the storms and come out stronger and better than ever.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what happen to the article "Anti Fans and Haters" on the "Anatomy of A Smear Campaign" site?

I found that site a while back and when I clicked the "Anti Fans and Haters" link there were pictures of the old hag directorsandy/percocet and the scumbag groucho and another lower than lowlife from Canada I believe...I can't remember her name...maybe julia or julie or something like that.

Anyway the next day I went back to that site and it was gone. What happened to it?

Another thing I would honestly like an answer to is this...knowing who some of these haters are and the grief they have caused in Clay's life...why doesn't someone do something? I'm sure his lawyers have all this information by now. These lowlifes along with some others not mentioned here should be prosecuted.

Anonymous 12:05 said:

"Perez was once accused of forging a stolen check to support his drug habit. Now we find out that he's into child pornography?

That doesn't look too good. His bosses at AI and RCA might not want it made public that they are doing business with him. There go all those paychecks and favors to legitimize him."
End Quote

I have always believed AI and RCA are the ones that instigated this whole Smear Campaign. I believe they are behind it all. I believe ph works for them and I believe jp and the kc fans with a few rs fans are doing ph's bidding. I believe ph and jp are being compensated but I don't know about the kc fans. I don't know if it's just their hatred that drives them or if they are getting paid.

They must think Clay holds a whole lot of power to go to such lengths to try and destroy him.

Oh Crap said...

Truth Rules, You said it!

Anon 10:34, RCA/AI involvement is speculation, however strong, at this time. It would stand to reason that a man could not sit at a desk in a small room with only a computer and air freshener to keep him company for over a year, not making a dime... UNLESS there were some deep pockets making it possible.

We all know what Clay is like (oh yes we do, asswipes) and he seems the least likely soul to be attacked like this unless you take into consideration that he IS powerful. In a sense, he is refreshing, he strives to be the best person he can be, and also strives to set an example for younger generations thus making an effort to keep his music clean for the buying public. Aside from emerging from his cocoon as the sexiest man on Earth by the end of AI2, he'd amassed a HUGE fanbase that appreciated what he was bringing to the entertainment world. It needed some housecleaning.

That doesn't sit too well with TPTB trying to market sex, crime, degradation of women et al. in music and public performances. Not enough controversy in clean, enjoyable music although Clay can throw some moves in his concert to set a woman on fire. A smile, an eyef* now and then, and a little hip action in 10 layers of clothing can be very, very sexy.

Nope, don't think that the KCE or SR are being paid nor paying a lying asswipe. They just jumped on the bandwagon using the opportunity to get back at Clay and his fans. It didn't hurt that they got a chance to express their homophobia in the guise of pretending to be us. They slammed us and gays because JP was too stupid to smell the rats. Guess that's what happens when you've got your nose up your own smelly ass.

Anonymous said...

OC the AI/RCA involvement may only be speculation right now, but it's speculation that I strongly believe and always have.

You are probably right about the kc and rs fans not being paid. All the fun they are having at Clay and his fans expense...all the degrading things they say about him...all the emailing campaigns posing as his fans...all the planning on what they can do next to hurt him are payment enough.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap, your perception of the smear campaign is very acute, especially as it coincides with my own. lol

That these fools fallaciously believe they are afforded anonymity by hiding behind inane screen names on the internet is quite enjoyable, while I await their being exposed to family, friends(improbable conjecture),and employers as collaborators with jp in perpetuating this slanderous hoax against Clay.

Oh Crap said...

Caviar, I love the way the natives are getting restless to take these asswipes down.

Anonymous said...

YOUTUBE is working...for now.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful montage. Thank you for posting the You Tube link.

Clay is definitely making a difference. I am so proud to be a Clay fan.

Anonymous said...

JJ, JP who cares.

Anonymous said...

Leaving you this to look at for a blog later... maybe... but it caught my eye.>1=7702

"There has been a growing trend in international libel suits brought by U.S.-based celebrities in European courts, where libel laws favor the celebrity, not the publication.

"The First Amendment restrictions in U.S. libel law make it virtually impossible for international celebrities or other high-profile individuals to sue successfully," Tweed said.

Anonymous said...

Giant kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking. If they took the $29.99 they spend to join a fan site of someone they despise and has members they despise, they could make a nice donation to a charity.

Yeah right!