Sunday, November 25, 2007

What's Missing from these Articles?

Wow! Look at all these sites loaded with good press for Clay Aiken (links at Clayboard for actual articles)

I can tell you what's missing: Innuendo, snide remarks, insults, and outright lies. The sum of all this means that the main antagonist is missing. Fucking Roger W. What a difference his absence makes.

Monday, November 19, 2007

"Lighthearted Lexicon"

Ok, so I used to read "Readers Digest" a lot when, as a youngster, my father would leave his books on the coffee table for me to read. I love reading, by the way. Akay, akay! Some friends and I are reading this murder mystery and really getting into the story with all its plots, subplots, and the entwinement of all the players; convolution extraordinaire, right? I start to giggle as I'm having flashbacks of being more interested in reading all the "Lighthearted Lexicons" at the end of each story. We don't know how this story is going to end yet but I do have my own funny to add when we do.

*Simple Mathematics:

Some people calculate their resources and use them to do as much good in this world as they can and hope that someday someone will remember that they tried. Some people make sure that the only memory you'll have of them is the radius and circumference of their assholes.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

"Sounds of Silence"

By the great and prophetic songwriters, Simon and Garfunkle:

" 'Fools', said I, 'You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you'
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence"

So what made me think of this verse? Until now I have not commented on Fake Clay but I have been an astute observer. I have observed fans bickering with each other over being exposed as dupees and I have seen insults flung at the wrong people? To hide their own embarassment or to shield friends from being further embarassed, some fans feel it necessary to shift blame onto the people doing the exposing of such a travesty.

For what reason and to what end will some people go to cover up this stinking turd they're trying to bury in the sand? Everything smells better when it's exposed to fresh air. I've seen names of fans thrown into the pile of dung and all that can be avoided. I have no doubt that some of those names being tossed out there on Chexxxy's blog are from the usual suspects at the hate blogs and OC. No! I am not naive enough to believe that it's all coming from the core of the cancer either.

I've seen some people being called "elitists" who talk among themselves via backchannels; people who thought they were the "in crowd" being given some sort of insight to Clay's business, both professional and personal. So let's talk about something that REALLY happened. Agreeing with many others, it's my firm belief that these fans were simply easy prey. They were targeted because of their own influence among the various message boards and because they were avid fans who loved Clay so much that they were grateful to be considered the "chosen few". They were duped into offering solace to a faker; one of whom goes against the very grain of who the real Clay Aiken is and what he stands for.

Some of these same people were being duped long before this particular FC was spawned. As I believe they were easy prey, I also believe they were the victims of the worst kind of viral marketing originating from the source that should have been nurturing an amazing talent. Those who still defend RCA, Clive and Roger are either blinded by their naivite or they are a part of the viral marketing. This is where the cancer has metastasized and we, collectively, allowed it by giving the roots a chance to speak and spread their disease.

It's my honest opinion that it's about fucking time the fanbase bans together for a little radiation therapy. Quit using Chexxxy and Chexxxy's Place as the whipping post and own your part of this cancer. To point fingers at allies is just ridiculous on both sides. The message boards as wholes are not responsible for the cancer but you each have a duty to execute a cure when there is one. It's easy really. Remove the core and the roots from our midst. Expel those who would do us and Clay harm and quit trying to shovel your embarassment under the sand by turning a friend into your personal scapegoat. Quit sticking up for friends as though you're trying to shield them from being exposed for wrong doing. Being duped is NOT their wrong doing but staying silent or shifting blame, under the circumstances, is.

Thank you for allowing me this rant but I don't want to partake in name calling and placing blame on fans or fanboards and I certainly don't want to see it. We are the healthy cells so if you want to strike at the sickness, remove the cancer from your own boards and the OFC. Clay Nation is a large house and it takes the entire community banned together to clean it. People who would still willingly harbor the cancers deserve to be duped if they have not wised up by now.