Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Karma, Karma, Karma Revisited

Taking these posts off gay websites in order we kind of get a feel for how a faction of the Gay Community thinks; unfortunately, it's a large faction judging from what I've seen. Somehow they feel it's their duty to "out" someone if that someone doesn't play into their hands. In our guy's case he disappointed them because he ISN'T Gay so they decided to MAKE him gay by pulling some of the dirtiest tricks I've ever seen just because they wanted someone to "be a role model for gay youth."

Why sure...try to ruin him first and then ask him to be an advocate for your causes? Are you ALL CRAZY? That includes the OC in which at least one of the members has allegedly been very helpful in setting Clay up. Follow along and you'll see a progression of blatant attempts at doing harm, then backpeddaling, then denouncing one's involvement.

Posted by Terry Goldman on MySpace March 6, 2006: Supposedly this was a joke for his friends on MySpace, complete with a photoshopped pic of Yorke with Clay features, until the fans busted his chops and he removed it all. Here's what he had to say:

"My Encounter with Clay Aiken Online

Just like the phrase goes "Eventually everyone will be on a reality TV show"; I think the same is true about gay guys encountering Clay Aiken online. I had a pretty interesting conversation with him on Yahoo; however, I was stupid and didn't save the conversation. He spoke nicely of everyone involved with Idol and would not "out" anyone else involved with the show. He talked about how the Idols make hardly ANY money from the sale of their CD's; however, they make money on the tour, appearances, items that are created with their images (concert tshirts, other swag), etc. I had heard from someone else in the industry that the idols make as little as 25 cents per cd sold! My encounter with him occurred before the military guy that outed him to become a porn star (I thought you had to be ATTRACTIVE to be in gay porn?!). At the time he was more worried about his family finding out because of how religous they are.

In a way, I feel sorry for the guy. In another way, it makes me mad that someone in his position is not being more proactive in trying to be a role model for gay youth around the world. He has an opportunity to show that it doesn't matter if you're straight or gay. You can still make your dreams come true and be successful regardless of your orientation. No, instead he would rather coward being the religous right wing for fear of loosing cd sales.
Well, karma's a bitch."

Posted by: Terry July 4, 2006 08:47 PM as found on the PH site.

*** YEP! and she's Clay's bitch.


Here is TG post on a seperate blog from JP's blog. I assume he's addressing this to JP.

"Terry said...

Are you completely insane?So months later you decide to drudge this back up? For someone that wants this to go away, you sure are milking your 15 mins for all its worth and now dragging others down into the mud with you. Removing my blog posting about Clay wasn't about being a coward. It wasn't ever meant to be seen by the mass public but only for my friends on MySpace. It was not to get attention or recognition. When I saw I was upsetting fans and that it was spreading around the net, I immediately removed it. My conversation with him was actually quite nice and completely non-sexual but it wasn't meant for mass consumption. I don't quite understand what you're hoping to accomplish with this but I'm sure my lawyer will enjoy a conversation with you.

9:53 PM"


Now the piece de resistance... in other words... Karma jumps from PH's blog and lands in our laps!

"All the gays posting on here belong to an organization for Gay-OPs (Out and Proud)that doesn't believe in staying in the closet. This is a test run to see how it would work to choose a celebrity that everyone believes to be gay anyway. A new one with a large internet presence but not enough resources or big backers as a Clooney, McConaughy, or a Tom Cruise.
The internet is a great place to out someone. It's impossible to prove the source of who wrote what and the internet is virtually lawless. So anyone can say anything.
Perez knows how that works..that's why he can make a living off of saying things about celebrities. Has anyone noticed he doesn't push it with the more powerful ones.
I told you not to be using my name anymore as I didn't want to be involved in this.

Posted by: Terry Goldman July 4, 2006 09:25 PM"

Don't you just love Karma? Don't you just love when the truth finally shows up?


Anonymous said...


Oh My God. So awesome.

Thank you, Terry.

Anonymous said...

I found this comment on another blog and found it very interesting reading:

"I think your first instincts were probably correct, Ethan.

I've watched this drama develop since Paulus first appeared at Perez Hilton's site. The unfolding of the drama has fascinating me from a sociological perspective. The very people trying to defend Aiken in the weeks of exchanges with Paulus helped him to refine and refine again his story, filling in the holes, smoothing the edges, accounting for the discrepancies. Fascinating and a bit frightening to observe. It makes me wonder what the Internet has wrought. The beauty for Paulus is that no one will see that process now and documenting it is tedious to do and boring for most people to consider.

I don't know if Paulus' story is true or not. I do know he's massaged it to try to give it some import other than Clay Aiken is gay, which people have been hearing nearly nightly from Conan O'Brien for the last three years. He's also perfected the noble victim persona for public consumption, while sounding quite differently at times, especially lately on his new blog.

Eh, I could go on, but I won't. I'll just point out a couple things that stick in the craw.

His sister gave a very interesting radio interview recounting what sounded like either Paulus' first cut at the fiction or an unvarnished retelling. Her recounting of the story her brother told her regarding the towel is that he got pissed at Aiken when he wouldn't give him his cell phone number after the deed and thought he would show Aiken, e.g. get back at him. The maintenance worker also surfaced quite awhile after Aiken's ever-helpful fans questioned why Paulus took the towel.

I don't want to challenge Paulus claims of being sexually molested, but that is a fairly new "explanation" for
a question that has haunted the tale. Why, after spending 90 unpleasant minutes with an arrogant prick, would someone want his cell phone number, care what or who he was doing later that day, or IM him days later that you really did like him?

I'd also mention that in Paulus' own accounts, he had very little contact with Aiken prior to hooking up on January 2nd, perhaps only some IM'ing and a short phone call on December 16th. Paulus' own account of the interactions show that Aiken hardly made any promises. On the 2nd, according to Paulus' account, Aiken made it very clear he was very horny and looking to have sex. So, Paulus' motivation of being so hurt at broken promises seems off, more like something a middle-schooler might feel than a middle-aged, sexually experienced man.

Finally, having lived in Raleigh for most of my life, being gay, and being fairly well wired into both the Raleigh and Charlotte gay communities, I find it odd that I've never heard any evidence that Aiken is gay, just the same rumors and unsubstantiated assumptions that have followed him since the beginning of AI. It's such misstatements or overstatements from Paulus' that undermine is credibility in my mind.

Sorry to bore. Some things bother my overweened sense of fairness.

Posted by: Harley | April 13, 2006 04:04 PM"

Sorry such a long link!

Oh Crap said...

Funny Anon at 9:47, I remember that post because JP had gone from a tryst on Dec 16th, found out there was a concert that night so it changed to a phone call to set up a tryst and so on and so on as fans corrected his lies for him.

We've learned since then....but there was one thing we didn't tell him and so he blew it big time with the HS Interview.

Anonymous said...

oops. Here's the actual link. A lot of the posters there are gay men who despise JP. Very interesting reading indeed.

Anonymous said...

Did I just hear you say that jp originally said he was with Clay on December 16??!!!

My god, that's the underpinning for the whole house of cards right there.

Anonymous said...

oh crap, this is the first I've heard that PP claimed the tryst originally took place on Dec. 16th. Tell us more, please. And those who are correcting him, please don't. He's made many mistakes; it's what's going to hang him in the end.

Oh Crap said...

We had a visit from JP who is upset and saying that I lied about his original LIE being about a connection on DEC 16th. Well, ain't that the cat's meow because that's the story I heard and, as I said, I was not privvy to the first few bouts with the little bastard. But hey!

This is the internet and JP thrust himself into the limelight and if I wanted to I could make up a whole bunch of crap, for entertainment purposes, of course. I'm just going on what's out there and what I heard before I actually stuck my first toe into the swamps of hell via a private site and read for myself.

To JP...all I have to say is that you have a lot of nerve calling anyone a liar.

Anonymous said...

Great blog, oh crap. Amazing really, isn't it? I guess it takes all kinds to make this world go round. Even the sick, evil, ones.

JP, IS a liar. Nothing that been said, in that swamp, is the truth. NOTHING!

Like Clay said, "Let's talk about something that REALLY happened". That pretty much says it all now, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I just find it amazing that people would believe that while he was on tour with as many people as he was that he was also trolling the internet. Like Judge Judy says, its just not likely. But, the people who want to believe this story just overlook these things.
You could hit these people over the head with a baseball bat, and they still would not admit the truth. I am confident that oneday
all the truth will be known. I mean
they don't even admit that, that apology was a fake. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned this morning that the jerk (PaulASS) posted a new blog trying to say that things posted at PH are false. Well duh!!! Doesn't he know by now that everything he has posted is false? Doesn't matter where he posts or what name he uses. I bet he has a PhD - "piled high & deep".

Someone mentioned his sister - PaulASS said he never made a dime off of the NE, but I betcha that charming sister of his did. She took the money and ran. That is probably why he is so pissed at his sister. He claims she had to disappear because of the wrath of the claymates - ROFLMAO. Me no think so. And his neice had a bodyguard to go to school? OK, like tell me how did anyone know she was his neice when the last names don't even match? UNLESS, she bragged about the LIE her uncle and her mother told.

Give me a break - TinaMarie was threatened as much as he was threatened. NEVER! He just wishes he were. IF he had been threatened, I'm sure the police would have record of that, and since I know for FACT there is no record of any harassement, it's just another day in the LIES of John (pondscum) PaulASS and his family.

I'm sure he or one of Claurus' slithering puppets will be over here soon to copy what I said. Afterall, they need new material.

Almost forgot to mention: PaulASS is so freakin jealous that Clay is out having fun with his friends, that he even posted that he looked up RECORDS to see if indeed Clay and Kristy were married. ROFLMAO (it had been mentioned in fun that possibly they were). So he said he looked it up? ANOTHER LIE! But he should know why that is a lie, right Johnny?

Oh well, back to the acronyms. :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog! There is some very interesting information contained in these posts. Your relentlessness in exposing the LIES and AGENDA is to be commended. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

As far as this "Gay-OPs" group,
they are doing nothing but hurting the gay community. The gay community has enough problems being accepted as it is......
this just sets their cause back

Oh Crap said...

You know what else, Anon at 9:47 last night and Anon at 8:41 a.m.? I revisited the bratboyschool blog and therein lies the counterpart to all the viciousness that JP, PH, BM, ML and TG are.

The young man that has that blog is beautiful inside and out and you can tell. He expresses compassion, he has a conscience and approaches what he conveys on his blog with intelligence. HE works for and deserves equality. JP & Trash would ruin it for him and others which would be a shame.

Anonymous said...

Standing O, oh crap.

Oh Crap said...

Again we hear from JP who heard from TG. (Notice how JP is the ALL IMPORTANT MEDIUM) TG says he doesn't go to PH's blog to post. Glad to hear that but you don't mind if I thank the person that reposted them from TG's own blog and other places, do you?

Thank you.

John Paulus said...

Oh Crap he NEVER posted that on his blog. You aren't very bright are you?

Anonymous said...

John PaulASS is such a joke! Thank you for putting all the facts together and putting the truth out there for all to read. I knew the truth all along but it is great that all of Paulass' lies are being exposed. The 'Dec l6th' lie is a BIGGIE and does negate everything that the lying, stinking scumbag and lousy excuse for a human being, John PaulASS, has posted ever since.

Oh Crap said...

DO Check out Shady's blog at a placetotalk... we have the link posted on the front page. Many people didn't get to see the link to the Anatomy site which we're hoping will go live soon, but Shady is highlighting some of the recommended reading from that site. Today's blog is about Tabloid stories.

Anonymous said...

WORD Casey.

Oh Crap said...

JP, I believe that it shows the first one was found at TG's MySpace so you're playing with symantics when I said the word "blog" (almost the same fricking difference), the 2nd from another blog besides yours and the 3rd on PH and I have no idea where it originally came from.

You're not too bright and you can't correlate similarities with your lack of reading comprehension skills.

Anonymous said...

Hey JP, How come you didn't answer cactussurf's question? She and SHF and others are waiting for you to answer since yesterday afternoon. They have asked and you change the subject. Now you start a new blog. I told Clarus this is what you do but I guess he couldn't see it. However, I don't think you'll be able to keep up this much longer. This one story you started about the alleged BF may wake up at least one of your posters. When you put your foot in your mouth, you leave on an errand, change the subject, or post a new blog.

Anonymous said...

I hate John Paulus with a passion and he's told many, many lies. I've documented quite a few of them myself. But, he never said the Dec. 16th thing. We have enough on him without needing to perpetuate an untruth.

SEE JP, Clay fans are willing to correct a wrong, when there is one.

Where's the Fox interview, creep? Another lie told by JP.

Anonymous said...

OhC - I hate to do this to you, but I just can't help myself.

RE: Terry Goldman's MySpace post -

"I had a pretty interesting conversation with him on Yahoo; however, I was stupid and didn't save the conversation." [Well, I do agree with "stupid," but would you like kudos for not fabricating a convo, unlike others we know?]

"He spoke nicely of everyone involved with Idol and would not "out" anyone else involved with the show." [And this surprises you? Why should he "out" anyone? Did you ask him to? It's been my experience that it's the gays who "out" one another, which should tell you something.]

"My encounter with him occurred before the military guy that outed him to become a porn star (I thought you had to be ATTRACTIVE to be in gay porn?!)." [Yeah, nice slam, but a little contradictory. Are you judging another for "outing" when you were doing the same thing? Even as a joke?]

"At the time he was more worried about his family finding out because of how religous they are." [You do realize you just narrowed down the time frame, don't you? How long ago was this alleged convo? The one thing you gay boys seem to have a problem with is consistency!]

"In a way, I feel sorry for the guy." [Don't! He is loved and supported by thousands, who take him at his word!]

" makes me mad that someone in his position is not being more proactive in trying to be a role model for gay youth around the world." [In what way was he NOT doing this? Being a good role model is not enough? Or was it his lack of promiscuity that shattered your dream of "gay" role model? Why don't you round up the Boston school teacher, Corey, John Paulus, yourself and others and do something for your community; why expect others to do what you could do yourself?]

"He has an opportunity to show that it doesn't matter if you're straight or gay." [It doesn't matter, huh? Could've fooled me. So, his statement that he is straight was, what? Oh, I get it. The wrong answer; therefore it must be a lie! Right?]

"No, instead he would rather coward being the religous right wing for fear of loosing cd sales." [Interesting that you would bring up the right wing. It sounds very similar to the "red states" that M. Lucas was targeting. What were his words? "Critics might say 'Well, Clay Aiken is just taking advantage of business opportunities, the same way you are.' What is the principle difference? By cultivating a 'bigoted, right-wing' audience, Clay is contributing to the empowerment of 'a socially repressive force'."
And that so-called hate targeted, 'bigoted, right-wing' audience would be red-state Christians, whom you perceive to be 'a socially repressive' force because of their assumed homophobic, anti-gay agenda. Correct?]

"You can still make your dreams come true and be successful regardless of your orientation." [Oh, really? I believe that's exactly what Mr. Aiken was doing until others came along and tried to destroy it all! In the meantime, you might inform us as to why others, such as Rosie, Elton and Ellen, waited until their careers were established before coming "out." Or is the only difference because they were not professing Christians?]
I suppose what Mr. Goldman did was commendable on some level, but do not consider him a hero in this charade. His post was only up for a day and a half, but long enough for PH to blog it, and he only recanted when he realized his butt and career were on the line, since Mr. Aiken is indirectly a client of his company, Electric Artists, whose direct client is SONY/RCA/BMG.

"Insider" just reported that Clay considered doing a cover of Michael Jackson's, "Billie Jean," for his forthcoming CD, with a few minor word changes.

"Buddy Jean's NOT my lover...
He's just a gay who says that I am the one,
But the war has just begun..."

Oh Crap said...

I think I made myself clear in that I HEARD that he said Dec. 16th. There was much flying around in the beginning on many message boards; I repeated what I HEARD/READ which was in the very early stages a day or 2 before private forums. If he never said it, fine. But it is one of the items I read that he backpeddaled on.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:29

That's the ONLY thing PaulASS can do is change the subject. His SCRIPT didn't give the answers to the questions he is asked.

So instead of answers, he posts some other bull$hit! Typical M.O. of his. I wonder if he can feel the noose getting tighter? LOL

Anonymous said...

JP is trying to copy the script of
this blog - only thing is he is very bad at it. What I get from all the shit he has posted is total set-up and he is just confirming all the help is has had.

Anonymous said...

What we need is a detailed, chronological list of all Yawn PaulASS' lies and the documentation proving the lying scumbag that he is.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 11:27, I suggested this months ago but the battle cry then was "let TC handle it." They've got it all and I would imagine that it's in great order along with all the other "stuff".

Oh Crap said...

Polly Graf, you are amazing. All your posts like that should be main pages. Gotta read it again, it's that good.

Anonymous said...

Just think what it would take to surf the internet while on tour with a group of people including friends,children and and old school teacher. GET REAL JP

Anonymous said...

Check out this blatant discrepancy (I have not corrected the grammar)-

"By this time I have check and see that Clay Aiken is indeed touring and in Nashville."

He also said this:

"Sometimes before his concert in Memphis he was in his dressing room and sent me a message again on Manhunt which resulted in him sending his pictures to me."

So, which is it? Nashville or Memphis? LMAO!!

Also, let's not forget that Buddy claimed he did NOT save any IMs or emails previous to the Jan. 2nd one, which he allegedly found still on his computer when he returned home and wanted to save it for Revnoles to see. Yet, we know by Feb. 26th he had fabricated many more. From those fabricated IMs and emails, and other than the contact on Dec. 16th and Jan. 2nd, Revnoles only sent Buddy two emails, one on the 21st and the other on the 29th, both of which were short and sounded very business-like in nature, responding to Buddy's emails. So who was pursuing whom? And you call that a courtship? Well, Billy M. did.

Strange really, when you think of it. If someone of Mr. Aiken's celebrity status was seeking a relationship or boyfriend, why would he "court" an on-line escort, hooker and all around whore!

Now before you protest, Buddy Jean, that is my opinion. Someone who plasters their totally nude pics on gay pickup sites in an attempt to sell their bodies, to me is a whore! And then to film a porn movie makes you a double whore! Then when you fabricate a story in an attempt to destroy a decent human being makes you scum! Cloak all of that in the name of Christianity and that makes you a blasphemer! You may protest all you want, but you have lost all credibility and you did it to yourself!

Anonymous said...

WOW Polly! Clapping. What a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Why are the swamp dwellers so interested in Clay and Rueben being
at Kelly's concert being PR? That is what "stars" do.

Anonymous said...

From the pickle swamp:

conflicted said...

"I've been lurking on a few boards for years and when the sh*t hit the fan in January I was shocked that most people seemed to feel it was completely out of the realm of possibility. They put their complete faith in a total stranger. It gave me my first indication that this group of people were seriously deluded."


Conflicted, re-read what you wrote. "They put their complete faith in a total stranger." Isn't that what YOU are doing with John Paulus? What do you know of this guy? His motives?

I do agree with Conflicted's final sentence in his/her post:

"It gave me my first indication that this group of people were seriously deluded."

Those of you following pickle and accepting his word as gospel ARE seriously deluded.


Oh Crap said...

Swamp rats wouldn't know. They haven't been up close and personal with a celebrity...except in their imagination..

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog and comments.

Seriously, I don't know how anyone can read this (in particular, the pickle minions) and not have serious questions demanding answers from their leader. They have put a lot of effort into believing JP on faith only because that's what they want to believe. If I were them, I would be demanding JP to be forthright with them. He is using them for another 15 minutes of fame. Bet he has his bags all packed to leave at a moment's notice.

Again, excellent work by all.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the gay community would want someone who's not gay to be a role model for gay youth. Wouldn't it make more sense to choose somebody gay? What you're saying doesn't make much sense to me. Why would they do it?

Anonymous said...

I also find it kind of weird that, I emailed that lady at FOX, the one who was supposed to do the interview, to ask about it. That was probably a month ago maybe. I haven't hear back from her. Yet, the Johnettes have?

Anonymous said...

"They put their complete faith in a total stranger."

I read that and couldn't believe my eyes. How could anyone compare our knowledge of Clay Aiken to that of Buddy Jean?

Not only did we follow him for 16 weeks on a TV show, but also for the past 3 years! We've heard every public word he's spoken, read every word in articles and interviews, read and listened to his book, shared in his banter at concerts, joined in his tears and laughter, relived the close encounters with others and compared them with our own. We've heard what others who know him have said; his family, friends and business associates. And yes, we have even heard the negative things, which proves he is human, which some of us suspected to begin with.

After all of this, we're still standing; united and stronger than ever. We're not just a fandom, we're family. We care about one another. That is the strangest, yet most unique aspect of this entire experience. Why? Because we believe in the man! Not just for his talent; not because we believe he's perfect, but for what he wishes to accomplish with his life and the changes he desires to make. Because of him, many of us have changed situations in our own life. His goals and his dreams became ours. I watched Gus from MN singing "The Way" to Clay yesterday, and I couldn't agree more with Gus's words.

One little scumbag opportunist comes along out of the blue, without thoroughly doing his homework, and assumes he can destroy the past 3 years with a lying story! Clay Aiken and his fans are so much more than what the average person may believe or understand. From the beginning we have referred to this experience as a phenomenon because it's unexplainable!

But Buddy Jean picked the wrong fan group when he thought he could mess with the Clay Nation! We're here for the long haul and we're not going anywhere...get used to it!

Anonymous said...


I don't have much time, but I did go back into some of my records, and this was posted by BUDDY in Feb. Now he says he "corresponded" with OMC for 2 1/2 weeks before he met with him on Jan 2. If my calculations are correct, that would be mid December, right? Here are his own words:


Stacy: of course I DID NOT tape phone conversations. I DID NOT premeditate anything. Listen I met with the intentions of meeting Clay to be his friends at a minimum. I never imagined that things would have turned out the way that they have. I NEVER thought that the person I met that night would be so very different in his attitude as the guy we all loved on TV and that I had corresponded with for 2 1/2 weeks prior to meeting him.

Posted by: John Paulus | February 23, 2006 08:50 PM


If he is to be believed, then the December date just may be viable!! There is so much more where this comes from. Keep up the good work, Luv Ya, See Ya Soon!


Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to the fact that The National Enquirer called PaulASS a liar! ROFLMAO

That folks, is the lowest of low, and PaulASS has won that title, hands-down.

So even his slithering minions are looking more stupid when they take the word of someone that is called a LIAR from a Tabloid Magazine.

But PaulASS will be famous for that ONLY. I think he should have t-shirts made for his groupies with the article screenprinted right on there.

PaulASS is a LIAR!!! Lovin' it :)

Anonymous said...

Also JP said that CA said to JP exclusively about the young boy actor in Atlanta being sick during the Christmas concert but JP quoted directly from a public announcement word for word.

Also another thing said by JP is that CA told JP exclusively that he was moving back to Raleigh and that the LA people had their "insides rotting" which again was directly quoted by JP from a public announcement.

JP has also continually said CA is speaking directly to him through CA's website, hearing voices?

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that TG is a lying piece of crap who was involved in this from the start. He got real nervous when the JP swampthing wouldn't shut his yap, and then TG tried to cover his own ass. Now TG is trying to distance himself as far as possible from swampthing, especially since Clay is ready to swing back into the public.

Anonymous said...

JP wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass I would be safe to call him a A pathological liar....what is a pathological liar?

Someone who often embellishes his or her stories in a way that he or she believes will impress people. It may be that a pathological liar is different from a normal liar in that a pathological liar believes the lie he or she is telling to be true—at least in public—and is "playing" the role. It is not clear, however, that this is the case. It could also be that pathological liars know precisely what they are doing. Making up stories and at the same time believing them is known as confabulation. The term "pathological liar" is not an official clinical diagnosis however psychiatrists may agree that pathological lying is often the result of a mental disorder or low self-esteem.

Is it me or does this sound like Pickled Ass himself?

Anonymous said...

I don't think JP's picklettes believe him but they don't care if he's telling the truth. They hate Clay so much, they agree with everything JP says on his blog. EVERYTHING. They do it trying to aggravate Clay fans but we don't listen anymore. They say the same things over and over and over and over again. Apparently they believe if they repeat something often enough, someone, somewhere will finally believe it. They need to find something else to dwell on. It is killing them that Clay's getting so much attention right now. Clay snaps his fingers and we come running and it makes them crazy!!! Ha!

Anonymous said...

And, I believe JP said "Clay" talked really dirty to him. Then on Howard Stern, Howard asked him what he said, "what, bitch, whore?" JP says, no nothing like that, just talks about how "we're" gonna do this many more times etc. Yeh, that's really dirty, but more importantly, he lied. One thing about lying, you have to keep track of each lie or you get caught. This blog alone points out so many discrepancies.

Oh, and Howard said..."he really wanted to get laid...?" JP replies uh-huh (yes). And, JP doesn't take a condom just in case, knowing that "Clay" is horny? Hah. Yeah right.

Oh, and JP tries to imply to his followers that he wasn't a really big fan. Hah. Another lie. He told Howard Stern that Clay was the most popular guy since Michael Jordan.

So pickle followers, it has been laid out for you what really didn't happen, yet you still believe JP? Or, do you just like the drama of it all by goading him along. Surely you have noticed he posts something and you all talk amongst yourselves. And, the things he posts are pretty irrelevant to his initial claims. Betcha he is packing his bags while you yabber away.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am changing the subject! After dealing with the ugliness that is John PaulASS, please go to FOC and just see the gorgeous Clay Aiken! The posters do give you a warning about the absolute 'gorgeousness' you are about to see but nothing will prepare you for the utter beauty of Clay Aiken!

Oh Crap said...

Haha, Catlover, JP made up a new VPB profile (and was caught by FOC) where he put 7.5 and then he deleted that part. Well, he's still basically not there yet, as we well know. Maybe he suffers from visual spacial as well as everything else that would make him delusional.

Well, we did good today. Punched a few holes in his evergrowing lie and gave him the Dec. 16 benefit of the doubt. JP 1: Fans 9,999,999

Anonymous said...

oh crap, can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Truth Rules said...

The OC will rue the day they welcomed him.

Oh Crap said...

Anon at 7:13, I have no idea what tomorrow might bring; all I know right now is... HOLY MARY, MOTHER OF GOD! I just saw the pics of Clay that everyone is passing around and my mind is blank except for the image of that beautiful man etched in my retinae. They come with a warning but I was not prepared.

Anonymous said...

oh crap, I think we're looking at the same pictures.

Oh Crap said...

(I wet my pants.)

Anonymous said...

Oh TR.........if you're going after the OC, I can't wait til tomorrow. YAY!!!

oh crap, giggles.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we're all looking at the same pictures. I appreciated the warning although the warning didn't do me a damn good. LORD HAVE MERCY!!!!! That man is luminous....

Oh Crap said...

Thank YOU, TR, for sending me my very own copies to keep forever. Just when you think nothing could ever rival the B&W Rolling Stones photo, fate slaps you upside the head and says, "Whop! Here you go!"

Anonymous said...

OMG, look at all the folks on the OFC. Seems PP is so yesterday. Thank goodness.

Truth Rules said...

Oh TR.........if you're going after the OC, I can't wait til tomorrow. YAY!!!

Well they either gave him access to their private area or someone from there joined in with him. We know that because he posted a m&g recap from there.

But don't jump to conclusions about what I'm going to do.

Anonymous said...

Oh My God. The pickle has totally lost it now. In his latest blog, he posted a picture of a man, claiming it's the guy sitting next to Clay at the hockey game and Kelly's concert. It's a COMPLETELY different guy! LMAO!!

Calico said...

I'll be blogging tomorrow as well, per OhC request.

Oh Crap said...

Calico, thank you..thank you.. thank YOU!

Oh Crap said...

Did you ever get the feeling that Sybil had nothing on JP?

Anonymous said...

Oh, so now John's completely backtracking. Yesterday, he was claiming that he found a profile for the guy who Clay has been seen sitting with at events on He said he had a nipple ring and everything.

NOW, he's posted a picture of a guy that bears a slight resemblence to the guy Clay has been seen sitting by, obviously not him, but if you were out there looking for pictures of men who resembled him, you'd totally do a double take.

Only NOW he's saying that the picture that he found on isn't the guy seen sitting next to Clay at two concerts but a completely different man, totally unrelated, that Clay supposedly paid to have sex with.

So, here's the deal. John peruses yesterday looking for a guy that resembles Clay's friend, finds a picture of a man that resembles him, jumps the gun and posts on his blog that Clay's friend has a profile on

THEN he changes his mind and decides to make this guy a whole new dimention to this disgusting web of lies because obviously, he couldn't find a man that looked enough like Clay's friend to blog about.

Hey, JOHN, if you were going to bring a brand new side of beef into your sordid lies, you could have at least picked somebody that not's so obviously a cheap knockoff of Clay's friend.

You're losing your touch, fugbutt. Not that you ever had it.

Oh Crap said...

I just sent you the pics Polly Graf. Get your Depends on first.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, OhC.

Look out, ladies! Buddy Jean warns us that he's "fired up!" I wonder what that means, exactly? lol

"You claymaniacs will do anything to put Clay with a woman. Clay is gay. He told me himself and I have proof of that right in a certain Quality Inn bag. You don't even want to go there. If you clayzies wanna harrass me, harrass my sister, my family, use homophobic and racial slurs, have an impact on how I make a living, expect more to come because I am just getting fired up. Don't mess with the bull or you will get the horns. To the person pretending to be Clarus65 and to the person saying they are gonna hack this blog, if you do you will go right to jail. I have every right to express the truth and my goal is to get the truth out there. I am not gonna let this die if you don't believe me."

Posted by: John Paulus | July 7, 2006 02:48 AM

I love how your version of the "truth" is make it up as you go!

You've told your story, now it's time to move on!

Calico said...

July 5, 3:07 PM: John Paulus said...
Clay doesn't live in Raleigh. He lives in Chatham County by Apex, Morrisville, and Cary. >

And he's supposed to be a Realtor, and someone who knows about Raleigh? The towns of Cary, Apex & Morrisville are not in Chatham county, they are all in Wake county. It only takes about 15 minutes to get from Raleigh to Cary. They aren't even on the Chatham county border at all. Morrisville might be the closest to Chatham county, but even that's closer to Durham county.

It isn't a big deal really, but you'd think someone who's a realtor might know about the area. I only lived in Cary for a little while and I probably know NC geography better than him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this blog! I can't wait for what is to come.

Buddy if you are lurking here, (what am I saying of course you are...)Your apology is so heartfelt NOT, what an arse! And I quote.. "I regret hurting him" "I regret that I started a blog that ridiculed him." "My blog will still exist" "it will not be a place where Clay's private life is investigated and exposed"

Yet here are quotes of your own on your blog that will not investigate or expose Clay's private life... "Claymates let me break it to you the guy to Clay's right is his new love."
"I think a good screen name for our so-called security guard would be BootyDuty. That's what Clay "hired" him for afterall"

" I hope to share more in a few days. I just want to make sure I have ALL my fact straight first"

"Clay's a moaner and a yeller and a talker"

I could go on and on, but what I just don't get is why, how, could Buddy's followers believe anything that comes out of his mouth!?

Oh Crap said...

He's so funny. Nobody is harassing him and the only ones using the slurs are his supporters on his own blog and PH's. It's their MO, not ours. He has NOTHING from the Quality Inn; that was dispelled the first week of the NE article via his own little typy fingers saying that NE made that up along with half the story.

I have not heard of anyone threatening to hack his blog; indeed, that would be foolish because the more he blogs the more people become aware that he is totally whacked and so is Clarus.

Yeah, yeah! There's more to come but he has to have time for someone to make it up for him first. We know the drill, dumbass.

Truth Rules said...

Pickle reminds me of a two year old stomping his feet having a temper tantrum because he can't have what he wants.

For some pickle fun check out my blog. Laughter is the best medicine.

Oh Crap said...

As soon as we're ready to go with another Webcam Bust, I'll put the link back out.

Anonymous said...

I see that PaulASS is having another hissy fit this morning!! Yawn!!!

Anonymous said...

LMBO, so Buddy Jean's having a fit, yet AGAIN. He just wishes someone cared enough to do all that to him. I just bet his mouth is getting quite sore now, since he keeps having to stick his foot in it.

Oh Crap said...

Heehee! Good thing his feet aren't size 13. The heal would be sticking out of his mouth while the toe was hanging out of his claim to fame.

Anonymous said...

If the pickle wants to make a living, he needs to step away from his cesspool...I mean blog... and get a real job. It is so much easier to blame other people for your problems than to stand up for yourself. John, your 15 minutes of notoriety are over. Any person with a functioning brain cell did not believe your lie. Heck even the NE called you a liar. The only people that agree with you have their own agenda against Clay which they have had for a very long time and are using you.

Clay fans are more interested in the new contest, the new CD, the PR surrounding the CD and the new tour. For the majority of us, you are just a really bad nightmare that will soon be forgotten...and the sooner the better.

So, PaulASS, go away you little insignificant scumbag!!

Anonymous said...

PaulASS is yesterday's news. Clay fans really don't care anymore. Clay is back and his fandom is re-energized. Heck, go to the Pickle Patch at FOC and JP is rarely mentioned.

No one cares what PaulASS has to say anymore. PaulASS had center stage for over six months to spew his evil lies and Clay fandom didn't die but grew stronger.

Anonymous said...

Pickle is really freaking out. He stands on the mountain top and screams at the top of his lungs, stomps his feet, waves his arms and no one in the crowd looks up to acknowledge him. We're all much to enthralled with the hushed whispers that are slowly rising and will soon be a loud roar. Clay is back. Soon, the pickle will be a distant memory as Clay's voice will permeate everything around us.

It's scaring the daylights out of him. Pickle feels his time is running out, and he's scrambling to keep his story above water. It's not working, though. No matter how loud the little man shouts, we won't listen. Clay won't listen. We're here for something much bigger than all of this....something pickle can't even understand.

It was fun playing with you, Paulus. You were like kicking a ball around while we waited for something big. The main even is starting and you're fast becoming a distant memory. When Clay sings, we will have all but forgotten your name.

You lose.

We win.

Game over.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight - Pickle is saying that guy is CA's new paid bf that he is taking to concerts. Well allrighty then, Pickle just does not realize the more is spews the funnier he becomes. His blog is truly just like PH's site no credibility what so ever. Can you bring some posts over so I can LMAO?

Anonymous said...

HA!!! Ain't that the truth, oh crap? He's never had a size 13 anything and never will. He's a small, small, man.hee!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to note that Pickle talked about auctioning off the cum rag. Now, if that is his only "proof" to his story, why would he say that?

His followers all stepped in and told him not to do that. Surely that statement by pickle should have caused them to pause.

The answer to the question is that there is no cum rag. And, it further proves it was all about the money he thought he would get. Those small ML checks must be dwindling.

He now puts up another gay guy. (I wonder if his niece reads his blog?) Oh, and there's much more to come? I thought he said that about "Tim"? Talk about being deluded, the pickle believers prove over and over that they aren't a very smart bunch. Annie has now emerged as Sandpiper again. Her whole deal is that Clay was probably fussy about something their office was doing. Yeah, talented people are fussy about things when it affects them. I assume it had something to do with recording or graphics - I would be fussy, too.

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta love it. Now a few have turned to attacking cactussurf, all because she dared admit she was a Claymate.. this came from her.

'Now I'm a fan of John's? Well, then, if we think he's as full of shit as Clay, why are any of us here? Also, why do you care if Clay changes or not? He's a no talent moron so it shouldn't matter to you what he does.'

Anonymous said...

The cat fight actually started when
Cactussurf was pinning pickle against the wall with questions he didn't want to answer. What a riot to see him try and dance his way out! Now he is sitting back and wondering how many of his minions are real. Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...

The new guy up on Pickle's Plot looks like Justin Timberlake.

Cactussurf has found herself in a quandry. Poor thing. I wonder if she ever took the time to read the other side - this blog and others - she might not find it to be such a quandry.

When pickle put up that last blog, CS was demanding a lot of answers to his reason for the blog, causing poor pickle to back pedal. I'm sure others were sitting back and waiting for the answers, too. I at least admire CS for sticking it out over there. I hope she ventures over here to find the answers to her questions.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. What did PaulASS blog and what were Cactus' questions?

Anonymous said...

9:24 - It was his last blog. He has a picture of a man up there, who.. I dunno who he's supposed to be. CS asked him if it was the same guy as the one that were in the other pictures of Clay. He wouldn't respond I think. He just kept blowing right by it, like he always does when you ask him a question. She I believe asked him a few more questions, and told him to be careful about being given misinformation. I believe it went something like that. Then he accused her of being a Claymate, and she fessed up. A few started bashing her for it. They claim the blog is open for discussion, and it's not just for Clay bashers. That's bull. If you look, you'll see what they have done to Claymates in there. Or should I say 'Clayzies' as they call them.

Anonymous said...

Who is keeping track of PaulASS' lies? Apparently when Clay was in Sweden on June 5th, PaulASS' blog (June4-6??) indicated Clay was in NYC at a pool party....A POOL PARTY?

Did the idiot really include this in his blog??

Anonymous said...

I know this is now old and probably won't be seen but still wanted to respond ... re Buddy's rant above, notice how he said "Clay is gay. He told me himself ..."

He TOLD him? Remember the scenario the brought this worm into our consciousness. I can see it now ... after trolling on manhunt, and after minute 30 of that 90 minute "quality" experience, Clay says, "Oh, btw John ... Have I told you I'm gay?" Heh. Caught again, JP.

What an idiot. Liars eventually trap themselves, don't they? How anyone can believe a word out of that stinkhole's mouth is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, pickle. Keep putting up the photos of naked gay men. Shows exactly how low class you are.

Everyone, if you haven't done so already, flag that blog. Kids can come across it by accident and even though pickle thinks it is an extension of it isn't.

And I hope the guy gets tipped off that pickle has posted his photo on his swamp blog. Keep adding to the list of pissed off people, John. Claymates, green berets, gay guys. The list gets longer and longer.

Anonymous said...

Pickle is soooo full of shit I can smell him in the northern part of the USA.

The day will come when we can set back and laugh, party, sing along with Clay, and enjoy life once again!!!!