Friday, February 02, 2007

If He Asks, We Will Deliver


Anonymous said...

HA HA, Have been taking a break from all of this. Hope all is well with all. Have I missed anything?


WRU said...

That picture is priceless!

Says it all doesn't it.

TC and Uncle Jess know all and they are pissed and ready to pounce!

Sheriff Joe is spiffing up the jail cells.

Truth Rules said...

Love it!

My pleasure to deliver it where ever and whenever he asks.

Nightowl said...

ROTFL!!! I love it!! Way to go Clay
you tell em'!

Anonymous said...

It took me a minute to see the sign.

Anonymous said...

Someone let the fools know that CA did not write his blog to convince them of anything, that he did not write it for them or to please them in anyway. No matter how much they say CA is over and his career is ruined, he just keeps proving them wrong. FOOLS.

Anonymous said...

How come Paulass isn't weighing in on Clay calling his accusations bullshit? Now he's saying that as long as Clay doesn't deny outright - meaning by name - that they met, he won't be upset. Great out, isn't it? Such a lyin' snake in the grass.

Oh Crap said...

Ehhhhhh! We probably pay far more attention to detail in the Mess than Clay does. Clay probably doesn't even KNOW the pickle's name.

Anonymous said...

How come Paulass isn't weighing in on Clay calling his accusations bullshit? Now he's saying that as long as Clay doesn't deny outright - meaning by name - that they met, he won't be upset. Great out, isn't it? Such a lyin' snake in the grass.

10:39 PM

Clay has never mentioned PH by name
or the tabs by name or any of the haters screen names, he has said they don't deserve the attention. We know this and they do to.

Anonymous said...

Love the pic!!

Am glad Clay finally told them all to 'f' off. I would have done it a long time ago.

And they can spin his blog any way they like - the TRUTH is the TRUTH. As for their reactions to it? Pfffft! Who cares?

WRU said...

He has directly denied all of it a long time ago. And he has witnesses to the Jan 2 2006 out of town thing anyway, no need to mention any of that again.

Clueless people aren't they.

Back to more interesting news:
Superbowl weekend, Go COLTS! Having a big blowout at my friend's house.

crew said...

So....these folks makin up this crap...They think the Claymates are suddenly going to throw up their hands and say they now believe them?? God! Who am I going to believe??? Some fucktard?? Or Clay...
I say we come up with some fake scandel, some photoshopped pics....of hm....who shall it be?!?!

Truth Rules said...

There are 2,116,800 minutes
between today and Jan. 28th, 2003. That's a lot more than the 15 minutes of fame those jokers keep saying are over for Clay.

If his 15 minutes were really up they would not be investing so much time and effort into smearing him like they do.

I'm thoroughly enjoying watching one small group struggle with their fabricated image while they try to rationalize why they are right and everyone who believes Clay is wrong.

I particularly liked the glimpse of reality one gal had when she said Clay gave them a big F U. Too bad it was only a fleeting glimpse.

Anonymous said...

Paulass has been planting the seeds for days on C411's blog about Clay soliciting minors thru his blog contest to write salacious stories. Guess who comes out of his hovel now - groucho, this time as ketchupmoney, with his insinuations that Clay is in trouble with the law for soliciting minors to write salacious stories for his contest.

Paulass and groucho are a tag team. They have been for a long time. They should be sitting in side-by-side prison cells.

They are SO predictable.

Oh Crap said...

Funny that they should talk about using minors since that is exactly what Groucho and the rest of the middled-aged KCE troublemakers have been doing for years. They talk the kids into breaking CDs in the stores, making crank calls to DJs and writing email full of lies pretending to be us. That's one of the reasons Groucho's blogs were shut down...inciting minors to commit criminal acts. They're just falling back on what they always do and transferring their NORMAL contemptable acts onto Clay. Kinda like when Paulass does the online hooker thing and says, "Clay did it."

Anonymous said...

I don't visit that fools blog anymore. They have lost and just haven't left the table yet. Goodness they have been calling for Clay's demise for how long now?
Minors? I thought all Clay's fans were over 50 and fat?

"I particularly liked the glimpse of reality one gal had when she said Clay gave them a big F U. Too bad it was only a fleeting glimpse."

I would be willing to bet they all see what has happened, it's just like everything else, they spin it. FOOLS.

WRU said...

Oh C,

Don't forget the use of the email addresses by these FOOLS falsely portraying themselves as Clay.

Clay would NEVER pick up anyone on the internet and he would NEVER use webcams in inappropriate situations.

We know it, we have proof, and Clay has said it wasn't him and Jess Rosen knows it also.

Clueless people.

Anonymous said...

I am confused about the minors and the salacious stories???

Anonymous said...

Here's to not caring (about the haters)! But I have to admit I'm glad that Clay seems to have finally gotten pissed off enough to blog about it! Go Clay (who are the Colts and Bears anyway?)!!!! We've got your back, darlin'!

Anonymous said...

Paulass is instigating trouble again, this time at the C411 blog because his own blog was ordered shut down by law enforcement.

He mentioned Clay's lack of morals in wanting young teens to write salacious stories and porny webcams to enter into the contest. Of course, he "hints" at it, so the other bozos will finally pick up on it and he won't be blamed for being the instigator. So of course, the biggest bozo of them all is here 2 days later trying to get JV's attention to start spinning again. Groucho (ketchupmoney) had better watch it or he's going to be spending a few years in the psychiatric unit of a prison hospital.

Notice how Paulass still has not commented on the last webcam being a phony, even after he declared it genuine and then proceeded to pull another fake conversation regarding Clay's friends out of his ass. He and groucho have been putting their demented brains together to come up with another scheme.

That's okay, asshole, we've passed it along to Agent McGrath. And because it can't be mentioned enough, he and Clay have NEVER met, nor have they ever communicated with one another. EVER.

Anonymous said...

Great picture, Oh Crap! I have not been over here in a while and look what I almost missed!

Yeh, truly when you look at the numbers of people posting at those unmentionable sites, they are dwindling in numbers and its ground hog day over and over and over.

Those younguns they are so worried about would have been tuned in to whasshisnames for over a year now so they have already been edjecated by those who are so worried. Now, remind me what they are worried about? Oh yeh, about being proper, and all that. YeeHaw - what a belly laugh!

Anonymous said...

They're 'complaining' because Clay invited minors to participate in his blog contest?

No rules have been posted as of it, so what can their problem be? Actually, that's a rhetorical question which I'm sure they won't understand.

And, say what? There are minors on Clay's fansite? I thought the 'mats' were all old and fat and loveless, over 50, dried up and eating our greasy KFC while fantasizing over Clay.

And, my goodness, guess it was okay for THEM to post salacious and pornograhic pictures on Clay's Myspace where there definitely are minors on board. They weren't too concerned about those young teens then, were they?

My, my, my what twisted minds they have. Double standard anyone?
Methinks they doth protest too much.

Oh Crap said...

Good points, Always and Forever. Let's not forget that the ummmm... middle-aged, fat Groucho and DirectorSandy head to the KCE quite often to solicit the help of "MINORS" to commit criminal acts like breaking CD cases in the stores and let's not forget JP had a couple of "MINORS" as friends on his old My Space account and some posting on his old porn blog.

Anonymous said...

Seems Clay's blog contest has got the FOOlS spinning. BWAAAAAAAAH.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been here since Thanksgiving. Do you mean to tell me that the "lunatic assholes" are still around? By assholes I mean jp and groucho. I think we should start using no capital letters for their names. Small letters for small men with small brains. Oh wait, I wouldn't even call them men. Haven't missed them or that Perez wienie.

Anonymous said...

New blog soon?

Oh Crap said...
