Saturday, March 03, 2007


JP has confessed that he never met Clay though he managed to still leave a little bull tickie behind on his blog. For those who haven't read what was copied from his blog, here is some of what he said:

"John Paulus said...Percocet is a victim of the "haters" influences. When I started defending Clay they became unhinged. Clay and I never met nor have we ever had sex. To my knowledge he is straight or bi curious. I will share more about this scheme put together by posters on the 411 over the weekend. 3/02/2007 1:15 AM"

"I'll give you the honor of my presence to share that Clay nor anyone has put me up to anything. I did not have sex with Clay, I have never met Clay for sex, and I don't know if Clay is gay or not. The hook ups and emails were all concocted and Clay has been a victim of a ruse. The Claymates were right all along and so were you Percocet. I'm just a lying, evil man and you have help me to see that I need to change and be honest so that's why I'm finally sharing the truth. Sorry Clay for the year of lies against you.John Paulus 03.02.07 - 4:05 am "

"John Paulus said... Oh Good.. you're finally going to admit you lied.

Yep. 3/02/2007 1:09 AM "

"John Paulus said... Would you love me if I told you it was nothing but a story concocted by another Idols fans and I was nothing, but the front person in this scheme? 3/02/2007 1:11 AM"

"John Paulus said... I've never met Clay. So how can there be a connection? 3/02/2007 1:15 AM "

"John Paulus said... Percocet is a victim of the "haters" influences. When I started defending Clay they became unhinged. Clay and I never met nor have we ever had sex. To my knowledge he is straight or bi curious. I will share more about this scheme put together by posters on the 411 over the weekend. 3/02/2007 1:19 AM "

"John Paulus said...If media wish to speak to me about this I will explain that this was all a hoax. Now really I have to go to work in a few hours. I must go to sleep and plus, I may have a new boyfriend."

"John Paulus said...Were you paid?My only compensation was that they would get me in touch with Lucas to do porno."

"John Paulus said...Percocet is just a numb front person. It's the others on there that are behind this whole thing. When I had my blog I would occasionally post and that's why you say different styles and why it appeared on was on all night. There are a group of 8 people. I was recuited back in July of 2005 from They saw me there and that I was muscular, attractive, and from NC. and persuaded me to help them. So we worked out this scheme over 6 months and put it into place going over ever detail. I even took 3 prior lie detector test so that I could pass one by any media that gave me one."

"John Paulus said...Why are you doing this NOW? What has changed?Because when I told the haters I was over this and didn't want to be a part of their game and I defended Clay by saying he looked good and happy on Kimmel they attacked me and said I was a traitor. I can not go on lying for them and destroying a good person."

"John Paulus said...Are you saying Clay is not gay? And the evidence they had, was that Clay with a man or a woman?And where did you get your inside information? Like before going on GMA in Sept. that he was on meds?When we started the blog there were people who disliked Clay's saying that LA had rotting guts and they were willing to share information on Clay. Clay pissed off some powerful people by not playing ball."

"John Paulus said...By the way, I believe revnoles account was rick's but I can't be for certain."


As most of us have read, he is now trying to convince people that the webcam shots were actually taken while Clay was talking to women but we already know that the webcams were photoshops, proven so by the "We Support Clay Aiken" blog back in late May/early June. He's also saying that one of the gals had her boyfriend pretend to be the "Boston School Teacher" which we know exists about as much as the webcam conversation and the webcam photos.

The above are only chosen excerpts of John repeating a question and then answering it; I saw no need to copy the comments since they are unimportant and of the same ilk as always. The fact is that JP admits the smear campaign was a hoax and changing a few details doesn't make the webcam crap any more credible than it was the first time around.

Now we come to a new blog (which shall go nameless) which printed a very eloquent summary of the "Confession" but whose wording seems very familiar in the comments section. I find it to be bait; the wording is all too familiar.... you know... say a few words on the positive side but make sure you counter with a negative. Ye olde drop the innuendo in hopes of gaining a few recruits.

What I really find amazing is that NONE of the gossip mongers have picked up on the story yet when they were so quick in the past to pick up anything Clay.... as long as it was his (nonexistent) scandal.... as long as it was lies... as long as it dirtied someone clean. Just goes to show that you can't trust a gossip.


Oh Crap said...

As we were discussing on the private site, I hope he does name names. Perhaps Coti Collins would be able to shed some light on who may have recruited JP since Coti was contacted and asked to portray Clay in a bad light.

Perhaps Bina could shed some light on whose pocket book is being emptied since there seems to be soooo many who have made it a 24/7 effort to blog their guts out for a year. We know Groucho's business went bad after the hurricane and he's been too busy to actually find another job.

Come on, JP, name some names. Perhaps then we'll make sure the press gets it so you can be famous for coming clean....but come clean all the way, will ya. Clay didn't do any strip for the girls on webcam and the pics used for the tabloids have been busted. I'll take your confession seriously and appreciate it more if you just tell nothing but the truth without any new add-ons that didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

I still don't trust them. They may be trying a different tactic. I hope JP has gotten a new boyfriend and along with that, a conscience.

Anonymous said...

WTF? The pickle still trying to claim he communicates with Clay?

Anonymous said...

I suspect the real reason JP is saying that Clay was webcamming with girls now is because he is trying to protect the person(s) responsible for the phony webcams. I'm sure we can all guess who's responsible for them.

It also makes no sense that he would claim it was all a hoax and then claim some female haters just happened to communicate with Clay via webcam and he stripped for them. What a coincidence! Never happened.

It is all a scam and JP had to come clean because he was either ordered to in lieu of charges or he was afraid of being called to give a deposition under oath in the Holleman case. He'll lie to pass a lie detector test because they're not admissible in court, but he won't risk prison to lie in a deposition or on the witness stand.

BTW, he claimed the DNA rag was a prop. Got that right. Not only was it a prop, but it was deliberately mishandled in order for the DNA to degrade. In the remote chance that the rag was tested, the outcome was supposed to be inconclusive so that it would be JP's word against Clay's. If the authorities had found someone else's DNA on there, JP would have been in serious hot water.

He sees the writing on the wall and by coming at least partly clean, he's trying to dissuade Clay's new team from going after him. If that's the case and it comes to pass, he should be granted immunity only if he outs the major players.

WRU said...

Clay has never and will never webcam himself in any light especially a bad light.

Oh Crap said...

WSCA, we need you. I can't find the old email with attachment that you sent me months ago (friggin' Yahoo dumped old email) and I think it would be wise to load your photoshop and IM bust on a remote blog just in case JP tries to use the "webcam stripping for the girls" story. We need those files again. Check your WSCA email and IM when you get a chance.

believesinclay said...

HOORAY! I never made it to the private site but that's of little importance. All that matters is this will at least provide information to those who sad as it may be were on the fence regarding what they believed. Kudos to you brave and courageous women who took this on. I know it will never be allowed on any message board so I am emailing anyone I have an address for who is has stood by Clay.Word will FLY and that's the making of a very "PERFECT DAY" in the ClayNation!

believesinclay said...

I have a great unphotoshopped picture of the last sloppy event if you want it.

Anonymous said...

The torso shots that JP is claiming were of Clay are of two different men with two different skin colorings and color and texture of chest hair. So how could they both be Clay?

Neither is Clay. He doesn't have sparse, straight, dark chest hair (nor the beer belly to go with it), nor does he have an abundance of kinky blond hair.

I suspect that either Paulass is trying to protect the actual photoshopper (might even be himself), or he's trying to save face by appearing to be right about something.

Truth Rules said...

So far jp has implicated both Rick C. and Perez H.

Whose next?

Oh Crap said...

Truth Rules has a new blog up. Very precise but very grabbing.

Anonymous said...

Truth Rules said...
So far jp has implicated both Rick C. and Perez H.

Whose next?

12:33 PM

By my observations over the past year, I'd say JP is right on target about those two, but they're not the only ones. JP needs to expose them all or face the consequences. Clay's new team won't leave him hanging the way RCA has.

Anonymous said...

How so we know that Clay has a NEW team?

Oh Crap said...

Clay having a new team is speculation but a very good one. If he changes record labels of course there will be a new team with a very dedicated PR person who will work FOR Clay and not against him.

I'm thinking a proper PR person would go about his/her business and not pass personal info to Bina or discuss it with a contact on a message board. There would be someone managing his Official Fan Club with a team of Moderators who would also work for Clay instead of against him. Remember when JP was counting down the days while Clay wasn't blogging? Clay couldn't get on his own site after OFC was overhauled. While I realize there could have been some glitches I'm guessing that nothing was done to fix the problem.

Pardon my suspicion of a Mod who has appointed herself "the boss", who protects the OC's antics while she deletes the fans' objections, edits the fans objections or flat out bans them when they call it like it is. "The boss" has not banned the haters even though she's been PMed about who they are. In fact some of the fans who PMed names have been given warnings. WHAT IS UP WITH SHIT LIKE THIS? Ohhhh, that's right! She also mods RCA's Clay Aiken message board.

Connections, connections. Soon they'll disappear....and not a moment too soon.

Truth Rules said...

It took them almost 2 months to get my record straightened out and get me on the fan club message board. While not funny, I did laugh when Clay blogged that he had the same problem. I've seen posts on other boards where 6 months later there are still some fans who, while they can get into the club portion still can't access the official board.

I could not agree more with those saying this retraction has a lot of BS in it. I don't know if jp is being duped or if he's making up lies to remain the center of attention.

One fact is true, he never met Clay. If jp is at the bottom of this pyramid of lies, it's quite possible those above him are feeding him BS to cover their own butts.

Oh Crap said...

Truth, you know my next question would be. "Did the haters and the OC have the same problem getting back in?"

Anonymous said...

I have heard this Bina mentioned many times. Refresh my memory, is she a hater too? She doesn't seem to act like a fan if she allows the assholes free rein.

WRU said...

Well I did notify the customer service about the haters and evil mods on OFC about it and also JR.

Anonymous said...

I love speculating that Clay can rid himself of RCA and really get a 'Team Clay' that represents HIM!! I would love that is happens SOON and not Clay's definition of "SOON". And definitely OFC needs a major overhaul. I will not renew my membership until there is a PRO-Clay set of moderators.

Clay needs to do a major house cleaning.

Oh Crap said...

I have to apologize to some people whose posts didn't get through. When I did a system recovery and tried to get into my blog, blogger left me no choice but to update. WTF? Now some of the messages come through to my email and I can publish from there. Now I find there are messages waiting that never came through my email and some that have and been published are also still in pending. There's another glitch even. Sometimes I get hung up in a loop and the pending comments won't publish or reject and I have to try at a later time.

Friggin' Google! My blog wasn't broken so why FIX IT DAMMIT? Just had to get that out.

Anonymous said...

It isn't just the OC the mods at the OFC are protecting. There are a bunch of viral marketers there, probably getting their orders from a certain publicist in name only.

Posters like keepingfaith, JoWes, Clayzorback, lightmyfire and some others. They're all very pro-RCA. One of the mods in particular, CG, is always protecting them. These mods came from the RCA board and there is a high suspicion that the OFC is moderated by RCA.

Oh Crap said...

To the person who didn't want me to publish her comment:

If there's one thing I learned from the last year and 2 months it IS... If it yacks like a yak then it's a yacky yak. If you permit other yaks to yack then the rest smells like yak yack.

Truth Rules said...

We should start our own contest to pick which gay gossip site will have the balls to pick this retraction up and tell the rest of them it was all a lie.

Oh Crap said...

Truth, that sounds like fun. I won't vote for Perez because he's knee deep in this shit. As much as Gawker hates everyone I'll go with them because they hate PH more than they hate Clay.

Anonymous said...

So everything JP said before was a lie and now you believe him?

You do realize JP only regurgitated back your stupid conspiracy shit right back to you?

Oh Crap said...

Yeah! We do, but he's regurgitating on YOU.

Oh Crap said...

Make that SHITTING on you.

Now I feel better.

Truth Rules said...

We knew he was lying and all he did was confirm what we already knew.

Spin it anyway you want, it does not change the fact that HE NEVER MET CLAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that Paulass is now saying he met Clay in 2006 Was he parking Clay's car?

Oh Crap said...

JP never met Clay. If he had met Clay after the tabloid stories came out one of the bodyguards would have used JP to grease the wheels on Clay's tour bus.

Anonymous said...

JP never met Clay. If he had met Clay after the tabloid stories came out one of the bodyguards would have used JP to grease the wheels on Clay's tour bus.

8:37 PM

JP so wants to be connected to Clay in someway, now it appears in anyway. Does anyone, I mean anyone believe JP knows anything at all about Clay?

Oh Crap said...

There is one thing he knows about Clay. His fans don't back down.

Anonymous said...

I get such a kick out of the photo of JP's new boyfriend, which is just a photo of JP taken 10 to 15 years ago. Same hair, same eyes, same pout. He's a narcissist and so in love with himself, that he actually dates himself.

What a crackpot!

Anonymous said...

I love the 'grease the wheels' of Clay's tour bus comment. I want it to happen and I want CLACK from all angles.

Oh Crap said...

Folks who regularly read here, I've been following the blog that put out the article (as mentioned on this latest blog post) about JP's confession. Be very wary as I'm almost positive it was started as a replacement for the Tinfoilhat message board which was supposedly to have been shut down. The comment section is filled with the usual innuendo and lies paying no attention to the facts that what they say have already been proven false such as the webcams, etc. They are really, really trying to keep their gay agenda live with their usual methods and the ones being reprimanded so far are the actual fans who get upset with their baiting tactics.

To prove my point GJAC is posting over there pretending to be Clay-friendly. Guess she couldn't figure out how to change her screen name...again. Par for the course.

My best advice would be to avoid the blog; it would only infuriate you. Sorry, I thought we might have another new blogger joining the fight FOR Clay and not against him. It's all under the guise of being "neutral" but, of course, it's's just the same ole, same ole.

Anonymous said...

The assholes think they are clever. Not very, though. I think we are all on to their tricks. Hate is too mild a word for how I feel about these lowlife creeps.

Oh Crap said...

I could handle a neutral zone without a problem but it's the same cast of characters making the same statements, ignoring the same facts that have been put in front of them before. Different place, same people, same agenda, same tactics to start off with. They are becoming too transparent.

Oh Crap said...

ROFLMAO! They are now deleting fans' comments so all you see are them playing ALL the same parts they started off play and JP's original blog. The fan, the disgruntled fan, the ones who agree, the ones who believe the webcams and that Clay is Gay. Soon it will be time for Emach's crew to come in with their racist remarks and foul mouths pretending to be Anonymous Clay fans. How predictable; they don't even change their pattern!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the 411 on OC lite.

Oh Crap said...

Anonymous said...

I went to the Twilight blog after the "recant" was posted, and yeah, just a little transparent. A warm welcome to GJaC? Gag me.

They really do think we're all old and senile, don't they?

Oh no, wait, we're all brainwashed. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Neutral Zone was started by the TinFoilHatters who were trying to snag IP addresses. The original anti-fans411 blog really got to them and I think they want payback. The bullies are only brazen when they're anonymous. Don't go there.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said....

It isn't just the OC the mods at the OFC are protecting. There are a bunch of viral marketers there, probably getting their orders from a certain publicist in name only.

Posters like keepingfaith, JoWes, Clayzorback, lightmyfire and some others. They're all very pro-RCA. One of the mods in particular, CG, is always protecting them. These mods came from the RCA board and there is a high suspicion that the OFC is moderated by RCA.

Damn, you outed us. Now what are we going to do?