Monday, July 10, 2006

Enablers with Their Agendas

We've said our Good-byes to John Paulus and, keeping his word, he has removed his blog. He was allowed to do so in peace. The hate blog is gone and we thank him.

How could this whole 6 month fiasco have started to begin with? Simple: There are "enablers" on the internet who think they are entitled to say what they want about anyone, especially celebrities, under the guise of a blog "for entertainment purposes", of course. Perez Hilton has such a blog in which he gets money for hits. Like so many gossip media flunkies have learned, mentioning Clay Aiken brings him hits and he doesn't even have to do his homework; he can just make up shezznits and say it's true then other gossip and tabloid sites will pick it up and say it's true. So now we have a "faction" of the Gay Community believing that what a jerk prints is true. This "faction" by no means represents the entire Gay Community, just the few who believe it's their duty to "out" anyone they choose, whether they are straight or gay, because of some perceived slight or because they simply have the hots for someone.

There are people like Simon Cowel who thinks of himself as an expert on talent and who thought he was the alpha male on a TV show called American Idol. What happened was that another Alpha Male made his way into the final 12 on AI-2 and as each week went by it was apparent as to which of the men was the stronger ALPHA MALE. It was the tall skinny dude who exuded intelligence and a wisdom beyond his age. As weeks went by the AI hair, make up and fashion gurus experimented with different styles and we were awestruck at the gorgeous Monarch Butterfly that emerged. Simon Cowel went into his territory protection mode and started including subtle barbs to get the viewing audience to think Clay was perhaps... "too Broadway" which in the entertainment industry means..yep! "Gay". Unfortunately for Simon, Clay took over the spotlight and right before the Halfway Home segment Clay took over the Show. Naturally the barbs kept coming amid the kudos. So now we have a nice sized segment of the TV viewing audience, night time talk show hosts, and bad comedians jumping on the bandwagon.

It only takes a handfull of asswipes who want to be viewed as important to enable someone to appear out of nowhere and take advantage of the rumors. This statement is not directed at John Paulus; he pulled the thorn from the Clay Nation's side and left us as he said he would. We wished him the best in his new start. Contrary to what the Perezes, the Masterseseses and the Grouchos of the world would have you believe we can suck it up and turn the other cheek when we'd really prefer to drop trou and show those cheeks. Sadly some would think it to be an invitation so we kept our trou up.

A valuable lesson that we've learned in 6 months is ... you CANNOT trust most of what you read or hear in any media format. A sizeable portion of the media has turned to tabloidism with total disregard for the truth. Some Reporters/Journalists have become lazy using copy and paste; last year we saw the gossip beeyotch as MSNBC online do a hatchet job on the WRAL article about BAF where she used the first half of the article only. She wanted the dirt so she didn't include the 2nd half of the article that cleared Clay Aiken and BAF of any conceived errors in bookkeeping. This year it's basically all we've seen. Hardly any news folk wanted to do their homework and find the truth; it was easier to use rumors from the likes of you know who, you know who and you know who. There were a couple like Brogan at SF Chronicle online who actually reported the truth when it was spelled out at WSCA.

In ending this post: Piss on tabloids, piss on sensationalism, piss on stupid comedians and piss on Perez, et al.


Anonymous said...

Ohcrap, you hit it out of the ball park this time. I'm so proud of
you the way you've have handled
yourself. You are a real trouper gurl.
hugs, Billie

Anonymous said...

If I've learned one thing and taken one good thing out of the past 6 months its that I don't want to hear gossip about anybody any more. I don't want to read it, I don't want to hear it. Even people I don't particularly like are getting the benefit of the doubt from me now. I've seen lies upon lies heaped upon a man I love and respect.
Gossip is just the dumbing down of society and so hurtful and damaging to so many people. Thanks for this blog, I'm not sure there is such a thing as honest journalism anymore.

Oh Crap said...

Superherofan, thank you. I say if the Gay Community want a great role model for gay youth, they've existed for a long time. I love Elton John, Melissa Etheridge and Ellen. I loved Johnny Mathis and so many more who presented themselves and their talents as openly as possible and with dignity.

Please understand that I'm not taking swipes at the Gay Community as a whole or my two friends back in Ohio would strip me of my Ohio State Buckeye Jersey and never tell me about their hilarious escapades like Crisco Parties again.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog, Oh Crap!

Since you talked about Perez - I'll throw in my two cents. I think a large number of those that post there are young kids with nothing better to do. The same crap is posted on most all of the Perez threads. It doesn't seem to matter who the thread is about - those fools seem to think it fun and post the same kind of stuff, using the same vile language. I think this group saw the link to Paulus' blog and joined in for the fun.

Anonymous said...

Superherofan, Thank you for your perspective. I hope you've known all along that Clay fans aren't homophobes and all the other nasty stuff we're been called.
I've met some of the most generous, caring people in this fandom and made friends here that I'll take with for the rest of my life.

Oh Crap said...

There! I think I fixed the generalizations to more clearly state what I meant.

Oh Crap said...

Thank you, Kit. That's a wonderful compliment and I'm sure there are more prolific writers than I; however, I will think about it.

Anonymous said...

I can guarantee you all that almost every single one of those Clay haters and bashers that have posted on all these blogs, will for sure, without a doubt, be at the next Clay Aiken concert nearest them. I'm totally serious. They will be there.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 10:54, I really don't want to drag JP through this again but I let the comment through because, like you, I believe there were more players in all this and if wants to sing like a bird, I'll listen.

Truth is that everything imaginable has been thrown at Clay and he has stood like a Giant Sequoia I am proud of the Clay Nation for staying as permanently planted around him as the Petrified Forest.

Truth Rules said...

Truth be told this garbage was going on long before we ever knew who John was and it will still be going on long after he's disassociated himself with it.

Billy Masters and Simon Cowell along with the AI producers started it. Billy with his column, Simon with his comments and the Producers with their editing. You can make anyone appear to be something they are not. Like that damn pink dressing room.

I can pretty much guarantee you that if Clay were really gay the late night comedians would not say a word. It would not be politically correct. They never make fun of Jody Foster, Ellen or Elton John. Rosie sometimes but for other reasons.

I don't know why it's ok to make fun of homosexuality. It's certainly not ok to make fun of someone's race. There should be no difference. I loved Bill Cosby because his humor involved every day situations we could all relate to. To me that was funny. Comedy at the expense of another to me is not funny. Johnny Carson was another man who didn't use other people in his comedy. He'd make fun of a situation but not a person.

Dang it all OhCrap, you got me on a soapbox. I'll stop now.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 11:10, this post and comments should be about the blog I put up.

Let's hope you are wrong as I think they're pretty much no longer interested in publicly "stirring the turd". If people have no real interest in seeing Clay Aiken the Entertainer Extraordinaire, then they should simply not show up.

Oh Crap said...

I love it when you get on your soapbox, Truth Rules. You've been a major contributor to the truth and you shouldn't stop.

Oh Crap said...

Thanks, John for clearing that up.

He says there was no conspiracy with Perez or anyone so there we have it.

It doesn't change the fact that certain people are enablers in the media and that is the crux of this blog.

Truth Rules said...

Right now I'm pretty ticked off but didn't want to derail this blog so instead of putting my comments here I blogged about it.


Anonymous said...


THis is a great blog and I agree with Kit you write this up for BOI everyone in the fandom should read this.


Anonymous said...

ohcrap, great blog. If I learned anything in the past 6 months, it was how much we all deeply love Clay Aiken and rightfully so. We have pulled together for him and for ourselves. This fandom is very strong and we'll be just fine. Our guy is coming back to us and we'll be ready and he'll be welcomed with open arms.

I also found out my daddy was a pretty smart man.(I knew it anyways) When he says, "there IS good in everybody, sometimes you have to dig deeper to find it".

Thank you John for proving my daddy right. I knew it was there, and you let us see it. I wish you love, hope, friendship, and the life you dream of.

Oh Crap said...

I did email JP to ask him to turn away from this blogspot and we need to contain the comments on the subject of tabloid journalism and enablers or I will have to hold all comments.

Oh Crap said...

NC Gal, your post was just fine.

Anonymous said...

I agree, OhC. At the very least the media, especially the Internet gossip blogs, feed off one another, and what a vicious appetite they have!

Billy Masters, in an interview with Boy's Town-Chicago, answered the following question:

Q: The public continues to be curiously shocked and outraged by the lengths that the new breed of "stalkerrazzi" go to capture a photo. (Who can forget Princess Diana?) What are your views about this trend?

A. "It's really in the hands of the public, and we all have to take responsibility. It's really that simple. As long as there's a market for this material, there will be people looking to cash in. People say they're shocked and horrified that celebrities don't have any privacy, that they are chased in their cars, ambushed, etc. The truth is there are more tabloid television programs than ever before—so someone's gotta be watching. Likewise, even "legitimate" magazines have become tabloid driven. Interestingly enough, many publications that used to look down their noses at gossip or anything remotely "tabloid" now have included such content. It's all supply and demand."

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, wonderful, thoughtful, intelligent blog. A big thumbs up for you.

Now, onward and upward! Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog, Oh Crap. That is truly telling it like it is. I especially liked the "pissy" comments. The media long ago lost their credibility with me and seems to be doing nothing to recapture any journalistic integrity or initiative.
So many good points were made by the other posters that are just more examples of how smart and intuitive Clay's fans are. I am so proud to be a part of this fandom and so thankful for Clay. I continue to be amazed by his strength, character, and talent.

Anonymous said...

Since I am out of the loop, I wondered if FOC was still closing at midnight tonight.

If so, along with our good wishes to JP, I feel it is equally important to also wish Adam, Carrie, Leon, and the FOC Admins. peace and happiness and many, many thanks for the sacrifice they made to support Clay and his fans.

I'm hoping this isn't the end and that we may see or hear from you again, but if not, your efforts will always be remembered and greatly appeciated.

I wish you all health, happiness and hope! - Polly

Anonymous said...

FOC is closing? Howcome?

Anonymous said...

Hi, FOC is giving us another
board. Adam and Krewerinder
are going to run it for us.

Oh Crap said...

I think FOC is closing because people who were running it have to get back to some semblance of normalcy. The new board is another message board for fun and games and sharing the excitement of the new CD, TV appearances and concerts just like all the other message boards. A lot of the members wanted to stay together because they felt more at home with each other.

Calico said...

I think it should be clarified as well, that the new FOC board will ofcourse be centered around Clay Aiken, but NOT centered around this past controversy or John. John did as he said he would, and we are happy it is over. To those who think that FOC members are all celebrating and laughing over the blog closing, you are wrong. We are glad it is over, but we are not having a laugh over it, only relief. The new FOC will basically be for discussion about Clay Aiken and Adamsday.