Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Neither Rain, Nor Snow, Nor Sleet, Nor Hail......

Nor Pickles, nor Cooties, nor scams, nor smear campaigns, nor a Cafe full of bad coffee and bad eggs can stop what's about to happen. We have a title to Clay's new CD and press releases should start flooding the media s**n.

The only thing that the Swamp's and Cootieville's "insider" has been inside of is a cesspool of lies and manure of his own making. He's in so deep that he has to eat his way out to get some air and the only obstacles in his way are his other 6 personalities trying to get back in his head to avoid the stench. Enjoy that last mouthful, Grouchy Boy!


Anonymous said...

Sweet! Now that Clay will be forced to do promote the CD and face the public, the real fun should begin.

Oh Crap said...

Care to enlighten me on what you mean by that?

Anonymous said...

There are always some chumps in this world eager to buy whatever a modern-day snake oil salesman is selling. 9:47AM is one of them. I hope this person never ends up on a jury. Totally lacking in critical thinking skills.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Clay to be out promoting this cd. He has a life, a career that won't be stopped.

So to all he little twits that want to continue to try and bring him down, you are all pathetic. It's a good thing that you all have a place (or 2) to congregate though. It's definitely NOT in the real world.

Sad, pathetic little people.

Bring on the new cd. Clay continues to stand tall.

Truth Rules said...

Yes!!! Clay out there promoting his new CD. Clay on TV. Clay in print. Clay on the radio. Clay on tour. I can't wait to see and hear him again. Bring it on baby.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, what's that sound? It's the sound of cooties and gnats' lies blowing up one by one by one.hee

Bring it Clay honey. We're right here waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

Wait - didn't those "insiders" say Jaymes was taken off this CD? Ah, thought so - well just goes to show ya doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

Clay himself dropped a big old bug bomb on the gnats and cooties with a simple blog. I guess the "insider" had the wrong info - Jaymes is such a common name I can see where he got his wires crossed.

Thanks again, oh crap!

Anonymous said...

The thing that concerns me about the haters is that it reminds me so much of the old Klu Klux Klan. Just mindless,irrational, hate, vicious and stupid, aimed at a stranger. It concerns me that we are seeing this level of hate in this day and age. I guess I was naive but I thought we had grown passed this as a society. Either that, or Groucho is just a throwback to that time. But how easy it is for him to get the new KKK's to agree with him. Really scary.

Anonymous said...

Anybody remember an "Emach" from the Ruben Bolt board a few years ago? Just curious...

Oh Crap said...

LOL... of course, we remember Emach and she's still everywhere.

Anonymous said...

"living well is the best revenge" --Dorothy Parker

Stand back because Clay is about to show the world just HOW this is done....and so are we. Good times ahead.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Emach the one who put a target on CLay's face???
It's all just coming back to me now!
Emach was showing the hate back then and still 3 years later...still all that hate in her heart. Poor soul!

Anonymous said...

I don't think those people have hearts. Just a big hole where the heart belongs.

WRU said...

Actually both Groucho and Emach were and are still contributers to the haters various blogs still.

Sad people can't just move move.

Oh well,

YEAH the album out soon!!

dancing wombats everywhere rejoicing!

Oh Crap said...

Yep! Rat on a wheel..spinning spinning and spinning.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog and check in from time to time, but...

With all that has gone on in the REAL world the last few days, it really has shown me that all of the haters have no control.

They spew their crap for whatever reason. They think they make a difference, but they don't. They want to matter to people that matter, but they never will.

Anonymous said...

Groucho and Emach don't worry me one bit. They're two stupid, obsessed people along with maybe 4 or 5 friends versus thousands of Clay fans - and many of us are not old and fat as they seem to delight in saying.

Who cares what they say, I doubt many are paying attention. We fans are in for one hell of a fun ride!

Anonymous said...

Since I know they lurk over here and I Refuse to post over there. I want to thank the "Hater Blogs" and those that post there. I have been lurking there for a while now. I needed a subject for my Psychology term paper and THEY are my subject!!!! My prof saw my rough draft and He loves it. I've gotten very good marks so far and the Crap from thier blogs and thier actions that is easily refuted with actual facts Have given me pages and pages of theory work. We've had a class discussion over posts by superherofan and others,oh, and cootie too. My fellow students lurk there all the time.... AND LAUGH OUR ASSES OFF AT THIER HYPOCRACY AND DELUSIONAL HATE. Clay has a few more fans from this,mark my words we are ALL buying his next CD. Haters R us.... I'm getting an A!!!!

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 10:59, I hope your classmates were also able to view the truth or hear it from you. It would be wild to hear some of the comparisons they come up with because I sure as hell have never seen anything like what the "haters" have been doing and saying.

You might also ask your classmates if you can pop in here and quote excerpts from some of their papers as well as yours. I think it would be a blast to see what box they would put them in.

Anonymous said...

I see that the cryptic message isn't so cryptic after all. When the CD comes out, so will Clay. I've seen that message in more than one place lately.

Nothing we haven't been hearing for the last few months among all the other insider information and threats that have not come true.

I do expect to have Clay give a major interview and call the crap - well - crap, and then move on to the rest of his life and the CD.

Don't let the asshats yank your chain.

Oh Crap said...

Nobody is yanking my chain. I doubt Clay will even brush on the topic of this whole scam.... but that's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I think its been said many times that if Clay were to comment on every story or rumor, he would have no time for anything else. And, it is a waste of time because you are not going to change opinions a lot of the time.
Clay is just living his life and I admire him so much for being able to do that. I will not blame him if he refuses to talk about the crap.

I still can't believe that there are little ameoba that call themselves humans who spend whatever crappy existance they have to spread hate for people they don't know. They have shit for brains. Do you think they think they are normal?

Sorry for the rant but there is more where that came from and this is being nice compared to what I really feel.

Oh Crap said...

They need to watch where they dangle their bait. Somebody might bite it off.

Anonymous said...

Proof positive that Clay knows what he is doing...Just watch what happens with Oprah making her statement. What was just "talk" will now get real press, every cover of every tabloid..etc. Her story isnt going to help, it will bring it to life and people will come out of the woodwork with all kinds of crap. People are going to believe what they want. Coming forward as she has will not make it die.
Bravo Clay! Silence is golden!!

Anonymous said...

Where is Chexxxy's blog? I would like to read it and the comments.

Truth Rules said...

I'm trying to figure out why I'm not getting any of this harrassment. Strange.

Oh Crap said...


Truth, I don't know why you didn't get lucky this time around. It's just the same anonymouse that focuses on one thing and just keeps harping on it and when you tell them to piss off because you're not putting them through, they remind you how civil they've been and why won't you answer their question even though you did.

Anonymous said...

Yeahthat - I'm not worried about the "innocent" posters. I think most of us can smell them coming in. They're fools to think they're fooling anyone. IDIOTS!

Oh Crap - good job on keeping the fish smelling comments out. Good that you let some in to show their ignorane.

Anonymous said...

I continue to enjoy your blog. Keep putting the truth out there for everyone to read---it's so refreshing! The haters are even more desperate now since Clay is about ready to be EVERYWHERE. I can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it soon yet? OMG I just heard the studio rough cut of Clay singing 1000 days, and boy I was in tear, God how I have missed that sweet voice.

Oh Crap said...

I know aiken, he is simply the whisper that calms the soul and sets your pants on fire at the same time. How does he do that?

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap I have been on fire since day one with that young man, I have a hard time keeping socks on my feet, he keeps melting them right off me. Now I admit I'm not a young lady, in all my back then 48 years of life I never had any desire to go to a concert until Clay came blowing into my life like a hurricane. I went and I cried, screamed, and cried some more. When he walked out on the stage in York, Pa. I was speechless and the tears just poured. The darn man still does that to me....yeah I got it bad :-)

I still think about it, best part knowing I was breathing the same air he was....I love that man!!!

Oh Crap said...

aiken, that was my thinking when I saw him in concert the first time. I'm really breathing the same air, he's real, he's beautiful in a way that I can't describe accurately. All that running through my mind while I was seeing him but not believing the greatness I was witness to.

He's nothing short of amazing.