Friday, July 07, 2006

Oh! She's Good!

RE: Terry Goldman's MySpace post -

"I had a pretty interesting conversation with him on Yahoo; however, I was stupid and didn't save the conversation." [Well, I do agree with "stupid," but would you like kudos for not fabricating a convo, unlike others we know?]

"He spoke nicely of everyone involved with Idol and would not "out" anyone else involved with the show." [And this surprises you? Why should he "out" anyone? Did you ask him to? It's been my experience that it's the gays who "out" one another, which should tell you something.]

"My encounter with him occurred before the military guy that outed him to become a porn star (I thought you had to be ATTRACTIVE to be in gay porn?!)." [Yeah, nice slam, but a little contradictory. Are you judging another for "outing" when you were doing the same thing? Even as a joke?]

"At the time he was more worried about his family finding out because of how religous they are." [You do realize you just narrowed down the time frame, don't you? How long ago was this alleged convo? The one thing you gay boys seem to have a problem with is consistency!]

"In a way, I feel sorry for the guy." [Don't! He is loved and supported by thousands, who take him at his word!] " makes me mad that someone in his position is not being more proactive in trying to be a role model for gay youth around the world." [In what way was he NOT doing this? Being a good role model is not enough? Or was it his lack of promiscuity that shattered your dream of "gay" role model? Why don't you round up the Boston school teacher, Corey, John Paulus, yourself and others and do something for your community; why expect others to do what you could do yourself?]

"He has an opportunity to show that it doesn't matter if you're straight or gay." [It doesn't matter, huh? Could've fooled me. So, his statement that he is straight was, what? Oh, I get it. The wrong answer; therefore it must be a lie! Right?]

"No, instead he would rather coward being the religous right wing for fear of loosing cd sales." [Interesting that you would bring up the right wing. It sounds very similar to the "red states" that M. Lucas was targeting. What were his words? "Critics might say 'Well, Clay Aiken is just taking advantage of business opportunities, the same way you are.' What is the principle difference? By cultivating a 'bigoted, right-wing' audience, Clay is contributing to the empowerment of 'a socially repressive force'." And that so-called hate targeted, 'bigoted, right-wing' audience would be red-state Christians, whom you perceive to be 'a socially repressive' force because of their assumed homophobic, anti-gay agenda. Correct?]

"You can still make your dreams come true and be successful regardless of your orientation." [Oh, really? I believe that's exactly what Mr. Aiken was doing until others came along and tried to destroy it all! In the meantime, you might inform us as to why others, such as Rosie, Elton and Ellen, waited until their careers were established before coming "out." Or is the only difference because they were not professing Christians?]

~~~~I suppose what Mr. Goldman did was commendable on some level, but do not consider him a hero in this charade. His post was only up for a day and a half, but long enough for PH to blog it, and he only recanted when he realized his butt and career were on the line, since Mr. Aiken is indirectly a client of his company, Electric Artists, whose direct client is SONY/RCA/BMG."Insider" just reported that Clay considered doing a cover of Michael Jackson's, "Billie Jean," for his forthcoming CD, with a few minor word changes."Buddy Jean's NOT my lover...He's just a gay who says that I am the one,But the war has just begun..."

By Polly Graf

Photoshop by Calico: Coming Soon


Oh Crap said...

That's why I didn't go back, NZ. FOC's goal was to keep the truth out there and so many joined because someone started negating John's lies. It's now a lot of the same people that were saying before to ignore him.... so why join FOC? Didn't make sense

Calico said...

I've got to head to bed now. OhC, the other blog has to wait til tomorrow, sorry =/ I can hardly see straight tonight. In regards to my trip into JP land: At first I could sense they were gearing up to kick me out on my Claymate ass, but 98% of it was civil discussion. Alot of questions as to why I believe in Clay, etc. Still not sure whether or not JP still thinks he "got" me or whatever, but I was honest and upfront about everything. Never attempted to fool him at any point. I think the general consensus over there was that once I meet Clay (if ever) I will walk away feeling like he's the biggest b*stard on earth. I don't see that ever happening, but I guess that's where I differ. Overall, it was civil, after an initial disbelief that I might be "normal" - but maybe they still think I'm abnormal, who knows. There were maybe 2 of them that were being somewhat rude, in a "look at me I'm clever" sort of way. The rest were mainly civilised and courteous to me.

Why did I go in there somebody asked on one of these comment sections. Well, if you are trying to argue your side of something in an effort to have truth prevail, you need to know what the other side thinks about things don't you? Reading is one thing. Asking questions and answering questions is another way to go. It was my choice to ask & answer.

Oh Crap said...

Thanks Calico for giving us the straight up.

Oh Crap said...

John left me a message that he blogged about another hookup. I guess if we don't look he won't get any attention.

That's ok, John. Blow your mind because we're going to focus on something else. You'll just have to take a backseat this time.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy - he has posted this latest guys profile thinking it would tell us what?

His attempts get lamer every day and his definite stalker form keeps on shining. He is SO MUCH a Clay Aiken fan it's incredible really.

As fans we don't spend near the time that he does on the boards and his blog.

Seems every single thing he puts out is disproven within days. Of course he isn't writing any of this stuff - his ghost writer writes it because he can't spell!

Give it up stalker - you only make yourself look worse every day you keep this up.

Clay is so loved that NONE of this makes a difference and the longer you go on the less credible you look.

Anonymous said...

Well, I looked and that latest blog is so damn stupid!

He claims Clay met up with someone after his Bull Durham National Anthem performance in May 2003.

How stupid is this fool! Yeah, Clay was there and sang at the game. It was all documented on one of the AI shows. Clay sang at the game, did TV and radio interviews, visited his old high school, had a Bar-B-Que at his Mom's house - all the while with press filming him every minute.

How in the hell could he have found the time to do what Paulus is claiming! What an idiot!!!!!!!!!

John Paulus said...

Oh Crap you know that I am growing on you. In fact you are actually coming around to like me. You'll discover for yourself that I am not this evil little pickle that some are making me out to be. I am simply telling the truth about me meet and quarter turn greet with Clay.

Anonymous said...

Calico, it's a free country and all, but I'm one who believes it is counterproductive to waste time trying to reason with a crazy man. Plus it just gets him stirred up. I do think we should know what he's writing over there---but also accept that he cannot be reasoned with. There is no one on that blog who will ever HEAR a word you say. This is not meant to be a criticism of you, but rather a conclusion drawn from a hellish six month observation.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the degenerate just blogged about the guy HE hooked up with, and instead turned it to be someone Clay hooked up with. It's the old "Tim" story.

The blog he just posted is based on the night that John himself met Tim, not Clay. PaulASS has been and STILL IS into Crystal Meth and that is one reason that Tim wanted nothing more to do with him. PaulASS is a drug user and Tim is no longer one.

The problem is that PaulASS just changed the dates to make it look like it would be with Clay way back in 2003. PaulASS really needs to do his homework. He's even been given help on that particular timeframe and yet he can't figure it out. LOL

1) Clay doesn't know Tim so the rest is totally irrelevant but I'll continue.

2) EVERY moment of Clay's time when he was home during that AI 'home visit' was followed with media. EVERY moment. There was a reporter and camera crew with him from the minute he stepped off the plane until he got back to the AI studio.

But PaulASS knows that, yet he says there was an arrangement made to meet Tim. Ok, there little BUDDY. Wrong again, but in your drug filled, lying mind, I can see where you would think that - *snort, snort*

3) PaulASS does know Tim. ;) But Tim wanted nothing more to do with PaulASS because of his drug problem. PaulASS wanted so badly to be close to Tim that he said he would stop doing drugs, and even went to join Gold's Gym. (he later left that gym because he couldn't pay his bill). PaulASS was like a shadow to Tim. Tim and his friends used to laugh behind PaulASS's back because he was like a leech. (I wonder if Tim knows that PaulASS is STILL a leech? I think Tim deserves a phone call to let him know this one.)

PaulASS - you are clueless. Why don't you check Tim's REAL address again. You say Hillsborough St? Good guess Buddy, but WRONG. You know that though don't you?

Face it degenerate. You were after Tim. You spent ONE night with Tim and he told you to take a hike because of YOUR METH problem. You know it, and so doesn't Greg know it. Remember Greg? I do.

I usually go to another Gold's Gym in the Raleigh area, but since North Hills is down the street from where I'll be today, maybe I'll just go to that particular gym to work out. Hopefully I'll run into Tim again (it's been over a month since the last time I saw him at Sullivan's), and if not I will leave a note for him at the desk. I think he would find your morning blog very interesting. ;)

Oh Crap said...

JP, I'm leaving your message up just long enough to answer you.

You are growing on me like a boil would grow in the crack of my ass. It's all coming to a head now and you are about to be popped along with a few other festered zits of society.

I've had enough of your total disregard for the truth and your total lack of respect for anyone who refuses to put something up YOUR ass besides a cherry bomb firecracker.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't JP done that story before? And has anybody said anything regarding it,other than on PH's?

Just goes to show how relevant the gossipers even consider him. And the fact that he does stories that can be so easily disproven makes it clear he really is not trying to make it believable, he's just trying to keep the pot stirred.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap - I've been loving reading your blogs. I see PP can't stay away either. He missed talking to the "fans", doesn't he?

I'll sign up soon so I can post less anonymously!

Oh Crap said...

We just had another visit from Pickle and he says that the guy's real name is not "Tim". Fine, JP, because it still proves that all you do is lie.

Oh Crap said...

Anon, no he can't stay away. He wanted to tell us about Tim being the guy's stage name and I believe "Insider" put his name in quotes. Clay Aiken is Clay's stage name so, JP, what's your point? We still know him as Clay.

Buddy also says he doesn't do drugs so that rules out Brain Fried which leaves us with Just Plain CRAZY by default. Again, what's your point, JP?

You're still a liar; that hasn't changed. You're still a loser; that hasn't changed. You're still an opportunistic liar who has never met Clay Aiken which you prove over and over again.

Bottom line, Asswipe.

Anonymous said...

Look at this! Pickle is having a hissy fit!!!

Heads up.
I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up. If there is anything you wish to have from this blog please take the time to save it. Tonight I will post my good bye message and thank you message to you and explain the reason behind it. After being spit upon by platypus yesterday and today my eyes were open. I will explain more after I have continued to vent.

posted by John Paulus @ 4:40 PM 3 comments links to this post