Friday, April 06, 2007

Making Good on a Promise!

So this is what it comes down to: JP retracts his confession, all very timely to coincide with a judge hearing and about to rule on the Holleman vs Aiken frivolous lawsuit. He just couldn't let the extra day in the sun go by so he and his co-conspirators must reap what they sew, in my opinion. Pay back is a bitch. Two of us have contacted investigative journalists who are impartial and fair. We've provided links to evidence of Clay's innocence in all these allegations and we will offer names and locations of JP's cohorts should they wish to expose the criminals backing this delusional stalker without a soul. Fans needn't worry because I have asked that nothing be forthcoming until our signal. There is a time for everything but the wheels are in motion.

Update: Contrary to what the asswipes would have the world believe, I do have a life away from Clay and the computer and away from this blog.

While I've been away there's been a ton of comments and I'll get to them shortly; I wanted to let you know first that Woodward and Bernstien Jr. answered the call to help set things right for our Idol. Deep Throat is coming out of retirement and will be joined by his sons, Big Esophogus and "Skinny" Epiglotis who will do most of the digging. Deep Throat will relay the information to me from behind a pillar in the garage at Camelback and 9th.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear OC! This nonsense has gone on for far too long.

crew said...

I say give em the signal. I'm sick of their crap!

Anonymous said...

I just want it known that this person
who keeps trying to link his name with my Idol's is a certifiable nut case.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Mark Ebner take this on. I hope he's one of the jounalists that you contacted.

Oh Crap said...

I just looked at the man's site. Never heard of him but he wasn't too complimentary about the dead so not sure I'd trust him with the living.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you send the information you have about the lowlifes to Diane Sawyer or even Jimmy Kimmel? I believe they really like least I think they do. Maybe one of them could in some way help to get the truth out of what has been done to him or is that a bad idea?

I hope every single person that is involved in the Smear Campaign and Clay bashing will be exposed.

Whoever you send it too, I hope you make sure without a doubt that you can trust them.

I worry that by mentioning names on here of people that you might send the information to that the haters might email those people posing as Clay fans or not and try to cause trouble. I know you haven't mentioned those names though.

Maybe my comment here shouldn't be posted but I would like to know what you think of sending the info to Diane or Jimmy? Is there some way you could answer on the blog here without coming out and using their names like saying Anonymous and the time I posted that yes that is a good idea or no it's not a good idea?

I can't tell you how much I want these people to have to pay for what they have done to Clay. This has went on far far too long.

OC please be careful of some of the posters making suggestions of who to send the info to. A hater could suggest someone that is on their never know. This guy Mark Ebner from what you said does not sound trustworthy.

I would hate for this information about the lowlifes to get in the hands of someone that does not like Clay.

WRU said...


Karma is going to be a big-bucket-o-chicken-ass-kicking-BITCH!

Anonymous said...

OC luv ya girl, good luck and kick ass girlfriend...if ya need me for anything you got my email address don't be afraid to give me a yell....

Anonymous said...

I believe after 4 yrs. any Clay fan worth their "salt" knows both friend and foe. Names do not have to be made public for work behind the scenes to be effective. And although I understand the curiosity, this is one time patience will be worth it all! The truth will come out eventually.

An article worth reading, "The Herd Mentality":

A few excerpts:

"No Benefit of the Doubt: When we hear a derogatory accusation about a person...many of us immediately presume they are guilty, rather than affording them a presumption of innocence..."

"Tyrannical Opinions: Once we label an "bad," many of us discount any evidence to the contrary..."

"No Pity: ...our public discourse and interactions are increasingly bereft of forgiveness or mercy. If you make a mistake, even an honest one, expect to be vilified by those who are adept at ignoring their own imperfections while focusing intensely on those of others."

"Piling On: ...once somebody is bleeding emotionally, there are plenty of shark-like personalities moving in for the kill. This "kick 'em while they're down" attitude is evident in vitriolic talk shows, attack blogs,...TV shows that mock and humiliate (e.g., "American Idol")."

"Collectively, our cultural icons are not the peacemakers, those who are meek*, who compassionately forgive and extend the hand of inclusion..."

*One of Clay's main characteristics is meekness, IMO. 'The quality of being "meek": mildness, gentleness, forbearance under injuries and provocations.' He proved this strength time and again, with Simon and some of the media and critics. But "meekness" is not to be confused with "weakness." Clay knows how to fight for himself and chooses his battles carefully and wisely, when the occassion arises. He is just not an angry person. He is forgiving and knows the Lord will fight for him.


Anonymous said...

Kudos, oh crap. I would love to see them all exposed for the malevolent refuse they are. However, I fail to discern the purpose of sending the info you aquire to JK or DS as proposed here by another poster, but trust that you know who can actuate it for the most advantageous result.

Oh Crap said...

Yeahthat, what you said never even entered my mind to mention to anyone really.

Oh Crap said...

Eloquent as usual, Caviar. Maybe you should be the reporter. We'll understand you but the asswipes won't know they've been exposed or insulted.

Oh Crap said...

Oh, it was prolonged by us alright but we have to agree to disagree. We prolonged it with our collective silence while our heads were buried in the sand with "Fuck Me" written across our assholes for all to see.

Anonymous said...

Caviar said:
"I fail to discern the purpose of sending the info you aquire to JK or DS as proposed here by another poster, but trust that you know who can actuate it for the most advantageous result".

That was my post. I guess I was just grabbing at straws. I was just thinking that D and J both like Clay and maybe they could in some way help to expose the lowlifes for what they did to him. Now that I think about it I guess it was a bad idea.

I was hoping OC wouldn't post my comments but just in some way let me know if my suggestion was a good idea or not. That's why I said this:

"Maybe my comment here shouldn't be posted but I would like to know what you think of sending the info to Diane or Jimmy? Is there some way you could answer on the blog here without coming out and using their names like saying Anonymous and the time I posted that yes that is a good idea or no it's not a good idea"?

I'll just keep my suggestions to myself from now on and let OC handle it. I believe she knows what she is doing.

I just hope the haters get what they deserve. I can't wait.

Oh Crap said...

Sorry, that was to a concerned fan and I understand the concern. The link I sent to one person I contacted was to the blog where we have the webcams stored that were busted by WSCA. All we're going for is this: The truth should be known and that is that Clay is innocent of any allegation involving JP or any other claimed online hookup. Didn't happen and since when is the truth wrong and the lies right?

Oh Crap said...

Just throw it out there and don't be shy. JK and Clay are practically best friends and since JK has his own show I can't see him diving into things; the DS interview was edited badly so something could be missed if it winds up on the cutting room floor behind her back again.

We had some really good people in mind and then my memory was refreshed about someone else who leaves no stone unturned and who knows what he can and cannot write ... such as too much personal info even on the slime.

Oh Crap said...

Sorry, Anon. I was whipping thru the comments so fast before I published. My fault.

Anonymous said...

OC said:

"All we're going for is this: The truth should be known and that is that Clay is innocent of any allegation involving JP or any other claimed online hookup. Didn't happen and since when is the truth wrong and the lies right"?

OC that is what we all want is for the world to know that Clay is innocent and that every bit of that trash was made up just to try to ruin his career and reputation. No it never happened.

And if every one of the scumbags were exposed and had to pay for the evil things they did then that would be good too.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan and admirer of Clay Aiken and would really hate to see him suffer more hurt. I don't belong to message boards and only lurk occasionally - enough to keep up with Clay's concerts and appearances. I'm aware of the John Paulus debacle and he has assuredly caused Clay and his family a great deal of harm. In going after this guy - my fear is that it will cause more harm than good - and Clay doesn't need any more drama in his life right now. Sometimes his fans in taking over- zealous actions on his behalf can create a nightmare for him. It's unfortunate that some of Clay's fans won't just accept Clay for what he is and allow him to live his life. Please take my word for it when I say that JP would love to go to court. More than anything - I want Clay Aiken to have a wonderful long lasting career, and would hate the thought of his career ending at the hands of his own fans. You will probably delete this - and that's ok. Wanted to express some thoughts for you to take into consideration. Thanks.

Oh Crap said...

Anon, I hope by now you and others have read the update posted under the first part of the blog.

Anonymous said...

I get pretty fed up with so-called fans saying that the rest of us refuse to accept Clay for what he is and letting him live his life. This is just more of the crap that the OC is spewing. Clay has NEVER met JP and has NEVER communicated with him. Why can't some of you accept him when he says he's straight and stop harassing him? Let him live his life and stop interfering. In other words, mind your own damn business!

As for JP saying that he would love to go to court, he's just pushing the fans's buttons. On what basis will he sue? That Clay wouldn't accept him as his significant other? Oh, yes, the ridiculous apology. How could I forget that! After all, JP is not that kind of a guy. The fact that his bare ass and purple dick were all over the gay sites doesn't mean he isn't an upstanding citizen with morals. Why would anyone ever get the impression that he was just looking for a quick hookup?

He's got nothing. If he did, he would have used it. He's just trying to stir the turd. Perhaps there's a bonus in it for him if he gets Clay into court. Who knows? But then he'd have to testify under oath under penalty of perjury and he doesn't know where Clay was that night, who was with him, or any signed witness testimony that may be in the possession of Clay's lawyers just waiting for the right opportunity to stuff them up JP's ass.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9:16

I think you have it backwards. Clay's fans do accept him for who he is. It's people like you and the psychos at the 411 blog that can't accept who he is.

He's been telling us who he is for over fours years now and some people just refused to believe him.

Please take your own advice and accept Clay for who he is and if you can't do it then that is your problem.

It is mind boggling how deperately some of you wish Clay were gay. You and the 411 blog people seriously need to get a life.

Truth Rules said...

"Please take my word for it when I say that JP would love to go to court."

He sure has you fooled.


Article 28.


§ 14‑209. Punishment for perjury.

If any person shall willfully and corruptly commit perjury, on his oath or affirmation, in any suit, controversy, matter or cause, depending in any of the courts of the State, or in any deposition or affidavit taken pursuant to law, or in any oath or affirmation duly administered of or concerning any matter or thing whereof such person is lawfully required to be sworn or affirmed, every person so offending shall be punished as a Class F felon.

Anonymous said...

If jp's story is so compelling why is he doing it as an internet blog? Wouldn't some magazine just love his series? And why is it taking so very long? I suppose any good fiction writer needs time to make up his story. That story is only convincing to those who are already duped by the upstanding Purple Pickle.

Anonymous said...

No offense but the Purple Pickle is so far from upstanding, it is more a Limp Noodle.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:16, you need to do alot more research. We do accept Clay for what he is....STRAIGHT, as he's said over and over again for the past 4 years. You need to accept THAT! Stop trying to make him something he's not, and stop calling him a liar. I'm sick to death of all this, and I personally hope JP and all his cronies rot in jail. Thank you, Oh Crap, and all the others who have kept on top of this and have forwarded info to the proper authorities etc. Good Job!! I hope the end is near. It can't come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. JP is changing his story once more. Now he's got Kristi Gamble getting in touch with the lawyers instead of the other way around, which is what he said last year. Why was he shopping his story to the highest bidder if he only wanted to help Clay? How did the tabloids know all about him if he didn't contact them to blab about it?

He loves this. He wants to feel like a celebrity because for him getting boinked by a celebrity makes him one in his own demented brain. He thinks he's a star now. He'll tell his tale over and over, all while insisting he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

What middle aged man goes into clubs carrying a camera? Does he need to convince everyone that he has friends? He looks like a pygmie standing next to everyone else. I think he's a loner who's trying to convince everyone that he's a somebody.

What he really is is a pathological liar.

Oh Crap said...

Perhaps we need to step back from 9:16's comment and really look at it. I'm not seeing what others are seeing. I think 9:16's concern is that publicizing the truth will cause a negative backlash and maybe it could by causing more debate.

Folks, read the update below the blog post and catch on to the snark.

Anonymous said...

So you are not going to a journalist?

Anonymous said...

OC I read 9:16's post again and still take it the same way.

I think what she says here is insinuating that Clay is gay and if she posts again and says that is not what she meant and explains what she did mean I will apologize.

9:16 says
"It's unfortunate that some of Clay's fans won't just accept Clay for what he is and allow him to live his life."

I think Clay's fans do accept who he is. He has always said that he is a straight male...what is there about that that we wouldn't accept? Why would we not accept that? He has always shown himself to be exactly who he says he is. What you see with Clay is exactly what you get and the lies and fabrications of the lowlifes is not going to make me believe anything else.

Clay is the only one that has the right to define who he is...nobody else has that right. I believe Clay...end of story.

Truth Rules said...

All this negative crap gets to be a bit much so I put up a postive blog.

Anonymous said...

Write a blog documenting the Crazy Pickle's crazy. He has really gone off the deep end now. A shame really, only not.

Anonymous said...

I think PaulAss has been inhaling too much air freshener lately. He acts like he's Clay's mentor and best friend, and they've never even met.

I get a kick out of his followers who call the fans stupid. After all, they insist, PaulAss isn't trying to ruin Clay's career. He's helping Clay. [/snerk]

What morons. They can't be this gullible, can they?

Anonymous said...

You guys need to get a life. Clay is finished. Move on with your lives already.

Oh Crap said...

Clay is far from finished; just wishful thinking on your part. All your planning, all your made up stories going to the tabloids, all your bullshit on JP's blog and CM411 haven't seemed to bother THE MAN as he goes on with his life. Must suck to be you and your cohorts in crime. In a short while it's really going to suck to be you.

Anon 1:34, they aren't gullible, they are co-conspirators who helped instigate and carry out the smear campaign.

Oh Crap said...

Wow! We got a boatload of hits from Groucho and Gr8white in a very short time. Must really suck to be waiting on sumpin, huh? What is it you're waiting for. Keep watching, I won't disappoint.

Oh Crap said...

I take that back; it wasn't gr8white that's been giving me hits with Groucho, it was that old fat heifer, Director Sandy of the KCE.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:03 said:

You guys need to get a life. Clay is finished. Move on with your lives already.

If this is true, what are you doing here, and why would you care what we do? I can never understand these people who are devoting their lives to making Clay fans see the light, their version of the light, of course.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, the medicine cabinet would be wise (oxymoron snark) to stock drugs for alleviating chronic mental diarrhea which, no doubt, was contracted while wallowing in the cesspool with their hero and mentor, jp.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 5:03AM:

I guess that gives you a real thrill to think that Clay is finished. Poor thing! You must have nothing going in your sorry excuse for a life that you take such pleasure in trying to destroy someone else's career and life.

Get lost! Go play with yourself somewhere else.

Art said...

Have you noticed that 411 "people" and CD are calling for Clay to reveal what he has donated to charities? (Like their opinion matters!)

I'd like to know what their contributions have been! Given that these "people" denegrate anyone who disagrees with them, I'm guessing not much.

PS: Did you notice that I put the word "PEOPLE" in quotes? It doesn't need much explanation!

PSS: They don't matter in the least with regard to Clay. They may NEVER realize that...but who cares!

Anonymous said...

Why should it matter what Clay gives? He gave of his time and put his life in jeopardy going to a war-torn region. What have any of these losers done besides bitch about everything? Have any of them donated a cent? Those sorry asses have got some nerve complaining about anyone.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what churned up the swamp? Maybe it was the little lie JP got caught in, which was a rather big lie. Hehehe!

And don't you just love the news that homosexuality is now accepted by Islam in Afghanistan? The Taliban must have but all the Iman's asleep if that's the case. JP blogs a 3 yo article. Hey JP...the Taliban is back!!

Of course we know this was just a ruse to prove why Clay was so well rec'd there, beard and all. Uh huh! Even with 254,000 gay rumor articles on the Internet.

Oh Crap and I would like to take up a collection to send JP to Afghanistan. Anyone interested?pg

Truth Rules said...

It makes no difference what Clay says or does, the FOOLS at the medicine chest will put a negative twist on it.

Ignoring them and continuing on about his business really is his best choice.

They matter not.

Anonymous said...

You're right, they matter not. With any luck maybe the Medicine Chest will overdose!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when Clay does something wonderful and the 411 idiots just barf about it! Too bad it isn't for REAL! It might be a good way to get rid of all that bile they produce!


PS: I see the amount Clay asked for UNICEF is already at the $50,000.00 mark! Hoo Haa!

Anonymous said...

This is Art. I tried to use my password and it didn't recognize it. Is there anyway to retrieve it?
This is frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Let's take up a collection to send the big bad ex-military fameho to Afghanistan to report on the gay culture there since it's of such great interest to him. He's a broken record anyway. Might as well put his strong points to good use.

Who knows? Maybe he'll run into some local Taliban and be given the choice of being beheaded or having his dick cut off. Small favors.

Oh Crap said...

Art, you got in fine earlier with your regular password but if you have a Google login that you weren't using, I'd switch. You're suppose to be able to get in here on either after blogger switched me over but sometimes blogger burps. Try again.

Anonymous said...

I passed the checkout counter at the grocery store today and noticed that now Drew Barrymore is being defined as gay. Another opportunistic sleaze has decided to jump on the bandwagon and claimed a relationship that doesn’t exist in order to become famous.

It occurred to me that almost all entertainment reporting is now controlled by radical gays. The blogs, tabloids, and slick tabloid type magazines are all funneled through radical gay perceptions. I don’t think there is anyone alive who is unaware of what the radical gay agenda is, so how did we allow this single-minded agenda to take over all of our perceptions of the celebrities we admire? Just think about the list of people who have been defined as gay by these narrow-minded, agenda driven, fringe radicals. Why have we allowed this and what can we do about it?

Now before anyone starts screaming “HOMOPHOBE” at me, I want it clear that ANY single agenda driven group should never control all of the reporting for an issue. This is no different than radical right-wingers controlling the political news, or radical left-wingers controlling the religious news. I’ve seen both of those situations and this is no different.

Why have we allowed people with a completely sexual orientation-driven perception to control the image of others who are complete strangers to them, as they are to us? Why are we only allowed to “see” celebrities through the eyes of people who have as their major interest having sex with someone of the same gender? I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty freakin’ sick of it!

Truth Rules said...

Update: the amount is now at $75,000.00.

All drugs have an expiration date.

Oh Crap said...

Truth, now that was funny about the expiration date.

Anon 1:51, taking the high road often means pushing the "ignore" button in life. You're right, things like this happen because we let it. People like you and I are trusting that decency in human beings will step to the forefront....eventually.

People like JP and the others you talk about don't want anything to do with rights as a human being; they want the power to destroy anything that is good.

Anonymous said...

"People like JP and the others you talk about don't want anything to do with rights as a human being; they want the power to destroy anything that is good."

That's what it is all about, really. The thing I keep going back to is the TRUTH, and they can try all they want to destroy good, but they will NOT prevail.

Anonymous said...

James Sheppard (Beavers on Idol) wrote an interesting article on his blog about the media not being interesting in printing the truth even after jp confessed.
Why can't we get at least one legitiate news source to print the truth?